HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 05/16/1988CITY COUNCIL 16 May 1988 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 16 May 1988, at 7:30 pm, in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; Michael Flaherty, Molly Lambert, George Mona, Francis X. Murray Also Present William Szymanski, City Manager; Albert Audette, Street Dept; Kenneth Boyd, Louise Brooks, Susan Pritchard, Carol Ploof, Carol Lothrop, Greg Lothrop, Sue Hayes, Dave Haggarty, Richard Chasse, Richard Carter, James Condos, Patrick Brennan, Mrs. Boyd, J & a DeLoy, M. McCluskey, B. Paquette, A. & A. Edwards, J. Kynoch, C. Whitcomb, A. Churchill, D. Altemus, G. Holcomb. L. Graham, A. Chastenay, D. Carlson, R. Bramley, R. Emch, D. Burbo, J. Dutra 1. Comments & Questions from the Public (not related to items on the Agenda No issues were raised. 2. Meet with Meadow Road residents regarding traffic Mr. Boyd said the area has gone from a quiet residential neighborhood to one with an incredible amount of traffic. Shelburne Rd. construction has caused an immense problem because neighborhood streets are an easier route to the hospital, university, etc. If traffic were moving at a safe, reasonable speed, it wouldn't be as bad; however, people are driving irresponsibly, and it is becoming increasingly dangerous. Mr. Boyd said residents would like the Council to appoint a committee to work with them on a solution to this problem. As commercial properties around them develop, there will be even more traffic, and there have already been a number of close calls, including a car passing a school bus at very high speed. The neighborhood includes part of the Burlington bike trail and is also a major jogging path. The speed of cars going down Meadow Rd. is a threat to people using these routes. Mr. Boyd cited an informal traffic count done earlier in the day which showed 140 cars on Meadow Rd. between 7:40 and 7:50 am, and an almost equal number at noon. He suggested dead-ending Farrell St. which seems to be the major source of the problem. Residents feel East Woods has been treated like a "stepchild" over the years and has not been listened to. Ms. Brooks noted a petition given to the Council last year asking them to address the traffic problem. Mr. Farrar said he did not recall the petition. Mrs. Boyd said the recent resurfacing and widening of Hadley Rd. just made that a thoroughfare, and they didn't want that to happen to Meadow Rd. Residents also asked about the sidewalk promised to them. Mr. Audette said it will be done in the next few weeks now that the Gas Company is finished work there. Ms. Pritchard said she waits outside with children for the school-bus and has to park her car at the curb to protect the children. She said she has seen cars up on the lawns with all 4 wheels when they are going to fast to make the curve. Mr. Boyd said 50 mph was not an uncommon speed. Mr. Audette said that Meadow Rd. will not be widened, just re-paved. Carol Proof added that with the warmer weather windows will be open, and the sound of traffic from Club New England can be heard throughout the night. Mr. Flaherty moved that a committee be formed consisting of 3 members from the neighborhood (one from each of the affected streets), a City Council member, Sonny Audette, a Police Dept. member, and the City Manager. Ms. Lambert seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Neighbors agreed to call the City Manager with their choice of committee members, and a meeting was set for Wednesday, 25 May, at 7:30 pm, at the home of one of the neighbors. It was also suggested a Police car patrol the area at 7:30 am and again at 2:30 when Rice High School gets out. Review Draft of Airport Parkway Nuisance Odor Investigation Report. Carol Lothrop said she has some concerns about the report. Ethylene glycol seems to be the culprit, and the Airport seems to be the source. What, she asked, will be done to clean it up. Mr. Flaherty said he had been attending Airport Commission meetings for the past 6 months. The Airport has applied for funds to get separate drains. This is a high priority item for the Airport. The drainage system will be relocated and a oil-water separator installed. Mrs. Lothrop said she wouldn't want to see the problem just moved to a different neighborhood. Mr. Szymanski said he talked to an engineer this morning and it is hoped work can be started this fall. Mrs. Lambert asked if the ravine can be cleaned up. Mrs. Lothrop said they have lived next to this for some time and they are concerned about the danger of toxicity. Mr. Farrar said it is a questions of whether the area will clean itself up if no further ethylene glycol is added, and the City will address this question to the consulting firm. A neighbor felt the culvert hadn't been put in correctly, and trees were falling down by themselves. Ms. Hayes said the report indicates the chemical won't dissipate. She noted many airports that use the amount of de-ice that is used here reuse it by filtering it. Moving it to another location won't be an answer. She noted that animals that drink the water in the ravine have died. Mr. Lothrop said it is no longer a question of a nuisance but of a hazard. The water is still stagnant, and it should be made free-flowing again. He stressed that the brook runs into the lake, and that isn't good either. Neighbors felt serious damage had been done to the area. Nothing grows where it used to be a living area, and they felt it should be restored to a decent state. Mr. Chasse said he would be happier if the City treated this as a toxic chemical, not just a nuisance. The increase in size and use of the Airport has made the problem even worse. Mr. Carter said if this is a chemical, and the airport has been dumping in the area, it is illegal. Mr. Condos felt the City of Burlington should be put on notice to pay and clean up the mess, and that they should pay for the consultant's study as well since Burlington is operating the Airport. Mr. Brennan added South Burlington should insist that nothing go off the Airport site that hasn't been treated. Mr. Farrar said now that the City knows what the problem is, the proper steps can be taken to solve it. Mrs. Lothrop said she had spoken to Tom Crowley who felt there might be some State funding that could help clean up the area. One resident said that for the amount of tax dollars he pays, he should be able to sit in his backyard. Mrs. Lambert then moved that the City Manager contact Heindel & Noyes to answer questions about cleaning up the toxic situation in the Airport Parkway ravine and that the City Manager also contact the City Attorney and advise him that there is a situation the Airport may be responsible for. In addition, the City of South Burlington will contact the Airport Commission and ask them what plans the Airport has to see that this substance does not run through the drainage system. A report should be made to the Council at the meeting of 23 May. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Reschedule Public Hearing on Proposed City Center Zoning Regulations since "traffic" has not yet been received. Mrs. Lambert moved to reschedule this item until 6 June. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 5. Re-appoint Health Officer and Deputy Health Officer Mr. Flaherty moved to re-appoint Madlyn Cook as Health Officer and William Szymanski as Deputy Health Officer. Mrs. Lambert seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Review and adopt Resolutions a) "Substance Free Activities" - Prom Night - After Hours and Senior Send-off after Graduation Mr. Farrar read the Resolution (attached). Mr. Mona moved the Council sign the Resolution. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mrs. Lambert noted this was a model for communities surrounding South Burlington. Mr. Farrar noted the City Manager had found $200 in the budget to aid in this worthwhile endeavor and presented a check to representative along with the signed Resolution. b) Restrict parking on a portion of Dumont Avenue Mr. Farrar read the Resolution (attached). Mr. Flaherty moved the Council sign the Resolution. Mrs. Lambert seconded. Motion passed unanimously. c) Outgoing Councilman George Mona Mr. Farrar read the Resolution (attached). Mr. Flaherty moved the Council sign the Resolution recognizing outgoing Council member George Mona. Mrs. Lambert seconded. The motion passed 3-0 with Mr. Mona abstaining. Mr. Mona said he had enjoyed working with everyone. He advised Council members never to vote as if seeking re-election, to beware of listening only to affluent and articulate people, and never to worry about pleasing anyone but only in serving all. 7. Set Time and Date for Organizational Meeting Members agreed to set the Organizational Meeting for Wednesday, 18 May 1988, at 5:15 pm, in the small conference room. Review Planning and Zoning Agendas No issues were raised. Minutes of 2 May 1988 Mr. Flaherty moved the Minutes of 2 May be approved as written. Mrs. Lambert seconded. Motion passed unanimously. 10. Sign disbursement orders Disbursement orders were signed. 11. Old Business Mrs. Lambert noted the Personnel Rules & Regulations Committee is continuing to meet. The latest topic is the evaluation system, and they are surveying such systems in surrounding businesses. 12. Liquor Control Board Mr. Mona moved the Council adjourn and meet as Liquor Control Board. Mrs. Lambert seconded. Mr. Szymanski presented the following catering permits: 1) an "after the fact" permit for a wedding reception at K of C Hall catered by Backstage Restaurant, on May 14, 1988, from 2:00 to 4:00 pm 2) a permit for a dinner catered by Patrick's of Burlington at 25 Green Mountain Drive, 18 May 1988, from 6-11 pm. Mr. Mona moved to approve the 2 catering permits as presented. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. As there was no further business to come before the Council, Mr. Mona moved for adjournment. Mrs. Lambert seconded. Motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 pm. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.