HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 06/20/1988CITY COUNCIL 20 JUNE 1988 The South Burlington City Council held a meeting on Monday, 20 June 1988, at 7:30 pm, in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; Michael Flaherty, Molly Lambert, Francis X. Murray, John Dinklage Also Present William Szymanski, City Manager; Jane Lafleur, City Planner; Mary McKearin, Business Manager; James Goddette, Fire Dept; Albert Audette, Street Dept; Gloria Yandow, Bookkeeper; Ruth Poger, The Other Paper; G. & K. Kristiansson, Kenn & Alice Boyd; Doug and Sue Pritchard; Janet Delneo, Louise Brooks, Deborah Altemus, Bruce & Diane Chattman, Robert & Jane Schultz, Helen Mann, Helen Harrington, Lillian Gladstone, James Basiliere, Holly & David Pasackow, Peter Rowan, C. Fisher, D. Delphia, Robert Fino, Ray Unsworth, Al Hunton, Robert Stevens, Jr., Paul Boucheau, Jr. Herman & Christine Prenschoff, Patricia Boudreau, Carol Ploof, Theresa & Robert Drouin, Joyce & Marcel Lapierre, Pat Barra, B. Babone, K. Thompson, C. Barnes, David Schneider, George Holcomb, Michael Provost, Eleanor Reddington, Tracy Tyler-O'Reilly, Tim O'Reilly, Bob Marcellino, Bruce Allbee, George Sporzynski, Diana Mohlin 1. Comments & Questions from the Public (not related to items on the agenda) No issues were raised. 2. Accept petition from East Woods residents regarding dead-ending Farrell Street Kenn Boyd noted on 5/16 residents expressed to the Council concern over the amount of traffic in the East Woods area and the disregard for safety of residents. Concern was also expressed for the preservation of the East Woods neighborhood. A lot of commercial property is being developed in the area, especially on Farrell St. Neighbors do not oppose this but want to preserve their residential area. They asked to dead-end Farrell Street. Mr. Boyd said they understand the inconvenience this might cause, even to residents of the area, but he said most of them wouldn't mind. He presented a petition signed by 128 residents for closing of Farrell Street by use of a light weight barrier that could be removed for access to emergency vehicles. A resident of the area said he had seen this coming for 25 years and cited poor planning and lack of foresight as causes. He noted that if a doctor wanted to establish an office there, he couldn't because of the traffic it would create, yet a school was allowed which generates far more traffic than a doctor's office would. He felt there is still some land that could be made into an access to the school so they wouldn't need to use the residential area. He added that the City of Burlington has put a stop sign on every street near them; South Burlington has put none at Holt Street. It is impossible for people to get out of their driveways at times because of the constant flow of traffic. Mr. Chattman noted that there was no follow-up to a petition 8 years ago. He said that between 4:48 and 5:48 more than 229 vehicles went by his house, 70 going west and 159 going east. That, he said, is volume. Speed is another problem. He said he was concerned about fire vehicle access, but he noted there are many developments with only 1 access, and he would gladly put up with the inconvenience for the sake of safety. He felt South Burlington should serve its own citizens not commuters from Charlotte and Shelburne. Mrs. Reddington said she feels like she is living on I-189 instead of Hadley Rd. The problem was magnified when the street was widened and curbs were put in. She said the Sheriff goes by regularly at 50 mph. She felt there should be an ordinance against through traffic in the area. Mr. Holcomb said Meadow Rd. is just as bad, and no one respects the stop signs. Mr. Unsworth noted there are traffic problems on all streets and didn't feel the answer was to block off all streets. Mrs. Boyd said that shouldn't stop the Council from solving the problem for at least 1 neighborhood. Mr. Fisher presented a petition with 133 names opposing the closing of Farrell St. Jane Shelson said she had a lot of sympathy for the neighborhood but felt the problem should be addressed at the rush hour not by closing Farrell St. Mrs. Fisher said she thought the new Shelburne Rd. had helped ease the problem. Dr. Barney said he would like to see a separation between the commercial and residential neighborhoods. Mr. Barnes said he thought blocking off a public street was crazy and that the thing to do was to control speed of cars by putting in dips to slow them down. He thought this could be done at a reasonable cost. Mrs. Boyd said she understood there is a plan by Mr. Davis to put a through street from Shelburne Rd. to Farrell St. and asked what that would do to their neighborhood. Mrs. Lafleur said that plan is not in process now but was proposed several years ago. A resident on the dead end street favored closing Farrell St. even with the inconvenience, noting that people came up her street thinking it was a thru street and then got angry and went back even faster than they came up the street. After more general discussion, Mr. Murray moved that both petitions be accepted and forwarded to the City Manager and City Planner with the direction that they consult with the City Attorney to prepare an Ordinance for the closing of Farrell Street with a temporary barrier with the further direction that alternatives also be studied for preservation of the residential character of the neighborhood, and that the Ordinance be referred to the Planning Commission for their hearing and input before it comes back to the City Council for action. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Mr. Murray said he has seen the East Woods neighborhood lose its residential character and wants to see it returned to a neighborhood again. He said he wasn't sure closing Farrell St. is the answer but he wants the problem to get a full airing. Mr. Stevens said he felt business and residential neighborhoods should learn to get along with each other and he didn't want to see Farrell Street closed. He also didn't want to see a raceway through the residential area. A suggestion was made for a committee to look at long-term solutions, especially an alternative access to the high school. In the vote on the motion which followed, it was passed unanimously. Warned Public Hearing on the revised plan for development of a portion of the former Brand property along the east side of Dorset Street south of I-89. Mrs. Lafleur noted the proposal already has Planning Commission approval and contains the same number of units, acreate and parkland. Mr. Marcellino explained the concerns with the old plan, including some ledge and traffic routing. In the new plan, all single family units will be looped around, not located on main roads. The multi-family units will be situated around some ponds which they will create. Roads are at existing grade, so they don't have to clear cut as much. A 20 ft. strip won't be touched at all, and another 15 ft. will only be pruned. They have submitted the new plans to Act 250 which considers it a minor amendment. They expect their permit in 90 days. Mr. Szymanski expressed concern with the ponds. Mr. Marcellino said they will be totally fences and will be the property of the master association. They will also serve as storm water detention units. Mr. Murray asked how potential buyers will be told of park plans. Mr. Marcellino said there is notice of this in the sales information and in the deeds. He felt it would be a major selling point. Mr. Murray then asked about traffic. Mrs. Lafleur said the projections were the same as for the prior plans. Impact fees are in the motion. She felt this was an improvement over earlier plans and might prevent problems such as the East Woods case previously heard. Mr. Murray moved that the amendments to the planned unit development of the former Brand property along the east side of Dorset Street south of I-89 be approved in that the plan is in accordance with the standards and conditions set out in the City's Comprehensive Plan, provided that the plan includes the stipulations set out by the Planning Commission in its approval of 5/31/88. Item 22b of that approval is amended to replace the word "fillings" with "fittings." Mr. Dinklage seconded the motion which then passed unanimously. Members of the City Council then formally thanked City Planner Jane Lafleur for her service to the City, noting not only the substantive issues she took on during her tenure (including the City Center, City Park, Dorset Street) but also the spirit, manner and style with which she carried out her job. Set date of next Regular Meeting Members agreed to meet next on Wednesday, 6 July 1988, at 8:00 pm. Request for Removal of height limitation for trees at Summit at Spear Mr. Szymanski noted that Gerry Milot has appled to remove the height limitation for trees at Summit at Spear. A hearing was held today, and Mr. Szymanski placed the City on the list for parties to the hearing. He will object to removal of the limitation condition. Mr. Murray moved to authorize the City Manager to act on the City's behalf in objecting to the removal of height limitation of trees at Summit at Spear. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Discuss goals for 1988-89 Mrs. Lambert presented the following for consideration: a committee to study social needs of citizens, continuation of work on the bike path, creation of a clear, comprehensive plan for maintenance and beautification of city parks and overlooks (with schools added as well), review of the sidewalk priority plan, appointment of a member to the Regional Affordable Housing Task Force, review of natural resources in the community, sincurance of safe entrance and egress for Central School, continuation of participation in the Personnel Rules Advisory Committee. Members agreed to establish a standing committee to study social needs and monetary requests. Mr. Murray added moving toward financial implementation of the park to the list. Mr. Flaherty added making the Spear St. overlook into a full overlook with benches, picnic area, etc. Mr. Murray added to that pursuit of views on Spear St. Mr. Dinklage suggested pursuit of alternative revenue sources, protection of open lands through such groups as the Vermont Land Trust, establishment of a transfer of development rights policy, and exploration of a local development corporation to help achieve City Center goals. Review and approve re-appropriation of accounts for fiscal year 1987-8 Members agreed to meet in special session on 30 June, at 8 PM to consider final figures. Consider increasing dog impoundment fees Mr. Dinklage moved to approve the Resolution. Mrs. Lambert seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Accept resignation of Mimi Bader from Fine Arts Committee Mr. Flaherty moved to accept Mimi Bader's resignation from the Fine Arts Committee and to send her a letter of appreciation for her service. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Accept Water Dept's old office building at 400 Dorset St. Mr. Szymanski noted the Solid Waste District is interested in it for their office. The city owns the land and the Water Dept. owns the building. The Water Dept. had budgeted $100/month rent in their new budget and would like to sell the building the $1200 representing the year's rental. Mr. Farrar questioned who would insure the building. Mr. Murray felt it would only be a headache for the city. The Council asked the City Manager to come back with a proposal. Accept Deed for a 1.3 acre parcel of land along Muddy Brook north of Shunpike Rd. Mr. Szymanski noted the owner won't pay taxes on this land which is in the CO Zone. The land can't be developed. Most of the owner's land is in Williston. Mr. Flaherty moved to accept the deed for 1.3 acres of land along Muddy Brook north of Shunpike Rd. as presented by the City Manager. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Appointments to Boards and Commissions Mr. Dinklage felt members up for re-appointment should be interviewed by the Council. This was agreed to. Minutes of 13 June 1988 Mr. Dinklage noted that on p. 2, para. 2, after "etc," the following words should be added "later and consider use changes now." In para 3 on page 3, "that" should be "than." Mr. Flaherty moved to approve the Minutes as amended. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Sign Disbursement Orders Disbursement orders were signed. Liquor Control Board Mr. Flaherty moved the Council adjourn and reconvene as Liquor Control Board. Mrs. Lambert seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Szymanski presented a catering permit request from Sneakers at Comfort Inn, 28 June, from 4-6:30 pm. Mr. Murray moved to approve the catering permit as presented. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. As there was no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 10:30 pm. 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