HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 07/18/1988CITY COUNCIL 18 JULY 1988 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 18 July 1988, at 8:00 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; Molly Lambert, Michael Flaherty, John Dinklage Also Present William Szymanski, City Manager; Mary McKearin, Business Manager; Martha Campione, Ethel Schuele, Jeanne Menard, William Schuele, Haidee Antram, William Wessel, Bob O'Brien, Albert Audette, Street Dept; John Race, Police Dept; Shelly Snyder, Mrs. Krueger Comments & questions from the public not related to items on the agenda Ms. Campione of the "Save the View Committee" questioned whether the Council has acted on their request for a stay on the building permit to Robert Hoehl. It was agreed to discuss this as an agenda item. Interview applicants for appointments to Boards and Commissions Library Board of Trustees: Mrs. Schuele noted one of the good evening people has left for a full-time job at the Brownell Library and they are interviewing to fill that spot. She also noted that "Court diversion" personnel has been used satisfactorily and that over 100 hours a month is logged by RSVP volunteers. Jeanne Menard noted that Special Ed students are also used in the Library in a very mutually rewarding arrangement. Mrs. Schuele suggested a teacher to fill the opening on the Board. Natural Resources Committee: Mr. Schuele said there are no major problems and the Committee is doing a good job. Shelly Snyder said the map has gone to the printers and should be available soon. Mr. Schuele said they are concerned about encroachments that may occur in the proposed park and feel that a large auditorium with the parking space it would require is not appropriate for that location. Mrs. Schuele felt that an auditorium would be better near the schools. Mrs. Lambert asked if there is a strong communications network between the Natural Resources Committee and the Planning Commission. Mr. Schuele said they try for communication and felt that Mrs. Lafleur had a very good rapport with them and notified them when something came along that involved Natural Resources. He felt this communication needs to be established with the new Planner. Mr. Schuele also noted their interest in the problems of the landfill and solid waste disposal. One idea is the collection of like things as the landfill (glass, metal, paper, etc.) so that if it is needed for recycling some day in the future, it can be located in one central place. Haidee Antram was interviewed for the opening on the Committee. She said she has an amateur interest and does volunteer work at the Green Mountain Audubon Society as teaching field guide for school children. She has been in S. Burlington 5 years. She feels it is important to keep green space open. She and Ms. Snyder have discussed the possibility of running a guided tour in Red Rocks Park. Chittenden County Transportation Authority: Bill Wessel said new services include the downtown terminal on Cherry St. and the University trolley. They are also in contact with the convention service with the possibility of a shuttle system for conventions. Mr. Farrar asked what can be done to increase ridership, especially from the point of view of the portion of transportation that can be handled by public transit. Mr. Wessel said it would require a different attitude on the part of commuters. He felt communities would have to get together and make a real commitment to it as well. One problem is that buses can't get through traffic any faster than cars can, so commuters feel there is no time savings. He said they are currently looking for a park and ride location in Shelburne. City Charter Committee: Mr. O'Brien said he has been in the City 5 years. His background is in industrial and school business management. Mr. Dinklage said that from time to time the question arises from taxpayers about what is perceived as the "automatic tax increase". He asked Mr. O'Brien's thoughts on this. Mr. O'Brien said he understands the concept and believes in working through the system. Landfill Fees Mrs. Krueger asked about charges for a truckload of prunings from her blackberry beds. Mr. Audette said it would be $5 a truckload. Mr. Farrar explained the city's problems: the state is taxing local communities on every cubic yard of garbage. This will cost about $40,000 this year which is a new expense to the community. In addition, charges in surrounding communities are going up, and S. Burlington might become the dump area for all the area. The landfill has to be closed in 1991 which will cost $500,000 to $1,000,000 to accomplish. Mr. Farrar said it is an unfortunate situation but one the city has to work with. Mrs. Lambert suggested a discount system for tickets purchased in advance. Mr. Dinklage felt procedures have to be worked out for such things as taking checks, security at the landfill, etc. He would like to see that policy spelled out to answer residents' questions. Accept Resignation of Vin D'Acuti from the Burlington Airport Commission Mr. Flaherty moved to accept the resignation of Vin D'Acuti from the Airport Commission and to send a letter of commendation for many years of service to the City. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Discuss purchase of computer for the Police Department Mr. Farrar advised the Police Dept. has a one-year grant for a drug and alcohol person, so the amount budgeted for this is available for another use, if the Council so chooses. He felt it was reasonable to put funds toward the computer. Mr. Farrar then withdrew from the discussion because of a possible conflict of interest. Chief Race noted the problems of the Department without a computer: rehandling of paperwork many times, internal housekeeping, inability to compile statistics on accident sites, beat analysis, etc. He noted that in the proposal the Department has made, part of the cost is for training personnel to use the system. Chief Race said a special person should not be needed to run the system. He added the Department has been offered support from police departments already using the system. Burlington has the same core system but has many more applications that South Burlington would need. Members approved the concept of a computer for the police department and left Chief Race and the City Manager to work out details. Set date to discuss and approve revised personnel rules and regulations Members agreed to a special meeting on 12 September to discuss the new personnel rules and regulations. Consider abating a landfill fee of $156 incurred by Fire District #1 (Queen City Park) The cost involves clearing of debris from the wreck of an old shack under the water tank. Pete Yankowski paid the fees but has asked for them to be abated. Mr. Szymanski felt this was a reasonable request. Mr. Flaherty moved that based on the City Manager's recommendation, the $156 landfill fee incurred by Fire District #1 be abated. Mrs. Lambert seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Review minutes of 6 July 1988 Mr. Flaherty moved the Minutes of 6 July 1988 be approved as written. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Sign Disbursement Orders Disbursement orders were signed. Old Business Save the View Committee: Mr. Farrar noted the Committee is requesting the City stay the issuance of the building permit. He said Mr. Hoehl has also filed an appeal regarding the easement. He said the City will consult its attorney to see if there is action the Council has to take. Mr. Dinklage suggested the Committee's attorney speak with the City Attorney. Ms. Campione asked what else is being done. Mr. Farrar said amicable discussions are being held with Mr. Meredith and there may be something to present to the voters in September. Other landowners have not yet been approached but the City is working on it. Ms. Campione said the Land and Conservation trust may have some funding sources in exchange for affordable housing somewhere else in the city. Mr. Dinklage said the City would be exploring new ground in this area and suggested having a proposal put before them. Ms. Campione said they plan to seek an injunction to prevent Mr. Hoehl from building. Speeding Concerns on Van Sicklin Rd.: This is becoming a real concern and residents have asked for speed traps to slow traffic down. Mr. Szymanski will relay this to the Police Department. Resolution for Judy Hurd Mr. Flaherty moved the Council sign the Resolution for Judy Hurd. Mrs. Lambert seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Liquor Control Board Mr. Flaherty moved the Council adjourn and reconvene as Liquor Control Board. Mrs. Lambert seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Szymanski presented a catering permit request from Wetherbees for a wedding at K of C Hall on 23 July, from 12:30 to 8 PM. Mr. Flaherty moved the Board approve the catering permit for Wetherbee's as presented by the City Manager. Mrs. Lambert seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Executive Session Mr. Flaherty moved the Board adjourn and reconvene as City Council in Executive Session to discuss appointments to Boards and Commissions, pending litigation against Heathcote, and City Personnel and to resume regular session only to make appointments, act on the Heathcote suit and/or make an appointment of a City Attorney. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Regular Session Following the regular session, the following appointments were made by motion of Mr. Flaherty seconded by Mrs. Lambert: Ethel Schuele to the Fine Arts Committee; Richard Leopold, Mary Anne Gucciardi, and Thomas Fraga to the Recreation Committee; Sylvia Smith, William Schuele and Shelly Snyder, to the Natural Resources Committee, also Haidee Antram to fill the unexpired term on the Natural Resources Committee until 1990; Ethel Schuele and Jeanne Menard to the Community Library Board of Trustees, William Wessel to the Chittenden County Transportation Authority; Albert Audette as Emergency Management Coordinator, James Goddette as Asst. Emergency Management Coordinator, Albert Audette as Tree Warden; Fred Maher, Dale Kleppinger, Robert Irish, Howard Perkett, Peter Taylor and Bob O'Brien to the City Charter Committee; William Szymanski, Albert Audette, and Manfred Carr to the Cemetery Committee; David Kaufman, Fred Blais, James Gear, Wesley Daum, Sr., Maurice Cloutier, Clarice Fisher, Marjorie Ariano, William Szymanski, John Race to the Corrections Center Liaison Committee; George Crooks, Vernon Wamsganz and Edwin Sanborn to the Fire Dept. Advisory Board; and Barbara Bull, Dr. Charles Houston, Ethel Schuele, Peter Yankowski, and Gail Wheeler to the Red Rocks Committee, and Steve Crowley as Solid Waste Recycling Coordinator. Mrs. Lambert moved to appoint Michael Flaherty to the Airport Commission as the City's representative. Mr. Dinklage seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Flaherty moved to appoint Stephen Stitzel of the law firm of McNeil, Murray and Sorrel as City Attorney. Mrs. Lambert seconded. Motion passed 3-0, Mr. Farrar abstaining. It was noted that Mrs. Lambert cannot attend the next MPO meeting. An alternate will be found. As there was no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 10:30 PM. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.