HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 02/01/1988CITY COUNCIL 1 FEBRUARY 1988 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 1 February 1988, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; Michael Flaherty, Molly Lambert, George Mona Also Present William Szymanski, City Manager; Peter Saltzburg, Pam Hurst, Leonard Brown, John Dinklage, Albert Audette, Charles Deslauriers, Wendy Schroeder, Mary McKearin Comments & Questions from the Audience (not related to items on the Agenda) No issues were raised. Review City Manager's Report on Status of 1987-88 Goals No questions were raised. Meet with representative of Lake Champlain Regional Chamber of Commerce for a requisition for funds Mr. Saltzburg outlined the history of the Convention Bureau and noted that it benefits many concerns and brings money into the community while putting little burden on the community. The Bureau was funded last year by a combination of the business community, a $25,000 grant from Burlington, and "in kind" services. They now have a 2 to 3 year period during which long-term funding options cannot yet be in place. During that period, they are looking to the communities for funding help. Mr. Saltzburg noted that South Burlington has three times the number of hotel room as Burlington and that there will be 350 new hotel rooms in the next few years. He said these rooms won't be filled without something new in the way of promotion and an influx of new business. State programs are nowhere near what they should be, and Montpelier frowns on any effort to tap into the rooms and meals tax. He asked for support from South Burlington in the amount of $50,000. Mr. Farrar explained that because of Charter limitations, even if the City had that kind of money to spend it couldn't spend it. He suggested having the hotels and restaurants raise their rates 1/2% which would provide the needed funding. Mr. Mona noted that he has never been in favor of more money being appropriated for outside of South Burlington. Mr. Flaherty asked if the Bureau would accept less than $50,000. Mr. Saltzburg said they can't be fussy about where they get their money but would prefer more than less. Discuss City Attorney's opinion regarding removal of trees on public property Mr. Farrar said it was the City Attorney's feeling that the only one who can order a tree removed is the Tree Warden. Mr. Audette said he didn't feel the tree in question was that much of a hazard. It is not a heavily traveled road, and there is also a telephone pole in front of the tree. Mr. Brown said he had still not talked with his neighbor but felt the problem was sight distance down the street. He cited the following sources for his belief that the City could order the removal of the tree: South Burlington Protective Zoning Ordinance, Sect. I, 1.0; Article XII, Section 12.50, Article XIII, Section 13.10; Vermont State Statute, Title 24, Chapter 67, Section 2502. Mr. Farrar said he would bring these to the City Attorney's attention. Sign necessity order for the Dorset Street reconstruction project Mrs. Lambert moved to waive reading of the Necessity Order for Dorset Street. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Mona moved to sign the Necessity Order for Dorset Street with changes as noted. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Public Hearing on Miscellaneous Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance Mr. Farrar noted these amendments were approved by the Planning Commission on 23 November. Mr. Dinklage said he objected strenuously to insistence that roads serving 3 or more houses be city streets to city standards. He felt this was inviting problems and asked the Council to give the Planning Commission discretion in the matter. He understood the need for city streets, but felt that 30 ft. of asphalt with curbs was unreasonable. Mr. Audette noted that the City got stuck with valley Ridge, and it was the taxpayers who had to pay to upgrade those streets later on. Mr. Mona felt there was a much greater chance for the city to get burned by not requiring city standard roads. Mr. Farrar added that the Planning Commission "had discretion and they blew it." Members then reviewed the proposed amendments and noted which ones they wished to discuss further with the City Planner. Mr. Deslauriers addressed the Council about the proposed rezoning of the piece of property from 290 ft. west of Dorset St. westerly to I-89 from C-2 to R-7. He noted the property has been Commercial for 10 years and they have paid taxes as commercial property for that time. The property has physical limitations including the power sub-station, Interstate, an odd configuration, and the new 4 or 5 lane road which will be commercial on both sides. He felt the site was not viable for residential use. He did, however, agree that C-2 zoning was broader than they intended for the area but felt R-7 reduces their flexibility for development of the parcel. Mr. Dinklage replied that the Dorset Street Committee felt C-2 was totally inappropriate for an odd-shaped lot between 2 residential neighborhoods. He stressed that the Committee was very cognizant of the economic impact of a zone change and didn't feel it would be an economic hardship to the landowner to rezone the land to R-7. Mr. Deslauriers agreed he would provide the Council with a proposed plan for the site. Mr. Flaherty moved to continue the Public Hearing until 15 February. Mrs. Lambert seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Review draft of memorandum of understanding between city and State regarding the expansion of the Bartlett Bay Sewage Treatment Plan Mr. Szymanski indicated that more work was needed on the document. Mrs. Lambert moved to authorize Mr. Flaherty to sign the Memorandum of Understanding when it is prepared. Mr. Mona seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Accept several new streets throughout the City Mr. Mona moved to approve the streets as outlined in the City Manager's memorandum. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Review Planning and Zoning Agendas Mr. Mona noted that under Item #2 on the Zoning Agenda Midas wants to expand. Mr. Szymanski said they want to put an office building on the property. Mr. Mona said he felt it would remove too much landscaping for proposed parking. The Council agreed to address this concern to the Zoning Board. Review Minutes of 18 January Mr. Flaherty moved to approve the Minutes of 18 January as written. Mrs. Lambert seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Sign Disbursement Orders Disbursement orders were signed. Other Business Airport Commission Report: Mr. Flaherty advised that the Airport Commission is aware of the odor that may emanate from the Airport and wants to make the effort to remove any responsibility on their part. They will have an engineering firm redo their drainage system at a cost of about $500,000. There is also a housing development planned near Country Club Estates, and the Airport Manager has asked to be present when it is discussed by the Planning Commission. If the development is approved and there is a noise impact, the Airport does not want to be blamed. Ideally, the Airport would like to have the development delayed until the noise study is completed. Resignation from Zoning Board: Mr. Szymanski noted that David Boehm had rescinded his resignation and feels procedures are being updated and improved. Resignation from Natural Resources Committee: A letter from Nancy Green indicates that she has a conflict in her schedule and can no longer serve. Mr. Flaherty moved to accept with regret the resignation of Nancy Green from the Natural Resources Committee and to instruct the City Manager to send a letter of appreciation. Mrs. Lambert seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Pending State Legislation: Mrs. Lambert drew the Council's attention to the following bills: #H693 which would change the town highway aid formula. Mr. Audette said the information he had received indicated the bill is not a good one. Bill #H748 which would remove aesthetics from Act 250 criteria. Bill #S261 which would allow municipalities over 10,000 population to make their own sign laws. The City could have informational signs with the City logo. Mrs. Lambert felt the Council should support this. Bill #653 which would require towns served by a hospital to reimburse the municipality in which the hospital is located for half of the property taxes lost because of the hospital's tax exempt status. Mr. Audette said there is also a bill to increase the maximum allowable for highway equipment of $150,000 for 5 years. He said there is also a move a foot to eliminate the local roads program. He felt this was a very beneficial program and should not be eliminated. Liquor Control Board Mr. Flaherty moved that the Council adjourn and reconvene as Liquor Control Board. Mr. Mona seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Szymanski presented a first class license request for What's Your Beef Two and a second class request for Dolan's Variety, Inc. The later is needed because the business is now incorporated. Mr. Flaherty moved to sign the license applications as presented. Mrs. Lambert seconded. Motion passed unanimously. As there was no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. l<,>':*~i I l-<,~ll 11. l<,Il <I STREETS TO BE-ACCEL"PE0 Jan. 11, 19t!U . I 1930 ' I CITY COUNCIL AGENDA FEBRWRY 1 >-- Helen Avenue extension - LTll Associates Hayes Avenue extension - Woodland Property Hemlock Hills Timberland Associates Grandview Drive & - Flanders - Boardman Twin Oaks Terrace Harbor View Road - LTH Associates Bay Crest Drive Harbor Ridge Road Keari Lane , Bay Court Calkins Court - Leland & Pat Calkins Brookwood Drive ext. - Allen Building Oakwood Drive ext. Quail Run - stuart Ireland Pheasant Way '4 Others - no deeds on file yet - forthcoming: Palmer Court South Beach Road Lime Rock Road