HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 04/11/1988CITY COUNCIL APRIL 11, 1988 The South Burlington City Council held a Special Meeting on Monday, April 11, 1988 at 7:30 P.M. in the City Hall Conference Room on Dorset Street. Members Present Michael Flaherty, Molly Lambert, George Mona, Frank Murray Member Absent Chairman Paul Farrar Others Present City Manager William Szymanski; Dorset Street Consultant Mike Munson; GMP, Larry Abbiati; Street Dept. Supt. Albert Audette; City Clerk Margaret Picard; Legislative Representative Viola Luginbuhl; Mike Donoghue, Burlington Free Press; Ruth Poger, Other Paper; (late) Sid Poger, Tom Mills. Vice Chairman Michael Flaherty called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M., with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Mike then stated that this was a Special Meeting called for two items: the submittal to the Voters of two Articles. One for a Bond Issue for Street Improvements totaling $1,750,000 and the other setting-up a special assessment district along each side of Dorset Street and its adjacent area. Molly Lambert stated that the bond issue for the street improvements should have been in two Articles; one for only Dorset Street and the other for the general street improvements. Molly also questioned the authority of the City to set-up the special assessment district. She stated that a similar article in Burlington also required the State Legislature approval. Frank Murray stated the authority was under Title 24 of the State Statutes and the City Attorney Steve Stitzel would have researched this before he prepared the Article. Vice-Chairman Flaherty called upon City Manager William Szymanski to review the bond issue make-up, and that is 1.2 million for Dorset Street, $500,000 for general street improvements and $50,000 for intersection improvements, making a total of $1,750,000. Dorset Street Consultant Mike Munson was then called upon to present the special assessment district boundary map in the vacinity of the Dorset Street improvements and the proposed City Center. Mr. Munson also stated that the estimated assessment on the present listed value of the property in the area would be about 32-35 cents or on a property listed at $50,000, this would amount to about $175. George Mona stated that the Warning as presented was very misleading, he thought there should be another column showing the City's share of the Street Improvement costs. He also stated that in the first paragraph of Article II, after the word, issued, that the words "for the estimated City cost" be added, also that the street projects be rearranged so that the Patchen Road project appear after the Dorset Street project, since those projects are the only projects with State and Federal Aid. Mr. Mona also stated that in the paragraph after the street schedule and after the words Dorset Street, be added the words, "and Patchen Road" these changes also apply to the Resolution. George made these corrections in the form of a motion. The motion was seconded by Frank. All present voted for the changes. Frank Murray made the motion to approve, as amended, the two Resolutions (Bond Issue and Special Assessment District) and the Warning, and upon completion of the corrections, sign the documents. George Mona seconded the motion. All voted in favor. (A copy of these approved documents is attached to these Minutes). George Mona made the motion to adjourn the Special Meeting at 8:20 P.M. Seconded by Molly Lambert, all present voted in favor. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. WARNING CITY OF SOUTH BUBLINGTON ANNUAL MEETING HAY 17, 1988 The legal voters of the City of South Burlington are hereby notified and warned to meet at their respective polling place8 at the Chamberlin School on White Street, the South Burlington Middle School on Dorsec Street and the Orchard School on Baldwin Avenue on Tuesday, May 17. 1988 at 7 o'clock in the forenoon, at which time the polls will open until 7 o'clock in the afternoon, at which time-the polls vill close, to vote by Austrlian ballot on the following Articles. ARTICLE 1 ELgCTION OF OFFICERS To elect all city officers required by law. ARTICLE 11 BOND ISSUE WR ROADWAY WROVEMERTS Shall bonds or notes of the City of South Burlington in an amount not to exceed $1,750,000.00 be issued for the estimated City coet for the following purposes: Project Dorsec Street Project Patchen Road (Reconstruction) Estimated Project Estimated COS t - city Cost Berard Drive (Recycle h Repave) 30,000.00 30,000.00 Airport Parkway (Recycle h Repave) 35,000.00 35,000.00 Cottage Crove (Recycle & Repave) 18,000.00 18,000.00 Mills Avenue (~ecycle & ~epave) 20,000.00 20.000.00 1 Bartletts Bay Road (Recycle & Repave) VanSicklen Road (~epave) Tanglewood Drive (Drainage 6 Repave) Imperial Drive (Recycle & Repave) Meadow Road (Recycle & Repave) Gilbert Street (Recycle & Repave) Myers Court (Recycle & Repave) White Place (Recycle & Repave) Shelburne Road (Sidewalks) Doraet Street South of Kennedy Drive (Rebuild & Repave) Newton Avenue (Recycle & Repave) Laurel Hill Drive (Recycle & Repave) 43,000.00 43,000.00 Intersection Improvements Throughout City 50,000.00 50,000.00 The majority of the funding for the Dorset Street and Patchen Road Projects is to be paid from anticipated State and Federal aid and other contributions. Any unexpended portion of the total bond issue of $1,750.000.00 shall be used to complete as many of the other listed roadway projects as possible. Note: It is the Council's intent that any bonds issued pursuant to this article will be repaid in no more than twenty (20) years. ARTICLE 111 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FOR DORSET STREET PROJECT Shall the City impose a special assessment in a maximum amount of $750,000 on those properties identified on a plan entitled, "Dorset Street Improvement Project- Special Assessment District", dated April, 1988 which assessment shall be apportioned among such properties on the following basis: The City shall levy an assessment of One Hundred and Twenty-Five Thousand and OOflOO Dollars ($125,000) on such properties on July 1st of each fiscal year commencing with the 1990-91 fiscal year and ending with the 1995-96 Eiscal year which assessment shall be apportioned among such properties on the basis of each property's value on the City's Grand List for the fiscal year in which it is assessed. These assessments shall be paid in three equal installments during the fiscal year in which they are assessed. The funds raised by this special assessment shall be used to pay any indebtedness incurred by the City for the Dorset Street project. POLLING PLACES ARE TBE CBAnBEBLIN SCEOOL ON UEITE STBHET, TBE SOIlTE BWLINGTON MIDDLE SCBOOL,.ON DORSET STREET AND TEE ORCHARD SCEbDL ON BALDWIN AVENUE: VOTERS TO GO TO TEE POLLING PLACE IN TBEIR RESPECTIVE DISTLXICIC. Dated at South Burlington, Vermont this - llthday of April, 1988. SOUTE BURLINGTON CITY WUNCIL FILED AND RECORDED this day of April, 1988 Margaret Picard City Clerk George 9. ~o%a 4i-L .% .- Francis X. Murray RESOLUTION WEEREAS, the South Burlington City Council has concluded that the public interest and necessity of the City requires the reconstruction and widening of Dorset Street in the City from its intersection with Williston Road to its intersection with Kennedy Drive as shown on plans entitled, "Proposed Improvements--City of South Burlington--County of Chittenden--Dorset Street--T.H. No. 5CL.2(FAUJ Kennedy Drive to Williston Road, Right of Way plans", Project No. M--EG~5200(8), dated July 8, 1987, sheets 1 through 64, including the relocation of all utility services within this section of the Dorset Street right of way underground in accordance with State Land Use Permit No. 4C0607-R, dated December 18th, 1987 and revised February 26th, 1988, at a total estimated cost of Seven Million Four Hundred Thousand and 001100 Dollars ($7,400,000.00); and WEEREAS, The South Burlington City Council has also concluded that the public interest and necessity of the City requires the recon- struction end repair of the following other roadways in the City: Project Estimated Project Cost Berard Drive (Recycle & Repave) $ 30,000.00 Airport Parkway (Recycle h Repave) 35,000.00 Cottage Grove (Recycle & Repave) 18,000.00 Mills Avenue (Recycle & Repave) 20,000.00 Bartletts Bay Road (Recycle & Repave) 30,000.00 VanSicklen Road (Repave) 25,000.00 Tanglewood Drive (Drainage & ~epave) 25,000.00 Zmperial'Drive (Recycle & Repave) Meadow Road (Recycle h Repave) Gilbert Street (Recycle & Repave) Myers Court (Recycle 6 Repave) White Place (Recycle h Repave) Shelburne Road (Sidewalks) Dorset Street South of Kennedy Drive (Rebuild d Repave) 66,000.00 Newton Avenue (Recycle & Repave) 20,000.00 Patchen Road (Reconstruction) 385,000.00 Laurel Hill Drive (Recycle & Repave) 43,000.00 Intersection Improvements Throughout City 50,000.00 ; and UBEREAS, the Council has determined that the cost of constructing these improvements will be too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual income and revenue of the City of South Burlington; NOW, TBERgPOBg, it is hereby resolved by the South Burlington . . City Council that the proposition of incurring a bonded debt be submitted to the qualified voters of the City of South Burlingcon in the following form: Shall bonds or notes of the City of South Burlington in an amount not to exceed $1,750.000.00 be isaued for the estimated City cost for the following purpoees: Project Estimated Project Cost Estimated City Cost Dorset Street Project Patchen Road (Re~~IIst~~tion) 385,000.00 Berard Drive (Recycle 6 Repave) Airport Parkway (Recycle & Repave) Cottage Grove (Recycle & Repave) Hills Avenue (Recycle h Repave) Bartletts Bay had (Recycle 6 Repave) VanSick.len bad (Repave) Tanglewood Drive (Drainage & Repave) Imperial Drive (Recycle & Repave) Meadow Road (Recycle h Bepave) Gilbert Street (Recycle h Pepave) Myers Court (Recycle & Repave) White Place (Recycle & Repave) Shelburne Road (Sidevalks) Dorset Street South of Kennedy Drive (Rebuild h Bepave) Newton Avenue (~ecycle 6 Repave) Laurel Bill Drive (Recycle 6 Repave) Intersection Improvements Throughout City 50,000.00 The majority of the funding for the Dorset Street and Patchen goad Projects is to be paid from anticipated State and Federal aid and other contributions. Any unexpended portion of the total bond Issue of $1,750.000.00 shall be used to complete as many of the other listed roadvay projects as possible. Note: It is the Council's intent that any bonds issued pursuant to this article vill be repaid in no more than twenty (20) years. . . It is further resolved that a vote on said proposition shall be conducted by Austrailan ballot at the annual meeting of the City of South Burlington to be held Tuesday, May 17, 1988 at which meeting the polls will be open at 7:00 a.m. and close at 7:00 p.m., balloting to be conducted at the City's regular polling places at the Chamberlin School on White Street, the South Burlington Middle School on Dorset Street and the Orchard School on Baldwin Avenue. Dated at South Burlington, Vermont this xhday of April 1988. * CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF soum BUR~ZNGTON Received and recorded this - day of April, 1988. Margaret Picard City Clerk RESOLUTION UilEWS, the South Burlington City Council has concluded that the public interest and necessity of the City requires the reconstruction and widening of Dorset Street in the City from its intersection with Williston Road to its intersection with Kennedy Drive as shown on plans entitled, "Proposed Improvements--City of South Burlington--County of Chittenden--Dorset Street--T.H. No. SCL.2(FAU) Kennedy Drive to Williston Road, Right of Way Plans", Project No. ~--~~~5200(8), dated July 8, 1987, sheets 1 through 64, including the relocation of all utility services within this section of the Dorset Street right of way underground in accordance with State Land Use Permit NO. 4C0607-R, dated December lath, 1987 and revised February 26th, 1988, at a total estimated cost of Seven Million Four Hundred Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($7,400,000.00); and UBEBEAS, the Council has determined that thih reconstruction of Dorset Street with its related amenities will conEer a special benefit on properties adjoining and in the vicinity of Dorset Street, which ' benefitted properties are speciEically delineated on a plan entitled, 8, Dorset Street Improvement Project-Special Assessment District" dated April, 1988; and YBEFSAS, the Council has further determined that those properties specially benefitted by this Dorset Street Project should be made subject to a apecial assessment to pay an appropriate portion of the cost of such project; ROW. THEBEFORB, it is hereby resolved by the South-Burlington City Council that the proposition of levying a special assessment on those properties specially benefitted by the Dorset Street Project be submitted to the qualified voters of the City of South Burlington in the following form: Shall the City impose a special assessment in a uaximm amount of $750.000 on those properties identified on a plan entitled. "Dorset Street Improvement Project-Special Assessment District", dated April. 1988 which assessment shall be apportioned aamg such properties on the following baais: The City shall levy an asseamnent of One Bundred and Twenty-Five Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($125,000) on such properties on July 1st of each fiscal year commencing with the 1990-91 fiacal year and ending with the 1995-96 fiscal year which assesanent shall be apportioned among such properties on the basis of each property's value on the City's Grand List for the fiscak year in which it is assessed. These assessments shall be paid in three equal instal- lments during the fiscal year in which they are assessed. me funds raised by this special assessment shall be used to pay any indebtedness incurred by the City for the Dorset Street project. It is further resolved that a vote of said proposition shall be conducted by Austrailan ballot at the annual meeting of the City of South Burlington to be held on Tuesday, May 17, 1988 at which meeting the polls will be open at 7:OQ a.m. and close at 7:00 p.m., balloting to be conducted at the City's regular polling places at the Chamberlin School on White Street, the South Burlington Middle School on Dorset Street and the Orchard School.on Baldwin Avenue. llth day of April, 1988. Dated at South Burlington, Vermont this - CITY COUNCIL OF CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON Received and recorded this - day of April, 1988. Margaret Picard City Clerk