HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 09/14/1987CITY COUNCIL 14 SEPTEMBER 1987 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 14 September 1987, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; Michael Flaherty, Francis X. Murray Molly Lambert, George Mona Also Present William Szymanski, City Manager; Jane Lafleur, City Planner; Wendy Schroeder, Business Manager; John Race, Police Chief; Ruth Poger, The Other Paper; Craig Leiner, Consultant Comments & Questions from the Audience (not related to items on the Agenda) No issues were raised. PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed amendment to City Zoning Regulations regarding traffic impact standards Mrs. Lambert moved to waive reading of the amendment. Mr. Mona seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mrs. Lafleur said that the amendment provides clarifying language as to when level 1 and level 2 traffic studies are required and still gives the Planning Commission discretion as to their application. Mrs. Lambert moved to amend the Zoning Ordinance adding the language recommended by Mrs. Lafleur. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. The question was raised as to how to keep the level of service from getting worse even if the level doesn't go from C to D or D to E. Mr. Farrar said the ultimate question is how bad can things be allowed to get before the city says "no more" to development. Mr. Murray said that people are complaining. He felt it was a big step to allow levels to go from C to D and to make things worse within D. Mr. Mona said he can't accept that the standard has been allowed to move from C to D. He suggested that if a level is at D, it not be allowed to get any worse; however, within the C range or better, a little worsening could be tolerated. Mr. Farrar said that in reality there is nowhere in the City you can build that won't make a D intersection worse. Mr. Flaherty added that many intersections will get worse no matter what the City does based on development in other communities. Mr. Farrar asked if it would be reasonable to ask a 4-family housing "development" on the Garvey property, for example, to fix 4 intersections on Williston Rd. Mr. Murray conceded that the problem is really a regional one. Mrs. Lafleur said the Planning Commission can't deny projects when the problem isn't South Burlington's fault. Mr. Murray said the City can't continue to allow development just because the problem isn't of the City's making. Mr. Farrar suggested the imposition of an impact standard. Craig Leiner felt that there is an option that would allow a developer to contribute to a solution to a problem that is not entirely of his making. Mr. Murray suggested that cataloging intersections and then having a developer contribute a percentage based on his percentage of impact on that inter-section. Mrs. Lafleur noted that this is already being done in areas on Shelburne Rd. and Hinesburg Rd. Mr. Murray added that the City may have to be more vigorous at the Act 250 process. Mr. Leiner said he will bring in a study and come up with costs for the remaining vacant pieces of land. He outlined the plan implemented in Williston and Mr. Farrar said he felt South Burlington is heading in this direction. Mrs. Lafleur said she is afraid the City won't get enough money to make improvements for 5 years or more and in the meantime roads will have been allowed to get worse. She noted that even with the proposed improvements on Dorset Street, it will still be at level D. Mr. Murray said he had not been aware of that. Mr. Murray suggested having the goal be level C. A project that reduced an intersection to E or impacts on an E intersection would not be allowed. An intersection at D would be allowed and a contribution be required to future improvement. Mr. Flaherty said his ultimate question is whether you spend $15,000,000 to get somewhere in 30 seconds instead of 60 seconds. It was noted there are reasons that an intersection cannot be brought to level C. These include prohibitive cost, the impossibility of engineering changes, and other social reasons. After agreeing that Mrs. Lafleur would rewrite some of the language, Mr. Murray moved to continue the hearing until the first meeting in October. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Review City Manager's report on status of 87-88 goals Mr. Mona said he got a letter from a citizen who wants to put a limit on spending. Mr. Farrar noted the City Charter has already looked at this issue. Mr. Farrar agreed to answer the citizen's letter. Mrs. Lambert said the problem with the present system is that unions know in advance the amount of money that will be available in the budget and they don't have to confront the voters. Mr. Mona said the Council should always stress that there can't be an increase in taxes unless there is growth in the city. Adopt proclamation designating September 17-23 as Constitution Week Mr. Flaherty moved that the City adopt the proclamation designating September 17-23 as Constitution Week. Mr. Murray seconded. Motion passed. Appoint voting delegate to the October 8, 1987 League of Cities and Towns Annual Meeting Mr. Flaherty moved that Peggy Picard be appointed voting delegate to the October 8, 1987 Annual Meeting of the League of Cities and Towns. Mrs. Lambert seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Other members indicated they would attend the meeting. Update on Dorset St. Act 250 hearing Mr. Farrar advised the hearing is closed. Findings of fact are due on the 24th and responses due by the first of October. The decision is due by November 15th. He felt the hearings went very well. The power company said it was an unfair burden if they had to pay for putting lines underground. There was no discussion of traffic. Drainage was OK. There is still some discussion on access questions. Review Planning and Zoning Agendas No issues were raised. Review Minutes of August 17, 24, and September 1 Mr. Mona noted in the Minutes of 1 September, on page 2, paragraph 1, the word "votes" should be "voters." Mr. Flaherty moved the Minutes of 8/17, 24, and September 1 be approved as amended. Mrs. Lambert seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Sign Disbursement Orders Disbursement orders were signed. Liquor Control Board Mr. Flaherty moved the Council adjourn and reconvene as Liquor Control Board. Mrs. Lambert seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Szymanski presented 3 catering permits, 2 for weddings at K of C Hall catered by Wetherbees, one on September 25th from 8 p.m., to 1 am, the other on September 26th from 11:30 am to 7 p.m., The other request was for a Clambake catered by Sneakers at the O'Brien Farm on 24 September from 6-9 p.m., In addition, an entertainment permit was requested for an arm wrestling program at Vinny's on 6 October from 7 p.m., to Midnight. Mrs. Lambert moved the Board approve the catering and entertainment permits as presented. Mr. Murray seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Flaherty moved that the Board adjourn and reconvene as City Council in Executive Session for a review of legal services and resume regular session only to adjourn. Mrs. Lambert seconded. Motion passed unanimously. The City Council came out of Executive Session at 10:15 P.M., and adjourned immediately. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.