HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 11/02/1987CITY COUNCIL 2 NOVEMBER 1987 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 2 November 1987, at 7:30 pm, in the Library, Orchard School. Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; Francis X. Murray, Molly Lambert Also Present William Szymanski, City Manager; Wendy Schroeder, Business Manager; John Race, Police Chief; Albert Audette, Street Dept, Sid Poger, The Other Paper; Sylvia Smith, Jennifer Ely, Ann Browne, Paul Kissel Comments & Questions from the Audience (not related to items on the Agenda) No issues were raised. Review City Manager's report on Status of 1987-88 Goals With regard to park land acquisition, Mr. Szymanski noted that the City Attorney is drafting a Charter amendment. With regard to the Regional Planning Commission consultant, Mr. Szymanski noted that interviews are being conducted for a consultant on the economic impact of the proposed Williston Mall. Report on Winooski Valley Park District activities Sylvia Smith introduced Jennifer Ely who reported that this has been a year of considerable growth. Three new parcels of land have been added totaling about 155 acres. This includes doubling the size of the Ethan Allen Homestead. In addition, 2 new towns, Williston and Jericho, have joined the District. A conservation field day was held for school children from all 7 towns who worked with UVM Extension people and people from soil Conservation Service and Fish & Wildlife. A rivers forum was also held to discuss the future of the Winooski River. Ms. Ely noted that Green Mountain Power has agreed to release stream power from 2 areas as a result of this conference. The bike path running parallel to the Circumferential Highway has been put back into the plans. It will run about 13.5 miles. The Ethan Allen House and property have been recognized on the National Historic Register. Public amenities are being put in so the house can be opened to the public next year. A number of parkland protection issues are coming up, including potential encroachment on park land. Vandalism at Muddy Brook has also been a problem. A grant proposal has been submitted to Land & Water Conservation Fund for a wetlands walk. Ms. Ely expressed appreciation to the City for its continued support. Appoint an Alternate City Airport Commission representative to serve during the absence of the regular representative Mr. Murray nominated Mike Flaherty to serve as alternate to fill the vacancy on the Airport Commission until Mr. D'Acuti returns. Ms. Lambert seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Flaherty will check on the voting status of the alternate representative. Review city Manager's Police Dept. 5 year Capital Budget within Charter Limitations Mr. Szymanski said he took what Chief Race had presented and tried to put it within Charter limits. He assumed an 8% increase in the Police budget per year. His efforts resulted in the addition of 3 officers and a dispatcher added over a 5 year period. In discussing the crime increase, Chief Race said he felt it was generated by growth in the area and that the increase in felony crimes was most disturbing. Robbery is a particular problem, particularly with so many commercial buildings going up. Chief Race said if this increase continues every year, the current manpower cannot provide the protection needed. He said he still feels 6 more people are needed. The Chief noted that the Department received many compliments from parents on the work done by the Police on Halloween. Review Planning and Zoning Agendas No issues were raised. Minutes of 19 October 1987 Ms. Lambert moved the Minutes of 19 October be approved as written. Mr. Murray seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Sign Disbursement Orders Disbursement orders were signed. Old and New Business a. Mr. Farrar read into the record the notice of the Public Hearing on the necessity of Dorset Street improvements (attached) to be held on Monday, 14 December 1987, at 7:30 pm, in the City Hall Conference Room. Mr. Murray moved that the Council approve and sign the Notice of Public Hearing as read by the Chairman. Ms. Lambert seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Farrar said that assuming Act 250 permits are gotten and necessity hearings proceed without complications, there is a good possibility work will begin next year. The only other problem may be with utilities. b) Mr. Farrar read a communication and resolution from the Town of Colchester (attached) (relative to plans for regionalizing certain functions within the State. Colchester is asking that South Burlington join in their Resolution that the Regional Planning Commission not take a position one way or the other on the state proposals. Mr. Murray suggested inviting someone to speak to the Council to set out the issues involved. c) Mr. Farrar noted there will be a meeting on 23 November at the Town of Shelburne to discuss the Route 7 question. Executive Session Mr. Murray moved the Council adjourn and reconvene in Executive Session to discuss progress in negotiations to purchase Dorset St. park land and to resume regular session only for the purpose of adjourning. Ms. Lambert seconded. Motion passed unanimously. The City Council came out of Executive Session and adjourned immediately. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. PUBLIC NOTICE CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON The City Council of the City of South Burlington hereby gives notice that a public hearing will be held on December 14, 1987 at 7:30 p.m. at the South Burlington City Hall, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont to determine whether the public good, necessity and convenience of the inhabitants of the City of South Burlington require the condem- nation of ceryin parcels of land located along Dorset Street as depicted on Sheets bO through 55 of a plan entitled, "Proposed Improvements - City of South Burlington - County of Chitrenden - Dorset Street - T.H. No. 5 CL. 2 (FAu) Kennedy Drive to Williston Road, Right of Way Plans", Project No. M-EGC5200(8), dated July 8, 1987 for purposes of increasing the width of Dorset Street. THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS OF THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS, INCLUDING A SURVEY OF THE AFFECTED PROPERTIES ARE ON FILE FOR INSPECTION IN THE ". OFFICE OF THE cIm MANAGER, CITY HALL, 575 DORSET STREET, SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT, AND MAY BE REVIEWeD DURING NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS. Dated this 2nd day of November, 1987. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, I TOWN OF COLCHESTER 'a P. O. Box 55 Colchester, Vermont 05446 I October 21, 1987 Enclosed is a letter and resolution forwarded to Colchester's regional representative. A copy is. also being forwarded directly to your representative and local administrator. I Also enclosed is a copy of a joint resolution of the Colchester Selectbard and Planning Commission calling for the Governor's 'hsk Force to hold local authority over community development as important as the right of our citizens to vote. Dear Mayor/Chairperson: Colchester understands and respects the need to address area wide comity development impacts. However it appears there is an element that believes this can best be accopplished by taking away the powers of local towns and cities and place this power in the hands of a non-representative administrative organization. This represents the greatest challenge to local representative govern- ment in Vermont's history. Therefore, the Town requests your support of the enclosed resolu- tions. Additionally Colchester's Selectmen are interested in sponsoring a legislative forum in early November between town officials and area state legislators. The agenda for such a forum would center upon a platform to insure local representative govern- ment in Vermont will continue to grow and be respected by all. Colchester Town bnager, David Timns, is preparing for such an endeavor and please contact his office if you have an interest and/or would like to help. Very truly yours, u George P. Stokes, Chairmn Calchester Board of Selectmen Enclosures I~own Manager Parks Et Recreation Zoning/Planning Town Clerk Assessor Public ~orksJ 655-081 1 bS5-0812 655-0813 655-0170 665-0487 6551712 r------ TOWN OF COLCHESTER p. 0. BOX 55 la I Colchester, Vermont 05116 I October 21, 1987 Mr. Rocco Crazianb Calvin Hill Road Colchester, Vt. 0511116 Dear Rocco : Enclosed is a resolution the Board of Selectillen ask you to present before the CCRPC. I have been in touch with other Town and City Managers regarding this and all have stated their support. They will also request their regional representatives ta support your motion to place this resolution before the commission. I believe the resolution is clear and respects the rights and privileges of those most impacted by the Governor's Task Force effort. After all the CCRPC does not express individual citizen needs through direct representative government or should it seek and encourage the transfer of local/state powers for this purpose. r 'Ihe Town Donrd, Planning Cornmission and admini.sLration firmly be- lieves Colchester is a leader in the area or comnity development endeavors and demonstrates the capability of local planning represent- ing a responsible regional conscience. Very truly yours, George P. Stokes, Chairman Colchester Board of Selectmen DT/ 3 P Enclosure -. .? .' .:, , - .* .. '.' - Parks Et Recreation ZoningIPlanning Town Ckrk Assessor 655-0812 655-0813 655-01 70 655-0187 655-1712 RESOLUTION In response to the Governor's recent call to address the growing con- cerns with cormunity growth and its' impact, this CCRPC finds itself in a compromising situation by representing conflicting views with those of its member towns and cities. First, the Governor has stated it is necessary to hear from the average citizen of this state and their views on the importance of maintaining the quality of life so unique to Vermont. Secondly, many have, for right or wrong, prejudice these proceedings by expressing a desire for a stronger "regionalll role in local decision making and @icy setting. 'Ihirdly, this CCRPC is a collective representation of local and special interest groups who enjoy the special privileges of authority with the benefit of no direct accountability to the public. A system contrary to the historical basis of Vermont government. Therefore, the CCRPC resolves to support the endeavors of the Governor's Task Force on Growth and the Future of Vermont and encourages the partici- pation of the average citizen to the fullest extent possible. 'he CCRPC furtkrresolves it will respect the representation of the in- dividual member cities and towns before the Commission regarding suggested State and Local policy changes as representative of the CCRPC and avoid any I illusion of suspected conflicts of interest by allowing the representative I process to seek and find new directions with legislative endeavors. And we further resolve CCRPC staff is hereby instructed not to make any official or implied representations before the Governor's Task Force and is instructed to submit this resolution under the CCRPC Chairman's signa- ture to the Task Force. Additionally be it further resolved, the staff is hereby instructed not to participate in the design, crafting or lobbying of legislation designed to promote in any manner the reduction of local community development powers, environmental land use authority and/or the assignment of local Legislative powers to the CCRPC. RESOLUTION We, the undersigned, being the Salecthosrd and Planning Commi.srsi.on for the Town of Co.l.chester. do herohy 3t.at.e our concern and misgivings aver the t.hreateni.ng propr~.-.al t.r> have rr:gi~:~nal p:lannirtg with "teeth" ns recently pri~pcraetl by ollr Governor and v.ari@us iegisl.uti.ve 1.cader.s. 'I'he rate and qlrali.ty of growth concern a1 Vermonters. Vermont ix famous not only for its quality environment hut al.sc> ik.5 ijnique t~wn form of g0ve.t-nment and dedicat.ion to st.ri.~t. irccc~~zntal:,ili.t.y 1-.o t,he pnt11i.c. 'l'owns thror~ghout Vermont are work in^ hard to dave.lc~p arrd implement, town plans which promote an orderly quality gruwt.h. Allc?~t?d n6ndascr.ipt unwanted growth. 51lch as cert3i.n types of developments, strip cammercial zoncs, traffic jams, etc. should ant1 can he dafined and identified ss t.o cause nrld r..j:fccl.. The appropriste answer for <-,he State, than, is t,a examine exist.ing 1.rgi.r;l.ative $ii:~de'l.ines wtiich ij.mit. correct, or control and even prohibit desired ends to be .whi<eved hy local p1anni.n~ efforts. Vr:r.n~orit,'n ;:5f; towns are .Lor;j.r~g tl.i~i.1- ii1enl;il'y. 1,ocaL cont,rr@l .rlvar r.ctinrs.fr, j ..; ~rrirr,~. Iocal sol i.rl w3st.r: nuthori.l:y ir; going, ZITI~ with rc:~ii>nal. pli~nnit-IE al.1l:horit.y wc faar t;l.~ilt r I , f i re ant1 highway depnrt.ment.s or county .. The town througl-I local represent.a%j.ve se1.f .qoverny@&; . ., "\. - .-. :*x.y>>;,: .- : ._ ., . .... . .. . ud in our t,own meetings, is a critical part of what .... ~. ?-. . . . is "Vermont," . 'She Govc:rnor' s .;~y,rr:~:~~(l~tI ~r>r~i-<~acl>~l-.~~ wotil d only f l.i~-t,he~- remove citi:<c-ns from lnrrrly 1nr:ani ngf 111 .i.npt!Is j. n.l;n the gc~ve~rnrner~ti~l proce.?..:. We tllc undersigned oxpress our. curlcrrn t.lrrlt ,.e.qior~:tl plnnr~ir~rz ai~thority may dcst.rcry t.he true zpjrit. of Vermont. far Inore Llian wha-t it coultl po:isi.l.>ly save envi.ronmr*nt~l. I ,v. .- -.--- ..-... ......-..... - ... ................ TO BE SIGNED AT METING OF OCTOl3Efl 21 1987 ............ - ............................ 1 - ........ ~wde.+d&-:. ........ ..