HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 05/18/1987CITY COUNCIL 18 MAY 1987 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 18 May 1987, at 7:30 pm, in the conference room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; Michael Flaherty, Francis X. Murray, Molly Lambert, George Mona Also Present William Szymanski, City Manager; Ruth Poger, The Other Paper; Wendy Schroeder, Business Manager; Albert Audette, Street Department; Billy Griggs, Al Reed, Dr. Barney, Sandy Davis, George Holcomb, Maura Weatherlee, Polly Reed, Mary Cady, Kay Thompson, Tom Piche (other attendees not recorded as attendance list was never returned) Comments & Questions from the Public (not related to items on the Agenda) Mr. Reed raised the question of providing another alternative to parking around the Airport. He felt the current arrangements infringed upon the residential neighborhood and also were not good for Airport security. Mr. Farrar explained that Airport parking is controlled by the Airport Commission, and that South Burlington has only one member on that 5 member board. Discuss Hadley Rd. sidewalks -- requested by residents Mr. Farrar advised that a number of residents had telephoned requesting that this issue be aired again. Mr. Mona felt the previous discussion was very comprehensive and asked that this discussion be limited to new information, not a rehash of what was stated last time. Mr. Murray said that as most of those in attendance tonight had not been here previously, it would be hard for them to limit their comments to new information. Mr. Holcomb felt that the Hadley Rd. area gets the "back end" of everything and that nothing had been done for 4 years to improve their street. He said the corner of Meadow and Hadley was worse than anything. Mr. Griggs said he has lived on Hadley Rd. for 24 years, and there has never been an accident there. He didn't want a sidewalk. He noted that when the street was widened, trees were taken, and the sidewalk will take even more trees. He felt that if Hadley Rd. is made to look like a "speedway," it will become a speedway. He felt traffic has not been so bad since the Phone Company closed. He added that it is more difficult to walk on Meadow Rd. than on Hadley Rd. Mr. Reed asked if the sidewalk were turned down now, and in a year it was determined that it was needed, wouldn't the residents have to pay for frontage. Mr. Farrar said this could be done, but to his knowledge it never has. Mrs. Brooks said there is very little pedestrian traffic since the Phone Company is gone. She also stressed that a petition showed residents to be 2-1 against the sidewalk. Dr. Barney, who has lived on the street since 1950, said the issue should be based on need or non-need. He said he walks up the road every day, and has practiced medicine on the street since 1955. He stressed that he doesn't see many people walking there. Children are picked up by bus. He felt there was a greater need for a sidewalk on Shelburne Rd. between Hadley Rd. and the Grand Union and that a stoplight was needed much more than a sidewalk. He also stressed that more people are opposed to the sidewalk than favor it. Mr. Audette commented that the Shelburne Rd. sidewalk would be the jurisdiction of the City of Burlington, not South Burlington. He also noted that trees taken out for construction would be replaced and that everything they touch in building the sidewalk is in the city right- of-way. Mary Cady spoke against the sidewalk and said that as a real estate broker she felt it would devalue the property because people like this area because it is a "country lane." She added that new trees take many years to grow. She said that they have taught their children to be careful. She would prefer to see the drainage problem worked on with the money. Sandi Davis felt there is a lot of pedestrian traffic and that the street is very dangerous. The problem is bigger now because of the Olympiad. Maura Weatherlee said she also fears for her children. She felt the road widening was in part responsible for the traffic problem and didn't feel that should have been done. Mrs. Reed, a recent resident of the street, agreed and felt the traffic problem would only get worse with increased development in the area. Mrs. Lambert noted that she sat in her car on Hadley Road from 4:45 to 5:15 p.m., and noticed a pedestrian, a child playing, a jogger, and a cyclist during that time. All of them had to go around parked cars and out into the middle of traffic in order to walk on the street. Mr. Griggs said when the street was narrower, people got along very nicely. Two of his trees have been taken, and there is no space between his house and the sidewalk to put in more trees. Dr. Barney said the street is becoming more commercialized and the aesthetics are awful, especially the double telephone poles. Mr. Audette said the Phone Company has promised since November to remove them. Mrs. Thompson said she has seen people on Farrell Rd. walk in the road even though there is a sidewalk on the other side. She felt it was more important to straighten out Meadow Rd. and put a sidewalk there. She said she would not have bought her house if she had known there was to be a sidewalk put in. Mr. Farrar said that in order for the Council to reconsider its previous decision, there would have to be a motion made. If no motion is made, construction would go ahead. He stressed that it was important for all the neighbors to leave as friends as there is no decision that will please everyone. Mrs. Lambert added that it is very difficult to be in a position to say to a majority of neighbors that the Council is going to do what they don't want. She said her decision was based on the safety factor and she felt very badly about the whole situation. Mr. Murray stressed that the whole issue turns on public safety and felt the Council has the responsibility not to change its mind without cause to do so. The question of truck traffic on Hadley Rd. was then raised. Neighbors noted the sign on one end has been down since last summer and they were told it was "out of stock." Mr. Szymanski will check on this. Consider University Mall offer to make temporary improvements to Dorset Street Mr. Murray moved that this item be delayed until the next meeting. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Piche raised the question of whether anything will be done about a sidewalk on Airport Parkway. He said there is no objection from neighbors and no trees would be lost. He felt if Hadley Rd. didn't want a sidewalk, Airport Parkway would gladly take it. Mrs. Lambert explained that the Hadley Rd. sidewalk was part of a bond issue and had to be used for that street. She asked if residents had looked into having school children bussed. Mr. Piche said they were told this could be done in the fall. Mr. Murray reminded Mr. Piche to attend budget meetings next year to stress the need for the sidewalk when money is appropriated. Mr. Audette said that in December of 1981, Dave Spitz gave the Council a recommendation on sidewalks. Nothing has been done with this. Mr. Audette added that he, too, has made recommendations every year, and nothing has been done. Discuss Status of South Burlington Southern Connector Mr. Farrar said this is another problem with an emotional content. He felt it was important for the Council to understand the different points of view and to give input to the State before they start spending planning money. There are funds in the 5-year budget to do preliminary engineering on this road. He felt the Council should get community input on this, including input from those opposed to the road. Mr. Reed said he felt it was time for Spear St. and Dorset St. to become 4 lanes and that this would alleviate problems on Shelburne Rd. Mrs. Lambert moved that a Shelburne Road Alternative Committee: be formed and that their charge be to look into the South Burlington Southern Connector and other alternatives to Shelburne Rd. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Members agreed to make recommendations for the Committee at the next meeting. Set date for Organizational Meeting Members felt they could wait until the next scheduled meeting for re-organization. Mr. Murray Moved that the Re-Organizational Meeting be held on 1 June 1987 and that Paul Farrar have the power to call the City Council into session before that time, if necessary. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Minutes of 4 May 1987 Mrs. Lambert moved that the Minutes of 4 May 1987 be approved as written. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Review Planning Commission Agenda No issues were raised. Sign Disbursement Orders Disbusement Orders were signed. Old Business Mr. Murray reported that the new federal allocation of transportation funds has removed the requirement that money for 4-R and interstate improvements go directly through the MPO instead of being thrown in with regular state projects. He said the MPO has passed a motion that cities continue to get block grants and that funds not be thrown into the "bargaining process". Mr. Murray also noted that a Senate bill now contains a provision to return Dorset St. to the 1988 plan. Mr. Audette asked if future money will still go through the MPO. Mr. Murray said it was his understanding it would not have to if the new plan is followed, but this may still be up in the air. Liquor Control Board Mr. Murray moved that the Council adjourn and meet as Liquor Control Board. Mr. Mona seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Szymanski presented a second class liquor license request from Tinguini's on Shelburne Rd. There were no problems with the request. Mr. Mona moved that the Board approve the request for a second class liquor license for Tinguini's, as presented. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. A request for an entertainment permit from Cork and Board was present for a Jazz Festival on 11 June 1987 from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m., A similar event was held last year with no problems. Mr. Flaherty moved that Board approve the entertainment permit for Cork and Board as presented. Mr. Mona seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Executive Session Mr. Flaherty moved that the Liquor Control Board adjourn and reconvene as City Council in Executive Session to discuss labor relations agreements with employees and resume regular session only for the purpose of adjournment. Mrs. Lambert seconded. Motion passed unanimously. The City Council came out of Executive Session and adjourned immediately. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.