HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 05/04/1987CITY COUNCIL 4 MAY 1987 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 4 May 1987, at 7:30 p.m., an the Chamberlin School, White Street. Members Present Michael Flaherty, Acting Chairman; Francis X. Murray, Molly Lambert Also Present William Szymanski, City Manager; Ruth Poger, The Other Paper; John Race, Police Chief; Margaret Picard, City Clerk/Treasurer; Wendy Schroeder, Business Manager; Ann Churchill, Cheri Slayton, Laurie Parker, Bill Cimonetti, Jim Condos, Sue Hayes, Tom Piche, Laurie Piche, Joy villeneuve, Gaila Foisy, Tom Foisy, Richard Chasse, Dave Haggarty, Douglas Burbo, Alma Edwards, Arnold Edwards, Carol Lothrop, Richard Carter, Paul Grinnell, George Parker, Charles Hager, Gary Hall, Sandy Hall, Bernard Paquette, Walter Houghton, Laura Hollowell, Grace Martin, Paulie Lawrence Comments & Questions from the Public (not related to items on the Agenda) No issues were raised. Update on Progress of identifying the odor from drainage near Airport Mr. Flaherty explained that the City has signed a consulting contract with Wagner, Heindel & Noyes to identify the source of the problem and intends to do everything to solve the problem. Mr. Szymanski then outlined the progress to date: Wagner, Heindel & Noyes, who specialize in hydrology and have done similar work for the State, have already met with the State on this problem. Dave Jewitt is the person assigned to this job. They went out last Monday and could not detect any odors. This was the case again on Thursday. They have given their phone number to several residents and have asked them to call when the odor is detectable. They will then go out and try to find the source. On 4/23, Mr. Szymanski walked the area with the State inspector and detected a slight smell near the Beaver pond and near Airport Parkway. The inspector felt the odor was coming from leaves decaying. He felt the area should be cleaned and dredged and there should be a ditch lined with crushed stone. Mr. Szymanski said he feels the drainage should be piped. Chuck Schmur inspected the area on 4/9. He noticed a powerful sceptic smell. City took fecal bacteria counts which showed less than 1 and deduced this is not a sewage problem. Samples have been taken to see if the smell is from ground water or from something leeching into the water. No report has yet been received. Bill Barry of the State Hazardous Waste Dept. came to the same conclusions as Dick Styles that the area should be cleaned up. Glen Smith who took a sample a year ago felt there was nothing to be concerned about. Mr. Szymanski also called the State Lab about the incidences of cancer in the area and was referred to Dr. Spangler. Dr. Spangler will call Mrs. Brooks who raised the question. Mr. Szymanski said he also checked on the benzine content. The Federal Health Advisory standard states that in drinking water 5 parts per billion is the limit. 5,300 parts per billion is acceptable for aquatic life. Mr. Murray asked what has happened with the investigation as to whether the Airport is the source of the problem. Mr. D'Acuti said the Airport has hired Aquatek whose preliminary report was received late today. Mr. Houghton said that the area behind the Park and Travel was found to have very low benzine. They are also researching what airport tenants are using for soaps, de-icing fluids, etc., and are looking into every chemical used at the Airport. He stressed that if fuel is spilled, the tower knows, the fire/rescue people know, and it is thoroughly absorbed up. It has been months since there have been any spills. Mr. Murray asked the residents if the weather affects the smell. Mrs. Churchill said it was worst about the time of the thaw. Mrs. Hayes said it is always worse when de-icer is being used on planes. Mr. Houghton said they are getting a report from Union Carbide who makes the de-icer. It is supposed to be bio-degradable but they are checking to see if it might still be producing the smell. Mr. Brooks noted that the water in the drainage ditch used to freeze in the winter so he could skate on it; it doesn't freeze anymore. Mr. Carter said he had heard that the Airport uses 30,000 gallons of Glyco as deicer per year and has been doing this for 10 years. He felt that this was being washed off the runway into the drainage system. Carol Lothrop said she had talked to Michael Gates at the Health Dept. who said that the 2 chemicals found (benzine and metholyne chloride) are harmful to people. She said she has been trying to get hold of a toxicologist to confirm this. Mr. Flaherty said the City will pursue this line of questioning too. Mr. D'Acuti asked if the problem could originate at the landfill. Mr. Szymanski said the experts felt if the problem were from the landfill there would be much higher readings. Mrs. Brooks advised that the Health Dept. did call her and said that because of the number of different types of cancer involved they did not feel it was from one source. They will, however, check further. Discussion of the widening of Williston Rd. from Dorset St. to Hinesburg Rd. Mr. Flaherty noted that one suggestion was a center median such as what is being proposed for Dorset St. Craig Leiner cannot do a traffic study until the end of summer. When his report is in, the City will then hire a consultant to suggest a plan. Mr. Condos noted that the Dorset St. Committee felt there should be some pedestrian access from Holiday Inn to the Texaco Station. Since Texaco is planning to redo their corner, this might be the time to secure this access. Discuss City-wide sidewalk construction Mr. Szymanski said there has never been a city-wide policy. There have been goals and the city has tried to budget at least $25,000/year for curbs & sidewalks. This year, there is $28,000 in the budget for work on Patchen Rd. from Kirby Rd. to Richard Terrace and for curb work on Ethan Allen Dr. There has been a request for sidewalks on Williston Rd., south side, from Kennedy Dr. to Shunpike Rd. and also a request for Meadow Rd. where youngsters walk to Rice H.S. Tom Piche spoke about the Airport Parkway problem where the sidewalk stops at Kirby Rd., He said there are 11 children who walk between Kirby Rd. and Caron's Auto shop on Airport Parkway, a distance of about 700 ft. Cars on the road go well over the 35 mph speed limit, and it is a very dangerous situation. He felt there should be a caution light of some kind to slow traffic down and that there should definitely be a sidewalk. Mrs. Parker said she didn't feel $20,000/year was adequate for sidewalks, especially with all the development in the city. Mr. Murray said he agreed but noted that South Burlington hasn't usually been thought of as a walking community which it is now becoming. Mr. Piche said if they can't get a sidewalk immediately, could they get bus transportation for the children, as was done for the Patchen Road children. This will be looked into. Consider Ordinance prohibiting trucks on Spear Street Mrs. Parker noted that her daughter was almost hit while she was standing in the driveway by a car passing a truck. She said cars speed along there in an attempt to escape traffic on other roads. She felt banning truck traffic over 24,000 lbs. would help the situation. Chief Race said that Spear St. has been a priority for traffic control and over 200 citations have been issued recently. He agreed the road is too narrow for large truck traffic. Mr. Cimonetti said he felt the problem could be relieved by not allowing passing on the road, even where there are long sight lines. Mr. Szymanski will check with the City Attorney to see what can legally be done along the lines of what was discussed. Consider a resolution restricting parking on Twin Oaks Drive and Twin Oaks North Mr. Szymanski read the Resolution (attached) and noted there have been problems with parking on both sides of the street. This would restrict parking to just one side. Mr. Murray raised the question of whether this would need an Ordinance instead of a Resolution in order to prosecute offenders. Mr. Szymanski will check with the City Attorney on this. Adopt a Resolution for traffic control at new traffic signal installation at the intersection of Swift and Spear Streets This item will also await consultation with the City Attorney. Review budget expenditure summary report Mrs. Schroeder explained that the monthly expenditure report will now include the percentage of budget expended. Members felt this would be a significant improvement. Review Zoning Agenda Mr. Flaherty raised the question of the request by Champlain Oil for a convenience store with gas pump and suggested a letter be sent to the Zoning Board indicating the Council does not feel this use is appropriate to the area. This will be done. Minutes of 20 April 1987 Mrs. Lambert moved the Minutes of 20 April be approved as written. Mr. Murray seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Sign Disbursement Orders Disbursement orders were signed. Liquor Control Board Mrs. Lambert moved the Council adjourn and meet as Liquor Control Board. Mr. Murray seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Szymanski presented license renewals for China Lite, Wesson's, Vinny's, Rotisserie, Olympiad, and Papa Gino's. He noted that Chief Race had said he had no problems with renewing Vinny's liquor license. Mr. Murray moved that the Board approve the licenses as presented. Mrs. Lambert seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Szymanski presented a catering permit request from Halverson's Upstreet Cafe to cater a company party at Green Mountain Power on May 20th from 6 pm to Midnight. Mrs. Lambert moved that the Board approve the catering permit as presented by the City Manager. Mr. Murray seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Executive Session Mr. Murray moved that the Board adjourn and reconvene as City Council in Executive Session to discuss union negotiations and resume regular session only to adjourn. Mrs. Lambert seconded and the motion passed unanimously. The City Council came out of Executive Session and adjourned immediately. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. BE IT RESOLVED, by the South Burlington City Council, to approve the recommendation of the City Manager, that due to the increased congestion, that Twin Oaks Terrace be designated a "NO PARKING" area commencing at Kennedy Drive and extending southerly along the west side, a distance of 450 feet; thence commencing easterly along the south side, a distance of 440 feet; thence southerly along the east side a distance of 470 feet; thence easterly along the north side to the intersection of Timber Lane; also that Twin Oaks North be designated "NO PARKING" along the east side and around the cul-da-sac for the entire length, and BE IT FURTBER,RESOLVED, that the appropriate signs be installed by the direction of the City Manager. This Resoluticn to take effect upon passage. Approved : Paul A. Farrar, Chairman Michael 5. Flaherty Geor~e J. Mona Francis X. Murray Molly Lambert SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL BE IT RESOLVZD, this 4th day of May, 1987 by the City Council of the City of South Burlington that the CityManager is directed and authorized to install and maintain traffic lights at the following locations. within the City, all pursuant to Section 43, Sub "Au of the Motor Vehicle and Traffic Regulation Ordinance of the Town of South Burlington Revision of April 28, 1958: (1) Kennedy Drive and Williston Road (2) Dorset Street and Kennedy Drive (3) University Mall Entrance and Dorset Street (4) Dorset SquarevMall Entrance and Dorset Street (5) Swift Street and Spear Street .. Dated at South Burlington this 4th day of May, 1987. Michael D. Flaherty, Vice-Chairman Francis X. Murray Molly Lambert South Burlington City Council