HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 03/09/1987CITY COUNCIL 9 MARCH 1987 The South Burlington City Council held a special meeting on Monday, 9 March 1987, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; Molly Lambert, Francis X. Murray, George Mona, Michael Flaherty Also Present William Szymanski, City Manager; Wendy Schroeder, Business Manager; James Goddette, Fire Department; John Race, Lee Graham, Police Department; Albert Audette, Street Dept; Bruce O'Neill, Recreation Dept., Mr. & Mrs. Sweterlitch, Ruth Poger, The Other Paper; Mike Donoghue, Burlington Free Press Barbara Bull, Yvette Romanoski Comments & questions from the public (not related to items on the Agenda) No issues were raised. Accept Petition from Patchen Rd. residents regarding sidewalks Mrs. Sweterlitch read the petition asking for a sidewalk along Patchen Rd. above Richard Terrace. They cited a serious hazard, especially to children from vehicles including semi-trailer trucks, the Ireland and Harrington Bros. trucks. The petition noted that the speed limit is rarely observed. The widening of Williston Rd. will divert even more traffic to Patchen Rd. as drivers look for better routes. Mrs. Sweterlitch also read a letter from the Chamberlin and Central Schools nurse citing similar concerns. Residents were especially concerned as they had heard that proposed work has been put off until 1990. Mr. Sweterlitch said that when Chamberlin School was built it was put to the voters as a "walking distance school" as sidewalks were planned. That was 20 years ago. He also noted that the Valley Ridge development has added even more walkers to the road and that the School Dept. was so concerned about the danger that they now bus elementary children to Chamberlin School, an item not in the original budget. Mrs. Lambert said she concurs wholeheartedly with the request as she is a resident of the area and has the same safety concerns. Mr. Audette said it would cost a minimum of $50,000 to take the sidewalk to the Burlington border and about $35,000-$40,000 to do the Richard Terrace to Kirby Rd. piece. The only sidewalk budgeted this year is on Barrett St. which also has lots of children walking. Mr. Murray noted that Barrett St. is not a "throughway" type of road. Mr. Audette said that the Patchen Rd. project had been guaranteed to be done next year but is, in fact, now scheduled for 1990. Under the 4R program the federal government would pay 75% and the city 25%. Mr. Szymanski noted that during the Valley Ridge hearings at the Planning Commission he had requested the sidewalk in front of the development, but the Planning Commission did not require it. The concensus of the Council was that Patchen Rd. should be done before Barrett St. Mr. Murray also suggested that a list of similar dangerous places without sidewalks be compiled. Mr. Flaherty asked if the city could limit the size of trucks using local streets. Mr. Audette said it couldn't be done because of the landfill and because the state allows heavier trucks on its roads than the federal government allows on interstates. In another request, Barbara Bull noted the walkway between Spear St. and East Terrace gets washed out and becomes dangerous for bikes and walkers. Mr. Audette said it would cost $2500 to pave the whole piece and about $500-600 to pave the sloped part. Members felt Patchen Rd. must be addressed before this. Sign Warnings for Charter Change Public Hearings The two public hearings have been set for 13 and 20 April at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Farrar read the proposed wording for the Charter change to Chapter 3, Section 310(6) (attached). The change was unanimously recommended by the City Charter Committee. Mr. Mona moved that the Council sign the warnings as presented. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Continue Review of City 1987-88 Budget Mr. Szymanski noted he had plugged in the items added by the Council and had reduced the ambulance appropriation by $2,000 to reflect the fact that the City no longer has to pay Burlington for their back-up responses. The tax rate increase will be 2.64%. Mr. Farrar suggested 2 changes to the capital additions: to move the I-189 ramp to 1989-90 and to multiply all figures by 2-1/2% to keep them in constant dollars. Mr. Szymanski suggested adding one more year to the projections. The 9.31% increase in the budget is governed by Charter limitations which would allow only a 10% increase. The maximum to be raised by taxes is $3,013,830. Mr. Audette said he would like to put $5,000 of the added $21,000 for special construction into park maintenance. The Council agreed to this. The Council then discussed the question of a computer for the Police Dept. Lee Graham said the $18,459 they are requesting could be pared down. Mr. Farrar suggested the Police Dept. consider a system that can handle image and also a system that will be compatible with the rest of the city, other municipalities, and the State. He further suggested putting together the system they would want 5 years from now and indicating what pieces they would want first. He suggested as an interim measure until funds are available moving an AT into the Police Dept. and buying a PC. Ms. Schroeder said it would not be worth the headache. Mr. Farrar stressed that there is no money in the budget for any computer expenditure this year. Mr. Murray moved that the Council approve the expense budget as presented. Mrs. Lambert seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Members agreed to direct the City Manager that as the year goes on to direct any funds that become available to the Police computer and sidewalks. Mr. Murray then moved that the Council approve the projections for capital expenses for the operating budget. Mr. Flaherty seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Members then considered the capital budget. It was noted that John Belter will be putting in sewer lines in conjunction with his new industrial development. This will mean less for the City to do when it tackles the Country Club Estates sewer question. The projected expenditure for land acquisition for the highway and parks was moved back a year as no funds will have to be paid next year. The new fire station figure was changed to $175,000. A bond issue on this will be put to the voters this year. Mr. Flaherty moved the Council approve changes made to the Capital Budget. Mrs. Lambert seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Review Planning & Zoning Agendas No issues were raised. Review Minutes of 12, Feb. 1987 Mr. Murray moved the Minutes of Feb. 12, approved as written. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Disbursement Orders Disbursement orders were signed. Sign Resolution and Note for Highway Equipment The note is for $24,000 for one year at 4.7% and is for a truck. Last year's rate was 5.15%. Mr. Murray moved the Council sign the Resolution and Note as presented by the City Manager. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Accept resignation from Zoning Board Mr. Farrar read a letter of resignation from Zoning Board member Glenn Jarrett who is moving from the City. Mrs. Lambert moved the Council accept Mr. Jarrett's resignation with regret and send the appropriate letter of thanks. Mr. Flaherty seconded and the motion passed unanimously. City Hall Maintenance Mrs. Lambert referred to a letter from City Hall employees and asked what the status of the situation was. Mrs. Schroeder suggested the possibility of hiring someone at $5/hour who could work during the day and be seen by employees. In that way, there could be control over what was cleaned and maintained. As it is now, work is done at night and on weekends when there is no supervision. Other Business Mrs. Lambert noted a seminar on management skills for local governments being held at Econolodge on 19 March and recommended attendance. Mr. Murray discussed problems with highway funding and subsequent cutbacks and delays in construction projects. The federal government will be cutting back 20% on money available to projects in the 5 year plan. This means there will be $45,000,000 instead of $60,000,000. At an MPO meeting today, it was also noted that there was a failure by the State to include inflationary costs in their projections, so they are overcommitted and are thus eliminating 82 projects. One of those affected is the northbound ramp at Kennedy Dr/Dorset St. The Dorset St. project has been moved from 1988 to 1990. Williston Rd. from Hinesburg Rd. to Kennedy Drive has also been moved back. Shelburne Rd. improvements are no longer in the 5-year plan. Mr. Murray said he felt there was an anti-Chittenden County atmosphere in Montpelier and suggested each local body resolve to have a joint meeting of elected town officials and state legislators to secure an increase in the gas tax and also to insure that what Chittenden County sends to Montpelier for gas taxes come back to the County. Mr. Audette said one other problem the State doesn't want to acknowledge is that they did not hire the 9 people they were supposed to hire with funds that are available. Mr. Murray moved that the Council adopt the following Resolution: That the South Burlington City Council attend a joint meeting of the MPO and Chittenden County legislators for the purpose of raising sufficient revenues to prevent the elimination and delay of road construction projects important to the City of South Burlington and further for the purpose of adopting legislation to guarantee state gasoline tax revenues collected in Chittenden County are redistributed back to Chittenden County. Mrs. Lambert seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. As there was no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 10:25 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. (; 1' OF I HIIItI.1 N(;'I'ON NOTI (:E OF I'IIII1.I C IIEAH I NG AI'HII. J 3, lY8l - 1:30 P.M. -- SOUTII HUKI, L N<:'l'ON CTTY IlAI.1. 575 DOKSI!T STREET SUUTIi HUHI.INCTON, VT The Council of the City of South Burlington hereby gives notice that -t A~flr/ doz a public hearing will be held on MONDAY , April 13, 1987 at 7:30 P.M. at South Burlington City Hall, 575 Dorset Street, to consider the following proposed amendment to the City of South Hurlington Charter. PROPOSED MENDHENT TO TEE CIIARnR OF TIE CITY OF SOUTR BURLINGTON POUERS AND DUTIES OF CITY COUNCIL - Chapter 3, Section 310 of the Charter of the City of South Burlington shall be amended to read in its entirety as follows: (a) The members of the council shall be and constitute the legislative body of the City OF South Burlington for all purposes required by statutes and except as otherwise herein specifically provided, shall have all powers and authority given to, and perform all duties required of city legislative bodies under the laws of the State of Vermont. (b) Within the limitations of the foregoing, the council shall have the power to: (1) Appoint and remove the city manager and supervise, create, change, and abolish offices, commissions or departments established by this charter. (2) Assign additional duties to offices, commissions or departments established by this charter, but may not discontinue or assign to any other office, commission or department duties assigned to a particular office, commission or department estab- lished by this charter. (3) Make, amend, and repeal oadinanccs (4) Provide for an independent audit by a registered or certified public accountant who shall perform an annual audit of all ciLy dcpartmen~s including the water dcpartmcnt. Said auditor shall also perform an annual audit of the South Burlington School district accounts. Tho elective office or auditor shall bo abolished and the appointed auditor shall bc responsible Ir>l .illti I, ,111 ,ti,: l,,)ve,s and drttics as are ~prrsc~.il~<:d tot^ Lou11 :181(11:,11-:; !krt,l,,: [I,,, I3wS nf tlris state. (5) Aci<,pt ;~n 01 1 icinl seal for the city. (6) UirecL thc city treasurer to create and maintain2 - special rcscrvc fund Tor the City ~ire~e~artment to be used exclusively for the purchase or rebuilding of necessary vehicles and attending equipment. The council shall have the authority to purchase or rebuild such necessary vehicles and attending ., equipment by utilizing the proceeds of the special reserve fund, and may partially Eund any expenditore by incurrins indeboedncss - -- in an amount not to exceed four times the amount of proceeds paid from the special reserve fund for the purchase or rebuildi Any indebtedness shall be paid within four years of the date it is orig'inally incurred in as equal annual installments as possible. The funds appropriated to this special reserve fund and the funds used to pay any indebtedness incurred shall be included in the allouable net cost of operations as specified in 1309.1. (c) The council shall adopt the budget of city, as provided herein. NOTE: Proposed additional language in bold print and underlined. Dated at South Burlington, Vermont, this91 day of MARCH , 1987. SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNC RECEIVED AND RECORDED this day of -!+- 1987 +& Margaret P rd, Cicy ~1;z-k