HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 06/29/1987CITY COUNCIL 29 JUNE 1987 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 29 June 1987, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; Molly Lambert, George Mona, Francis Murray Also Present William Szymanski, City Manager; Wendy Schroeder, Business Manager; Margaret Picard, City Clerk/Treasurer; Albert Audette, Street Dept; John Race, Police Chief; Ruth Poger, The Other Paper; Bruce O'Neill, Recreation Dept; George Crooks, Steve Crowley, Eugene Ward, Comments & Questions from the Audience (not related to items on the Agenda) No issues were raised. Public Hearing: Ordinance Prohibiting Large Trucks on Spear Street Mr. Farrar read the Ordinance (attached). Mr. Mona moved that the Ordinance be Passed. Ms. Lambert seconded. Motion passed 3-1, Mr. Murray opposing. Ms. Lambert moved that the Council sign the Ordinance. Mr. Mona seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Interview applicant to Planning Commission The Council interviewed Eugene Ward. Mr. Ward said he had no special issues or problems with the Commission. He could have a few significant conflicts as he represents some developers. He felt that his familiarity with environmental laws would be an asset to the Commission. Mr. Murray asked if Mr. Ward had a feel for problems in the southeast quadrant. Mr. Ward said he would have to become educated on the issues. He added that he would not represent his clients before the Commission if he is appointed. Discuss & consider for first reading an amendment to the City Park Ordinance prohibiting animals from Red Rocks Park Ms. Lambert moved that the amendment to the City Park Ordinance be passed. Mr. Mona seconded. Mr. Farrar read the amendment (attached). Mr. O'Neill said this year there have been many dogs on the beach when children are present. Life guards have spoken to dog owners who have challenged the right to bar the dogs from the beach. Mr. Crowley asked what defines the beach area. Mr. O'Neill said the City Attorney said it was the whole area below the picnic area. Lifeguards will enforce the ban. In the vote which followed, the motion passed unanimously. Consider appointment of an additional Second Constable Mr. Murray moved to approve the appointment of an additional Second Constable and that Donald Duell be appointed to the position. Ms. Lambert seconded. Mr. Murray asked whether the City has insurance to cover second constables especially in instances where they are authorized to serve process. He suggested waiting until this question is answered. Mr. Murray moved that the motion be tabled until the Council can find out about the insurance issue. Ms. Lambert seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Consider appointment of a Shelburne Rd. Study Committee Mr. Farrar proposed the following persons: Bill Szymanski, Jane Lafleur, a rep. from Regional Planning, a rep. from the State Agency of Transportation, 2 City Council members (he suggested Ms. Lambert and himself), a rep. from Burlington and one from Shelburne, Mary-Barbara Maher of the Planning Commission, John Dinklage of the Zoning Board, Frank Mazur from Bartlett Bay, Judy Newman of Queen City Park, 2 persons from those interviewed for the Zoning & Planning openings, and 3 people from the original committee, at least one of whom would be a business person. He hoped the committee could start work by August. Review Goals and Procedures for the Coming Year Members discussed and debated the necessity of active dialogue between the City Council and City Manager and methods of accomplishing this. They also stressed the need to set up a system for interacting with employees. Mr. Farrar felt the goals should be established first, then the procedures; other members felt the opposite was true and that they wanted a formal reporting on each item from the City Manager. Referring to his memo of 25 June 1987, Mr. Murray moved that the council adopt the "Resolution (attached) of the City Council of the City of South Burlington regarding Adoption of Procedures for the Accomplishment of the City's Goals(attached) and Adoption of the City's Goals. Mr. Mona seconded. After considerable discussion, the motion was amended to read that the Council adopt the "Resolution of the City Council of the City of South Burlington regarding Procedures for Accomplishment of the City's Goals" through part 7 on page 2. Both the amended wording and the motion passed unanimously. Specific goals (attached) were then discussed as follows: 1. Budgeting Process: members wanted more detail for each department for the capital budget. They also wanted to plan for growth of the expense budget. It was agreed that the City Manager would come back to the Council with a schedule for when the Council will receive the department head reports and a schedule for discussion. 2. Planning: Regarding the city map, Mr. Farrar said there should be a discussion with the City Attorney and Chairman of the Planning Commission to see what is involved in the preparation of a city map and then decide if the effort should be expended to do it. Mr. Murray felt that often planning ideas get lost between the City Council and Planning Commission and felt the Council could be more aggressive and dynamic and not wait for the Planning Commission to report to the Council. 3. City Charter: It was felt that the City Manager should look into and report to the Council on a method to update property assessments annually. The major question is whether a portion of properties can be assessed each year and their values be applied to other properties. Mr. Farrar said another item that should be considered is use of the schools for other community purposes. This item now has to appear on the ballot each year for voter approval, a procedure which could be eliminated by a Charter change. Members also felt the City Manager should look into and report on the question of tax incremental districts. Mr. Farrar noted that it is now possible for citizens to petition for a Charter change by a petition with 5% of city voters. 4. City Parks: Members felt the City Manager should report on recommendations for use of existing city parks, a plan for the city to acquire and develop the new City Center Park, and the need for additional park land, identifying any City land that could meet this need. 5. Highways and Interchange Plan: Members debated whether an interchange would create pressure for changes in land use. They agreed they would need to know such things as costs, impact on traffic, and impact on the community (such as schools). Mr. Mona moved that item "b" on this subject in Mr. Murray's memo be approved. The motion was then amended to include the following language "...the exact location of said interchange can be either at Hinesburg Road or Kennedy Drive/Dorset Street." Ms. Lambert seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Other goals agreed upon included studies Williston and Shelburne Roads, procedures for handling neighborhood problems, updating on pending litigation, updating on union negotiations, insurance coverages and costs, and regional organizational needs. Discussion of goals was then suspended until the next meeting. Minutes of 15 June 1987 It was noted that under the budget discussion, excess funds were to be transferred to the Highway Department budget in order to pay off note. Mr. Murray moved that the Minutes be approved as amended. Ms. Lambert seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Sign Disbursement Orders Disbursement orders were signed. Other Business Mr. Mona noted he had received calls from citizens about the poor condition of the K-Mart parking lot. It was suggested that the Zoning Administrator look into this. Zoning Board Agenda Mr. Mona noted that the address of the Blodgett project was incorrectly noted. Mr. Mona moved the Council adjourn and reconvene as the Liquor Control Board. Mr. Murray seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Szymanski presented a request for a catering permit from the Ice House for a wedding reception at Overlook Drive on August 8, 1987, from 5-8 PM. Mr. Murray moved the Board approve the permit as presented by the City Manager. Ms. Lambert seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Mr. Szymanski then presented a request which he had approved for a wedding reception at K of C Hall on June 17, 1987 catered by Wetherbee's. Mr. Lambert moved that the Board sanction the City Manager's approval of the catering permit as presented. Mr. Mona seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Executive Session: Mr. Murray moved that the City Council adjourn and reconvene in Executive Session for the purpose of reviewing the Highway Union Agreement and to discuss applicants for the Planning Commission opening. Ms. Lambert seconded. Motion passed unanimously. The Council came out of Executive Session and by motion of Mr. Murray and seconded by Ms. Lambert the Highway Union Agreement was signed. The Planning Commission appointment was put off until the next meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 PM. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. ORDINANCE TO REGULATE TRUCK TRAFFIC ON SPEAR STREET The Council of the City of South Burlington hereby ordains: Section 1: No truck having an overall length of more than twenty-two (22) feet shall be operated or driven upon Spear Street, except for the purpose of making a delivery to a residence in South Burlington on Spear Street or to a residence on a street accessable only from Spear Street in South Burlington thereon. Section 2: Any vhlation of Section 1 gE this Ordinance shall . . be deemed a traffic offense,"and shall be prosecuted pursuant to 23 V.S.A. SS2201-2207, as presently enacted or as from time to time hereafter amended. Any skh violator will be subject to the procedure, provisions and penalities as ,outlined therein. e Section 3: This Ordinance shall take effect from its passage. .. , : APPROVED : June 29, 1987 ,/", .-7 0 Date: 5~1 A. Farrar, Chairman Michael D. Flaherty '1 !, @ /' +J (.j fl/ C.rinrd George g. &ona Francis X. Murray \ u SOUTH - BURLINGTON CITY COUg-&, AUENDUENT OF SOUTH BURLINGTON ORDINANCE REGUIATING CONDUCT IN SOUTH BURLINGTON PARKS The Council of the City of South Burlington hereby ordains: 1. Section 7A is amended as follows: Except where prohibited under Subsection E below. [NO] domestic animals are permitted within the park boundaries [unlees] when under the control of the owner. 2. Section 7E is added as follows: Domestic animals shall be prohibited at all times from the beach area at Red Rocks Park'and the adjoining waters of Lake Champlain. . . ..,: ,.> 3. This 'amendment shall take effect on passage. Approved this - day of , 1987 by the Council of the City of South Burlington.., JOSEPH C. MCNEIL 11 81 9 - 18781 JOSEPH E. MCNEIL FRANCIS X. HURRAY WILLIAM H. SORRELL ROBERT E. FLETCHER. JR. MARSHA SMITH MEEKINS JOHN T. LEDDY NANCY GOSS SHEAHAN - ARTHUR W. CERNOSIA MCNEIL, MURRAY & SORRELL. INC. ATTORNEYS AT LAW 271 SOUTH UNION STREET BURLINGTON. VERMONT 05401 Sue Alenick, South Burlington City Council Secretary 434 North Street Burlington, VT 05401 TELEPHONE 665-4631 AREA CODE 802 Re: Meeting Dear Sue: I have enclosed a copy of my cover letter to the Council and Manager and a copy of my draft of the resolution for the procedures and goals of the City. I have also enclosed a copy of Paul Farrar's outline of goals. Could you make these 3 communications attachments to your draft of the minutes. I have also enclosed an outline of the matters which my notes indicate passed. 1. Adoption of ~rocedures - my notes suggest that I moved the adoption of the procedures. I do not know who seconded. George Mona amended #3. The procedures were adopted as follows: Resolution of the City Council of the City of South Burlington Regarding Adoption of Procedures for the ~ccomvlishment of the Citv' Goals and Adoption of the City's Goals Whereas, the City Council is responsible for establishing the Goals of the City of South Burlington, and Whereas, the City has many important unresolved problems and goals which need immediate, constant and professional attention, and Whereas, in order to resolve said problems it is as important to identif-e appropriate procedures to follow to accomplish said goals as it is to identify said problems and goals, and Whereas, the City Manager, as the chief executive officer of the I City is responsible to the City Council 'for the efficient administration" of the executive and administrative operations of city government and the City Manager is responsible to the City Council to "carry out the policies laid down by the City." [City Charter Sec. 904 (a) I Now therefore be it resolved that the City Manager shall be responsible to the Council to do the following: 1.) Review the proposed goals outlined below in this resolution as so to determine what additional goals with Council should include. a 2.) Report to the Council in writing at its next scheduled meeting regarding said additional goals. 3.) The City Manager shall provide the Council with a written report outlining the goals and schedule for the accomplishment of the goals which the Council (with the Manager's help) adopts. 4.) The City Manager shall provide in a written report to the Council on the progress or the lack thereof on each said goal at the first Council meeting of each month. I 5.) The City Manager shall include said written montly report in I I the monthly meeting. I 6.) The format of the City Council agenda shall be amended so that item number 2 on the agenda for each meeting of the Council at I the beginning of each month shall be as follows "2. Oral report of the City Manager on the Goals of the City." I 7.) The City Manager shall be responsible for maintaining a I written updated account of the Council discussions, recommendations and directions made to him by the Council during his oral report to I the Council on said goals. I 2. Substitute Goals - my notes suggest that we followed Paul's outline at the beginning of our discussions, and that we adopted the I following substantive goal in the following form: It is further resolved that the goals of the City of South Burlington are as follows: I 1. Ca~ital Budaet The City Manager shall provide the Council with a written outline of the future capital and expense needs of the City Departments and an I outline of the City's plans to meet these needs. This outline shall include the following departments of the City and include input of the City's department heads: Water Police Fire Highway Recreation Sewer/Water Pollution Control City Administration During the discussion of this goal Bill Szymanski and the Council agreed that Bill would come back to the Council with a schedule for when the Council will receive the Department head reports and a schedule for their discussion. Frank Murray expressed the need for the Manager to include the capital needs of the City Hall physical plant in his report. The City Manager will outline the need and advantages for the I City having an official City Map; what is legally necessary to i complete the City Map: an estimate of the cost to draw up such a map; the views of the City's Planning Commission and the views of the City*= Planning Staff regarding the need for said map. 3. C a. Annual Assessments The City Manager shall investigate and report to the Council regarding a method to annually update the City's property assessments - i.e. Can the City use an annual assessment of the value of only a portion of the City properties and apply the increase indicated by this portion to the value of the property of the entire City without the need to complete an annual City wide approval. b. -s c The City Manager shall investigate and report to the City Council whether the Charter should be amended to provide the City's Steering Committee with the authority to establish tax incremental financing and to create tax incremental financing districts. c. Pu- The City Manager shall investigate and report to the Council whether it is advisable for the Charter to be amended to give the School Board the authority to decide whether the School property can be used by the community. The City Manager shall report to the Council with the following: a.) Recommendations as to how the city should use existing City Parks; and b.) A plan for the City to acquire and develop the new City Center Park: and c.) An outline of the need for additional park land and identification of any City land which could meet this need (e.g. open land on lake front for a City Marina) 5. New Interstate Interchanse 1. The City shall determine if a new interstate interchange is necessary for the implementation of the improvements planned within the area which has been proposed to be the City's Center. 2. If an interchange is necessary, the City shall determine the extent, location and design of said interchange so as to minimize the impact on land use and surrounding neighborhoods and to guarantee pedestrian safety. Considerations for pedestrian safety must include a provisions for safe pedestrian movement for minors between the City's High and Middle Schools and the planned City Park. 3. The exact location of said interchange is not yet determined but can be at either Hinesberg Road and Kennedy Drive or both. 6. Shelburne and Williston Road 1. The City shall develop recommendations to improve these corridors so that they become transportation facilities which are aesthetically pleasing, safe and efficient for vehicle, pedestrian and bicyclist traffic. Included in this may mean study and developing alternative routes for Shelburne and Williston Road. The City's inquiry regarding these corridors shall include an investigation of the development of alternative routes for Shelburne and Williston Roads. 7. Neiahborhood Problems I. The City shall respond to said problems in a timely manner. (e.q. stop signs, odors, water problems) ordinances for traffic lights at Swift and Spear Street, etc.) The following procedures shall be followed in the City Manager's monthly report. a. City Manager shall report present problems called to his attention or to the Council's attention in his written monthly report. b. City Manager shall indicate to the Council the manner and means necessary to resolve said problem. c. City Manager shall respond to citizen problems addressed directly to himself and those which have been addressed to a him by the Council and keep the Council informed on a monthly basis in his written monthly report of the steps which he and/or his staff have taken to solve said problems. 8. Leaal Cases The Council shall be informed of the nature of all litigation in which the City is involved and of all potential litigation in which the City is about to become involved. This information shall include an outline of the City's theory in each case, an outline of the opposition's position and an estimate of the likelihood for success and/or failure. This report should be written. This report shall include all matters of litigation whether the attorney's involved are the City's appointed attorney or whether the City's attorney is a law firm representing one of the City's insurance carriers. This part of the manager's monthly report should be provided to the Council but not to the public and any discussion of it shall be in executive session. 9. Union This is another part of the manager's report which if consistent with the state's right to know law shall be provided to the Council, not to the public and; it shall be discussed only in executive session. The Council must be kept informed as to the existing terms of the union contracts and informed as to input from the City Manager and his department heads regarding how said contracts can be improved for more efficient and economic management of City departments. 10. Insurance The City needs an analysis of its insurance coverages and/or the lack thereof which are essential for the protection of the City. The City needs a plan to address any financial and/or increased coverage problems for said insurance needs and/or problems. 11. 1 Oruanizational Needs A number of county and regional organizations have important interplay with meeting the needs of the Citizens of South Burlington. The City Council should attempt to reduce to writing the authority and manner of potential impact of these type of organizations on the Citizens of the City of South Burlington. The Council should meet with the representatives of the City appointed to these organizations and with executive officers of these organizations so as to formulate the City's goals with respect to each area of community service provided it by said organizations. The following is a list, not intended to be comprehensive, of said organizations: Metropolitan Planning Organization, League of Cities and Toms, Winooski Valley Park, Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission, Chittenden County Court (side Judges), County Waste Disposal Organization, Governor's Committee Studying Transportation Improvement Funding, etc. Discussion regarding City Goals was suspended. If you have any questions, I will see you upon my return from vacation. Respectfully yours, Francis X. Murray Resolution of the City Council of the City of South Burlington ~egarding Adoption of Procedures for the Accomplishment of the City's Goals and Adoption of the City's Goals ,. Whereas, the City Council is responsible for establishing the Goals of the City of South Burlington, and Whereas, the City has many important unresolved problms and goals which need immediate, constant and professional attention, and Whereas, in order to resolve said problems it is as important to identify the appropriate procedures to follow to accomplish said goals as it is to identify said problems and goals, and Whereas, the City Manager, as the chief executive officer of the City is responsible to the City Council "for the efficient administration" of the executive and administrative operations Of city a government and the City Managez- is responsible to the City Council to "carry out the policies laid down by the city.'# [City Charter Seo. 904 (a) I Now therefore be it resolved that the City Manager shall be responsible to the Council to do the following: 1.) Review the proposed goals outlined below in this resolution as so to determine what additional goals the Council should include. 2.) Report to the Council in writing at its next scheduled meeting regarding said additional goals. 3.) The City Manager shall be responsible to the Council to report to it in writing by its August 17th meeting outlining the steps, methods and schedule for the accomplishment of the goals which the Council (with the Manager's help) adopts. 4.) The City Manager shall provide in a written report to the Council on the progress or the lack thereof on each said goal at the first Council meeting of each month. 5.) The City Manager shall include said written monthly report in the material furnished to the Council each Friday before the First monthly meeting. 6.) The format of the City Council agenda shall be amended so that item number 2 on the agenda for each meeting of the Council at the beginning of each month shall be as follows "2. Oral report of the City Manager on the Goals of the City." 7.) The City Manager shall be responsible for maintaining a written updated account of the Council discussions, recommendations and directions made to him by the Council during his oral report to the Council on said goals. It is further resolved that the goals of the City of South Burlington are as follows: A. Citv Center 1. Comprehensive Land Use Plan - zoning and subdivision bylaws - the plan and bylaws shall be amended to include the changes recommended by the City Center Committee, 2. The City shall adopt a policy to underground utilities in its City Center for safety and aesthetics.. 3. The City shall request the City assessor to provide it with a written estimate of the additional taxes that will result from the improvements which will occur within the city Center. Said include the additional revenues the City expects from Mall expansion and the improvements recommended by the City Center Committee. 4. The City shall work together with private land owners and private developers to cooperate and assist in the financing of the planned City Center improvements. 5. The City shall immediately file its amended application for Act 250 approval of the plans to improve Dorset Street. 6. The City 'shall secure the Dorset Street construction plans with the right-of-way take lines from the engineering firm which has been engaged to prepare said plans, so the City can make a determination as to whether said Dorset Street improvements are nnecessaryn at proceedings to determine said necessity and if so to conduct proceedings to condemn the land needed for said improvements. a 7. The City shall'secure a traffic study to determine the traffic impact of the planned city Center improvements. B. p -e 1. The city shall determine if a new interstate interchange is necessary for the implementation of the improvements planned within the area which has been proposed to be the City's Center. 2. If an interchange is necessary, the City shall determine the extent, location and design of said interchange so as to minimize the impact on land use and surrounding neighborhoods and to guarantee pedestrian safety. Considerations for pedestrian safety must include provisions for safe pedestrian movement for minors between the City's High and Middle Schools and the planned City Park. C. New Citv Center Park 1. The City shall take steps necessary to acquire all of the 349 acres of land necessary for the park. This shall include: (I). a survey and appraisal of the land which is planned for the park: (2) discussions and negotiations with the property Owners necessary for the City to acquire said property; (3) changes to the City's charter and land use laws essential to giva the &ity the authority to ~pndemn said land. D. pedestrian Trails & Sidewalks 1. The City shall take steps necessary to acquire the easements to complete .the pedestrian trail system identified in its existing comprehensive master plan and to estimate the method and cost to make these routes acceptable for use by pedestrians and bicyclists. 2. The City shall take steps necessary to identify existing pedestrian routes without sidewalks which are heavily used by school children and other pedestrians, by bicyclists and by joggers, and to estimate the method and coat to make these routes safe for said uses. 3. The City shall identify and establish the amount and source of revenues to accomplish said plans. E. Shelburne and Williston Road 1. The City shall develop recommendations to improve these corridors so that they become transportation facilities which are aesthetically pleasing, safe and efficient for vehicle, pedestrian and bicyclist traffic. F. Com~rehensive Plan 1. The City shall take steps to make the City's comprehensive master plan constantly updated to include the new concepts and plans for the City such the City Center, transfer of development rights, preservation of land for agricultural uses, historical preservation of buildings especially barns and fafm houses, etc. 2. The City shall adopt an official City Map which shall include the City's changing land use goals and plans (i.e. Dorset St, City Center, University Hall expansion, Central City Park, Shelburne Road traffic improvements, Williston Road traffic improvements, and trails for pedestrians, joggers and bicyclists). G. Neishborhood Problems 1. The City shall respond to said problems in a timely anner. (e.q. stop signs, odors, water problems) ordinances for traffic lights at Swift and Spear Street, 'etc. The following procedures shall be followed in the City Manager's monthly report. a. City Manager shall report present problems called to his attention or to the council's attention in his written monthly report. b. City Manager shall indicate to the Council the manner and means necessary to resolve said problem. c. City Manager shall respond to citizen problems addressed directly to himself and those which have been addressed to him by the Council and keep the Council informed on a monthly basis in his written monthly report of the steps which he and/or his staff have taken to solve said problems. H. Waal Cases The Council shall be informed of the nature of all litigation in which the City is involved and of all potential litigation in which the City is about: to become involved. This information shall include an outline of the City's theory in'each case, an outline of the oppositionus position and an estimate of the likelihood for success and/or failure. This report should be written. This report shall include 1 all matters of litigation whether the attorney's involved are the I City's appointed attorney or whether the City's attorney is a law firm representing one of th: City's insurance carriers. his part of Me I I manager's monthly report should be provided to the Council but not to I t~e public and any discussion of it shall be in executive session. I I I. Ca~itol Budget and Program The City should investigate develop and pass an annual capital I budget and a future capital program for a period of not less than five I 1 years as part of its budget and land use planning process pursuant to I - I the authority provided by Title 24 Section 4325(6) of Vermont Statutes Annotated. One item which is important to the Council but which has I not been the object of recant Council discussions is the City Hall 1 complex. The Council needs the Manager to provide it with an I evaluation in writing of all capital needs and projected costs to meet said needs for the City Hall building and for all other capital I project needs. I J. Union I This is another part of the manager's report which if consistent with the state's right to know law shall be provided to the Council, @not to the public and; it shall be discu~sed only in e~eCUtive session. The Council must be kept informed as to the existing terms of the union contracts and informed as to input from the City Manager and his department heads regarding how said contracts can be improved for more efficient and economic management of City departments. K. gnsurance The City needs an analysis of its insurance coverages and/or the lack thereof which are essential for the protection of the City. The City needs a plan to address any financial and/or increased coverage problems for said insurance needs and/or problems. L. c it Counc Go ational Needs A number of county and regional organizations have important * interplay with meeting the needs of the Citizens of South Burlington. The City Council should attempt to reduce'to writing the authority and manner of potential impact of these type of organizations on the Citizens of the City of South Burlington. The Council should meet with the representatives of the city appointed to these organizations and with executive officers of these organizations so as to formulate the City's goals with respect to each area of community service provided it by said organizations. The following is a list, not intended to be comprehensive, of said organizations: Metropolitan Planning Organization, League of Cities and Towns, Winooski Valley Park, Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission, Chittenden County Court (side Judges), County Waste Disposal Organization, Governor's Committee Studying Transportation Improvement Funding, etc. M. Citv Manauer Evaluation This should be done by the Council each year during the month Of April. Said evaluation shall be reduced to writing and discussed with the City Uanager. N. Revenue The City shall explore the need and advisability of collecting City revenues by means other than the property tax. Such study and investigation shall include the need for local sharing of state gasoline tax revenues, local sales tax revenues, tax incremental district financing, etc. 0. mg To study and outline area housing needs and problems and study how South Burlington can take steps to provide 'affordable housing for all members of the area's socio-economic community. JOSEPH C. USNEK II D ID - 107eL JOSEPH L KMEIL FRANCIS X. YURPAV WlLUAM H. 6ORRLU ROMRT L. FLbTCHD1. XL MARSHA SMITH MEEI(WS JOHN 7. MO* NANCV 0088 BUSNUN ARWRW.CERN~S~A McNEIL. MURRAY & SORRELL. INC. ATTORNEYS AT LAW 27 1 SOUTH UNIOM STREET BURLINGTON. VERMONT OSIOl Paul Farrar 17 Yandow Drive Burlington, VT 05401 ,, Molly Lambert 178 Patchen Road Burlington, VT 05401 George Mona 68 Laurel Hill Drive .. Burlington, VT 05401 TLLWWQUC 06Y8S1 Am cool June 25, 1987 Michael Flaherty 99 Suburban square Burlington, VT 05401 . 'I, . William '~zymanski, City Manager 575 Dorsot Street south ~urlington, VT 05403 Re: Citv uoals and vrocedures *ear Bill: . , .. 8 Enclosed is a copy of the draft which I promised a couple of weeks ago. I wanted you to get it in advance of our June 29th meeting. I am certain that it will undergo change. I welcome your ideas. I have good feelings as a Council member. I think that we work well with each other and with you. My only frustration to date is that we never seem to address the more important issues facing the City until some crisis forces them upon us. I am also occasionally frustrated that follow up on important city issues is not as consistant as it should be. A good example of such a failure is my not following up on the undergrounding of the utilities on Dorset Street. We are now confronting another Act 250 hearing without the resolution of this important detail. The problem as I see it is with being a volunteer part-time Council. As Council members we need to spend the overwhelming majority of our time earning a living and dealing with family issues. My thoughts and dreams about the City are usually the clearest when I roam the City on weekends. It is on weekends that I am relaxed enough to let the City into my consciousness. By Monday evening meetings my list of ideas has usually vanished or the agenda of more mundane City issues is too long to permit raising and William Szymanski June 25, 1987 Page 2 discussing such issues. We need the Manager's ongoing pursuit of the City goals and better communication between the Council and the Manager. Our ideas need some process available so.they can be explored and resolved. Also, I believe that the process should be a cooperative effort between you and us. The idea of sending you this draft of goals is not intended as a criticism of anyone. If anything my admiration and respect for the Council and for you has increased in the past two years. Perhaps my ideas about outlining the goals and procedures are not realistic. I will be hterested to know what you think. I believe that we all have different interests and goals to pursue. I do not see the adoption of the goals as endorsement of the concept embodied in the goal. Thus, I might adopt a goal which I might ultimately Vote against enacting. It is conceivable that after further review and discussion of the goals, which I initially felt to be important, that I would be convinced that they were ill advised. I do believe that we Should outline any reservations we would have about any of the goals as soon as we sense them. This will enable the council member Who proposed the goal to overcome such reservations through further investigation and discussion The thing that impresses me the most,about the Council is that consensus of a reasonable approach is more often the rule than the exception. I think that by working together we can draft an outline of procedures and goals for the City which will result in us better representing the people who have elected us. Please call with your ideas, suggestions and criticisms. See you all Monday evening. Respectfully yours, A Francis X. Murray FX3f:va Enclosure City Council Objectives 1) Budgeting- We now have a 10 year capital and a 10 year additians to expense budget plan: We need 5 year detail backup for each department on the implementation. For example: Highwayr with the additions to the expense budget proposed what will the repair and rebuilding schedule be? We then should agree on the priority list for the next two years. Police what manpower additions we contemplate are in the expense plan what is the Chief's plan far use of the add it ional manoower a1 located in the next three vears Q Patrol? Detectives ? 2) Planing- We have all the tools except a City Map I would suggest a meeting with The City Attorney and The Planner With the Council and Chairman of the Planning Commission to agree on how we get started on Chis. I think tihis may be very useful in the long run however I believe it will take a sustained Council interest for at least twu years. 3) Charter- Are there any changes we wish to have the Charter Cummittee investigate: Rolling bssessn~ent? Use of School Property for Community Purposes? Process for Amendments H344??? Incremental Tax Districts? 4) City Parks- We have a number of parks throughout the City I think we should develop a long range plan for there use. 5) Highways-. Interchange Plan 12A9 13, ether, both or part of each we need a decision this year. 6) Williston Road- Should we have a committee as we are going ta have for Shelburne HD?? 71 Williston Mall- How du we respond? a) City Center- L.ets make sure we have all the facts and then act on the Planning Commissions Proposals on this. I think this may he the must important decision we will make this year.