HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 06/01/1987 (2)CITY COUNCIL 1 JUNE 1987 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 1 June 1987, after the Organizational Meeting, in the City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; Michael Flaherty, Francis X. Murray, Molly Lambert, George Mona Also Present William Szymanski, City Manager; Sid Poger, The Other Paper; Wendy Schroeder, Business Manager; Albert Audette, Street Department; James Goddette, Fire Department; Margaret Picard, City Clerk/Treasurer; Lee Graham, Police Department; Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator; Mike Donaghue, Free Press; Jeff Noyes, David Jewett, Wagner, Heindel & Noyes; Laurie Parker, Gene Szatkowski, Mary Brooks, Nancy Daly, Kelly Daly, Cherrie Slayton, Jim Slayton, Sherry Balcar, Jim Loewen Comments & Questions from the Public (not related to items on the Agenda) No issues were raised. Report on Airport Drainageway Study David Jewett & Jeff Noyes of Wagner, Heindel & Noyes presented their findings. Their objective was to locate & identify the source(s) of the objectionable odor in the Airport Parkway drainageway. In Phase I of their study, they spoke with town officials and residents and made on-site investigations and random measurements. They identified as possible sources of the problem the airport, the Airport Drive storm sewer, the sanitary sewer which crosses Dumont Avenue and drains in this direction, and Airport Parkway drainage north and south. No readily identifiable odor was observed at this time, just a typical swamp smell. In Phase II, soil gas borings were made with no critical results, and soil samples were taken to the lab, also with no adverse findings. Water quality was analyzed in December and several organics were identified including 10 parts per billion benzine and metholyn chloride, a common solvent. Mr. Noyes said they did not have enough data to say the problem is or isn't coming from the Airport. Metholyn chloride is a very prevalent chemical used in many home-use solvents. They also did organic analyses for chloride, nitrates, nitrites, etc, and in each case found these were within limits set by the State. Some chlorides were found which could come from roadway salting. In Phase III, they looked at various drainage basins which enter the area. Nothing was seen or smelled in these areas. Mrs. Brookes noted that following yesterday's rain, the smell was very bad. Mr. Murray questioned whether this was part of a pattern. Mr. Farrar noted that last year was a particularly rainy year and residents felt the smell was at its worst then. Mr. Noyes emphasized that residents should call them when the smell is present. Mr. Murray questioned whether someone could be dumping something and is now backing off because of the investigation. Mr. Noyes did not think this was the case. Mr. Mona asked if it were possible that the odor could be detected and it would still not be possible to find the source. Mr. Noyes said this was possible if the origin were not a volatile substance. Several possible theories were expounded as to what might be the problem. These included the natural reducing environment (swamp) where the rising of the water table turns over the swamp and allows gases to escape; a chemical moving through the swamp on a periodic basis and causing algae to decay; or a contaminant which washes in and out quickly. Mr. Murray asked what the consultants recommended. They felt they should keep doing what they are doing and hope that residents will call when the smell is present. They suggested keeping a log of when the smell occurs and what the weather pattern is at that time. They felt that to go onto the next level of research would be very expensive. Mrs. Daly said they felt that airplane de-icer was the most likely cause and asked if it was possible to test what is used at the Airport. Mr. Noyes said that would be a good idea except that the substance breaks down and it would be hard to simulate the process it goes through to get to the backyards. They will, however, try to do this. Discuss ravine on other side of Kirby Road Mrs. Lambert asked what the status was on this problem as she has had a number of phone calls. Mr. Audette said that before winter set in they got part way down. There is an obstruction which must be cleared. The contractor was supposed to do the work in April or May, but he delayed until it became necessary to get another contractor. He, however, has equipment tied up for several weeks. Ralph Goodrich was called today and will have his equipment in on Monday. Review and consider for first reading an Ordinance to Regulate Truck Traffic on Spear Street Mr. Farrar read the Ordinance (attached). Mr. Mona raised the question of deliveries to streets accessible only from Spear Street and also of truck traffic going through to Spear Street locations in Shelburne. Mr. Audette agreed with Mr. Mona that deliveries to locations in Shelburne & Charlotte should be excluded from using Spear St. in South Burlington. Ms. Schroeder did not agree and felt it was unfair to make these trucks go miles out of their way. Mr. Audette asked about enforcing weight limitations set by the State. Officer Graham said the City police have no way to weigh vehicles and thus cannot enforce weight limitations. Mr. Audette said another problem with weight enforcement is that all fines go to the State, not to the municipality. Mr. Mona then moved that the Ordinance be amended as follows: in line 3, following the word "residence," add the following language: " . . . in South Burlington on Spear Street or to a residence on a street accessible only from Spear Street in South Burlington." Mr. Flaherty seconded. In the vote that followed the amendment was approved 3-2 with Messrs. Farrar and Murray voting against. Mr. Mona then moved to approve for first reading the amended Ordinance with the understanding that it will be examined by the City Attorneys. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed 4-1 with Mr. Murray opposing. Report on Solid Waste District Mr. Audette reported that in the area only Burlington, Essex and Colchester are not represented in the District. He felt it would be a slow process as some members are just getting familiar with the problem. Shelburne, Huntington and Winooski are under the gun because their contracts for solid waste disposal expire next July. The group has looked into 2 existing districts, Rutland and Mid-Vermont and will continue to look at others. They are also getting international data since Europe has been doing this for many years. Mr. Mona asked what the life of the landfill is. Mr. Audette wasn't sure but felt about 10 years with some expensive alternations. Mr. Crowley felt the part of the landfill near the river might make inspectors look very closely at it. Mr. Farrar felt it was important to gather information and get it out thepublic quickly. Accept resignation of Bill Shearer from City Recreation Committee Mr. Flaherty moved the Council accept with regret the resignation of Bill Shearer from the Recreation Committee and instruct the City Manager to write a letter of thanks. Mrs. Lambert seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Accept List of Unlicensed Dogs Mr. Flaherty moved the Council accept the list of unlicensed dogs. Mr. Mona seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Szymanski reported that with the recent bond issues, the new school rate will be 1.756 and the city rate will be .621 for a total of 2.377. Mr. Mona moved the Council set the 1987-88 tax rates as outlined by the City Manager. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. City Debt and Debt report Ms. Schroeder presented a monthly report on tax collections and delinquencies and explained its function. Mr. Mona asked what happens if a department overspends and there is no other place for the funds to come from. Mr. Farrar said the Council can approve up to 2% of the budget from cash surplus. For an amount over that, they would have to go to the voters. Ms. Schroeder also explained the procedure for paying the schools and distribution of penalties and interest. Discuss procedure for undertaking construction of the southend fire station Mr. Szymanski said they had 2 options: soliciting bids with architects drawing plans on which contractors would bid or having city people draw up the spex on a "design/build" basis and then interviewing contractors and selecting one from those interviewed. Mr. Murray felt competitive bidding was fairer. He suggested having the City Manager and Fire Chief do the specs and then advertise for bids to do the plans, then bid the job. Chief Goddette said his cost estimate on which the bond issue was based presumed that in-house talent would be used to save the city money. An electrical plan has already been set out by a department member who is a licensed electrician. Members agreed to have the City Manager and Fire Chief come in with their specifications after which a method of bidding will be discussed. Consider University Mall offer to make temporary improvements to Dorset Street Mr. Szymanski explained that the Mall's Phase II expansion had a stipulation that it could not be occupied until Dorset St. improvements were completed. Since there has been a delay in the Dorset St. project, the Mall is requesting permission to re-surface Dorset St. in exchange for permission to open Phase II before the street is completed. Mr. Szymanski said he felt the cost would be about $12/foot for repaving from the Mall to Kennedy Drive. Members felt that they should meet jointly with the Planning Commission to understand their feelings on the matter. By common consent they agreed to attend the 9 June Planning Commission meeting for this purpose. Discuss makeup of Shelburne Rd. Study Committee Postponed until next meeting. Review Zoning Board Agenda No issues were raised. Minutes of 18 May 1987 Mr. Flaherty moved the Minutes of 18 May be approved as written. Mrs. Lambert seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Sign Disbursement Orders Disbursement orders were signed. Other Business Mr. Murray said he feels there are many things going on that the Council should be keeping a handle on and would present at the next meeting a list of recommendations for identifying goals, having up-date reports, etc. Issues he felt were important to keep a handle on include: the Interchange, parks, Shelburne Rd. improvements, neighborhood problems, union negotiations, etc. Liquor Control Board Mr. Flaherty moved the Council adjourn and reconvene as Liquor Control Board. Mrs. Lambert seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Szymanski presented a second class license request from D&S Variety in the "Blue Mall". This business is changing hands and there are no problems with the request. Mr. Mona moved the Board approve the second class liquor license for D&S Variety. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Szymanski then presented a request for an entertainment permit for catering the 95XXX traffic reception, 3 June, at the Montair facility. Mr. Murray moved the Board approve the entertainment permit as outlined by the City Manager. Mrs. Lambert seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Executive Session Mrs. Lambert moved the Board adjourn and reconvene as City Council in Executive Session to discuss labor negotiations and resume regular session only to adjourn. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. The City Council came out of Executive Session and adjourned immediately. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.