HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 02/12/1987CITY COUNCIL 12 FEBRUARY 1987 The South Burlington City Council held a Special Meeting on Thursday, 12 February 1987, at 5:00 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman, Michael Flaherty, George Mona, Molly Lambert (Mrs. Lambert did not sit with the Council due to conflicting interests) Also Present William Szymanski, City Manager; Stephen Stitzel, City Attorney; Ruth Poger, The Other Paper; Gail LeBlanc, Helen Eldred, Fred Eaton, Charles Lewis, Jim Loewen, Marion Budelman, Sherry Balcor, Lynne Swan Update on Burlington Southern Connector Mr. Farrar advised that because of the concern of city residents, additional research has been done on the design of the interchange. The question essentially was whether the design parameters and the traffic numbers agreed. The study showed that they did; however, it was found that there is more traffic exiting in the morning than was anticipated even in the 1984 figures. There was also concern, particularly on the part of citizens of Queen City Park, about sidewalks, access to Queen City Park, and aesthetics. Mr. Farrar said there is a proposed agreement between Burlington, the Agency of Transportation, and South Burlington (attached). It was the wish of the Council to discuss the proposed agreement in Executive Session because of the possibility of litigation if an agreement could not be reached. Mr. Flaherty then moved that for the purpose of discussing the possible litigation regarding the Southern Connector the Council meet in Executive Session. Mr. Mona seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Following the Executive Session, Mr. Flaherty moved that the Council meet in regular session. Mr. Mona Seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Mr. Flaherty then moved that the Council sign the agreement between South Burlington, Burlington and the Agency of Transportation regarding the Southern Connector. Mr. Mona seconded the motion. Mr. Farrar again explained that the design proposed by the Agency and approved by Act 250 would handle the amount of traffic it was designed to handle. The problem is that the traffic existing today is different from what was projected for the design. The parties have thus agreed to extend the ramp several hundred feet. The exit will become a 3-lane exit instead of two. Evidence shows this will be better than what is there today. As far as Queen City Park is concerned, the Agency will design a sidewalk. South Burlington is responsible for acquiring rights-of-way, if necessary. Both cities will request that this be part of the project. All 3 parties agree to apply for and do what is necessary to get a pedestrian overpass as part of the contract. If the Federal government refuses to include, the parties will then have to see how to fund it. Burlington and South Burlington have agreed that the entrance to Queen City Park through Industrial Drive will be brought up to standard and will not be closed without consultation with South Burlington. There is an agreement that the City will apply for a project with the State Agency of Transportation to replace the bridge over QCP Rd. into QCP. South Burlington will, if necessary, participate in the funding at a percentage not yet decided. The design of the center land cannot be made "urban typical" because of safety factors. Burlington and S. Burlington have thus agreed to request that the Federal government widen the planting agrees to 4 feet, which should provide a pleasanter visual impact. Mr. Loewen asked if this means the city will give up on other action. Mr. Farrar said the Council believes the agreement is as good as could be accomplished even with legal action. Mr. Farrar noted that the Agency of Transportation intends to let the second contract so it will be finished about one year from the finish of contract one. Mr. Loewen asked what is the alternative if the City doesn't sign the agreement. Mr. Farrar said the only question that can be raised at Act 250 would be the interchange. He noted there will be a meeting in about 2 weeks with the state, consultants, Burlington, and South Burlington to answer in detail the questions that may remain. The agreement under consideration would be signed today by the Council and would be approved within the next few days by the Burlington aldermen. Mr. Loewen suggested the Council not sign the agreement and ask for more because the people are not satisfied. He had heard that Susan Crampton was to meet with City Legislators and hoped this could accomplish more. He said they still want to eliminate the Sears ramp which would allow for the option of adding a cloverleaf if the present ramp proposal didn't work. He felt they could also get more plantings to hide the chain link fence where it passes into QCP. He stressed that if the road goes through at the present height, there will be pressure to close QCP Rd. Burlington is already on record as wanting to drop the road 15 ft. Mr. Mona noted that in any agreement no one gets everything. He felt this agreement gave the bulk of what the residents were after. In the vote which followed, the motion passed unanimously. Mr. Farrar thanked the residents for pursuing the question so that action could be gotten. He felt that there were no "losers" in the agreement. He did agree to ask about possible removal of the Sears ramp. As there was no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this .&+ day of February, 1987, by and between the State of Vermont, acting through its Agency of Transportation (hereinafter.referred to as "Agencyn), the City of Burlington, acting through its Mayor, Bernard Sanders, (hereinafter referred to as olBurlingtonu) and the City of South Burlington, acting through its City Council (hereinafter referred to as toSouth Burlingtonot). WHEREAS, Agency and Burlington have jointly undertaken the construction of a new Highway which is commonly known as the Burlington Southern Connector and is officially designated o'Burlington MEGC 5000(1) (hereinafter referred to as "HighwayM) ; and WHEREAS, an element of this Highway project is the reconstruction of the existing interchange of Interstate 1-169 and Route 7 (hereinafter referred to as "Interchangeoo) in the City of South Burlington: and WHEREAS, the reconstruction of the existing Interchange includes the reconstruction of Queen City Park Road, a portion ' of which is located in South Burlington; and WHEREAS, all parties to this Agreement recognize and appreciate that the reconstruction of the existing Interchange is a critical component of the region's Highway system which has effects on both local and non-local travel; and . . WHEREAS, Agency has in its development of the Highway used MCNEIL. MUUMY SonnEu. Iwc. .: & ORNEYS AT LAW UTll UNION STIEET , . . nuuLlNGT?, VERrF . . OW ATIORNEY4 AT LAW 111 SQUTH UNION STREET WRUNGTON. YERMONT OW1 its best effort to design the Interchange so that it can efficiently accommodate existing and projected volumes of traffic; and WHEREAS, Agency has continued to review traffic conditions and has further agreed pursuant to a November 15, 1985, Agreement to include in the Highway Project to the fullest extent possible, the so-called BUDS design recommendations adopted by the Burlington Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, South Burlington also desires that certain of the BUDS design recommendations be included in the ~ighway Project to the extent possible without jeopardizing existing funding or approvals; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these premises and other good and valuable consideration as hereinafter set for the parties hereto agree as follows; Y 1. The parties hereto acknowledge that the District Environmental Commission #4 has issued a Land Use Permit Amendment No. 4C0438-N&S-8 dated April 10, 1985 which specifically approves the final plans for Contract 1, Stage 1 construction of the Southern Connector Highway. This approval specifically authorizes the reconstruction of the 1-189 Interchange, and includes authorization for the construction of the roadway structure and pavement for US 7, Queen City Park Road and the establishment and removal of a US Route 7 detour, as well as the upgrading of traffic control signals on US 7 between Bartlett Bay Road and Home Avenue, and along Shelburne I a SDRRELL. INC. ORNEYS AT LAW UTH UNlOH STREET Road and Shelburne Street (US 7). (a) Notwithstanding the District Environmental Commission's approval, south ~urlington has recently expressed concerns with the final plans for Contract 1, Stage 1 canstruction. The Agency has by letter dated January 31, 1987, responded to South Burlington's concerns as to the adequacy of the design of the 1-189 Interchange. The Agency maintains that the final plans for Contract 1, Stage 1 construction of the Southern Connector will not result in unsafe conditions or unnecessary congestion during the construction period, or in the design year, i.e. 2003. According to the Agency's analysis Ramp C of the Interchange as presently designed and permitted is sufficient to accommodate the 30th highest traffic hour volumes. (b) As a result of South Burlington's concerns, the Agency and Burlington have investigated the extension of the proposed northbound lane of Ramp C of the Interchange. According to the Agency an extension of the northbound lane of Ramp C would increase the capacity of said Ramp. (c) In response to South Burlington's concerns the Agency and Burlington will, to the extent possible within the existing Ramp C right-of-way, extend the northbound lane of Ramp C of the Interchange back to Station 38 & 50 from where it will taper to 0 at Station 36 & 50 plus or minus in order to increase the average queue length of said Ramp. The Agency further agrees that it will, as part of its normal review process continue to analyze the queing capacity of Ramp C an will, if necessary, make the recommendations it deems appropriate to increase the future capacity of said Ramp. (d) South ~urlington agrees that should the modification of the design of Ramp C outlined above require a further amendment of the Land Use Permit dated April 10, 1985, that it will not request a hearing before the District Environmental Commission #4 on said amendment application. 2. Burlington intends to accept Industrial Drive, so- called, which runs between Austin Drive, so-called, and Queen City Park Road as a public street. Burlington intends to repave Industrial Drive to provide at least two paved travel lanes. Burlington further agrees that it will consult South Burlington prior to discontinuing Industrial Drive as a pub1 roadway. * 3. The Agency and Burlington will cooperate with South Burlington in connection with South Burlingtonls efforts to obtain all necessary approvals and funding for the construction of a sidewalk which will extend from the westerly side of Route 7 in a westerly direction approximately along the southerly sideline of Queen City Park Road to the point where the existing sidewalk along Queen City Park Road terminates in the approximate location of the Champlain Water District facility. Burlington will request that the Agency apply for Federal Highway Administration approval of said sidewalk as a participating highway cost. It is the understanding of the ~ICNEIL. MURRAY k SORRELL. INC. ATTORNEYS ~r LAW 271 SOUTH UNION STREET WRLINOTON. VEIIMONT OIIOl parties hereto that the Agency has prepared a preliminary design of said sidewalk and will prepare a cost estimate therefore. The Agency will provide South Burlington with its preliminary design, the cost estimate and other information relating to additional right-of-way requirements for said sidewalk. It will be South ~urlington's sole responsibility and obligation to obtain at its expense any additional right of way required for the construction of this sidewalk. 4. The parties hereto support the construction of a pedestrian overpass over the Highway in the approximate location of the proposed terminus of Pine. Consistent with this support, the parties hereto will collectively use their best efforts to obtain funding and approval for the construction of this overpass either as part of the Highway project or as an independent project. 5. South Burlington supports the request of Burlington to widen the double barrier proposed for the Highway in the vicinity of Stations 150 to 178 to establish a minimum width suitable for vegetative planting of four feet. Burlington and South Burlington agree to use their best efforts to obtain any necessary funding and/or approvals of the Agency and Federal Highway Administration to implement this request. 6. Burlington agrees that it will utilize its best efforts to obtain State Bridge Funds for the widening and replacement of the Queen City Park Road railway bridge. South Burlington agrees that it will cooperate with Burlington in its ~ICNFII, ~IURRAI SonmLr. IHC. OPNEYS AT LAW UTH UNIW STREET ai UUULIWON. VERMOUI 0941 efforts to obtain state bridge funds and further agrees th will participate financially in any local funding requirements associated with said bridge widening and reconstruction. 7. South Burlington shall further withdraw its request for a hearing in the matter of Land Use Permit Application 14C04038-N + S-9; Burlington MEGC M5000(1) Southern Connector Project (Contract 1, stage 11, Extension of Construction Completion Date. 2+ Dated at Montpelier, Vermont this /J day of February, 1987. AGENCY OF TRANSPORTATION Secretary of Transportation Dated at Burlington, Vermont this day of February, 1987. CITY OF BURLINGTON BY ITS MAYOR SUBJECT TO RATIFICATION BY THE BURLINGTON BOARD OF ALDERMEN, THUS BECOMING AN ACT OF THE BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL. L[ Dated at South Burlington, Vermont this day of February, 1987. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON