HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 08/17/1987CITY COUNCIL 17 AUGUST 1987 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 17 August 1987, at 7:30 pm, in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; George Mona, Michael Flaherty, Francis X. Murray Also Present William Szymanski, City Manager; Wendy Schroeder, Business Manager; Albert Audette, Street Dept; John Race, Police Chief; James Goddette, Fire Chief; Greg Lothrop, Carol Lothrop, Stephen Crowley, Ron Manganiello, Anne Marie Crawford, Gerry Milot, Ed Slayton, Katrine Arnold, Peter Owens, Sid Poger, The Other Paper; Mike Donoghue, Free Press Comments & Questions from the Audience (not related to items on the Agenda) A memo was received from CAPS relating to child safety on Dorset Street. Mr. Szymanski felt all the items listed could be addressed except for the flashing light or crossing guard. The guard would have to be taken care of by the School Dept. Carol Lothrop said they felt the speed limit should be lowered and that there should be signs indicating there are schools on the street. This is especially true at Sherry Rd. and Dorset Commons where kids seem to congregate. Mr. Murray said he felt someone familiar with the proposed Dorset St. improvements should speak to a CAPS meeting to let them know what is being planned. Mr. Farrar said it would be possible to lower the speed limit in front of the schools, but it would take an engineering study to do the whole of Dorset St. Mr. Szymanski will order signs for the front of the schools. Review scope of work regarding Agency of Transportation Agreement for Engineering Services for South Burlington Southern Connector project and sign agreement Mr. Szymanski said that Craig Leiner and the MPO are willing to make traffic projections if they can get current data. The city's cost would be 2%. Mr. Mona moved that the City of South Burlington apply for the Federal Aid project in accordance with the agreement described by the City Manager in his memo of 13 August 1987. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Manganiello asked about the committee to study the Southern Connector. Mr. Farrar said this has been appointed and will consist of a person from Bartlett Bay, Queen City Park, business people, a Burlington and Shelburne representative, a Planning Commission person, 2 City Council people, 2 people from the original committee, and a State representative acting ex officio. Review recommendations for the construction of a South End Fire State Chief Goddette recommended accepting the bid of ICV Corp. for $169,180. (attached) Mr. Flaherty moved that the City award the contract for the new fire station to ICV Corp. for their bid of $169,180 as recommended by Fire Chief, James Goddette. Mr. Mona seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Consider engaging a landscape architect for a detailed plan for the proposed Dorset Street Park Peter Owen said the work will include refinement of the recreation program for the parcel (with school) recreation department), development of a base map, site analysis, developing a design concept and master plan, phasing plan, cost estimates. There is also the possibility of developing a management plan. Mr. Szymanski said the City is very satisfied with Peter's work to date. The urgency now is the Brand property as the City is about to take possession of 2 parcels. He asked if work can be concentrated on those 2 parcels. Mr. Owens said detail design can but the whole concept should also be considered. He indicated he would work together with Helmar Associates. The total cost would be about $12,700. Mr. Farrar suggested putting together an agreement for the Council to sign at the next meeting. Mr. Milot noted that in his agreement with the City, they are to include some items for the city park on their Act 250 submission. They are ready to make that submission and the City is not yet ready with its information. He did not feel the City would need to have an Act 250 approval for the ball-fields. Review Zoning Agenda No issues were raised. Review Minutes of 3 August 1987 Mr. Flaherty moved the Minutes of 3 August be approved as written. Mr. Mona seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Chuck Deslauriers asked if he could make a statement about the Fire Station design. He apologized for his lateness but said that as developers of the adjacent property they have a concern about the aesthetics of the proposed design. He said they feel the design is like a "warehouse", and would undermine the effort they have expended in improving the area. After a brief discussion, Mr. Murray moved to reconsider the action taken on the awarding of the contract for the new fire station. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Mr. Murray said he would like to see what Mr. Deslauriers is suggesting and would like to see a sketch of where everything will be when completed. Mr. Mona said he has no intention of changing who is awarded the contract. They would have to be willing to have someone work with them to improve aesthetics. Mr. Flaherty said he had no problem upgrading the building but also would not want to eliminate the low bidder. Mr. Farrar suggested tabling the motion to see what proposals could be made to upgrade the appearance of the building. Mr. Flaherty then moved to table the motion to reconsider with the understanding that it will be on the agenda of 24 August. Mr. Murray seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Sign Disbursement Orders Disbursement Orders were signed. Old/New Business Members agreed that instead of meeting on the night of Labor Day, they would meet on 14 September. Liquor Control Board Mr. Flaherty moved that the Council adjourn and reconvene as Liquor Control Board. Mr. Murray seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Szymanski presented a request for liquor license from Jake's, the new restaurant at East-o-Lake. Mr. Loffler said they did not get their occupancy permit until last week and all the paperwork is not yet prepared for the license. Mr. Murray moved that the Members of the Liquor Control Board be empowered to sign the license for Jake's when it is approved by the Fire and Police Chiefs. Mr. Mona seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Executive Session Mr. Flaherty moved that the Board adjourn and reconvene as City Council in Executive Session to discuss labor negotiations and to resume regular session only to adjourn. Mr. Mona seconded. Motion passed unanimously. The Council came out of Executive Session at 9:00 P.M. and adjourned immediately. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. I URLINGTON POLICE DEPhRTMENT ' 57SDORSET STREET SOU'M BURLINGTON. VERMONT 05413.1 1 Jt11tn hi. Ruce. Chief T~lqdt,nnrr 180.7) 0JII.lrlJ~l Date: July 21. 1987 Tn: William Szymanski. City Manager Fmm: Bob Hawke, Youth Services & Subject: Child Safety - Dorset Street At last nights CAPS meeting the topic of child safety on Dorset Street was a major topic of concern. A recent traffic accident on Dorset Street involving a vehicle and a young girl from the Brookwood Drive area brought this problem to light. The CAPS organization would request that the City take measures to insure child safety on Dorset Street, specffically in the School Zone. The group believes that the area is not signed adequately at a School 9 and the following recomnendations were made. P 1. Painted crosswalks for children going to and from u Middle-High School, specifically one near Sherry Rd. and another in the area of 425-435 Dorset St. 2. School Crossing signs at the above locations with signing warning vehicular traffic to a slower speed and use of caution for pedestrian and bikes crossing. 3. Lower speed limit to 25 mph for Dorset St. 4. Flashing caution signal in School Zone. 5. School Crossing Guard for Dorset St. MEMORANDUM ---------- TO: South Burlington City Council FROM: City Manager William J. Szymanski RE: Aqency of Transportation Southern Connector Scope of Work (Planning and Engineering Phase) DATE: August 13, 1987 The scope of work the City anticipates from the State Highway Engineers is as follows: (I) Obtain and furnish the Study Committee all present day traffic counts. The M.P.O. will project the traffic count for the design year. (2) Assist the Study Committee in reviewing and updating the environmental assessment study compiled for the project several years ago. This may include additional routes, road crossection, alignment, approximate land takings, the need for sidewalks, bicycle paths, landscaping. TO: South Burlington City Council FROM: James Goddette, Fire Chief RE: Two New Bids on the Fire Sub-station DATE: August 13, 1987 On Thursday, August 13, 1987, Bill Szymanski and myself reviewed two new bids on the Fire Sub-station. One was from Adams Construct- ion for $162,190 and the other from I.C.V. for $163,480. We added items which were cut on the Adams bid, but were on the I.C.V. bid. The cost from Adams would then be $178,468 compared to the $163,480 cost from I.C.V. Bill and I feel that the East side of the building should have Split Block on the lower half of the building which would cost an additional $2,600. The only other cost would be $3,100 for site work if the City was unable to do it, due to a busy schedule. Our total cost on the I.C.V. bid would be $169,180. If Adams received the bid the total cost would be $181,220. At this time both Bill and I feel that I.C.V. is giving the best package for the cost of $169,180 and it is everything that was asked for.