HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 04/20/1987CITY COUNCIL 20 APRIL 1987 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, April 20, 1987, at 7:30 pm, in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Michael Flaherty, Acting Chairman; George Mona, Francis X. Murray Also Present William Szymanski, City Manager; Ruth Poger, The Other Paper; Bruce O'Neill, Recreation Dept; Margaret Picard, City Clerk/Treasurer; James Goddette, Fire Dept; Michael Donoghue, Free Press; Albert Audette, Street Dept; Jody Blinn, Ann Churchill, Madeline Owen, Kelly Daly, Gail Haggarty, Nancy Daly, Cherrie Floyton, Mary Brooks, Gene Brooks, Richard Carter, Flora Harriman, Clyde Devoid, Arthur DeLong, Paul Grinnell, Phil Goare, Richard Chasse, Douglas Burbo, Reginald Emch, Lynda Emch, Carol Lothrop, Alma Edwards, Arnold Edwards, Bernard Paquette, Greg Lothrop Comments & Questions from the Public (not related to items on the Agenda) No issues were raised. Second PUBLIC HEARING on Proposed Charter Change regarding purchase of Fire Department equipment Mr. Flaherty explained the need to allow the City to create a sinking fund for Fire Dept. equipment. This will not increase taxes. He then read the new wording (attached). As there was no input from the public, Mr. Murray moved to close the public hearing. Mr. Mona seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Consider increase in Red Rocks Park Fees Mr. O'Neill explained that fees now are extremely low, and that most other communities charge by the person and not just a parking fee as South Burlington does. The fee increase would be from $3.50 for the season to $5.00. Non-residents would pay $10.00 for the season. There would be no increase in the daily rate. The proposed increase would have resulted in $780 more in revenue for last year's attendance. Mr. Murray moved to approve the new rates. Mr. Mona seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Sign proclamation designating 4/25-5/2/87 as "Week of the Young Child" Mr. Murray moved that the Council sign the proclamation. Mr. Mona seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Flaherty advised that there will be a celebration in JC Park on Saturday with Gov. Kunin in attendance. Meet with residents of Henry Court regarding apparent pollution in nearby drainage way Mr. Szymanski noted he received a complaint on 4/1/87. Samples were taken and it was observed that the odor was very bad. Tests on the samples revealed 10 part per billion of benzine and 85 parts per billion of metholyne chloride. No traces of these chemicals could be found in the city drainage system. Indications are the chemicals are coming from the Airport, and Mr. Houghton and Mr. D'Amico were present to discuss this possibility. Mr. D'Amico said a problem has been located where the drainage ditch flows under Airport Parkway, but they do not know if the chemicals are involved. Mrs. Lothrop reminded the Council that she had brought a petition to them in December. Other residents expressed frustration at how long this problem has been going on. Mrs. Churchill said it is an all-year problem. Mr. Haggarty said the 2 people who came down today felt the problem was caused by jet fuel and sewage. Mr. Deloy said it all comes out as foam. Mr. Szymanski said that in the tests done in December it had been impossible to trace the source of the problem. Mr. D'Amico noted that the Airport had put in a new drain system last fall, but all that is in there now is ground water. Mr. Houghton said he had talked with Mrs. Lothrop and with Dick Carter in the past and had Dick Styles come in to check on the problem but there had never been any indication until 2 weeks ago that it came from the Airport. He also noted that Bill Barry of the Hazardous Materials Dept. of the State said today he didn't think the problem was from the Airport but felt it was sewage. The Airport has asked Aquatek to test to see if the problem is Airport-related. He stressed that jet fuel does not get into the drainage system without everyone knowing about it. The Airport is very concerned about underground tanks and will completely redo the fuel storage system. Mr. Mona said he was disappointed the Council did not have an evaluation of how bad the analysis is. He didn't feel it should be so hard to trace the source of the problem. Mr. Audette said they checked the storm drain system on Airport Drive and could find no residue there. Mr. Carter noted that last November Don Whitten had taken samples at the culvert. The situation has been getting steadily worse since then. Mr. Mona noted there may be 2 problems, one caused by chemicals and the other from sewage. He said the Council needs to get a definitive answer. Mr. Murray felt the City should have its own study in addition to the Airport's, as the Council has the responsibility for the safety of people there. He felt 2 questions needed to be answered: what is the source and what is the health hazard. Mr. Flaherty said he would like to have the neighbors specify a person to work with the City on this. Mrs. Brooks noted there have been 6 cases of cancer on Henry Drive over the years and wanted to know if this is higher than the average should be. Mr. Murray moved that the Council direct the City Manager to work with Sonny Audette and a neighbor from the area and select an engineer to determine the danger and source of material. The group should contact people who have previously done tests in the area and find out these test results and also ask the State epidemiologist if the chemicals involved are carcinogens. The Committee should report back to the Council at its next meeting on 4 May 1987. Mr. Mona seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Review Planning & Zoning Agendas No issues were raised. Read Minutes of 13 April 1987 Mr. Murray moved the Minutes of 13 April 1987 be approved as written. Mr. Mona seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Sign Disbursement Orders Disbursement Orders were signed. Other Business 1. Mr. Murray noted the MPO Technical Committee met to outline priority items to be put back into the 5-year plan. Dorset Street was listed as the #1 priority of the 11 projects on the list. This list will be forwarded to the State. The Committee appointed by the Governor meets on 1 May and will be looking at all kinds of possible revenue. A suggested 1 cent increase in the gas tax would add only 2.5 million per year, nowhere near the hundreds of millions needed. Mr. Murray said he raised the issue of Kennedy Dr. Teams are being formed to identify roads and form a system to prioritize maintenance on these roads. Kennedy Dr. is the only Class 2 Primary road in the state. Mr. Hogan raised the question of the west access from Gaynes onto Williston Rd. There is a dispute between the owners of the land behind Gaynes who want a hotel there and the Sheraton about lining up the accesses. 2. A letter has been received questioning the light on Spear St. Mr. Szymanski said it is supposed to be temporary. He has an Ordinance prepared for the 4 May meeting. Mr. Audette said he has been watching the light and has found traffic doesn't back up on Spear St. in the morning as it used to. Liquor Control Board Mr. Murray moved the Council meet as Liquor Control Board. Mr. Mona seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Jody Ward presented a request from Club New England for a "Beach Ball Bash" on Sunday 4/26 from 4-7 pm. It will consist of a barbeque held in a canopy tent with a D.J. present. Mr. Murray moved the Council not approve the request as the area backs to a residential neighborhood and it would be unfair to impose on their Sunday afternoon. Before the motion could be seconded, Ms. Ward said the music would be very low. A proposal has been sent to the Liquor Board in Montpelier. Everyone will be carded and must go through the building to get to the tent area. A similar even 2 years ago produced no problems. She said the music was not necessary. Mr. Murray moved to approve the request without music. Mr. Mona seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Szymanski presented the new liquor license renewals. There is a question of possible "illegal activity" mentioned by the Police Chief at Vinny's Hot Spot. Mr. Mona moved to approve the requests except the Vinny's renewal. Mr. Murray seconded. Motion passed unanimously. It was agreed to discuss the Vinny's situation at the next meeting. As there was no further business to come before Board, the meeting adjourned at 9:10 pm. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Council of the City of South Burlington hereby gives notice that a public hearing will be held on MONDAY , April 20, 1987 at 7:30 P.M. at South Burlington City Hall, 575 Dorset Street, to consider the following proposed amendment to the City of South Burlington Charter. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE CRARTEB OF THE CITY OF SOUTE BURLINGTON POVEBS AM) DUTIES OF CITY COUNCIL - Chapter 3, Section 310 of the Charter of the City of South Burlington shall be amended to read in its entirety as follows: (a) The members of the council shall be and constitute the legislative body of the City of South Burlington for all purposes required by statutes and except as otherwise herein specifically provided, shall have all powers and authority given to, and perfom all duties required of city legislative bodies under the laws of the State of Vermont. (b) Within the limitations of the foregoing, the council shall have the power to: (1) Appoint and remove the city manager and supervise, create, change, and abolish offices, commissions or departments established by this charter. (2) Assign additional duties to offices, commissions or departments established by this charter, but may not discontinue or assign to any other office, commission or department duties assigned to a particular office, commission or department estab- lished by this charter. (3) Make, amend, and repeal ordinances. (4) Provide for an independent audit by a registered or certified public accountant who shall perform an annual audit of all city departments including the water department. Said auditor shall also perform an annual audit of the South Burlington School district accounts. The elective office of auditor shall be abolished and the appointed auditor shall be responsible for and have all the powers and duties as are prescribed for town auditors under the laws of this state. (5) Adopt an official seal, for the city. (6) Direct the city treasurer to create and maintain a - special reserve find for the City Fire Department to be used exclusively for the purchase or rebuilding of necessary vehicles and atteodantequipment. The council shall have the authority to purchase or rebuild such necessary vehicles and attendant. equipment by utilizing the proceeds of the special reserve fund, and may partially fund any expenditure by incurring indebtedness in an amount not to exceed four times the amount of proceeds paid from the special reserve fund for the purchase or rebuilding. Any indebtedness shall be paid witbin four years of the date it is orig2nally incurred in as equal annual installments as possible. The funds appropriated to this special reserve fund and the funds used to pay any indebtedness incurred shall be included in the allowable net cost of operations as specified in 1309.1. (c) The council shall adopt the budget of city, as provided herein. NOTE: Proposed additional language in bold print and underlined. Dated at South Burlington, Vermont, this9- day of MARCH , 1987. SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNC RECEIVED AND RECORDED this a day of 1987.