HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 04/13/1987CITY COUNCIL 13 APRIL 1987 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 13 April 1987, at 7:30 pm. in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; Michael Flaherty, George Mona, Francis X. Murray, Molly Lambert Also Present Margaret Picard, City Clerk/Treasurer; Wendy Schroeder, Business Manager; James Goddette, Fire Chief; Albert Audette, Street Dept; Bob Irish, City Charter Committee; Michael Donoghue, Free Press; Larry Brainard, Leland Brooks, Mrs. Leland Brooks, Richard Bell; Jill Jeeso, The Other Paper, Peter Taylor, City Charter Committee. Comments & Questions from the Audience Mrs. Brooks presented a petition from residents of Hadley Rd. who do not want a sidewalk on their street (attached). She noted that when the petition favoring sidewalks was circulated last year, those who were opposed never saw it. The signatures opposing the sidewalk are two to one over those in favor. Mr. Szymanski noted the project was in the bond issue passed several years ago. Mr. Audette added that curbs are almost all in, and the sidewalks are scheduled for this year. Mrs. Brooks said those opposing sidewalks want the area to remain as suburban as possible. Mr. Farrar suggested delaying this project to see how the other projects come out. He estimated there wouldn't be enough money to do all the other projects in the bond issue. Other Council Members expressed concern about safety factors as there is considerable pedestrian traffic on the street. Mr. Murray stressed that the Council usually likes to give people in a neighborhood what they want, but in this case he felt safety issues would overweigh the opposition to sidewalks. Mrs. Brooks suggested putting in the sidewalk on the other side of the street since that's where most of the people who want it are living. Mr. Audette said this wasn't feasible since it would then not hook up with the other sidewalks in the area. Mr. Flaherty moved to defer construction of the Hadley Rd. sidewalk at this time. Mrs. Lambert seconded. In the vote which followed, the motion was defeated 2-3 with Messrs Murray, and Mona and Mrs. Lambert opposing. PUBLIC HEARING on Proposed Charter Change, regarding purchase of Fire Department equipment Mr. Farrar read the proposed language for Chapter 3, Section 10(b)(6) (attached). He explained that this would give the Council the authority to do for the Fire Dept. what it can do for the Street Dept, namely to borrow money as part of the operating budget without a separate vote of the community. He noted this has worked well in the past, and the city is getting to the point where it will have to buy fire equipment about every 5 years. The Charter change will allow for funding these expenditures in the operating budget without an increase in the tax rate. As there were no comments from the public, Mr. Flaherty moved that the Public Hearing be closed. Mr. Murray seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. A second public hearing will be held on 20 April 1987. Sign Warning for Annual Meeting Mr. Flaherty moved that the reading of the Warning (attached) be waived and that it be passed as written. Mr. Mona seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Consider adopting 1987-1988 City Budget Mr. Murray moved that the 1987-88 City Budget be approved as presented. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Appoint Town Service Officer for one year Mr. Flaherty moved to appoint Bill Szymanski as Town Service Officer. Mr. Murray seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Appoint auditors for City's 1986-87 Audit Mr. Szymanski noted this is the third year of a 3-year agreement. The fee for this year would be $14,000. Mr. Murray moved to appoint Sullivan-Powers for the 1986-87 audit. Mrs. Lambert seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Act on Telephone Company petition for installation of buried cable on Green Mountain Drive. Mr. Szymanski explained that the cable is to serve the new IDS building. Mr. Murray moved to approve the Telephone Company petition. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Review Planning and Zoning Agendas Mr. Mona drew attention to a petition for a Montessori school on Tanglewood Drive and noted that an open house has already been held at the location, which seemed to be in anticipation of approval. He was concerned that a person is running a business at a location where she does not live. Mr. Szymanski will express this concern to the Zoning Board. Mrs. Lambert drew attention to the Planning Commission Minutes of 17 March in which the Commission felt the Council should declare the Brand Farm land as park land. There had been concern that once residential development began in the area, people would say they don't want ball fields, etc. in their neighborhood. Members agreed to bring up the subject at tomorrow's joint meeting with the Planning Commission. Review Minutes of 19 March, 23 March, 1 April, 3 April Mr. Murray moved to approve the Minutes of 19 March, 23 March, 1 April, and 3 April as written. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Sign Disbursement Orders Disbursement Orders were signed. Other Business Mr. Murray noted that senior members of the UVM Rescue Squad will be graduating soon. He agreed to prepare a Resolution of gratitude for them. Mrs. Lambert reported that the "Access 87" Committee has hired a person to man a traffic hotline (658-GOGO) to update where road construction will be a problem. A brochure will also be distributed. Personnel directors of large companies have also been advised of potential problems, and Mrs. Lambert suggested that South Burlington companies be included in the process. A Park & Ride has been started at Champlain Lanes on Shelburne Rd, and daily notices will be placed in the Free Press as well as on radio stations. No alternate routes will be suggested. Mr. Murray raised the question of the temporary traffic light at Swift and Spear Sts. and suggested the Council approve an Ordinance in order to legally enforce it. Mr. Szymanski will prepare such an Ordinance. Liquor Control Board Mr. Murray moved that the Council meet as Liquor Control Board. Mr. Mona seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Szymanski presented the liquor license renewals which had to tax or other problems. Mr. Murray moved that the renewals presented be approved. Mr. Mona seconded. Motion passed unanimously. As there was no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. i City of South Burlington Town Managers Off ice August 13, 1986 We, the Residents of South Burlington living on Hadley Road in Eastwoods. The QUESTION is would you like sidewalks on Hadley Road if SO answer RESIDENTS NAME AND ADDRESS . -- L?zS ~ .. -- J - -- V -- ~. . -. . ~~ , J --- ~. ~ a \ . I 4 -. J City of South Rurlington Town Kanagers Office We, the Retiiaents of South Burlington living on Hadley Road in Eaetnoobs. The QUESTION ie would you like sidewalk8 on Hadley Road if so msuer 33 Hadley Road South Burlin ton, VT 05403 April 13, 19 ! 7 City Council City of South Burlington Ladies and Gentlemen: Attached is a petition which was circulated on Hadley Road between October 1, 1986,and now regarding the installation of sidewalks. The property owners of Hadley Road were notified last fall that sidewalks would be installed this spring. I did a telephone survey (results attached) in the summer of 1983 regarding this issue. The owners at that time were over- whelmingly against sidewalks. When the issue arose last year, I was told that there had been a request from the property owners to have sidewalks. Since I found little a support for this, several people asked me to circulate a petition about the issue. It was my intention to contact every property owner on the street; however, lack of time and sickness prevented me from doing so. Even if I had done so, there still would have been a majority of owners opposed. Someof those not signing (four) were opposed to sidewalks in 1983. 76 The results of this petition"show property owners against sidewalks almost two to one. If you analyze the petition based on one house equals one vote, there are four and one- half homes for sidewalks and fourteen and one-half against sidewalks. The one-half vote in each case comes from one household where owners disagree on sidewalks. Therefore, we, the property owners of Hadley Road, request the City Council not to have sidewalks installed on Hadley Road. Very truly yours, 6p.U Louise P. Brooks (Mrs. Leland R.) cc Mr. William Szymanski 33 Hadley Road South Burlington, Vermont September 1, 1983 Mr. William Seymanski City Manager 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05401 Dear Mr. Szymanski: The following resident poperty owners would like to go on record as being opposed to installation of sidewalks on Hadley Road. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Barone Dr. Bernard Barney Mrs. W. A. Best Mrs. Walter T. Biggar &. and Mrs. Leland Brooks Mrs. Mildred Burleigh Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cady Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Chattman Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Citro Mr. and Mrs. Glen Griggs Mr. and Mrs. Ted %skins Mr. and MFS. Rohert OtBrien Mr. and Mrs. John Proctor Mr. and Mrs. Michael Provost is' Mrs. meanor Reddington I. Mr. and Mrs. Odd Steen Mr. Craig Weatherly (Mrs. Weethesly is not opposed) Since this clearly represents a majority of the resident property owners, please bring this to the attention of the City Council and ask them to permanently abandon this project. Sincerely yours, Louise P. Brooks (Mrs. Leland R.) lpb cc all persons listed above . . ' ?/., - '. : , . -. i -. , - ..,.... . .-. .. . . . ~.;c.~. , . . :I/ . . ... a -. . . ~ ~- ;:;The , . property owners on adley ~oad?.&$h4 -hXvZ-Si~rie5-below are . - :in L .............................. favor of the instal .......... of _ sid.ewalks on Fadley . Road. r I tTame(s) of wner(s1 . . ........... ....................... - - I!! ~. ,., owners on ~ahlZyR6ad who-ha?j--'-signed below-~ai% installation of sidewalks on Hadley Poad. . . . . . . . - ~ . . . . . .. . _ , CITY OF SOUTI1 BURLINGTON NOTICE OF PURLIC HEARING APRIL 13, 1987 - 7:30 P.M. SOUTB I~~~RLINGTON CITY HALL 575 DORSET STREET SOUTE BURLINGTON. VT The Council of the City of South Burlington hereby gives notice that a public hearing will be held on MONDAY , April 13, 1987 at 7:30 P.M. at South Burlington City Hall, 575 Dorset Street, to consider the following proposed amendment to the City of South Burlington Charter. PROPOSED AHENDWENT TO TEE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF SOWfJ? BURLINGTON POWERS AND DUTIES OF CITY COUNCIL - Chapter 3, Section 310 of the Charter of the City of South Burlington shall be amended to read in its entirety as follows: (a) The members of the council shall be and constitute the legislative body of the City of South Burlington for all purposes required by statutes and except as otherwise herein specifically provided, shall have all powers and authority given to, and perform all duties required of city legislative bodies under the laws of the State OF Vermont. (b) Within the limitations of the foregoing, the council shall have the power to: 1 Appoint and remove the city manager and supervise, create, change, and abolish offices, commissions or departments established by this charter. (2) Assign additional duties to offices, commissions or departments established by this charter, but may not discontinue or assign to any other office, commission or department duties assigned to a particular office, commission or department estab- lished by this charter. (3) Make, amend, and repeal ordinances. (4) Provide For an independent audit by a registered or certified public accountant who shall perform an annual audit of all city departments including the water department. Said auditor shall also perform an annual audit of the South Burlington School district accounts. The elective office of auditor shall be abolished and the appointed auditor shall be responsible For and have a11 the powers and duties as are prescribed for town auditors under the laws of chis state. (5) Adopc an official seal for the city. (c) The council shall adopt the budget of city, as provided herein. NOTE: Proposed additional language in bold print and underlined. Dated at South Burlington, Vermont, this 9th day of MARCH , 1987. SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNC RECEIVED AND RECORDED this l a day of rL 1987. (b) Within the limitations of the foregoing, the council shall have the power to: (1) Appoint and remove the city manager and supervise, create, change, and abolish offices, commissions or departments established by this charter. (2) Assign additional duties to offices, commissions or departments established by this charter, but may not discontinue or assign to any other office, commission or department duties assigned to a particular office, commission or department established by this charter. , d (3) Make, amend, and repeal ordinances. < I (4) Provide for an independent audit by a registered or certified public accountant who shall perform an annual audit of all city departments including the water department. Said auditor shall also perform an annual audit of the South Burlington School District accounts. The elective office of auditor shall be abolished and the appointed auditor shall be responsible for and have all the powers and duties as are prescribed for town auditors under the laws of this state. (5) Adopt an official seal for the city. (6) Direct the city treasurer to create and maintain a special reserve fund for the City Fire Department reserve fund, and may partially fund any expenditure by incurring indebtedness in an amount not to exceed four times the amount of proceeds paid from the special reserve Eund for the purchase or rebuilding. Any indebtedness shall be paid within four years of che date it is originally incurred in as equal annual installments as possible. The funds appropriated to this special reserve fund and the funds used to pay any indebtedness incurred shall br i~ncluded in the allovablc nCt cosL of o~rntions ~ as spccificied in 1309.1. (c) The council shall adopt the budget of the city, as provided herein. Note: Proposed additional language in bold print and underlined. POLLIHG PLACES ARE TEE ~~~ERLIN SCHOOL ON WHITE STREET. TEE SOW BURLINGTON MIDDLE SCBOOL ON DOWET STREBT AND TEE ORCHARD SCHOOL OFT SHELBURNE ROAD: V0TEB.S TO GO TO TEE POLLING PLACE IN THEIR RESPECTIVE DISTRICT. Dated at South Burlington, Vermont, thisl3thday of April, 1987. - 9M. George JP MOG mP-- <L.L4x.--., Francis X. Murray FILED AM) RECORDED this \% - day of April, 1987 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the South Burlington City Council has concluded that the public interest and necessity of the City requires the construction of a Fire Department Substation in the sourtherly portion of the City; and UHEBEAS, the construction of said eubstation will cost an estimated $235,000; and HEEREAS, the Council has determined that the cost of the same will be too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual income and revenue of the City of South Burlin~ton; NMJ, TEEREFORE. IT IS WREBY UESOLVED by the' South Burlington City Council that the proposition of incurring a bonded debt be submitted to the qualified voters of the City of South Burlington in the following form: Shall bonds or notes of the City of South Burlington in an amount not to exceed $175,000 be issued for the purpose of constructing a Fire Department Substantion on Holmes Road to serve the southerly portion of the City for a total estimated cost of $253,000, the remainder of which to be donated to the City by Fire District No. 4 of the City of South Burlington. -- IT IS FURTEER RESOLVED that a vote on said proposition shall be conducted 1 by Australian Ballot at the annual meeting of the City of South Burlington i to be held on Tuesday, May 19, 1987 at which meeting the polls will be open 1 ! at 7:00 a.m. and close at 7:00 p.m., balloting to be conducted at the City's . I regular polling places at the Chamberlin School on White Street, the South I ! Burlington Middle School on Dorset Street and the Orchard School off Shelht~rne 1 Road. I I Dated at South Burlington, Vermont, thisl3thday oF April, 1987. - ! Rcccived and Recorded this\U,*day - of April, 1987 I