HomeMy WebLinkAboutZP-22-079 - 0073 Bower Street 3/25/2022Dorset Farms Homeowners Association South Burlington, Vermont Request to Build/Install Please fill out the information below. Any product pamphlets, pictures or supporting materials you have pertaining to your request are encouraged and may be included along with this request. Owner(s) Name: ___Timur Tsutsuk__________________________________ (Please print) Street Address: ___73 Bower St., South Burlington, VT 05403_______________ (Please print) Structure: _____Fence__________________________ (ex. fence, shed, play structure, etc.) Dimensions: ___230 linear feet total. 64ft of 6ft tall white vinyl, 166ft of 54inch black aluminum, (length, width, height) Color(s): ____white vinyl and black aluminum____________________________ Please indicate color scheme of structure Constr. Start Date: ___May 15 2022 estimate_ Constr. Completion Date: ___May 18 2022______ Construction start date and construction completion date are required and must be strictly adhered to. Homeowner must notify the Board of Directors in writing regarding any deviation from the dates noted above. Modified dates are subject to subsequent approval. Material(s): Please list and/or describe materials structure will be constructed of. ALUMINUM FENCE SECTION - Alumi-Guard® Flat Top Residential Fences 54” flat top 3-rail black aluminum fence. Concealed fastener grade, 8' wide panels. 1-1/4″ x 1-1/4″ rail, 3/4" pickets, 2-1/2" x 7' posts set in concrete 42-48" deep to prevent frost heaving. There will be one 4' wide walk gate. Gate posts will be heavy duty 0.125" wall thickness. Gates Furnished with black powder coated stainless steel hardware, including self-closing adjustable hinges and latch. VINYL FENCE SECTION Oklahoma with Connecticut Open Spindle Toppers - Interstate Wholesale Fence (interstatevisions.com) 6' tall white vinyl privacy fence with scalloped open spindle topper. 7/8" T&G Pickets, 2"x6"x96" Rails, 5"x9' posts, Gate posts reinforced with aluminum inserts. There will be one 8’ wide double gate. Posts will be set in concrete 42-48" deep to prevent frost heave. We are looking to install fencing on the northern and western parts of our existing home at 73 Bower St.. The 64ft section attached to the house and running parallel to it (rather than the street) and facing the road will be 6ft vinyl with scalloped open spindle topper, a style matching existing fencing on the southern side of the house. The rest of the fence will be 54inch tall black 3-rail black aluminum fencing, with a small section at a right corner feeding off the vinyl section, and the rest of the fencing following property boundary lines. There will be a double wide gate in the vinyl section, and a single gate in the aluminum section as marked on the sketch below. The fence will be installed within but not on property boundary. There are boundary marks on the property, including at the end of the existing fence on the southwestern corner of the property. Fence posts will be placed on the inside of the fence. Smooth or finished side will face the abutting property. I am including an approximation of the fence using ArcGIS portal data – note that property line online is a bit off – the existing fence terminates at an inground property marker which will be used to ensure we stay within the parcel line. As part of the works the contractor will also reset the existing gate on the southern side of the house which has shifted due to frostheave. Continued… Location: In the area below please provide a basic “birds-eye view” sketch representing the location (as accurately as possible) you intend to build or install your structure. Please include your property boundaries and measured distances from major landmarks, property lines and/or other structures such as your house, garage, existing fences, etc. Applications will be returned as incomplete if measurements are not included in the sketch. It is your responsibility to ensure you are in compliance with all applicable city setback standards and permit requirements. If structure is to be relocated at any time after approval is granted, additional approval must be obtained prior to relocation. Continued… Please complete and sign below. I/we, the legal owner(s) of the property located at ____73 Bower St., South Burlington, VT 05403 in (Street Address) South Burlington, Vermont verify that the information provided above accurately describes and depicts the design, dimensions, materials, colors and location of the structure I/we hereby request to build/install. By signing below I/we assure that no alterations, modifications or changes of any nature shall be made without obtaining subsequent approval. I/we also understand and agree that approval of my/our structure is contingent upon my/our signing of the attached Agreement to Maintain. Signature(s): Date: __03/09/2022__________________ Comments from Homeowner(s): We are new the neighborhood and are loving it so far. With this project we are trying to follow styles that we have found in the neighborhood already and do an exact match of the style of fence that already exists on our property. Thank you reviewing this quickly! With supply chain issues and oil prices increasing, contractors only provide quotes that are good for 7 days, so the longer we wait the more expensive the project will likely be. Continued… Dorset Farms Homeowners Association Agreement to Maintain (Terms in effect upon final approval) I/we, ____Timur Tsutsuk_________________________________, the legal owner(s) of the property located at: (Please print name(s)) ____73 Bower St., _____________________ in South Burlington, Vermont; hereby agree to maintain my/our (Street Address) ___fence____________ at all times in a workman-like manner so as not to allow its condition or appearance to (Structure type) detract from the aesthetic value of the neighborhood nor the dollar value of my own property or my neighbors’ property. I/we also understand and agree that upon receipt of written notice from the Dorset Farms Homeowner’s Association Architectural Review Committee or the Dorset Farms Homeowner’s Association Board of Directors or its Agent, regarding an issue of non-compliance or failure to maintain I/we shall take prompt and appropriate action to correct said issue. If I/we contest said issue I/we agree to do so in writing with 21 business days of receipt of the original letter. I/we will then be granted an opportunity to discuss my/our case with the Board of Directors and/or the Architectural Review Committee at the next meeting of the Committee or Board or a mutually agreed upon date. A final decision shall be made promptly thereafter. Further, I/we understand and agree that any alterations, modification or additions whatsoever to an approved structure, shed or fence, shall require additional approval by the Architectural Review Committee. Lastly, I/we understand and agree that upon any transfer of ownership of the property either by way of sale or deed, this agreement shall be transferable to the new owner. Date:___03/09/2022___________ Signature: End. To Be Competed by Architectural Review Committee, Board of Directors or Duly Authorized Agent Request Approved Request Denied Reason: Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: __________________ (Duly Authorized Agent)