HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 09/15/1986CITY COUNCIL 15 SEPTEMBER 1986 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 15 September 1986, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; Michael Flaherty, George Mona, Francis X. Murray, Molly Lambert Also Present William Szymanski, City Manager; Jane Lafleur, City Planner; Richard Spokes, City Attorney; Ruth Poger, The Other Paper; Mike Donoghue, Free Press; Catherine Peacock, Planning Commission; Albert Audette, Street Dept; Paula Lee, Lee Hemingway, Sam Hemingway, Cathy Butterfield, Ann Pugh, Kemp Manley, Kevin Farley, Michelle Wheel, Mary Jane Backman, Carol McClure, Kathleen Johnson, Phil Kane; Frank Mazur, CCTA Comments & Questions from the Audience (not related to items on the Agenda) No issues were raised. Review and discuss proposed Chittenden County Transit Authority bond issue planned for the 4 November 1986 election Mr. Mazur advised they will be asking for $950,000 of which $190,000 will be bonded for. They hope to purchase 5 buses, improve and buy new bus shelters, provide added signage and lighting. South Burlington's share of the bonded amount would be 18-19%, or about $7,000/year. There is currently one bond outstanding which has 2 years remaining, so there would be only one year of double payment. Ms. Lambert said that the proposed language doesn't make it clear that the city's share is only 18-19%, and Mr. Mazur said they will try to customize the language for each town so this is made clear. Ms. Lambert then moved to add the CCTA item to the ballot with the clarification of language. Mr. Murray seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Mr. Mazur noted they are very sensitive to the growth of population centers and are considering service expansion to meet these needs. Accept petition from Valley Ridge Development for City maintenance of private streets Valley Ridge residents stated that since they pay taxes which are not adjusted because of their private streets, they feel they are entitled to the same services everyone else in the city receives. Their road admittedly narrows to 24 feet, but they said they had found roads in the city that are only 20 feet wide, and they didn't feel it was impossible for the city to plow their road. There are no sidewalks, and because of minimal frontage there can never be sidewalks. Children and elderly residents must therefore use the road for walking, and this is very dangerous. They also realize that down the line the roads will need to be maintained, and they cannot afford this. Council members agreed that there should be a strong message to the Planning Commission that streets such as this should not be approved in the future. Mr. Murray said it was now a question of these people being treated fairly. Mr. Audette said that the other roads mentioned by the residents which the city does plow do not have curbs as the Valley Ridge road has. The road is very narrow, and there is no place to put the snow. If there is a car parked at the road, the plow cannot get by. Residents said snow can be dumped over the bank, and they would insure that cars are not parked on the road. After further discussion, Mr. Flaherty moved that the Council accept the petition of Valley Ridge and take responsibility for their common roads and accept them as city streets. Mr. Murray seconded. The motion was then amended to indicate that it is the intention of the City to take these actions based upon agreements between the City and the owners association. At this point, Mr. Mona stepped down from the Council as he had been on the Planning Commission when the Valley Ridge proposal was passed. Speaking from the audience, Mr. Mona cautioned the Council that they will be burdened with many of these requests in the future. Ms. Lafleur advised that the Planning Commission has changed the Ordinance to require that all streets be built to city standards with proper base. Council members said this was not enough, and there should be no private streets. In the vote on the motion, it was passed 4-0. Mr. Mona resumed his seat on the Council. Update on status of Dorset Street reconstruction project Mr. Farrar reported they are trying to get through Act 250 as quickly as possible. The key question is whether there is any choice as to whether utilities go above or underground. Mr. Murray said that Peter Owens has found places where federal money was used to put utilities underground. There is a meeting on 9/24 with the state transportation people. It is hoped that the necessity hearing can be at the end of this year, but that may be optimistic. Sign Highway Equipment renewal note Mr. Szymanski advised the note is for $8,800 for a road grader. It is for 6 months at 5.20% and has the standard resolution that this rate may change if federal law changes. Mr. Mona moved that the reading of the Resolution be waived. Mr. Flaherty seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Mr. Murray moved that the Council approve the note and sign the Resolution. Ms. Lambert seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Consider undertaking the design for extending the sewer system on Dorset St. Mr. Szymanski presented a map showing the area that would be served, which includes a good portion of the Southeast Quadrant. One pumping station near the high school would be used, and 2 smaller stations eliminated. Mr. Farrar said they need to know the rate of development that is being planned for and the most cost efficient way of doing it. If the work is done now, and the area isn't developed for 20 years, the taxpayers will end up paying for it. They will also need to know whether work can be done incrementally or whether it will have to be done all at once. The City Planner will be asked for projections on development in the next 5 years. Review Planning and Zoning Agendas Mr. Murray stressed that the Council should let the Planning Commission know it is their wish not to have any private streets for residential areas. Mr. Mona noted an item in the Zoning Agenda for a person who wants to build a workshop to within 4 feet of the rear and side yard lot lines. He felt this did not seem like a hardship case. Mr. Mona then moved that the Council send a message to the Zoning Board that it has reservations about this item and that it appears the owner may be setting up a "home occupation." Mr. Murray seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Minutes of August 18, 1986 and September 3, 1986 Mr. Flaherty moved that the Minutes of 18 August and 3 September 1986 be approved as written. Mr. Murray seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Sign Disbursement Orders Disbursement orders were signed. Old Business Mr. Szymanski reported that with regard to the Williston Rd. project, the city has been asked to prove they own the right-of-way. He went to the City of Burlington to find the records and sent the information to the State. The City Attorney will supply additional information, if needed. Mr. Szymanski also advised he had signed the agreement for reimbursement for utilities. He will write to find out the time-frame. Since the next meeting will be held at Orchard School, Mr. Mona suggested advertising this so that residents of the area will know. Ms. Lambert suggested contacting the principal who will send information home with the children. Members agreed that flags will be flown at half mast on 19 September for POW/MIA Day. Liquor Control Board Mr. Flaherty moved that the Council meet as Liquor Control Board. Mr. Murray seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Mr. Szymanski presented a request for a catering permit from Grandvue Corporation for a family day at Green Mountain Power on 27 September, 10 A.M. - 4 P.M. Mr. Murray moved the Board approve the catering permit as presented. Mr. Flaherty seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Mr. Szymanski then presented a second class liquor license request from K & K Beverage & Wine Shop, 1341 Shelburne Rd. This is a new business. The owners advised that they have a building permit to upgrade the building. They will have a wide selection of beer and wines. Mr. Szymanski said there are no problems with the request. Mr. Murray moved that the Board approve the second class liquor license for K & K Beverage & Wine Shop. Mr. Flaherty seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Executive Session Mr. Flaherty moved the Liquor Control Board adjourn and reconvene as City Council in Executive Session to discuss union negotiations and to continue discussion of acquisition of parkland and to resume regular session only to adjourn. Mr. Mona seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.