HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 10/06/1986CITY COUNCIL 6 OCTOBER 1986 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 6 October 1986, at 7:30 p.m., in the Learning Center, Orchard School. Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; Francis X. Murray, George Mona, Molly Lambert Also Present William Szymanski, City Manager; Jane Lafleur, City Planner; Albert Audette, Street Dept; Wendy Schroeder, Business Manager; Margaret Picard, City Clerk/Treasurer; Ruth Poger, The Other Paper; Mike Donoghue, Burlington Free Press; Bob Irish, Steve Crowley, Frank Mazur, Peter Owens, Bill Shearer, Jim Loewen, Allan Newman, Mary Silverman, Al McGowing, Joyce Collette, Bob Dipaola, Steven Barnes Comments & Questions from the Audience (not related to items on the Agenda) Mr. Shearer asked about the question of public/private roads. Mr. Farrar explained that the Council had voted in a particular case to take over a private road and make it a city street. In addition, the Council agreed to have the Zoning Ordinance amended so that there will be no private roads in the future. Mr. Shearer said the developer meets his costs by putting in private roads and passes the reduced savings on to buyers. Ms. Lambert outlined the problem of the City having to take over sub-standard roads after a year or two. Mrs. Lafleur asked if the Council wants to draw a distinction between a road in a single family development and a road in a condo development. Mr. Farrar said the only distinction he would want to make is between a road and a driveway. Mr. Mona added that there is also a problem for fire vehicles and for school buses. Mr. Murray said he did not necessarily think savings were passed on to the homeowner by the developer. Southern Connector Design Mr. Loewen, de facto spokesman for the Queen City Park residents, explained their concerns and asked that the Council represent these concerns to the Agency of Transportation. They are concerned about not being considered in the decision making process and feel that the Agency didn't think of them with the existing set-up, let alone the new plans. One of their concerns is the closure of Pine Street which will eliminate one of their accesses and will also make it more difficult for other city people to get to Red Rocks park. In addition, during construction (a 2 to 3 year period), the Southern Connector will dead end at Pine Street. Mrs. Lafleur said she was not sure this was true; there may be a stop until the connector is complete. Mr. Loewen said that Mr. Vlahos has said there would be a dead end. Most important, the only entrance to the Queen City Park neighborhood from the south is through the K-Mart parking lot (which is illegal). Residents feel that in time, left turns will be banned from Shelburne Rd. Mrs. Lafleur said there is over 200 ft. of stacking space. Mr. Farrar said he felt there should be a light for left turners. Mr. Loewen said that from the north, there will now be a problem and there may be traffic stacked on Shelburne Rd. at rush hour. At present, there is no problem getting out of the neighborhood, but there will be a problem with the new road for people who want to go left onto Shelburne Rd. Neighbors are also concerned that there is no access for bicycle or pedestrian traffic. Finally, they are concerned about access to their neighborhood during the construction process. Mr. Loewen stressed that they do not oppose the Connector, but are asking to have their needs and concerns addressed. They most definitely do not want Pine Street ever to be a cul de sac. Mr. Crowley said that Phase 2 of the Connector is not clear at this time as there is no solution to the barge canal. Mr. Newman said that the last time South Burlington was involved in the project was 7 years ago, and what may have made sense then just doesn't make sense now. Ms. Lambert said that one of the best remedies would be for residents to meet with a traffic engineer from the State who can provide traffic counts on ramps, etc. John Woods has said he would have a traffic engineer available to meet some time this week. Mr. Szymanski agreed to arrange a meeting with neighbors and State engineers. Review and discuss the proposed Shelburne Rd. improvements from Imperial Drive southerly Mr. Farrar explained that the project will go through South Burlington and to the bridge in the center of Shelburne Village. No local money is involved. He felt that any suggestions had a chance of being listened to because it is the beginning of the project. A formal hearing is being held on October 16th at Shelburne Middle School. Mr. Irish, representing Bartlett Bay Association, said it is their hope the same thing won't happen to them as is happening to Queen City Park. Mr. Farrar said the plan is to extend 2 lanes on the west side of the road to 5 lanes. Most South Burlington construction will be on the west side. The City has asked that provision be made for extension of the sidewalk on the east side with grading on the west side so a sidewalk can be put in. Mr. Irish said that anything that would prevent cars from cutting behind businesses and coming out onto Bartlett Bay Rd. would be helpful. Mr. Farrar said since left turns out of businesses will still probably be impossible, people will make right turns and then find parking lots to turn around in. Mary Silverman said that in addition to sidewalk pedestrian crossing lights would be helpful. Mr. Farrar said these have been requested. Mrs. Lafleur said they have requested pedestrian activated lights at Bartlett Bay Rd, Allen Rd, and Holmes Ave. Mr. Szymanski added that there will be turning lanes into Allen Rd. and Bartlett Bay Rd. Mr. Mazur said CCTA has lost bus ridership because people can't cross to get the bus into town. He said it seems this project will help southbound traffic but not northbound. Mr. Farrar said that until there is a parallel road, nothing much can be done. Al McGowing, representing the Harbor Heights neighborhood, noted there is a hotel being built which will bring traffic through their development, and they are very concerned with the "infamous" left turn onto Shelburne Rd. They understand a light is scheduled for Allen Rd. but not until the project is finished. He asked if would be possible to speed up the installation of the light. Mr. Farrar said probably not, but they will ask again. Mr. Farrar added that the City has asked for a bike path as well. Mr. Owens then gave a brief slide presentation on the Shelburne Rd. situation including the history of the area. He said the goals for the road are to provide for through traffic, give local traffic access, provide for all types of transportation, insure safety, sustain economic development, and maintain an aesthetic standard. Options being considered include: signalization, a collector system (side streets), 3, 4, and 5-lane configurations, a divided 4-lane road, frontage roads. Recommendations that have been made include consolidating accesses, separated bike paths, sidewalks on both sides, landscaping and attractive lighting, pedestrian crosswalks, underground utilities. He stressed that the present 5-lane system with a center turning lane providing continuous access doesn't consolidate turning movements and doesn't reduce conflict points. It also doesn't register enough volume at intersections to require signalization. He felt the City must insure that limited access is upheld. Mr. DePaola of Harbor View felt that left turns could be reduced by putting in U-turn loops. Mr. Owens said if that is worked in now, it would help, but it cannot be done after construction. With access management, even jug-handles wouldn't be needed. The Shelburne Town Manager stressed that the City and Town should work together with the Agency of Transportation as both have the same issues and problems. Appoint Voting Delegate to the League of Cities and Towns Meeting, 10/9/86 Ms. Lambert moved that Margaret Picard be appointed voting delegate to the 10/9/86 meeting of the League of Cities and Towns. Mr. Mona seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Review the purchase agreement for a portion of the Dorset St. park land and adopt resolution authorizing the purchase Mr. Farrar raised the question of title insurance. Mr. Murray said this would be required by the banks. Mr. Mona then moved that the Council approve the resolution and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement when it is in order. Ms. Lambert seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Accept resignation of D. Philip Wells from Natural Resources Committee Mr. Mona moved that the Council accept with regret the resignation of D. Philip Wells from the Natural Resources Committee and instruct the City Manager to prepare a resolution of gratitude. Ms. Lambert seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Consider applicant for appointment to Natural Resources Committee After a brief discussion, Mr. Mona moved that the Council appoint Larry Kupferman to the Natural Resources Committee opening. Mr. Murray seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Review Planning and Zoning Agendas No issues were raised. Minutes of 15, 22, and 23 September Ms. Lambert moved that the Minutes of 15, 22, and 23 September be approved as written. Mr. Murray seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Sign Disbursement Orders Disbursement orders were signed. Liquor Control Board Mr. Murray moved that the Council meet as Liquor Control Board. Mr. Mona seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Szymanski presented a first class liquor license application from New England village Pizza, Dorset Square. There are no problems with the request. Mr. Mona moved that the Board grant and sign the first class liquor license request from New England Village Pizza, Dorset Square. Ms. Lambert seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Szymanski then presented catering requests for a wedding at K of C Hall on 10/4 and a "Fall Celebration" at the same location on 10/18, both catered by Wetherbee's. Mr. Mona moved that the Board grant the 2 catering permits as presented by the City Manager. Mr. Murray seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Executive Session Mr. Murray moved that the Liquor Control Board adjourn and reconvene in executive session to discuss union negotiations and resume regular session only for the purpose of adjourning. Mr. Mona seconded. Motion passed unanimously. The Council came out of Executive Session and adjourned immediately. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.