HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 11/17/1986CITY COUNCIL 17 NOVEMBER 1986 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 17 November 1986, at 7:30 pm, in the City Hall Conference Room, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; Francis X. Murray, George Mona, Molly Lambert, Michael Flaherty. Also Present William Szymanski, City Manager; Wendy Schroeder, Business Manager; James Goddette, Fire Chief; Ruth Poger, The Other Paper; Moire Murray, Lawrence Atkin, Hugh Marvin, Bruce O'Neill, William Schuele, Ethel Schuele, Amy Spokes, Larry Hills, Mimi Bader, Dick Carlson, Greg Lothrop, Carole Lothrop, Thomas Juiffre, Beatric Alger, Bill Orleans, Tom Nelson, Sherry Baccar, Jan Fuller, Vi Luginbuhl, Lynne Heckman, Jim Loewen Comments & Questions from the Audience (not related to items on the Agenda) Mr. Loewen of Queen City Park, advised they have met with the Agency of Transportation regarding the Southern Connector and also with Bert Moffatt, Frank Sampson, Rep. David Kaufman, Catherine Voss, and others. They have also met with residents of Pine St. and Southcrest. Kaufman and Sampson said all of South Burlington must speak up, not only the Queen City Park people. A petition was then presented to the Council enumerating the following points: 1. Ramping System: traffic exiting from 1-189 will come to a stop before making left turns and, because of the configuration, right turns as well. Petitioners feel this will pile up traffic on 1-189 and on Shelburne Rd. They found a copy of the original Connector plans which shows a different ramping system which had a merge off 1-189 heading south. Residents of QCP feel that school buses and emergency vehicles will be impeded from getting to their neighborhood. 2. Closing Pine St.: This could be avoided by either a grade separation or a no-turn intersection. Petitioners feel either alternative is preferable to a cul de sac. They had been told that residents of the area wanted it closed; however, a canvas of the area including Pine St. and South-crest and some of Home Ave. showed that 65-70% were willing to sign the petition against the closing of Pine St. 3. Urban Typical Design: The Connector features urban typical design all the way in Burlington but not beyond. Residents are opposed to the planned chain link fence which will effectively wall them off from Burlington. They will no longer be able to walk into Burlington, and people from the Baird Center will no longer be able to walk to Red Rocks Park. The petition requests urban typical design for the full length of the road. Agency of Transportation projections say that it will go from level of service "C" to "D" at the exit ramp heading north/south onto Shelburne Rd. Mr. Loewen said it will also make Shelburne Rd. worse because of the long red light at the ramp. He added that no traffic from the Connector will go into Burlington on Phase II for at least 6 years; only the interchange will be open, thus dumping all the traffic onto Shelburne Rd. Mr. Murray suggested a meeting at which time Queen City Park people and the city can ask the Agency of Transportation what projections they have based their design on. He also suggested inquiring into what it takes for an entity to close a road that impacts 2 communities. Mr. Audette said Pine St. does not technically connect South Burlington to Burlington; it is all in Burlington. Mr. Murray suggested the City Attorney look into it. Mr. Loewen said the Agency doesn't want to get caught between 2 cities again as they did in Rutland. Mrs. Lambert said at the meeting the bike and pedestrian access from Queen City Park to Rt. 7 should also be discussed. Mr. Farrar suggested the issue be put on the next agenda so it can be voted upon. A resident of Kirby Rd. then presented a petition to the Council regarding water running through a ravine behind their homes. Residents feel this is a dangerous situation as children play in the area. There is also a foul odor, and they have asked the Health Dept. to test the water because it is stagnant and may come from the airport and thus contain oil or other dangerous substance. Water is 6 or 7 feet deep in places. It was agreed that Mr. Szymanski will look into the problem and discuss possible solutions at the next meeting. 2. Accept petition from Kirby Rd. residents regarding landfill site beaver dams Tom Juiffre said he feels the area should be cleaned up and drained. Children play and skate there, and it is dangerous. Mr. Schuele reminded the Council that whenever you put up a house or other building, you cut down the amount of water that goes into the ground. The water has to go somewhere, and winds up in the ravines. Over the past few years, the airport has added substantial paving. He felt it is not a beaver problem as they don't live in stagnant water. He felt killing the beavers would make the problem worse. Interview interested persons for appointment to: a) Library Board of Trustees, and b) Fine Arts Committee. Members interviewed the following 5 persons for the Library Board of Trustees: Amy Spokes, Lynne Heckman, Jan Fuller, Larry Hills, Jane Goodman. All expressed interest in the Community and in the Library in particular. Mrs. Schuele noted that the Library is hoping to revive "Friends of the Library" and hoped those who do not get appointed to the Board would come out and join the "Friends." The Council also interviewed Mimi Bader for the Fine Arts Committee position. Sign the agreement with Fire District #4 for the construction of a fire sub-station and review estimate for construction of that fire substation. Mr. Farrar briefly explained that Fire Dist. #4 will turn over $80,000 to the City providing the station is begun by July, 1988 and completed by the year after. Mr. Marvin outlined the history of the funds and noted that a small portion will be kept in the district's funds to cover bills. Anything left after that would also be turned over to the City. Mr. Murray said his concern is how the city can afford to man and maintain that station, and he wants to be sure the Council views this offer in context of all the other City demands. Mr. Mona felt the Fire Dist. had been very prudent in holding onto this money and felt it was a very good place for them to spend the funds. Members agreed and expressed thanks to Mr. Marvin and the Fire District. Mr. Mona then moved that the Council sign the agreement with Fire District #4 with thanks. Mr. Flaherty seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Members then reviewed cost figures from Chief Goddette on the project including construction and manning the station. Chief Goddette noted that the station could be opened on a volunteer basis to start and staffed gradually. Adopt resolution restricting parking on Maryland and Delaware Streets Mr. Szymanski explained that he has had calls from several residents about overflow Airport parking including Canadian cars that may park for 3 or 4 days at a time. Mr. Mona moved that the Council sign the Resolution as presented by the City Manager. Mr. Flaherty seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Mr. Murray suggested a follow-up to see if the City needs a special ordinance in order to prosecute violators. Review cost estimates and funding formula for construction of a sewer on Meadowood Drive Mr. Szymanski said the cost estimate if $120,000 for the sewer line. Mr. Farrar suggested finding out the procedure for setting up a special district. Several residents questioned whether residents will have to pay for all of the sewer. He felt all residents were not united in the effort to get the sewer and that they had more pressing problems to deal with first. Review Planning and Zoning Agendas No issues were raised. Review Minutes of 20 October, 3 November and special meeting of 27 October Mr. Flaherty moved that the Minutes of 20 October, 3 November and 27 October be approved as written. Mrs. Lambert seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Sign Disbursement Orders Disbursement orders were signed. Other Business Mrs. Poger requested that copies of documents being discussed be available for press and audience. She noted that she had been at the original meeting when the interchange ramps were discussed. They were to be built at C/D level of service, and it was estimated they would be at "D" all the time. Regarding the upcoming Steering Committee meeting on 4 December, Mrs. Lambert asked if there could be a detailed presentation on the various aid to education formulas. Mrs. Lambert also asked if the city can educate/plan for detours, etc, when work is being done on Shelburne Rd. Mrs. Schroeder presented the summary letter and contract for the insurance consulting work to be done by Don Condon. Mr. Condon's services will include risk management, internal management, training of city employees in maintaining the entire system. Mr. Mona moved that the Business Manager be authorized to sign the contract with D. J. Condon, insurance consultant. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Executive Session Mr. Flaherty moved that the Council adjourn and reconvene in executive session to discuss appointments to Library Board of Trustees and Fine Arts Committee and also negotiations for acquisition of Dorset St. parkland, and reconvene in regular session only to make appointments to Library Board and Fine Arts Committee and then adjourn. Mr. Mona seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. The City Council made the appointments to the Library Board of Trustees and the Fine Arts Committee. Frank Murray made the motion to appoint Jan Fuller to the Library Board of Trustees to fill the unexpired three year term until June 1987. George Mona seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Mr. Mona made the motion to appoint Doris Dunkley to fill the three year term until June 1989 and to appoint Mimi Bader to fill the unexpired three year term until June 1987 on the Fine Arts Committee. Molly Lambert seconded and all were in favor. The Council adjourned immediately. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. Resolution for South Burllngton Clty Councll Phase One of Burl ington':; proposed ;uuthert> Corinector is mostly located in South Eurlinjton and consists mainly of the redesign of the 1-189 inter~iiar~ge at Shelburl~e Road. The City of South Burlington is substantially affected by Phase I and is concerned with three aspect,:, of its present design. I. The City of South Eur: lngton be1 ;eves the proposed southbatin9 I-amp off 1-189, xhich would force drivct-s to cum,: t:u a stop 1 igh: and turn left I<! 3~:~ ~0~1th or; ';lieibut-rle Road, hiqs the poterltial to increase tr.4.l E it: tie-ups for rnotori:,ts leiiving 1-189 and for dr ivek-s on Stlelbul-rie Evad i tse: f, pait iculir! dui iny the years befo1.e Phase I1 is completed. The City of South Burl ir~gton calls on the City of Bur-l ingtorr and the Vermont Agency of .m .- ~rdnsportat ion to meet with us to reconsider this ramp design. 11. The City of South E,~JI-~ it~ytiin i-equests that Pine Str-eet not be closcd j!r-t. as it rea~tic,:. 5utitti Rurl i~,yina. Tlie I?r>t~r~t~ct~u cAr1 be built. %it?] s yrade 3ey3rat iuti or' 00-91 &de intersect lo;? betcef:..n it and Fine SLreet that wrjuld s:;c;g ti-ailic from Queen CiLy P;111: Ruad to use Pine Street, without. allowing i:or~nectou traffic to ,., .&it .. or~to Pine Street. The state has made clear that ttie decision to close Pine StreeL was made ~lely by the City of I.tul.1 l~ytorl, ledving out those ailst af fe~ted by it, Fine SLrert 1s a major access to Burllilyt~>n far South Bu~-linytot> residents in Queen City Park and other southern neighborhoods. We understand that many residents of che Fille Stree t/l(c~me AvenuelSouth Ck-est ne igt~borhoud oE Gut>l inyton also want Pint: Street kept upt.11. 111. The City of South Butlington requests that "Urban Typical Deslyr~" be extended from tlnn~i. Avenue to Shelburne Road. We understand that Burlington will get curbs, plantings, and no fences from Home Avenue not th, but, these the~e amenities wcrc omitted in South Burlington. In pat-tlcular, South Burlington doe:. nut wont to be sepaldied from ?.he South Erid of Burllngtor~ by a chain link fence.