HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 11/03/1986CITY COUNCIL 3 NOVEMBER 1986 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 3 November 1986, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; George Mona, Francis X. Murray, Molly Lambert Member Absent Michael Flaherty Also Present William Szymanski, City Manager; Jane B. Lafleur, City Planner; Wendy Schroeder, Business Manager; Albert Audette, Street Dept; Sid Poger, The Other Paper; Arthur Greenblott, Thomas Kleh, Eddie Rounds, Leon Bradley, Francis Laduc, Greg Dumont, Paul Roche, Gil Myers, Roger Dickinson, Skip Maclellan, Merv Brown, Lance Llewellyn Comments and Questions from the Public (not related to items on the Agenda) No issues were raised. Consider Request from Highway Union to Change City Personnel Rules & Regulations on Filling New Positions Mr. Myers recalled that when Leon Bradley applied for a position in the Sewer Dept., he was qualified but lost out on the job to a person from Essex Junction who had specific experience in a Sewer Dept. The rules say that where 2 people are equally qualified, the present city employee gets preference. Employees feel that the wording should be changed to read "...where a city employee is qualified..." and that the employee should be given a probationary period on the new job. Mr. Myers noted there would be a risk to the employee that if he/she didn't work out, there might be no job to go back to. Mr. Farrar said he felt this might create a problem, especially if the city wanted the best person for a job. He said he would be more inclined to favor language that said the city "may" choose the present city employee rather than "shall". He said this would be especially important in supervisory position. Mr. Myers asked if a 2- tier arrangement could be made, so that supervisory personnel could be viewed by more stringent criteria. Mr. Murray said he preferred to leave the present language as a change would tend to stifle getting new people into the organization. He also did not like the idea of management having to demonstrate a person is not qualified. Mr. Mona said he felt that at least for supervisory personnel the language should remain as is. Members agreed to leave the issue open and to think about it. Meet with Representatives from Swift Estates (Meadowood Dr) for installation of sewer lines Art Greenblott and Dr. Kleh, representing the residents, said they would like to extend the sewer line onto their street. They noted the street is 20 years old and that the septic system situation has deteriorated to the point where there may be a health situation. Mr. Farrar asked if this can be documented as it would affect whether the city can get state aid. Mr. Greenblott said he would try to get documentation. He noted that the sewer line now comes about 1/4 of the way up the street. Dr. Kleh added that the street needs resurfacing, and it would be a shame to dig it up and not do the sewer at the same time. Mr. Farrar noted that at the time Mr. Peters put in his sewer line, other residents were not interested in hooking on. Mr. Greenblott assured the Council that all of them are now interested. Mr. Szymanski will look into the situation and come up with dollar figures within the next few months. Final Plan Review of Planned Unit Development - Vermont Structural Steel Property off Hinesburg Rd. Mrs. Lafleur presented the same plan approved by the Planning Commission. It calls for 115 single family lots and meets all the park requirements and open space requirements. All streets will be city streets with one entrance on Hinesburg Rd. and accesses to Butler Farms. Drainage is satisfactory. The Planning Commission reviewed traffic, and it appears that a deceleration lane will be required into the project. The Hinesburg Rd/Kennedy Drive intersection will require improvements for northbound traffic turning left onto Kennedy Dr. A left turn lane will be needed. Mrs. Lafleur noted that the Commission has collected $12,000 toward improvements. Mrs. Lambert said she has heard complaints that left turning traffic into Timberlane will also be affected. Mrs. Lafleur said there is no doubt that as the quadrant grows, this will be a problem, but it has been determined that it is too close to the other light to warrant a signal. She added that when the second Cardinal Woods exit is opened, it will help solve the problem. This should happen next year. Mr. Murray raised the question of approval by the School Board. Mrs. Lafleur said the Board has not made a final decision yet. Mr. Murray questioned why the Council is approving the project without the school input. Criteria "h" was then questioned. Mr. Murray said the language bothers him as housing is not provided for all economic groups, only for those who can afford what the builder is building. This is true with all developments. The school question was then discussed extensively. Mr. Farrar pointed out that there is room in the schools; it is a question of allocation of space among the schools. He noted that all that could be required of a developer is an allocation of land for a school site or possibly money in lieu of land. He said he felt the language in the Ordinance means that facilities are available. Members felt that deleting the first sentence from item "e" would allow them to approve all but the school portion of the motion. Mr. Murray said they have been waiting since April for an answer from the School Board, and still there is none. He felt the developer was entitled to an answer at this meeting. Mr. Farrar felt that the motion could be approved without "e" with the contingency that final approval on part "e" will be given after receipt of information from the School Board. Mr. Murray added that the Council should meet in special session as soon as this information is received. Mr. Mona moved that the language in "h" be changed to read "...appropriate to the locale." Mrs. Lambert seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Mr. Murray then moved that the South Burlington City Council approve the final plat application of LDB, Inc, (Merv Brown) for the subdivision of a 100+ acre parcel into a 28.1 parcel of land zoned Industrial-Agricultural, 115 single-family lots, and 21.4 acres of open space to be dedicated to the City as depicted on a 16- page set of plans entitled "LDB Development, South Burlington, Vermont" prepared by Fitzpatrick-Llewellyn, Inc., dated September 11, 1986, stamp dated October 6, 1986. The Council hereby finds that the proposed development: a) will not result in undue water or air pollution, b) has sufficient water available for the reasonably foreseeable needs of the development, c) will not cause unreasonable soil erosion or reduction in the capacity of the land to hold water so that a dangerous or unhealthy condition may result, d) will not cause unreasonable highway congestion or unsafe conditions with respect to use of the highways, existing or proposed, e) see pg. #4 f) will not cause an unreasonable burden on the ability of the City to provide municipal or governmental services and facilities, g) will not have an undue adverse effect on the scenic or natural beauty of the area, is aesthetically compatible with existing buildings and site characteristics, and will protect rare and irreplaceable natural areas and historic sites, h) will provide housing types, cost, and characteristics appropriate to the locale, i) will provide convenient allocation and distribution of common open space in relation to proposed development and will conform with the City's recreation plan, j) will provide efficient layout and high-quality installation, construction, and maintenance of street and public facilities and will conform with the City's utilities plan, k) will provide for cooperation with adjoining properties in the extension of roadways, drainage facilities, and utility lines, l) will conform with the City's Comprehensive Plan. Item "e" which states "will not cause an unreasonable burden on the ability of the City to provide educational services and facilities. Final approval from the School Board shall be obtained prior to permit" is not a part of this motion and will be voted upon separately when information is received from the School Board. Mrs. Lambert seconded the motion, which passed 3-1, Mr. Mona voting against. Mr. Farrar reiterated that the Council will meet as soon as information is received from the School Board. Adopt Resolution of Commendation for retiring Board of Civil Authority member, Justice of the Peace Al Reynolds Mr. Murray moved that the Council adopt the resolution as prepared by the City Manager. Mr. Mona seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Discuss draft of MPO's study of I-89 Interchange improvements at Dorset St. and new interchange proposal for Hinesburg Rd. Mr. Farrar advised that the MPO has studied proposed interchanges in Chittenden County at Rt. 116, Interchange 13 (improvements), and near the race track in Milton. They determined costs of various projects and savings to the traveling public (fewer accidents, less gasoline used, etc), and also determined cost benefits. Their study shows Interchange 12A and 13 would result in positive cost benefits. They did not, however, determine cost benefits if both projects were done. 12A would provide far more positive benefits than completing 13 because the cost would be much less. The burden on overloaded intersections would be lessened and dispersed to intersections in-between. The Dorset St./Williston Rd/Interstate intersection would still require major improvements. Interchange 13 would cost $10,700,000 in today's dollars with a cost benefit ration of 1.4; 12A would cost $2,086,000 with a cost benefit ratio of 11.3. Mr. Farrar said he has asked the MPO to compute costs and benefits if the northbound ramp at 13 were done along with 12A. Mr. Mona said he would like to see what the equations include. Mr. Poger felt that 12A would take valuable land in the southeast quadrant and turn it into interstate. Mr. Murray said this would also put pressure for commercial development in the area. Mr. Farrar said the equation doesn't include zoning changes. Mr. Farrar said the City should make some decision in the next 6-8 months in order to get planning done. Consider a land-swap on former National Life Land off Shelburne Rd. Mr. Szymanski explained that originally National Life had lots off Green Mountain Drive and Shelburne Rd. In order to serve the lots off Shelburne Rd, they were required by the Planning Commission to build a service road. IDS (a data company) is now expanding through the whole area, so there will be no need for a service road. In laying out the proposed Holmes Rd. extension, a need has been demonstrated for a portion of the National Life land. Mrs. Lafleur said the city doesn't need the strip in front now. For the IDS project one curb cut will be closed on Shelburne Rd. and the one that remains will serve mostly northbound Shelburne Rd. traffic. Other traffic will use the signalized intersection at Holmes Rd. Following a brief discussion, Mr. Murray moved that the Council approve the land swap as presented. Mrs. Lambert seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Review and discuss inter-municipal dog control proposal Following a brief discussion, Mrs. Lambert moved that the Council approve the concept of the dog provisions as presented. Mr. Mona seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Mr. Szymanski will check whether the Ordinance has to be reworded. Review Zoning Board Agenda No issues were raised. Mrs. Lambert commented on the last Planning Commission meeting at which 3 new curb cuts were approved on Shelburne Rd. Mr. Mona said the 2 given to Lash were already existing. Mrs. Lambert stressed that an access management plan is essential and asked that the Council recommend to the Planning Commission that it do what is necessary to get such a plan. Mr. Farrar suggested having the Commission come in and discuss the matter with the Council. Sign Disbursement Orders Disbursement Orders were signed. Old Business Mr. Murray presented a resolution regarding State work on Rt. 7. He enumerated the City's concerns including pedestrian/bike safety, vehicle safety, aesthetics, drainage and requested the State Board of Transportation to ask that the following be done: a) sidewalks and bike paths be constructed behind curbs; b) pedestrian activated light as Bartlett Bay Rd; c) utilities placed underground; d) access management study plan. It also asks that the Agency be directed to work with the City and with Peter Owens and Craig Leiner. Mr. Farrar recommended that pedestrian activated lights also be included at Allen Rd, Imperial Drive, and Holmes Rd. Mr. Murray moved that the Resolution be approved as amended. Mr. Mona seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Mr. Mona then moved that the City Council go into Executive Session to discuss the Insurance Contract and to resume Regular Session only for the purpose of adjournment, and Mrs. Lambert seconded, all were in favor. The Council came out of Executive Session and adjourned immediately. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.