HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 05/05/1986CITY COUNCIL 5 MAY 1986 The South Burlington City Council held a Regular Meeting on Monday, 5 May 1986, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; George Mona, Francis X. Murray, Others Present William Szymanski, City Manager; Wendy Schroeder, Business Manager; Margaret Picard, City Clerk/Treasurer; Albert Audette, Street Dept; Richard Carter, Police Chief; Joe Gaines, Tonya Shultz, Diane Reynolds, Ernie Rheaume, David Lavallee, Thomas Fraga, S.B. Police Dept; Susan Fowler, Attorney for SBPOA; Bernie Cummings, Sid Poger, The Other Paper Comments & Questions from the Public (not related to items on the Agenda) No issues were raised. Reappoint Town Service Officer Mr. Murray moved that Mr. Szymanski be reappointed Town Service Officer. Mr. Mona seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Sign Application for Urban Federal Air (4R) Project for replacement of mile marker signs and post on State maintained roads in City Mr. Murray moved that the Chairman be empowered to sign the 4R application. Mr. Mona seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Accept list of Tax Penalty and Interest Waivers Mr. Murray moved that the list of Tax Penalties and Waivers be received. Mr. Mona seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Review City Water Dept. plans for new facilities Mr. Szymanski explained that the Water Dept. hired Northern Architects to make recommendations for additional space. The CWD had made an offer to lease space at their facility, but this was turned down because the location is not central to the city. They also looked into either adding onto City Hall or building a new facility behind City Hall. They would need a 2-story facility, a first floor for garages and meter testing equipment. The second floor would be for offices. Both City Hall options would involve expanding the parking lot and fencing in an area for pipes, etc. Mr. Szymanski said there is room for both options. The separate building would be about 60ʹx;60ʹ back in the wooded area. Mr. Farrar asked if these plans would be consistent with other possible building expansion. Mr. Szymanski said it would be consistent with Police Dept. expansion in the future. No cost figures are available yet. Mr. Farrar said he personally favors attaching to City Hall in the event of possibly sharing personnel. Mr. Szymanski agreed. Mr. Farrar added that the City will have to determine what to do with the land on which the Water Department now sits. Mr. Audette suggested a trade-off with the School Dept. for the bus barn. Mr. Murray moved that the Council go on record with information available as preferring Sketch 1 and recommends that the Water Dept. proceed to the Planning Commission. Mr. Mona seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Review letter regarding amending the City Dog Control Ordinance Mr. Szymanski noted he had received a letter from a citizen requesting additions to the Dog Ordinance. Mr. Farrar said he thought the problem might not be the ordinance but its enforcement. He felt the Council should ask the City Attorney about the interpretation of "...being under control". After a brief discussion, Mr. Murray moved that the matter be referred to the City Attorney to determine if the Ordinance has to be amended in order to be enforced along the lines of whether a dog has to be on a leash when anywhere but indoors. Mr. Mona seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Review Planning and Zoning Agendas Mr. Mona questioned the item relating to SemiCon. Mr. Szymanski explained that they are asking for an interpretation of whether printing is an allowed use in their zone. Review Minutes of 10 April 1986, 21 April 1986, and Liquor Control Board Minutes of 28 April 1986 Mr. Murray moved that the above minutes be approved as printed. Mr. Mona seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Sign Disbursement Orders Disbursement orders were signed. Hear Police Union Grievance Mr. Farrar advised that the Police Association had requested the grievance be heard in Executive Session. Mr. Murray moved that the Council meet in executive session to hear a personnel grievance with the understanding that no action will be taken in executive session except to hear the grievance. Any action will be taken in regular session. Mr. Mona seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Following a brief caucus, Police Association members agreed to meet in regular session so that all present could attend. Mr. Murray then moved that the Council resume regular session at the request of the complainant. Mr. Mona seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Ms. Fowler explained that the grievance related to a memo issued by Chief Carter on 3 April 1986 relevant to the issues of smoking and use of the microwave oven. Regarding smoking, she noted that smoking had previously been allowed anywhere in the facility, and that the memo limited smoking to the squad room and private offices. Association members had made a counter-proposal that smoking be allowed anywhere as long as there was no complaint. The micro-wave issue related to cooking odors which could be smelled throughout the building. Question arose about the ownership of the microwave. Chief Carter said it had been given to the S. Burlington Police Dept by the Association. Mr. Rheaume said he thought the Association owned it. Mr. Fraga said the Association had given the oven to the Dept. with the acceptance of the Chief and its location was designed for that use. Anyone can use it for meals. It has been used 5 or 6 years with no problems until now. Ms. Fowler said there is a collective bargaining agreement by which changes should be made, and this memo represents a unilateral change. She felt such things should be worked out through the bargaining procedure. Mr. Murray asked what management's position was. Chief Carter said he felt this was relevant to personnel rules and regulations and read from the Department's Rules which indicates that people "...will not smoke where it is likely to be offensive to others." This has been in effect since 1982. Mr. Mona noted the memo said it was being issued "at the request of members of our department," and asked who had made the request. The Chief said a shift commander had received complaints and the Chief himself had complained. He noted that on one occasion cigar smoke had set off the smoke alarm. The Chief added that he was not questioning the use of the microwave, but that secretaries in City Hall and people in the Fire Dept. had said they could smell the fish cooking. Mr. Farrar said the question is whether or not the memo of April 3rd is a change in working conditions. Ms. Fowler added that if it is, members of the Association want a chance to bargain on it. Mr. Murray then moved that the hearing be closed and the City Attorney be asked for his opinion and that a decision be rendered at the next meeting. Mr. Mona seconded, and, the motion passed unanimously. Liquor Control Board Mr. Murray moved that the Council adjourn and meet as Liquor Control Board. Mr. Mona seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Mr. Szymanski presented a request for a fund-raising evening to benefit the Burlington Boys Club, to be held a Club New England on 26 May. Bernie Cummings was present to represent the Boys Club. Mr. Cummings said that he had received a call from the Ward brothers who own the Club and who are hoping to change their image by doing something for a non-profit group. The concert would be outside on the grounds. Parking would be behind Grand Union. 4 or 5 bands would play from 1 to 4 or 5 p.m. All money would go to the Boys Club. They estimate that 500 to 1,000 people will show up. Mr. Cummings said they have run carnivals in S. Burlington before with no problems. They propose to have separate sections for underage and adults. There will also be a barbeque. After some discussion, it was agreed that Mr. Cummings would return on Monday, 12 May, with a complete proposal including response from neighbors, police requirements, and a formalized parking arrangement. Mr. Murray moved that the request be continued till Monday, 12 May, 7:30 p.m., and that the City Manager ask the Police Chief to look into the matter and to notify the neighbors. Mr. Mona seconded and the motion passed unanimously. As there was no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.