HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 03/17/1986CITY COUNCIL 17 MARCH 1986 The South Burlington City Council held a Regular Meeting on Monday, 17 March 1986, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; Leona Lansing, George Mona, Michael Flaherty, Francis X. Murray Others Present William Szymanski, City Manager; Wendy Schroeder, Business Manager; Margaret Picard, City Clerk/Treasurer; Albert Audette, Street Dept; Bruce O'Neill, Recreation Department; Jane Lafleur, City Planner; Col. Jack Leonard, Tom O'Donovan, John Navin, Norman Brochu, Karen Wingard, Curtis Echo, VT Air National Guard; Lowell Krassner, Natural Resources Committee; Marsha Young, Burlington Free Press; Ruth Poger, The Other Paper; Robert Walsh, State Representative; Ernest Dorty, Carol Griggs, Ann Hirss Comments and questions from the public (not related to items on the agenda) Mr. Dorty commented on a letter he had written to the City Manager about damage done to a tree on his lawn by a snow removal vehicle. The tree is valued at $500, and Mr. Dorty is not sure it can be saved. He asked for reimbursement for the tree if it can't be saved plus compensation for his labor in digging out the tree. Mr. Szymanski said the claim will be turned over to the insurance carrier if it is determined the tree can't be saved, and restitution will be made. Meet with Representatives of the Vermont National Guard for a briefing on the new F-16 fighter jets Mr. O'Donnovan said the new planes are quieter, smaller and better. Col. Leonard said the environmental assessment says the footprint is much improved. He felt that most missions would not require the use of afterburners. Operations will be about the same but there will be some "touch and go" practice which did not exist with F-4's. He said the F-16's land faster. He felt that after maintenance testing, only 25% of take-offs will use after burners. Mr. Murray asked what the State has done to monitor noise. Mr. O'Donovan said a copy of the environmental assessment was provided to Montpelier and was reviewed by the state environmental agency. He said he would see that the City is provided with a copy of their findings. Mr. O'Donovan estimated the flying hours would be about the same as those of the F-4's. They are committed to trying two-at-a-time take-offs and landings which was not done with the F-4's. Mrs. Lafleur asked if any new building is contemplated on the airfield because of the new aircraft. Col. Leonard said in the initial phase they will be modernizing some existing hangars but he estimated that by 1990 they will be looking to build new hangars (a maximum of about 6). Rep. Walsh said there had been agreements about when the F-4's would land and take off and asked if those were still in tact. Mr. O'Donovan said it would be just about the same situation. Mr. Krassner noted that the Natural Resources Committee had sent a letter to the Governor asking some questions and asked if they could get a copy of the environmental assessment including the decibel comparison. A resident of Airport Drive asked if they would notice an improvement. Col. Leonard said everything should be better. The resident then asked if there are any other hazards with the new planes. Mr. O'Donovan said because of the narrow gear they would need practice with the planes, but felt it was a very reliable aircraft. He noted that one chemical compound, hydrozene, will be stored in small amounts on the base. It will be handled carefully in a sealed building, and he did not feel it posed any threat. He added that the F-16's produce fewer pollutants than the F-4's except in one category. Public Hearing on an amendment to the City Winter Parking Ordinance (second reading) Mr. Farrar read the Amendment (attached). Mr. Flaherty then moved that the Council approve and sign the amendment to the City Winter Parking Ordinance. Ms. Lansing seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Final Review of the Summary of 1986-87 City Budget Mr. Szymanski noted a slight error in the amount transferred from revenue sharing to be used next year. The figure should be $18,000 instead of about $29,000. The total tax rate will be .606 representing a 3.9% increase over last year. The city operating expense tax rate will be .567, representing a 3.3% increase over last year. The remainder covers "other entities" over which the city has no control (other than getting out). Those charges went up 14.7%, mostly due to increase in funding CCTA. Mr. Farrar then reviewed the 10-year capital budget and those items which members had agreed to add to the city's operating budget on a yearly basis. He noted that the plan assumes a 4% inflation rate and a city growth rate of 4%. Services will grow at a 2% rate. He said the city is at the point of having to start adding services. If inflation is significantly more than 4%, the Council will have to go to the voters for increases in the operating budget. He suggested a Charter change to allow short-term notes to fund Fire Department equipment, similar to what is now done with the street Department. Mr. Farrar felt that with this approach the City should be in better shape in 5 years. Mr. Flaherty then moved that the information in the 10-year City capital Budget and 11 year Capital Additions to the Operating Budget be added to the 1986-87 budget. Mr. Murray seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Sign Grant Application for design and construction (Steps 2 & 3) funds for phosphorus removal at Bartlett Bay sewage treatment plant Ms. Lansing moved to dispense with a reading of the application. Mr. Mona seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Mr. Murray moved that the Council sign the Grant Application as presented by the City Manager. Mr. Flaherty seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Review Planning Agenda Mr. Flaherty questioned the location of the planned 108 room motel between Midas Muffler and Grand Union on Williston Rd. Ms. Lansing questioned the location of the planned 56 unit PUD on Patchen Rd. Mrs. Lafleur said it was at the tail end of J.C. Park and was similar to a previous plan but with a new access. Read Minutes of Special Meeting of 10 March 1986 Ms. Lansing moved that the Minutes of 10 March 1986 be approved as written. Mr. Flaherty seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Sign Disbursement Orders Disbursement orders were signed. Parkland Acquisition -- Contract with T. J. Boyle Mr. Murray summarized the history of the attempt to purchase parkland for the city. The Brand property, which the City has been considering, was purchased by Jerry Milot for $1.2 million. Milot offered to sell the city 70 acres for $250,000, keeping 40 acres to develop himself. The O'Briens would maintain their farm. The City Council had desired to purchase the entire farm as the Master Plan has called for 200+ acres for a city park. Both the Calkins and Brand properties are in the center of the city, an ideal location. The Council decided it wanted to hear more on the 70-40 split and possibly explore the possibility of trading off increased density on the Calkins property in exchange for the entire Brand property. On 20 February, Mr. Milot said he would sell the Brand property to the City for what he paid for it. A committee (City Manager, Planner, Recreation Director, Mr. Murray) met with Mr. Milot and his people last Friday. Milot showed a number of drawings on the Brand property from his point of view. Mr. O'Neill and Ms. Lafleur talked with T.J. Boyle's office to help define more explicitly what the city wants and to learn what limitations already exist for the developer on the property. Mr. Murray said it is his sense that not only is a cost input needed, but also input from the schools, the arts, etc. He recommended the Council agree with the written proposal as outlined by Peter Owens. He also felt that both properties should be considered as a single development. Mr. Farrar said he felt there was an opportunity to put something together where everyone would win. Mr. Murray said the more openly the issue is discussed, the more that will be gained. Mr. Murray then moved that the Council approve the concept of the scope of services as outlined by Peter Owens, adding the Calkins property as well as the Brand property. The assessment will be presented at the first meeting in April. Ms. Lansing seconded the motion. Mr. O'Neill indicated he had received a request from the developer's consultant to be involved in the process. Members agreed there was a possible conflict of interest and also that they wanted a totally new point of view. In the vote which followed, the motion passed unanimously. Liquor Control Board Mr. Flaherty moved that the Council meet as Liquor Control Board. Ms. Lansing seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Mr. Szymanski presented two requests: one from Wetherby's Sawmill Pub to cater a wedding at K of C Hall on March 22, the second from Sheraton Hospitality Inns to cater an office party at Green Mountain Power on March 21, 5-8 p.m. Mr. Murray moved that the Board approve the catering permits as presented by the City Manager. Mr. Flaherty seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Ms. Lansing then moved that the Liquor Control Board adjourn and reconvene as City Council in Executive Session to discuss pending union negotiations and to reconvene in regular session on to adjourn. Mr. Murray seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. The Council came out of Executive Session and adjourned immediately. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. AN ORDINANCETO AMENDTHE MOTOR VEHICLE AND TRAFFIC REGULATION ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON The Council of the City of South Burlington hereby ordains: Section 1 Section 35 of the Motor Vehicle and Traffic Regulation Ordinance shall be amended to read as follows: Before the owner shall be permitted to reclaim a vehicle which has been removed pursuant to Section 31 or Section 32, he shall: (a) Furnish satisfactory evidence to the Chief of Police or to the ovner or person in charge of such public garage of his identity and of his ownership of such vehicle. (b) Pay to the Police Department or to the garage or towing facility the fees specified in Section 36 of this Ordinance. (c) Sign a written receipt acknowledging delivery of the vehicle. Section 2 Section 36 of the Motor Vehicle and Traffic Regulation Ordinance shall be amended to read as follows: Towing charges made or incurred under this provision shall not exceed TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS ($25.00). Parking or storing charges made or incurred under this ordinance shall not exceed TWO DOLLARS ($2.00) per day these fees shall be the sole responsibility of the registered owner of this vehicle. Section 3 This ordinance shall take effect from passage. Approved: I7 , 1986. ,..-.-a(.- SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL