HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 07/07/1986CITY COUNCIL 7 JULY 1986 The South Burlington City Council held a Regular Meeting on Monday, 7 July 1986, at 7:30 pm, in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; Michael Flaherty, George Mona, Molly Lambert, Francis X. Murray Others Present William Szymanski, City Manager; Wendy Schroeder, Business Manager; Margaret Picard, City Clerk/Treasurer; Margaret Picard, City Clerk/Treasurer; Peter Jacob, John Dooley, Planning Commission; Jane Lafleur, City Planner; John Dinklage, Fred Blais, Jim Thibault, Zoning Board; Ruth Poger, The Other Paper; Kay Neubert Comments & Questions from the Public (not related to items on the Agenda) Mr. Farrar read a letter from Alex Guyette announcing his resignation from the Zoning Board. Mr. Flaherty moved that the Board accept Mr. Guyette's resignation from the Zoning Board and instruct the City Manager to prepare a Resolution thanking Mr. Guyette for his years of service. Mr. Murray seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Interview Applicants for appointment to Commissions, Committees & Boards The Board interviewed incumbent members Peter Jacob and John Dooley for positions on the Planning Commission. Mr. Jacob said he felt the Commission was finally doing some "planning" and that in the past they had been reacting rather than acting. Mr. Dooley said he felt the differences of opinion on the Commission were healthy and give a wide range of choices. With regard to the Southeast Quadrant, Mr. Jacobs said he felt the area would "explode" if the city isn't careful and that it's necessary to keep a good balance out there. Mr. Dooley said he felt any change would be in lot size. He said he is concerned about dividing the land into so many small lots. He felt that the most important thing the Commission can do for the city is the revision of the Zoning Ordinance and said that when it is done, they will have produced a good document. He also felt that the reviewing of applications in the Williston and Shelburne Rds. areas was a very important and serious concern. Mr. Dooley added that they had met with the Zoning Board to hear their concerns on the clarity of the Ordinance. The Council then interviewed Messrs. Dinklage, Thibault & Blais of the Zoning Board. Mr. Dinklage said he felt they had a very good Board and that it was important to appoint people with a sense for the community. He said they are dealing with an imperfect document and also imperfect State criteria. Mr. Blais echoed these feelings and noted that the decisions of the Board are not always unanimous and that there are usually different dissenters. Mr. Dinklage said he found it helpful to have someone on the Board with Zoning experience in another community (Dave Boehm) who has ideas that are new to this city (such as dealing with some decisions that don't have to have variances by administrative channels). He felt their major burden was time, especially in working together with Planning and Council people, and that the whole planning process needed more administrative help. Mr. Thibault noted that sometimes the Board gets communications from the Council about its concern over a certain issue but doesn't know what that concern is. Mr. Mona noted there has been much discussion over the stretch of Williston Rd. between Hinesburg Rd. and Kennedy Dr. and that there have been petitions to keep it residential. Despite this and the commitment of both Planning and the Council, the Zoning Board seems to want to go the other way and make it commercial. Mr. Dinklage said he felt it was very important that the Zoning Board follow the law and that they didn't have the right to change the use of an area. He said they have granted very few use variances and that these should be rare. Mr. Thibault said that he felt sometimes variances were the way to go in order to control what goes into an area. Mr. Blais added that the Board doesn't say "we're going to do it no matter what." He cited only one use variance of Williston Rd. Other uses have come in as "conditional uses" which are allowed (such as the Day Care Center). He noted they recently voted against the travel agency request. Most of the commercial uses came in via the City Council during interim zoning periods. Mr. Murray said he had observed that the criteria for variances are not always set out in the Minutes. Mr. Dinklage said the appellant is always asked to address the criteria, but often they arrive in various states of readiness to do so. Mr. Murray also suggested the possibility of the Board meeting in the evening instead of at 5 pm. None of the 3 members felt this would be a problem. Mr. Murray stressed this would make the process more available to the public. Mr. Murray then questioned the Board's actions regarding the transitional zone and noted in one case the Board permitted a use despite language in the Ordinance and in another case denied a use. Mr. Thibault said he didn't feel the Board had gotten enough input from the Council as to what the Transitional Zone was about. Mr. Dinklage said he felt the 2 cases were different in that the first case involved an end lot and there was testimony that the adjacent owner would not sell or combine lots. The second lot was in the middle and he felt there were other options available. Mr. Murray asked if the fact that Mr. Jacob was Chairman of the Planning Commission and Mr. Blais of the Zoning Board and that both work for the same real estate agency could be a problem. Mr. Dinklage said he didn't think it was perceived as a problem. Sign short term borrowing note for the Airport Parkway Sewer Plant construction project Mr. Szymanski advised the note was from July 3rd to September 2nd, for $100,000 at 5-1/4%. It is necessitated because money has not been received from the state and federal sources. Mr. Mona moved to waive reading of the Resolution and Note. Ms. Lambert seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Mr. Murray then moved that the Council sign the Resolution and Note as presented by the City Manager. Ms. Lambert seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Discuss the financing of the Bartlett Bay Sewage Treatment Plant additional capacity and improved treatment Mr. Szymanski explained that this involved upgrading the plant to 800,000 gpd and implementing phosphorus removal. The state has requested the City to install at least the sludge storage tank before winter, and the city hasn't yet received any money (money is received as construction goes along). He noted that with building approvals granted to date, there would be $189,000. Mr. Farrar said there are 3 options: a) to build just one part of the project; b) to go to the voters for a $350,000 bond issue; or c) to ask the voters for approval to use unobligated excess bonding capacity for this project. He recommended the last option. Mr. Murray asked if there is any question of negative impact on the residents of the area. Mr. Farrar said no additional land is required and the improvements will reduce environmental impact of the plant. Ms. Lambert said she had heard concern that this will be tied into the development question. Mr. Mona moved that the Council go to the voters for approval to use unobligated bonding capacity for the new sewage project at Bartlett Bay and to set the vote for 9 September 1986. Mr. Flaherty seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. It was noted this will not involve an increase in the tax rate as payment for sewer hookups will fund the city's share of the project. Sanction action of the City Manager regarding placement of liens for collection of personal property taxes for the year ending 30 June 1986 Mr. Flaherty moved that the Council ratify the action of the City Manager in placement of liens for collection of personal property taxes for the year ending 30 June 1986. Mr. Mona seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Adopt Resolution of Commendation for Norman Airoldi who did not accept reappointment as Deputy Constable Mr. Murray moved the Council adopt and sign the Resolution as prepared by the City Manager. Mr. Flaherty seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Review Planning & Zoning Agendas No issues were raised. Review Minutes of 16 June 1986 Mr. Flaherty moved the Minutes of 16 June 1986 be approved as printed. Mr. Mona seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Sign Disbursement Orders Disbursement Orders were signed. Report on MPO Mr. Murray reported the MPO is re-adopting the map to make Milton, Colchester and other surrounding areas eligible for funding. In the process, it became evident that the amount of funding will not increase so that the funds for the core cities and towns will be reduced. South Burlington stands to lose $103,000. The issue is now in the Technical Committee. Mr. Szymanski reported that there is a plan by which money would be allotted by need not by road miles. Procedure for Search for New Police Chief Mr. Farrar suggested the formation of a search committee and recommended Messrs. Szymanski, Murray, Flaherty, someone from the City Attorney's office, and a citizen from the community. Ms. Lambert said she would like to be involved in the process, and Mr. Murray said he would be happy to visit with the Committee to advise and support and would let Ms. Lambert serve on the Committee. Mr. Flaherty recommended including a police officer from another community. Members agreed to consider the question at the next meeting. Act on Park Acquisition Mrs. Lafleur advised that the next step should be the adoption of an official city map and that Peter Owens has agreed to do this at a cost of $400 for just the park area and up to $1,000 for the rest of the areas. Members agreed this should be done. Police Publication Ms. Lambert praised the publication recently put out by the Police. Mr. Farrar said it projected a good image of the community but was concerned that a portion of the government is going to the community for money. Mr. Mona said he had further reservations that only Union members were involved. Liquor Control Board Mr. Flaherty moved that the Council meet as Liquor Control Board. Mr. Murray seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Mr. Szymanski presented 3 catering requests from Wetherby's Sawmill for weddings at the K of C Hall as follows: a) July 13th, from 3-10 pm; b) July 26th from 5 pm to midnight and c) August 2 from 2-10 pm. Mr. Mona moved the Board approve the requests as presented by the City Manager. Mr. Murray seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Executive Session Mr. Flaherty moved the Board adjourn and reconvene as City Council in Executive Session for the purpose of discussing 3 issues: appointments to Boards and Commissions, park land acquisition, and disciplinary action against an employee and to resume regular session only to make appointments to Boards and Commissions and then to adjourn. Mr. Murray seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. The Council resumed Regular Session Frank Murray made the motion to resume Regular Session for the purpose of making appointments to Boards and Commissions. Motion seconded by George Mona. All in favor. Chairman Farrar called for nominations to the City Planning Commission. Frank Murray made the motion to reappoint John Dooley to a three (3) year term, expiring in 1989. George Mona seconded the motion. All voted in favor. Frank Murray made the motion to reappoint Peter Jacob to a four (4) year term, expiring in 1990. Seconded by George Mona. All were in favor. Chairman Farrar instructed the City Manager to communicate to the Zoning Board that they consider rescheduling their regular meetings from 5:00 PM to 7:30 PM on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month or another evening of the week, which would not conflict with other meetings, including the School Board. Chairman Farrar then asked for nominations to the Zoning Board of Adjustment and stated the terms be for one (1), two (2), three (3) and four (4) years. Those terms will put the Zoning Board on a schedule where there will be two (2) expirations per year. Molly Lambert made the motion to reappoint Fred Blais to a one (1) year term expiring in 1987. Mike Flaherty seconded the motion. Chairman Farrar called for a vote on the motion. The vote was four to one, with George Mona voting against. Molly Lambert made the motion to reappoint James Thibault to a two (2) year term expiring in 1988. Motion was seconded by Mike Flaherty. Chairman Farrar called for a vote on the motion. The vote was 4 to 1 with George Mona voting against. Molly Lambert made the motion to appoint Glenn Jarrett to a three (3) year term expiring in 1989. Frank Murray seconded the the motion. All were in favor. Molly Lambert made the motion to reappoint John Dinklage to a four (4) year term expiring in 1990. Mike Flaherty seconded the motion, all voted in favor. Chairman Farrar then called for other nominations to other Boards and Commissions. Frank Murray made the motion to reappoint and appoint all other individuals to the various Boards and Commissions as shown on the list presented by the the City Manager dated June 16, 1986 and made a part of these Minutes, adding the names of Richard Carter and David Lavallette for appointment as Second Constables and Manfred Carr for appointment to the Cemetery Committee. George Mona seconded the motion and all voted in favor. Mike Flaherty made the motion to adjourn, seconded by George Mona, all were in favor. The meeting adjourned at 11:30 PM. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. I MEMORANDUM, - - - - - .- - - - - / .." ,' TO: South Burlington 'city ~duncil . . FROM: William J. Szymanski, City Manager RE: Appointments to Comissions, Committees & Boards . . .. . ., . .., .*. '. ,,-BINe fGQ~ISSIoN. . . .. :~. . . ' .. : .: - JohnLA;.~D661ey, . ~. .." .. ... 111;. 3 :yea= -term (will' accept reirppoin'hent) . . . ,' , > ;::.,A. . . . , . , petel .. i.".jac*b; . ., -4 . '3 'W (rill'iccept reappointment) - ZONING BD;- OF ADJUSTMENT . Fred Blals (will accept reappointment) (length of John Dinklage (will accept reappointment) terms to be James Thibault (will accept reappointment) adjusted) ~ CHITTENDEN COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY I Frank Mazur; 3 year term (will accept reappointment) 1 -CREATION COMMITTEE William Shearer; 3 year term (will accept reappointment) FINE ARTS COIWITTEE Diana Snyder; 3 year term (will accept reappointment) 3 year term (will NOT - accept reappointment) 3 year 'term (will accept reappointment) NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE Lowell Krassner; 3 year term (will accept reappointment) Stephen Crowley; 3 year term (will accept reappointment) COMMUNITY LIBRARY BD. OF TRUSTEES Sylvia Smith; 3 year term (will accept reappointment) Verna Gordon; 3 year term (will accept reappointment) Carol Schlunk; 3 year term (will accept reappointment) June 16. 1986 JS-2 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT I :.?=ST OF MEMBERFOP ~RNNENTAL BODIES WHOSE TERMS EXPIRE IN 1986 :,(~hese are one (1) 'yea.f appointments to expire in June, 1987) . , . . ~mergency::~anagement.~oordinator----------------- Albert C. Audette(wil1 . ' , : ,, .. accept) Asst.' . . Emergency Management Coordinator----------- ... James W. Goddette .~.. . . , (accept) ! ~onstable(1st) (anot.,-b;"oraanizational Meet/G-2-86)Donald Lavalette ,.;. ,. ..,.. .~. '& . .. - . ' ,.. ..~ >.., -:':..::,;'~' . " . .. , . '. :,. onstables (znd)' .. "' .. ..,.: II II II Daniel, Wright ~. . -ept reappointment . . - Norman Airoldi) Tree Warden-------------------------------------- Albert ~udette(wil1 accept City Charter Committee---------------------------Fred Maher (will accept) Dale Kleppinger (accept) John Dinklage (accept) Robert ~rish (accept) Howard Perkett (accept) Peter Taylor (accept) Cemetery cornittee------------------------------- William Szymanski(accept) Albert Audette (accept) ~.n &$AYY-+ Corrreotions Ctr. Liaison Committee-------------- Vincent D'Acuti (accept) David Kaufman (accept) Fred Blais (accept) James Gears (accept) Wesley Daum, Sr. (accept) Maurice Cloutier (accept) Clarice Fisher (accept) Marjorie Ariano (accept) William Szymanski(accept) Richard Carter (accept) Fire ~~~t. Advidory BO~~~--------------.---------- George Crooks(wil1 accept) Vernon Wamsganz (accept) Rollin sutton (accept) Edwin Sanborn (accept) Burlington Airport Commission-------------------- Vincent DeAcuti (accept) Red Rocks c~mmitt~e----------------------+-------~arbara Bull (will accept) Dr. Charles ~ouston(accept Ethel Schuele (accept Peter Yankowski (accept City Energy Coordinator-------------------------- ~ppt. to be made This AM (Monday) in talking to Don Lavalette (1st Constable) I learned that his son David A. Lavalette would be interested in filling the 2nd Constable position, left vacant by the resignation of Norm Airoldi. /-- , , David lives at 85 Airport Parkway, So. Burl. Tel # 658-2002 I I i . .. TO: South Burlington City council ..~ FROM: ~illiam J. szymanaki, City Manager- .' '. . , ., RE: Interested in appointment as constable ,.. .,~ .. DATE: f&e 16, 1986 I (This would give us 3 Constables ( 1 for each District) for large elections we would also need a 4th Constable appointed to cover for I # . L . ' .'