HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 02/03/1986CITY COUNCIL 3 February 1986 The South Burlington City Council held a special meeting on Monday, 3 February 1986, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; Michael Flaherty, Francis Murray, Leona Lansing, George Mona Others Present William Szymanski, City Manager; Jane Bechtel, City Planner; Albert Audette, Highway Department; James Goddette, Fire Department; Margaret Picard, City Clerk; Terry Boyle, Peter Owens, Consultants; John Dinklage, Dorset St. Committee; Hugh Marvin; Sid Poger, The Other Paper; Mike Donoghue, Burlington Free Press Comments & Questions from the Public (not related to items on the agenda) Mr. Marvin raised 3 questions: 1. Why were the voters never given a chance to approve or turn down the proposal on the Brand property. Mr. Farrar explained that there never was a proposal from the Brands. The City made offers, but none were ever accepted. 2. Why can't Dorset St. be upgraded as far as the Shelburne line in order to divert traffic from Shelburne Rd. which is already terribly overburdened. Mr. Farrar and Mr. Szymanski explained that this had been suggested to Shelburne, but Shelburne refused to consider it. 3. Kennedy Drive is in great need of repair. Is it not possible to consider a tax similar to the Burlington tax? Mr. Farrar said that Kennedy Dr. will be considered in the Highway Superintendent's budget. Interview Niles Duppstadt for appointment to Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission Mr. Duppstadt indicated that he has a background in land planning and landscape architecture and has done consulting work and some building in Chittenden County. He is interested in the community and the region in general. Mr. Farrar asked if Mr. Duppstadt's business interest might cause a conflict of interest. Mr. Duppstadt said he didn't think so. Update on Dorset Street Improvement Project and review and adopt resolution in support of the design concept. Mr. Owens explained that which is being sought is 1) an update on the project and an endorsement of where the project is; a recognition of 2 components of the road as critical: controlling access along the road and placement of utilities. He noted that it took the State until the end of October to get Webster-Martin under contract. For the next 2 months, Boyle's office has been working with them and with the city, schools, Dorset St. Committee, Agency of Transportation, property owners, etc. The conceptual design is now pretty complete. Webster-Martin will now stop work until they get the go-ahead to begin the final design. Using scale model plans, Mr. Owens then showed typical configurations at various point on the road. They will consider the possibility of a full interchange at Kennedy Drive when designing final plans. The have tried to line up intersections so that at Sherry Rd. there will be an option to reverse direction, and at Howard Johnson's they will line up with the access to Mills & Greer. Mr. Farrar asked if any buildings will have to be demolished. Mr. Owens said the road comes up to the steps of Foto Flash. One concern is that the bike path ends at Mills and Greer and bikes would have to go into the road. Members were concerned about this, and Mr. Owens said they will look for some alternative. At the southern end of Dorset St., the state is being asked to consider a 4-way pedestrian crossing (pedestrian activated). Mr. Murray raised the question of the number of cars using that intersection in it becomes a 4-way interchange. Members felt a pedestrian overpass or underpass should be looked into. Mr. Owens noted that the State will not look at sidewalks south of Kennedy Drive. Mr. Dinklage asked what the thinking is for a pedestrian crossing at Williston Rd. Mr. Farrar stressed there should be at least a 2-way crosswalk across Williston Rd. and across Dorset St. Chief Goddette asked how fire trucks are to enter Howard Johnson's if there is no longer a break in the island. Mr. Owens said they will look into this. It is possible the canopy can be raised or moved to accommodate fire trucks. Chief Goddette also raised the question of vehicles using the access near the fire and police stations. This could impede emergency vehicle use. Mr. Owens agreed to discuss this with the departments. Mr. Audette asked what will happen to San Remo Drive which is already in terrible shape. Mr. Owens said there may be an argument to include resurfacing in the project costs. Mr. Dinklage, Chairman of the Dorset St. Committee, indicated that the Committee supports the plan very strongly. Mr. Farrar then read Resolution #1 (attached). Mr. Flaherty moved that the Council sign the Resolution as read by Mr. Farrar. Mr. Murray seconded. Mr. Mona moved that paragraphs 2, 3, and 5 be removed as they were not necessary since the information was included in the plans. Ms. Lansing seconded for purposes of discussion. Mr. Murray said he felt it important that the Council make a statement on such concerns as safety, side-walks, trees, aesthetics, etc., in order to express a direction for the city. Mr. Dinklage added that elected officials should help set the tone and vision for the project so that property owners would know how serious the city is about the plans. Mr. Owens noted that the Webster-Martin contract does not include some items in paragraph #2. In the votes which followed the discussion, the amendment was defeated 1-4 and the motion passed 4-0 with Mr. Mona abstaining. Mr. Owens explained that Resolution #2 concerns limiting of access on Dorset St. which is important to substantiate with property owners. It may also have an impact on underground utilities being included as a fundable cost. Mr. Farrar then read the Resolution (attached). Mr. Flaherty moved that the Council sign the Resolution as read by the Chairman. Ms. Lansing seconded. Mr. Murray noted several grammatical errors including the placement of brackets in paragraph 4, the changing of "less than" to "from" in the same paragraph, and changing of the "" to the word "approximately." It was agreed to correct these. In the vote which followed, the motion passed 4-0 with Mr. Mona abstaining. Mr. Farrar explained that Resolution #3 deals with placement of utilities. Discussions are now being held as to whether this would be a reimbursable item. The city is now saying the road is an even more limited access road, so utilities should be placed underground. Mr. Farrar then read the Resolution (attached). Mr. Flaherty moved that the Resolution as read by the Chairman be passed. Ms. Lansing seconded. Mr. Farrar questioned what would happen if it is found that this is not a reimbursable item. Mr. Murray said the only paragraph that he would question in this regard was the last one as it might commit the city to funding such work if it were not an included cost. Mr. Flaherty then amended his motion to delete paragraph 4 and to add "City Attorney" following the words "City Manager" in paragraph 3. The word "a" was also inserted between "being" and "critical" in paragraph 2. In the vote which followed, the motion passed unanimously. Review and consider for first reading an amendment to the City Winter Parking Ordinance that sets a maximum towing fee Mr. Farrar read the amendment (attached). Mr. Szymanski explained that the present ordinance has no fees set, and the Chief of Police has requested this be done. The Chief researched the matter, and towers have agreed that $25.00 was a reasonable fee. Mr. Audette asked if any thought had been given to also giving a violator a ticket. Mr. Farrar said that possibly before the car could be returned, the owner would have to pay all fines. Mr. Szymanski said he will check with the city Attorney to see if this can be done. Start Review of 1986-87 budget Mr. Farrar said there is a question of which Grand List should be used because of the reappraisal question. This situation will occur again, so a decision should be made on a procedure. Mr. Mona asked that it be noted the Council salaries have not changed and no request has been made to do so. Regarding "land and land improvement," Mr. Farrar noted that a request has been made to increase the amount annually put into the item to $25,000. This will be considered. Other items considered included: purchasing word processing equipment instead of new typewriters; and the question of when the city will have to reassess property again. Old Business Mr. Mona noted that on the last 2 Zoning Board agendas there have been conversions of single family to 2-family dwellings and it was beginning to look like "de facto zoning." He noted that the Council has discussed the preservation of neighborhoods and it appears this is being altered by the Zoning Board. It was agreed that Mr. Szymanski would write to the Zoning Board on this question. Mr. Murray asked if there has been any progress on use of the Brand property by the City. Mr. Szymanski said they have a very rough sketch done by David Spitz. Mr. O'Neill also has some ideas. Mr. Farrar suggested that Mr. O'Neill speak with the Council at a meeting next Monday. Members agreed they would like such a presentation. Read Minutes of Regular Meeting of 20 January 1986 and Special Meeting of 27 January 1986 Ms. Lansing moved that the Minutes of 20 and 27 January be approved as written. Mr. Mona seconded. The motion passed unanimously, with Mr. Mona abstaining for 20 January. Sign Disbursement Orders Disbursement Orders were signed. Zip Code Question Mr. Farrar offered to write a letter to the Congressional delegation. Members agreed. Executive Session Mr. Murray moved that the Council meet in executive session to discuss the appointment to the Regional Planning Commission and to reconvene only to make that appointment. Mr. Mona seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Regular Session On reconvening in regular session, Ms. Lansing moved that John "Pat" Brennan be appointed as South Burlington's representative to the Regional Planning Commission. Mr. Mona seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Members agreed that if David Boehm was too busy with his post on the Zoning Board to remain as alternate to Regional Planning, that Niles Duppstadt be asked to serve as alternate. As there was no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 10:40 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. RESOLUT ION(1) WHEREAS, the South Burlington City Council, at their meding of February 3, 1986, reviewed the Dorset Street improvement plans as prepared to date by Webster-Martin; and . . WHEREAS, the Council believes these plans for providing a divided tree-lined boulevard .troy UdA ' with parallel bike paths, sidewalks, crosswalks, street launderground utilities and 6.4-.-. pedatrian amenities will imprwe the safety for pedestrians, vehicles and bicyclists as well as theaestheticsof the corridor; and WHEREAS, the Council believes that the expansion project is an Dpportunity to sst the / tone and the foundation for the entire "City Center" concept; and WHEREAS, the Council believes that this design is in the best interest of the City and citizens of South Burlington for the long range good, safety, identity and aesthetic appeal of the community; and / WHEREAS, the Council recqlnizes that the divided median and msnlidation of curb cuts will imprwe vehicular safety and provide for more efficient traffic flow by reducing the number of conflict points; and WHEREAS, the ~ouncil recognizes the need to keep adjacent property owners well informed as to the impact of the road on their property; THEREFORE, be it resolved, that the City Council endorses these in-progress plans and encourages the prompt completion of them; and BE IT further resolved that the Council authorizes the City Planner, City Manager and City Consultant/Agent T.J. Bcyle and Asxiate?. to maet with property owners who mey be affected by plans to imprwe Do& Streat and dim the project with them as required toexpedite the mmpletion of the project. South Burlington City Council Paul A. Farrar , Chairman Adopted: Michael Flaherty Lmna Lansing Oeorge Mona Francis X. Murray WHEREAS, the Swrth Burlington City Council at their meeting of February 3, 1986, endor& Ute design concept and laywt of the Dorset Street widening plans; and WHEREAS, the Council a-kdcnowledges the existing situation on Williston Rcd and Shelburne Rosd to be undesirable in terms of safeiy, testhetics and orderly development and does not wish to encourage the development of a similiar situation on Dorset Street; and WHEREAS, the Council rmnizes that a median divided readwav and the reduction and consolidation of driveways &curb cuts will pmide for incresseb traffic safety and more efficient traffic flow by reducing the number of vehicular conflict points; and WHEREAS, the Council more specifically recagnizes the attad'rsd Dorset Street plans dated firm of Webster-Martin for the a significant improvement to access through the reduction of the total number of curb-cuts by 42% -pthe present (64 to 37) and by further luting vehicular ass by reduclng the n*u'm"Ber of full-access curb-cuts (those allowing left-hand turns snd thus having the maximum potential for conflict) by 77%; and 1- ~. WHEREAS, the $ncil rewgnizes the potential to reasonably further reduce the number of curb-cuts by + 15 [making for an overall reduction of 64 to 22 or 66%) by working to reorganize ems to @mnt properties in conjunction with future redevelopment and changes in land-use along Dora Street; and WHEREAS, the Council recognizes the proximity of the rosd expansion to a major school population and further rewgnizes the community concern for the safety of these school children, believes that the reduction of points of vehiculw conflict with p@Mrians, bicycles and other vehicles will result in a afer and more attractive facility for pedestrians and bicyclists; and WHEREAS, the Council tecognizes the Dorst Street mrridor asa kgr growth mter in the City and further believes that it will continue to be under increasing development pressure in thecomingyears; and WHEREAS, the Council recognizss that limited points of access along the Dorset Street arterial will result in the more orderly planning and davelopment of this corridor by encouraging the Bssemblage of parcels and discouraging piecemeal development; and WHEREAS. the Council rmnizes the Dorset Street corridor ss an area well-suited to the ~.- -- ~ concept of "city csnter" akl further rmgnizes the median divided/controlled aceis read design as conducive to the o&rly development of such a concept; and WHEREAS, the Council recognizes that a divickd mdianlantrolled sass nxul design will minimize and dimtirage the qualities of visusl chm and uncertainty that characterize Williston Road andShelburne Rosd; and WHEREAS, the Council more specifically recognizes the strong design charracter of the median dividdcontrolled access road design as conducive to the development of a facility that is aesthetically pleasing and a focal point of mmmunity identity;& BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that the City Cnrncil Mignates Dorsat Strest betwm Williston Wand Kenrat,' Drive as a limited andmntrolledaccessarterial radwa/; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Quncil rmmends that the Planning Commission draft and s~ecific mina rmlations and incentives to further consolidate curb-cuts and iimib& along Dorset str& as it undergoes future change anddwelopment. South Burlington City Council Paul A. Farrar , Chairman a Adopted: Michael Flaherty George Mona WHEREAS, the City Coum.1 through the adoption of two Resolutiom at their meeting of February 3, 1986, recognizes and endorses the heorset Street plan as an important City projd for the rmns outlined in thm Resolutions; and WHEREAS, the Covncil reqnizes the undergrounding of utilities along Dwsd Street as bein&ritical mmponent of the ahe plans especially with regard to the safety, orderly development and aesthetic character of the raadwaycorridor; THEREFORE, be it rewlved that the City Council believes it in the best interest of theCity that eerial utilities ai~g Dord Street be placed underground and instructs the City T.J. Boyle &Associates to work with the to achiwe Ulis; and Swlh Burlington City Council Paul A. Farrar, Chairman Michael Flaherty Lmna Lansing George Mona FrancisX. Murray - - -r) -. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE MOTOR VEHICLE ANDTRAFFIC REGULATION ORDINANCE OF THE CITY \ - - ---- # - The-Couniof theity-of South Burlington hereby ordains: Section 1 Section 35 of the Motor Vehicle and Traffic Regulation Ordinance shall be amended to read as follows: Before the owner shall be permited to reclaim a vehicle which has been removed pursuant to Section 31 or Section 32, he shall: (a) Furnish satisfactory evidence to the Chief of Police or to the owner or person in charge of such public garage of his identity and of his ownership of such vehicle. (b) Pay to the Police Department or to.the garage or towing facility the fees specified in Section 36 of this Ordinance. (c) Sign a written receipt acknowledging delivery of the vehicle. /' Section 2 Section 36 of the Motor Vehicle and Traffic Regulation~Ordinance shall be amended to read as follows: ,),,.,, 5,- Towrng charges made or incurred under this division shall not exceed TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS ($25.00). Parking or storing charges made or incurred under this ordinance shall not exceed TWO DOLLARS ($2.00) per day. Section 3 This ordinance shall take effect from passage. APPROVED: , 1986. --- ~~ SOII'l11 1T0N I' COIJNCI I.