HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 09/23/1985CITY COUNCIL 23 SEPTEMBER 1985 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, 23 September 1985, at 7:30 pm, in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; Michael Flaherty, George Mona, Francis Murray Member Absent Leona Lansing Others Present William Szymanski, City Manager; Margaret Picard, City Clerk/Treasurer; Albert Audette, Street Dept; Don Whitten, Sewer Department; James Goddette, Fire Chief; Jane Bechtel, City Planner; Gloria Yandow, City Bookkeeper; Sid Poger, The Other Paper; Frank Mazur Comments & Questions from the public not related to items on the agenda No issues were raised. Meet with representative from south end of the city to discuss area concerns Mr. Mazur related the area's concerns about Shelburne Rd. He said that within the last few months the city had an option to give input to the TIP update and nothing was given. Mr. Farrar said there is now a plan to widen Shelburne Rd. from Bartlett Bay Rd. to Shelburne Village to 4 lanes. Mr. Mazur said that isn't the only problem; the area from Bartlett Bay Road to the Interstate is just as bad, if not worse. He said that one solution would be to widen the road and another to restrict further development until the problem is solved. Mr. Mazur said the bottleneck heading south also starts above Bartlett Bay Rd, and it was his understanding that the widening will be only from Bartlett Bay Rd. south. Mr. Farrar asked the City Manager to confirm that the widening will occur from the point where the road now bottlenecks to 1 southbound lane. Mr. Szymanski also will attend the TIP meeting and will call the state to check on what is being done. Mr. Audette said the major problem is GE traffic coming off Queen City Park Rd. He said a present solution to the problem would be to ban left turns off that Road and have people turn up at Home Avenue. Members agreed to have the City Manager look into that alternative. Mr. Murray moved that the Council ask the MPO to enter into the TIP that the problem on Shelburne Road, northbound from Wessons to the Interstate be studied and a plan found immediately. Mr. Flaherty seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Mr. Szymanski will check the language in the TIP on the southbound problem to be sure it is what the Council believes it to be. Mr. Mazur then read into the record a petition signed by residents of the south end of the city (attached). Discuss and set hearing on Planning Commission recommendations for rezoning parcels located at the southeast corner of Williston Rd. and Shunpike Rd from R-4 to Industrial-Commercial Mrs. Lafleur reported that neighbors have been notified and there have been no objections. Mr. Mona moved to set the public hearing on the zone change for November 4, 1985. Mr. Flaherty seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Update on Dorset Street Reconstruction Mr. Murray reported that the State has no problems with Terry Boyle's firm's participation in the project, but his fee is not included in the funding. Webster-Martin felt Boyle should be a part of the project. At present, the Mall developer is footing the bill. Mr. Murray then moved that it be resolved that William Szymanski and Terry Boyle & Associates be appointed as the city agents to work with the State Agency of Transportation and Webster-Martin. Inc., to (1) accomplish the details of improvements pursuant to the City Council's motion and agreement, and (2) act for the city to assure the Dorset Street project is completed as quickly as is reasonably possible. Mr. Flaherty seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Adopt & sign Resolution and Commendation for Charlotte Marsh Mr. Flaherty moved that the Council adopt and sign the Resolution and Commendation for Charlotte Marsh. Mr. Mona seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Review and accept bid recommendations for purchase of sewer sludge handling equipment for the Airport Parkway Sewage Treatment Plant project Mr. Szymanski indicated the low bid for the spreader was Bailer Equipment; the low bid for the two trucks was Underhill Garage; and the low bid for the tankers was GM Engineering Associates. The total for all three bids was $279,964. Mr. Murray moved that the Council accept the bids as recommended Webster-Martin and contract with the low bidders in each case. Mr. Flaherty seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Appoint a voting delegate to the 1985 Vermont League of Cities and Towns Annual Business Meeting on 10-10-85 Mr. Flaherty moved that the Council appoint Peggy Picard as voting delegate to the 1985 Vermont Leauge of Cities and Towns Annual Business Meeting on 10-10- 85. Mr. Mona seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Accept list of unlicensed dogs as required by state statutes Mr. Flaherty moved that the list of unlicensed dogs be accepted. Mr. Mona seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Review proposals on City Data Processing hardware The consultant has recommended 2 suppliers: ATT Equipment and IBM Equipment. (Mr. Farrar stepped down at this point due to a conflict of interest) The ATT bid for 3 micro processors, 3 display monitors and 2 printers was $13,133.90. McAuliffe's bid for the same equipment from ATT $15,320 and for the IBM equipment $16,048. Mr. Murray will check on service from both companies. UVM is a big ATT user in the area, so the company should be geared up for service. Ms. Yandow noted that the schools have a new system and what used to take 4 hours to do now takes one. Mr. Farrar suggested getting more memory capacity so they can handle bigger programs without having to partition them. The town of Shelburne has used the IBM and would lend their expertise. Members felt it would be a good idea to have the consultant speak with the Council before the next regular meeting. Act on the Leon Bradley grievance heard on 9-9-85 Mr. Flaherty moved that the Council uphold the City Manager's decision on the Leon Bradley grievance heard at the 9-9-85 meeting. Mr. Mona seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. State discussion of City 10 year capital improvement program Chief Goddette presented an outline of the Fire Department's capital needs, including replacement of vehicles and additional sub-stations which members discussed. Review Planning & Zoning Agendas There was no discussion. Minutes of September 9, 1985 Mr. Mona moved that the Minutes of September 9, 1985 be approved as printed. Mr. Flaherty seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Sign Disbursement Orders Disbursement Orders were signed. Old Business Mr. Mona noted they are still waiting for inputs on appraisals. Mr. Farrar said they would be available at the next meeting. Mr. Mona asked what the timetable is for providing administrative support for City Hall. This will also be considered at the next meeting. As there was no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 9:20 pm. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. WE, THE IJNDERSIGNEU TAXPAYERS OF. SOUTH EIURLINCiTON, PETITION OUR CITY COUNCIL TO TAKE IMMEDIATE AND DECISIVE ACTION TO CURRECT THE TRAFFIC SIT'UAlILJN ON SHELHURNE RUAD (BETWEEN IBY AND RARTLETT BhY RUAD) BY WIDENING THE EXISTING ROAD AND RESTRICTING COMME:RC: I AL OK RESIDENT I t?L UEVELOPMENT IN 'THAT SECTION OF THE CITY UN'l'I L 'THE TRfiFF I C PRDBLEM IS PERPIANEN.TLY CORREC'TED. N ME ADDRESS 1. ... ........ 3. ... ........ ,.. ,.. ... .,,. ......... 4. ...... , . , ..... -...... ........ /! h. ... .. , .... .- -. I I I I If 2.3 A. r , 'I ... .. ... ... 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PETITION OUR CITY COUNCIL TD TAKE IMMEDIATE OND DECISIVE ACTION TO CORRECT THE TRAFFIC SITUATION ON SHELHURNE ROAD (BETWEEN IU? AND DARI'L.ETT BAY ROAD) BY WIDENING THE EXIS'l-ING ROAD OND RESTRICTING CDMMERCIAL DR RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT IN THAI SECTION UF THE CITY UNTIL THE TRAFFIC PRDBLEN IS PERMANENTLY CORRECTED. NAME UDDRESS PETITION WE, THE UNUERSIGNEU 'TAXPAYERS OF SIIUTH HURLINUTDN, F'ETIT'ICIN OUR CIlY COUNCSL 3~O "I'AI.:E :IMMEDIATE AND DECISIVE ACTION TO CORRECT 'THE IKAI=FIC SITUU'lTIDN ON SHELBUANE ROAD (BETWEEN I69 AND B63RTLE:TT RAY ROAD) BY WIDENING THE EXISTING ROAD AND RESTRICTING COMMEHCICIL OR RESIDENTIAL DEVELOF'MEWT IN 'THAT SEC'TION OF THE CITY TILL THE TRAFFIC PROBLEM IS PERMANENTLY CORRECTED. NAME ADDRESS PET IT1 ON WE. TI-IE LJNDERSIGNED TAXPAYERS/REPJiDENTS OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, PETITION OUR CITY COUNCIL TU TAKE IMIIEDIATE AND DECISIVE ACI-ION TrJ CORRECT TI-IE TRAFFIC SI'I'UATIUN UN SHELHURNE ROAD (RETWEEN IS39 AND BARTLETT BAY IiOAn) HY WIDENING THE EXISTINE ROAD AND KESTHICTING CDMMERClAL OR RESIDENTIAL UEVELOPMENT' IN 'THAT SECTION OF THE CITY UNTIL THE TRAFFIC PROBLEM IS PEHMISNENTLY CORREC'TED. NAME AUDRESS PETITION WE, SHE UNDERSIGNED TAXPAYEKS OF SOUTH RURLING'TDhI, PETlrIClN CllJR CTiY COUNCIL TO TAKE IMMEDIATE AND DECISIVE ACTlUN 'TO CORRECT 'THE TRAFFIC SITUATION UN SHELHUHNE HUAD (BETWEEN 189 AND PARTLETT RAY ROAD) R'I WIDEN1 NG THE EX IS7'11\1!3 ROAD AND HESTRICTIFJG COMMERCIAL WH HESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT IN THA'T SEC'TION OF THE CITY LJNTIL THE TRAFFIC PROBLEM IS PERMANENTLY CDRHECTED. NAME ADDRESS . - . IS. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED TF1XPAYERS/RESIDENT OF Si3UTH HUHLLNGTON. PETITION OUR CITY COUNCIL TO TAKE IMMEDIATE AND DECISIVE ACTION 50 CORREC'T 'THE 'TRAFF II: SI 'TUAT ION ON SHELRUHNE ROAD (BETWEEN I89 ANI) BAHILETT HAY ROAD) BY WIDENING THE EXISTING ROAD AND' RES'TRICTING COMMERCIAL OR HESIDENI'IAL DEVELOPMENT IN THAT SECTION UF THE CITY UNTIL THE TRAFFIC PROBLEM IS PERMANENTLY CORRECTED. NAME ADDRESS