HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 08/05/1985CITY COUNCIL 5 AUGUST 1985 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting Monday, 5 August 1985, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Leena Lansing, George Mona, Francis Murray Members Absent Paul Farrar, Michael Flaherty Others Present William Szymanski, City Manager; Jane Bechtel, City Planner; John P. Brenna, Ernie Lemay, Mal Beright, Stanley Wilbur, Robert Fletcher, James Lamphere, W. Bestock, Valerie Jerry, Ann Hurst; Jim Cheng, Burlington Free Press Appoint Acting Chairperson Since neither the Chairman nor Vice Chairman was present, Mr. Szymanski opened the floor for nominations for an acting Chairperson. Mr. Mona nominated Ms. Lansing. Mr. Murray seconded, and Ms. Lansing was elected unanimously. Comments & questions from the Public not related to items eat the Agenda No questions were raised. Public Hearing (informational meeting) on proposed Airport Terminal Expansion Mr. Mona pointed out that since no action was to be taken, Mr. Murray would not be asked to step down due to a conflict of interest. Mr. Bestock, airport accountant, advised that financing for the expansion will come from 3 sources: $3,200,000 from an Industrial Revenue Bond, $1,004,000 from the Federal Administrative Agoney, and $93,000 from the State. At this point, there are no plans to use airport revenues for this project. Mr. Lamphere reviewed diagrams and a medal of the project which will include expansion along the east side and a 2-story expansion on the north side. Expansion will total 35,000 sq. ft, and will result in 1 large departure area upstairs with jetways leading to aircraft. Peoples Express will depart from the downstairs area, also through a jetway. Council members asked if there will be expanded parking facilities. Mr. Lamphere said they do not anticipate an increase in parking demands in the next few years and there are still times when parking is not at maximum. Mr. Bestock added that at peak periods, shuttle bus service will be provided to auxiliary lets. The FAA will be moving in the future and their present location will be used for additional parking. Mr. Murray asked if there has been any thought given to moving the airport. Mr. Bestock said the cost would be too overwhelming. Mr. Mona said he was uneasy at not being able to see how parking will be handled as that might mean some changes in the present plans. He expressed concern that all one would see is caps and not the terminal building, especially if a multi-story parking facility is built. Mrs. Jerry voiced concern about traffic to the new FAA building and asked whether residents will be able to get in and out. Mr. Bostack said that they anticipate only 15 additional cars at any given time as there will be 95 jobs divided into 3 shifts over a 7-day work week. He added there were no immediate plans to further develop this particular area. He invited Mrs. Jerry and other neighbors to some in and view the plans. Mrs. Jerry said the airport has not been up front with homeowners and people are nervous and upset. Mr. Bestock suggested a public forum every 6 months or so. Ann Hurst questioned landscaping in the area and presented a letter promising landscaping as early as 1981. Mr. Lamphere said the Master Plan shows a buffer, and when the land becomes available, there will be landscaping. Mr. Murray stressed that there is a taxiway behind these people's home and landscaping was promised to them to buffer the noise. Mr. Brennan noted that he was Chairman of the last Master Plan group. He felt that what was being seen was piecemeal planning resulting from the airport's relationship with Burlington. He said existing parking will not meet airport needs as the plan is for 40% growth, and there are already problems. He felt that they need to decide what the airport will look like in 20 years and plan for that now. He added that Moving the airport night be the best plan in the long run. Mr. Mona added that the plan, as he saw it, was "pennywise and pound foolish. Mr. Brennan added that if the airport had its own independent binding authority, there would be a very different plan from the one being shown today. Ms. Bechtel questioned work being done at night at the airport. Mr. Bestock said this is Phase II of the refurnishing of the center runway. Because of safety, this is done between 11 P.M. and 6 A.M. Ms Bechtel said a number of people have called to complain about the noise. Mr. Bestock anticipated work would last about 60 days, and agreed to provide information in writing to the Council about the work. Public Hearing on Proposed Transitional zone Ordinance Mr. Murray noted that with the new Dorset St. plans, the number of curb cuts becomes an issue and questioned whether the 10,000 sq. ft. minimum let size was going far enough. Ms. Bechtel felt that if it went higher, they might not get many combinations of lots. She thought 10,000 sq. ft. was realistic. Ms. Lansing noted she had received calls from people who fear the loss of residential land and she questioned the likelihood of this concept being applied to other locations. Ms. Bechtel said the Planning Commission is looking at this but has made no proposals. Any other district would have to go through the same process to become a transitional zone. Mr. Murray said this new zone is not as simple as it was before the new Dorset St. plans. For example, will it cost more to take property because it goes from residential to commercial? Mr. Mona then moved to approve the language for the transitional District as warned for Sections 17.60 and 17.601 through 17.604 of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations and to approve the location for the Transitional District on the west side of Dorset Street between the land of University Mall Healthy Trust and Sherry Road, a distance of 1450 feet at a depth of 120 ft. The motion was not seconded. Mr. Mona then moved to continue the hearing until August 19, Mr. Murray seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. First reading of an Ordinance restricting truck traffic en Madley Read Mr. Szymanski read the Ordinance (attached) and noted that it should also include Meadow Rd. and Proctor Avenue. Mr. Mona moved that the Council accept the first reading of the Ordinance to restrict truck traffic on Hadley Read, Proctor Avenue and Meadow Rd. Mr. Murray seconded, and the notion passed unanimously. Accept resignation of James McClary from the Zoning Board Mr. Mona moved that the Council accept the resignation of James McClary from tne Zoning Board and send a letter of appreciation to him. Mr. Murray seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Consider disposition of a small parcel of abandoned road land on Brigham Rd. Mr. Szymanski advised that a year age the City deeded half of the street to the owner of Lot 8. The owners of lots 23 & 27 now ask the City to deed them half each of the remaining abandoned road. Mr. Szymanski noted that this has been done in the past with the provision that the city could reclaim the read in the future for road or utility purposes. Mr. Murray moved to proceed to divide the abandoned portion of Brigham Road equally between Lots 23 & 27 and to reserve the right to reclaim the land on behalf of the city. Mr. Mona seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Consider permanent financing through the Municipal Send Bank of the Airport Parkway Sewage Treatment Plant upgrade & expansion Mr. Szymanski explained that rates are very favorable at 7.43% and he had been advised by the Chittenden that this is a very good rate. He recommended going with it for 10 years. Mr. Mona moved that the City Manager proceed and negotiate with the Bond Bank at a rate within 1 percentage point of 7.4%. Mr. Murray seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Mr. Brennan questioned when Country Club Estates could expect to get sewers. Mr. Mona said he didn't think it was too early to tell the Planning Commission to keep it in mind. Review Planning & Zoning Agendas Mr. Mona questioned a multiple was request which would house an entertainment facility, limesine service and post control service in the same building. He noted there is already trouble at this location with the present use. The City Manager will communicate this concern to the Zoning Board. Minutes of July 15, July 16, and July 29 Ms. Bechtel noted the following change at the bottom of p. 2 of the July 15th minutes: "The Planning Commission approved a zone change for 3 lots on Farrell Street. They felt 1 lot would contribute to spot zoning." Mr. Mona moved that the Council approve the Minutes of July 15 as amended and the Minutes of July 16 and July 29 as written. Mr. Murray seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Sign Disbursement Orders Disbursements Orders were signed. Other Business Mr. Brennan asked the status of Dorset St. Mr. Murray advised that the School Board and Planning Commission had both been favorably impressed with the concept. He said he will meet on Thursday with the Secretary of Transportation. Mr. Brennan praised Mr. Murray for his ideas and efforts. Executive Session Mr. Mona moved that the Council meet in Executive Session with Mr. Wilbur to discuss the Airport Parkway Sewage Treatment Plant upgrade and expansion contract. Mr. Murray seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Mr. Murray made the motion to go out of Executive Session to act on the Airport Parkway Sewage Treatment Plant contract. Motion seconded by Mr. Mona. All were in favor. Mr. Murray made the motion to continue the Executive Session on Airport Parkway Sewage Treatment Plant contract at a meeting when all the Council members can be present, as soon as possible this week, hopefully on Thursday, August 8th or Friday, August 9th in the late afternoon. Mr. Mona seconded the motion. All were in favor. Mr. Mona then made the motion to go back into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing the following: Purchase of a parcel of land off Shelburne Road for future Fire Station. Progress of Acquisition of Brand Property. Progress in Union negotiations, and then adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Mr. Murray. All members were in favor. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. The Council of the City of South Burlington hereby ordains: Section 1: No truck having an overall length of more t%923& &', wAve- shall be operated or driven upon Hadley Road, except @ ,f the purpose of making a delivery to a residence thereon. Section 2: Any violation of Section 1 of this Ordinance shall be deemed a traffic offense, and shall be prosecuted pursuant to 23 V.S.A. 512201-2207, as presently enacted or as from time to time hereinafter amended. Any such violator will be subject to the procedures, provisions and penalties as outlined therein. Section 3: This Ordinance shall take effect from its passage. APPROVED: