HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 09/04/1984CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 4, 1984 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Tuesday, September 4, 1984, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; Leona Lansing, George Mona Members Absent Michael Flaherty, William Peters Others Present William Szymanski, City Manager; Ed Leonard, State of Vermont; Stan Wilbur, Alex Tuscany, Webster-Martin, Inc.; Margaret Picard, City Clerk/Treasurer; Ruth Poger, The other Paper; dim Cheng, Burlington Free Press; Pete Crevier Comments & questions from the public (not related to items on the Agenda There was no discussion. Public Informational Meeting regarding the bond issue on proposed upgrade and expansion of Airport Parkway sewage treatment plant Ed Leonard reported that South Burlington will upgrade its present facility to include secondary sewage treatment and will add a process to remove phosphorus from the sewage. The plans are complete and have been submitted to all reviewing agencies. Ms. Lansing asked for a breakdown of percentages of federal, state and local funding. Mr. Leonard replied that if the project is segmented and approved by the voters before October 1, 1984, the city is eligible for 75% federal funding, 15% state funding and only a 10% local share. In addition, 85% of the units dealing with sludge handling will be funded by federal grant. The phosphorus grant will be paid at 100% until October 1, 1984. If the project does not receive approval prior to October 1, 1984, Only 55% will be federally funded (with 75% funding for sludge handling) and 35% state funded. The EPA will no longer participate in reserve capacity funding at any level, so the city would have to pick up 65% of the funding for reserve capacity. Mr. Farrar added that if the bond issue passes and federal funds are at the maximum level, the local share would be less than $1,000,000. Mr. Tuscany presented a chart showing present and planned operations. The existing facility has only primary treatment; the planned facility will provide secondary treatment and phosphorus removal. At present there are still 1,050 pounds of b.o.d. in the water that is released to the Winooski River daily; the planned facility: will release only 140-150 pounds. At present only 10%-20% of phosphorus is removed; the upgraded facility will remove 95%. Completion of the work is expected in late 1986, but it is expected that some increased capacity will be available earlier that year. There will be no lowering of capacity during construction. Mr. Crevier asked the planned size and capacity of the new tanks. Mr. Tuscany replied that the tanks will hold 1,000,000 gallons each and will be 73 feet in diameter and 30 feet deep (half above ground, half below). Mr. Wilbur presented the following figures: The total project cost is $7,915,000. If the entire "wish list" is achieved (including passage by October 1, 1984, project segmenting, etc), the EPA share will be $5,825,000; the state share will be $1,500,000; the city's share $1,010,000. .If the city loses the EPA advance funding, the EPA will fund only $3,270,000; the state will have to fund $2,545,000; and the city will have to pay $2,100,000, which is the figure on the bond issue. If the bond issue fails, the local share would increase to $3,100,000. Mr. Crevier asked if the Council was unanimously in favor of the project. Mr. Farrar replied that there had been a differing view of the financing methods. Mr. Peters believed that the City's share should be totally funded by the bond issue. The rest of the Council felt that there should be two methods of funding: a hook-up charge on new development hooking up to the system, and a special tax district from which all new taxes for a given period would be applied to pay for the remaining cost. Mr. Farrar said it that the amount of growth in the district in one year would be sufficient to pay for the cost of the expansion. He added that there are no plans to lay any new sewage lines at the city's expense. Mr. Crevier then asked how the city stands as far as the permit is concerned. Mr. Farrar explained that the permit says the city can discharge so many pounds per day and so much oxygen per day, and he city is within that limit. The permit also says the city must have a plan to rectify the situation, and the city is on target with those plans. If the bond issue passes, the city will still be in compliance with the plan; if the bond issue doesn't pass, technically the city will be in default. Mr. Crevier asked what happens now with new hookups if the plant is at capacity. Mr. Farrar responded that capacity will be reached in about a year when new construction already approved is built. This will still be under the allowed oxygen level, and the city will go to the state and ask them to increase the gallons per day based on that data. Mr. Mona added that any new projects being planned must go on a waiting list to await added capacity. There are currently 15,000-20,000 gallons per day on the waiting list, including the mall expansion. Adopt Resolution designating Councilman Michael Flaherty as Authorized Agent of the City for the Airport Parkway sewer plant construction grant applications Ms. Lansing moved that the Council adopt a Resolution designating Michael Flaherty as the Authorized Agent of the City for the Airport Parkway sewer plant construction grant applications. Mr. Mona seconded with unanimous approval. Read Minutes of August 20, 1984 Mr. Szymanski noted that on p. 6 the name of the applicant for the catering request was misspelled and should read Grandvue Corp. of Ferrisburg. Ms. Lansing then moved that the minutes be approved as corrected. Mr. Mona seconded with unanimous approval. Sign Disbursement Orders Disbursement orders were signed. Old Business Ms. Lansing asked what the capacity is remaining in the dump. Mr. Szymanski said about 10 years. He added that Regional Planning is interested in the problem and he hopes they will act on it. Mr. Farrar hoped that in the next 2 years a definite plan would be forthcoming. Liquor Control Board Ms. Lansing moved that the Council adjourn and reconvene as the Liquor Control Board Mr. Mona seconded with unanimous consent. Mr. Szymanski presented a second class liquor license request from Interstate Texaco Service at 1055 Williston Road. Mr. Mona raised the question of the number of cars that would be added to the in and out turning pattern in what is already the tightest traffic spot in the city. Mr. Mona then moved that the Board delay action on the application to get more information that this license will not have an adverse effect on traffic in what is one of the most heavily trafficked areas in the city. Ms. Lansing seconded with unanimous consent. As there was no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. CERTIFSING AUTHORIZATION TO FILE The following is a suggested acceptable form of certification of a resolution authorizing the filing of an application for o Federal grant for the construction of publicly owned treatment works under E201(g)(l) of Title I1 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972, 33 U. S. C. 1281 (g) (1) : I, the undersigned, the duly qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of South Burlington, VT (Title of Officer) (Applicant) herein called the "Applicant" and the keeper of the records of the Applicant, including the journal of the Proceedings of the South Burlington City Council (Governing Body of the Applicant) herein called the "governing body" do hereby certify: 1. That the attached resolution is a true and correct copy of the resolution as finally adopted at a meeting of the governing body held on the 4th day of September , 19 84 , and duly recorded in my office; * 2. That said meeting was duly convened and held in all respects in accordance with law and to the extent required by law, due and proper notice of such meeting was given; and a legal quorum was present throughout the meeting, and a legally sufficient number of members of the governing body voted in the proper manner and for the adoption of said resolution; that all other requirements and proceedings under the law incident to the proper adoption or passage of said resolution, including publication, if required, have been duly fulfilled, carried out, and otherwise observed; and that I am authorized to execute this certificate; 3. That if an impression of a seal has been affixed below, it consti- tutes the official seal of the Applicant and this certificate is hereby executed under such official seal; but if no seal has been affixed, the Applicant does not Have an official seal; IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 4th day of September , 19 84 If Applicant has an official seal, impress here. (Seal) -, CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON. YE- (* "mlicwt'') (Legal Name of Applicant) after thorough consideration of the nature of its water pollution pr&lem, herebv determines that the construction of certah works required for the treatkt of dcipal sewage, generally described as ~ollb~jon Brief Description Abatement Facilities, Airport Parkway Wastewater Treatment Facility 0t Constructim Upgrade, Contractural (the "Project") is desirable and in the public interest, and to that end it is necessary to apply for Federal assistance; and WHEREAS, pursuant to 33 U.S.C. 1281 (g)(l), the Administrator of the United States ~~tal Protection Agency (the "PA") is authorized to make grants to any state, dcipality or intenmmicipal or interstate agency for the construction of publicly omed treatennt works as is necessary to prevent the discharge of untreated or inadequately treated sewage or other waste into any waters of the United States; and WEREAS, the Applicant has examined and duly considered the provisions of Title I1 of the Act, 33 U.S.C. 1281 thru 1292 which relate to grants for construction of treatnwt works, and deems it to be in the public interest to file a grant application under 33 U.S.C. 1281 (g)(l) and to authorize other actions in connection therewith; NOW, m, BE IT. mvED THE SOUTH BURLINGTON CITY COUNCIL the govemhg body of said Applicant, as follows : I. That Michael D. Flaherty is hereby authorized an behalf of the &pliant to file an applicatim (in the form prescribed by the Ahhistrator and in conformity with 33 U.S.C. 1281-1292 and =A's grant regulations (40 CFR Parts 30, 33 and 35) for a grant to be made by the Atkhbtrator of EPA for the federal share of the eligible cost of ccmstxuction of the publicly owned treatment works ; 2. That if such grant be made, the Applicant agrees to pay, pursuant to 33 U. S.C. 1284 (a) (4), the non-Federal costs of such works; 3. That the said - D. F rtv is hereby authorized to £urn&!! orma* to take such other action as may be necessary to enable the Applicant to qualify for the grant; 4. That the said Michael D. Flaherty is hereby designated as the authorized representative of the Applicant for the purpose of franishi.lg to the Ahhistrator such information, data and docunents pertaining to the application for a grant as may be requited; and otherwise to act as the authorized representative of the Applicant in ccmection with this application including the filing of the application; and further, is hereby suthorized to accept the grant; 5. That if funds are available under this grant fran completed or on-going planning, the Applicant will apply all such funds toward further planning or construction of the project; 6. The Applicant hereby agrees to implanent the adopted user charge system in accord with t3y provisions of 40 CFR 35.2208 and other pertinent sections ; 7. Ihe Applicant hereby agrees to implez~lent a sewer use ordinance in accord with the provisions of 40 (=FR 35.2122 and 35.2208. 'he apprwed ordinance will be enacted and enforced before the treatrment works is placed in operation; 8. That the Applicant hereby agrees to comply with the pravisians of the Relocation and Land Acquisitian Policies Act; 9. That the Applicant hereby agrees to cornply with other available Federal statutoq and regulatory requirements as contained in 40 CFR Part 30 - Subpart C, 40 CFR Part 33 and 40 CFR Part 35; 10. That the Applicant hereby agrees to prepare and in@-t a final plan of operation for an operation and maintenance program in accord with 40 CFR 35.2106 and 35.2706 including preparation of an operation and maintenance marrual and an emrgency operating and response program. The Applicant has determined it will derive adequate revenues through its user charge systan to finance the operating and maintenance budget which is attached; 11. That the Applicant hereby agrees to ensure proper and efficient operation at the facility including the cqloyumt of appropriately trained managemnt and operations personnel. Ihe Applicant will the treamt works in accord with a plan of operaticxl apprwed by the State Water Pollution Control Agency, will subit operations reports as required by the Temporary Pollution Permit and will met all other requir-ts of the applicable Federal regulations. 12. The applicant certifies that the applicant has analyzed the costs and financial impacts of the proposed facilities and it has the capability to finance and rrranage their building and operation and maintenance in accord with 40 CFR, Part 35. 13. The applicant certifies it has not violated Federal, State or local law rtaining to fraud, bribery, graft, ki acks, collusion, r % conflict o interest or other mI.aw£ul or corrupt practice relating to or in connection with facilities phming or des* work on the wastewater treatment wrks project. 14. The appliat has not used the services of my individual, organization or unit of govemxmt for facilities phmhg or &sigp work whose nam appears on the master list of -ts, suspension and voluntary exclusions. 15. That certified copies of this resolutian be included as part of the application to be submitted to the Administrator for a grant. EPA/MFB (3/84) Amended by State of Vermont step 111 AS43