HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 11/19/1984CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 19, 1984 The South Burlington City Council and Planning Commission held a joint meeting prior to the regular City Council Meeting on Monday, 19 November 1984, at 7:00 pm, in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present City Council: Paul Farrar, Chairman; Michael Flaherty, Leona Lansing George Mona, William Peters Planning Commission: Sidney Poger, Chairman; Judith Hurd, Peter Jacob, William Burgess Others Present William Szymanski, City Manager; Don Whitten, Pollution Control; Albert C. Audette, Street Dept; Jane Bechtel, City Planner; Brian Searles, Diane Sweet Reynolds, Charles Balserus, Police Dept; John Kane, Mr. Reynolds; Ruth Poger, The Other Paper; Tyler Hart, Carl Cobb, Homer and Marie Dubois, William B. Wessel, Thomas F. O'Connor Review Sketch Plan for proposed 93 acre, 158 lot subdivision of property owned by Homer and Marie Dubois located along the west side of Hinesburg Road Tyler Hart presented the proposal. The land is zoned Agricultural Rural Residential and includes the Dubois residence, another house and a utility structure. The planned development will consist of 2 single family units per acre, under the planned unit development. There is already sewer service on the west side of Hinesburg Road serving Ledge Knoll. There is also a 12" water main. There will be two access points to the development, one opposite Ledge Knoll and one at the northern- most point, approximately 950 feet apart. Lots will average 100ʹ x 150ʹ. Mr. Hart indicated that they tried to orient roads along the contours; all roads will be paved with sidewalks. They will be city streets. The project has been set back from Hinesburg Road to allow for a strip of open land approximately 350ʹ deep. It is anticipated that 20% of the total site will not be developed. At present, it is anticipated that the Dubois will own the open land, but this is not firmly decided. Mr. Cobb noted that the open space was planned along Hinesburg as a safety factor to put more space between playing children and road traffic. Mr. Flaherty indicated that he would rather see the open space land tied up so that there could be no attempt to develop it down the line. Mr. Mona asked what was the earliest this development could proceed based on sewage capacity. Mr. Szymanski anticipated mid-1986 for occupancy. Mr. Mona noted that in the Planning Commission minutes concern is expressed about beginning this development until the effects of Ledge Knoll could be determined. Mr. Poger explained that the Commission was divided on this point. He felt very strongly that if there is no time to assess the effects of Ledge Knoll, the city may see wall-to-wall R-2 development all the way to the city line. Mr. Cobb noted that the first part of Ledge Knoll will be completed next summer but the will not proceed with the rest of it until the northerly part of the property is developed as this is needed for access. Mrs. Hurd raised the question of school space. Mr. Farrar thought this would be no problem in terms of building, but it might require re-districting. The project has been reviewed by the Police, Fire and School Depts, and a traffic study was done. It was felt that no lights would be needed, but there would be breakdown and deceleration lanes on Hinesburg Rd. Mr. Farrar then read the standards and conditions which must be met for planned unit development, as follows: a. Will not result in undue water or air pollution. b. Has sufficient water available for the reasonably foreseeable needs of the development. c. Will not cause unreasonable soil erosion or reduction in the capacity of the land to hold water so that a dangerous or unhealthy condition may result. d. Will not cause unreasonable highway congestion or unsafe conditions with respect to use of the highways, existing or proposed. e. Will not cause an unreasonable burden on the ability of the City to provide educational services and facilities. f. Will not cause an unreasonable burden on the ability of the City to provide municipal or governmental services & facilities. g. Will not have an undue adverse effect on the scenic or natural beauty of the area, is aesthetically compatible with existing buildings and site characteristics, and will protect rare and irreplaceable natural areas and historic sites. h. Will provide housing types, costs & characteristics appropriate to the housing needs of various social and economic groups. i. Will provide convenient allocation and distribution of common open space in relation to proposed development and will conform with the City's recreation plan. j. Will provide efficient layout & high quality installation, construction, and maintenance of streets and public facilities and will conform with the City's utilities plan. k. Will provide for cooperation with adjoining properties in the extension of roadways, drainage facilities, & utility lines. l. Will maximize potential for energy conservation & solar energy use via appropriate site layout and use of building materials. m. Will conform with the City's comprehensive plan. Mr. Poger said the Planning Commission will consider the areas of ground water and erosion; other than those conditions, the members agreed that all the other criteria are met by the plan. The question of ownership of open space was raised again. Mr. Poger favored moving the open area to the rear to combine with areas from adjoining properties to create a future park; however, the majority of both boards agreed with the present layout. The concensus was also that a homeowners association should own the common land. Mr. Farrar then polled the members concerning approval of the proposal. Mr. Poger, Mr. Mona, Ms. Lansing, and Mrs. Hurd all favored waiting to see the impact of the development currently being constructed. Other members felt it was a good proposal and that reconsideration of the Master Plan could not be completed in time to affect this project. Mr. Farrar then asked that the conditions for open space be drafted for a vote at the next meeting. Ms. Lansing moved that the subject be continued until the meeting of December 3rd. Mr. Flaherty seconded with unanimous approval. Regular Council Meeting Comments & questions from the public not related to items on the agenda No issues were raised. Reappoint for three year terms the City Health Officer and Deputy Health Officer. Mr. Flaherty moved that Modlyn Walsh be reappointed City Health Officer and Mr. William Szymanski be reappointed Deputy Health Officer, both for three year terms. Ms. Lansing seconded with unanimous approval. Appoint a second alternate City Commissioner to the Champlain Water District Mr. Flaherty moved that Catherine Peacock be appointed second alternate City Commissioner to the Champlain Water District. Ms. Lansing seconded with unanimous approval. Public Hearing on proposed amendments to City Zoning Regulations The members reviewed the proposed amendments (attached). Mr. Mona raised the question of the aesthetics of RV's stored on lots, and Mr. Farrar questioned whether there is excess parking in restaurant parking lots. In answer to the latter question, Mr. Poger said that there generally is. Following the discussion, Mr. Mona moved to approve the proposed amendments to the Zoning Regulations as presented by the Planning Commission in the City Planner's memo of November 16, 1984. Mr. Flaherty seconded with unanimous approval. Review Zoning Board Agenda No issues were raised. Sign Disbursement Orders There were no disbursement orders. Minutes of November 5, 1984 Mr. Flaherty moved that the minutes of November 5, 1984 be approved as printed. Ms. Lansing seconded with unanimous approval. Executive Session Mr. Flaherty moved that the Council go into Executive Session for the purpose of hearing the grievance of Diane Sweet Reynolds, per the request of her attorney, and to exit Executive Session only to take action on the grievance and to adjourn. Mr. Peters seconded with unanimous approval. Following the Executive Session Mrs. Flaherty moved that the hearing be continued until Dec. 3, at 7:00 pm, possibly in Executive Session. Ms. Lansing seconded with unanimous approval. The meeting adjourned at 10:05 pm. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.