HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 11/05/1984CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 5, 1984 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, November 5, 1984, at 7:30 pm, in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; Leona Lansing, Michael Flaherty, George Mona, William Peters Also Present William Szymanski, City Manager; Jane Bechtel, City Planner; Sylvia Smith, Natural Resources Committee; Ruth Poger, The Other Paper; Stephen Crowley Comments & questions from the public not related to items on the Agenda There were no issues raised. Review Proposed Amendments to Zoning Regulations Ms. Bechtel outlined the proposed amendments (see attached) and recommended that the Public Hearing be held the second meeting in December. Mr. Mona raised the question of the Zoning Administrator becoming a design review committee, enforcer, etc, and felt it was too big a task for one individual to control. Following a brief discussion, Mr. Flaherty moved to set the Public Hearing and second meeting in December on December 10th, 7:30 pm, at City Hall. Ms. Lansing seconded with unanimous approval. Interview Stephen Crowley for appointment to the Natural Resources Committee to fill the unexpired 3-year term until May, 1986 Mr. Crowley was interviewed by the Council and expressed his strong interest in preserving the natural resources of the City. Mr. Farrar noted Mr. Crowley's outstanding qualifications and thanked him for his interest in serving the community. Ms. Lansing then moved that the Council appoint Stephen Crowley to the unexpired three-year term on the Natural Resources Committee which runs until May, 1986. Mr. Flaherty seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Mrs. Smith advised that the Committee is putting together a status report on what it has accomplished on behalf of the community. Sign petition for buried telephone cable on Spear Street Mr. Szymanski advised that the phone company is putting in a control cabinet at the southeast corner of Swift & Spear Streets and is acquiring a piece of land from UVM for this purpose. Mr. Flaherty moved that the City Council Sign the petition for buried telephone cable as presented by the City Manager. Ms. Lansing seconded with unanimous approval. Review & approve handicapped grievance procedure Mr. Szymanski advised that a committee has been appointed and has, in conformance with federal regulations, set up a grievance procedure. The City has only 2 non-complying buildings, The O'Brien Center and the Water Department. Mr. Flaherty moved that the Council approve the Handicapped Grievance Procedure as outlined by the City Manager in his memo of October 15, 1984. Ms. Lansing seconded, and the motion passed 4-0, Mr. Mona abstaining because he felt this procedure was already covered by federal law. Review Zoning Agenda for November 19, 1984 There were no issues raised. Sign Disbursement Orders Disbursement orders were signed. Review Minutes of October 22, 1984 Ms. Lansing moved that the Minutes of October 22, 1984 be approved as printed. Mr. Flaherty seconded with unanimous approval. Old and New Business Mr. Flaherty raised the question of the problems being caused by the traffic light opposite the new Mall on Dorset Street. He noted that at times there were 10 to 12 cars backed up waiting to make a left turn into University Mall. Me felt a turning arrow would help. Mrs. Poger noted that it is also difficult to turn left out of University Mall at that point. It was decided that the situation would be referred to Joe Oppen lander to review. Mr. Mona asked for an update on the re-appraisal question. Mr. Farrar advised that the data has been reviewed and a regression analysis of commercial data will be run. He felt that from just looking at the data there is probably $1,000,000 of commercial property on the Grand List that has sold for more than it is appraised at. He added that although there was nothing that could be done about two causes of the problem (personal property and utilities, which have always been appraised at 100% of fair market value), the discrepancies in commercial appraisals can be corrected. Mr. Mona expressed concern that this be done as soon as possible to separate it from the budgeting process. He also suggested a progress report to the citizens. Mr. Szymanski updated the status of the Bartlett Bay Sewage Plant. He met with the State last Friday regarding increasing the flow from 700,000 gpd to 800,000. The State is willing to reduce the test period from 30 days to 14 and will allow recirculation of waste water in order to bring up the flow to 800,000. He felt the only problem will be with sludge storage which may require a new storage tank at a cost of $30,000 or $40,000. Mr. Farrar asked what would be required to go from 800,000 gpd to 1,000,000. Mr. Szymanski said about one of everything. The land is available, however, for double the capacity. Ms. Bechtel reported that DuBois will be coming in with a new sub-division plan and requested a joint meeting with the Planning Commission. It was agreed to hold the review on November 19, 1984, at 7:00 p.m. As there was no further business to come before the City Council, the meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. C MEMORANDUM ---------- To : South Bur ling ton City Council From: South Burlington Planning Commission - second set via Jane S. Bechtel, City Planner --?-, Re : \ Proposed Amendments to Zoning Regulations ,- second set ) -. . -1' /' Date: November 2, 1984 The following Amendments to the Zoning ~egulations were approved by the Planning Commission on October 23, 1984. As you know, the Council must hold a public hearing on these no later than 30 days, or later than 120 days after the date of this submittal. Any changes will require a new public hearing. I would like to arrange a public hearing on this second set of amendments for December 17, 1984. NOTE: The first set of proposed amendments was forwarded to the Council in August. Since the 120 day period will expire on December 3, I have warned a public hearing on the first set for the Council's November 19 meeting. COMPLETE TEXT' OF PROPOSED ZONING AMENDMENTS Section 11.112 Section 11.501a Section 11.212 , Section 11.502a Section 12.119 Sect ion 12.50 la Sect ion 13.117 Section 13.118 Section 2.00 et a1 Section 21.108b Section 19.104 Section 19.155b Radio and Television studios .- Those uses set forth in Sections 11.101 - 11.112 Taxi companies Those uses set forth in Sections 11.201 - 11.212 Radio and television studios Those uses set forth in Sections 12.101 - 12.119 Warehousing Light manufacturing Any use not expressly permitted are prohibited, except those which are allowed as conditional uses Group Home - up to six unrelated people living as a single household unit The following standards for landscaping, screen- ing and bufferyards shall apply during site plan review and for planned unit developments and gr id type developments : Each application shall be prepared in accordance with the specifications of the City subdivision requlations, site plan requirements (including landscaping requirements) , and other such data or information as the Planning Commission may require ACCESSORY APARTMENT AMENDMENTS @ I. Sections 8.10 and 9.10 establishing permitted uses in the Residential-2 and ~esidential-4 Districts should be amended as follows: Section 8,104 Accessory Apartments subject to the provisions of Section 19.80. Section 9.104 Accessory Apartments subject to the provisions of Section 19.80. I1 Section 19.80 should be added to create specific standards for accessory apartments as follows: Section 19.80 Accessory Apartments The zoninq administrator shall approve an accessory apartment when the applicant demonstrates conformance with the followinq standards: Section 19.801 Accessory apartments shall only be allowed within a single-family dwellinqs and only one accessory apartment will be allowed per single-family dwelling. Section 19.802 The owner (s) of the structure in which the accessory apartment is created shall occupy at least one of the dwellinq units as a primary residence. Section 19.803 Adequate off street parking shall be provided but in no case shall the number of spaces for both the single- family residence and the accessory apartment be less than 3. Section 19.804 The sinqle-family residence and accessory apart- ment shall have adequate sewaqe disposal and water supply. Section 19.805 A residential structure and lot containing an accessory apartment shall have the appearance of a single-family residence. In reviewinq this criterion, the zoning administrator shall consider, without beinq limited to, the following factors. (a) Maintenance of a single driveway and car parking area - (b) Minimization or appropriate location of new entrances to - the structure. Section 19.806 An accessory apartment shall contain a minimum of 300 square feet. An accessory apartment shall not exceed In slze 500 square feet or 25% of the floor area of the single- family dwellina. whichever is the smaller amount. Section 19.807 Any addition to a single-family residence to accommodate an accessory apartment shall not increase the size of the structure by more than 10%. Any such addition must conform with all applicable height, area, lot coverage, and yard requirements. SUMMARY OF PROPOSED ZONING AMENDMENTS - SECOND SET Section 11.112 makes radio and television studios a permitted use in the C-1 district. They are not permitted in any District in the current I ordinance. C-1 and C-2 are the most appropriate locations. Section 11.212 makes taxi companies a conditional use in the C-1 district. Presently they are a conditional use in the Industrial Commercial District. Section 12.119 makes radio and television studios a permitted use in the C-2 district. Section 13.117 and 13.118 makes warehousing and light manufactur ing a permitted use in the Mixed Industr ial-Commercial District. Section 2.00 -- et a1 will add the sentence that all uses not expressly permitted are prohibited unless allowed as a conditional use. This will apply to all districts. Section 21.108b adds the State required definition of a Group Home. These must be a permitted use in any district where single-family dwellings are permitted. Section 19.104 and 19.155b are revised so that the landscaping require- ments for site plans apply to planned unit developments and grid-type developments. SUMMARY OF ACCESSORY APARTMENT AMENDMENT The accessory apartment allows single-family home-owners to add a small efficiency apartment in R-2 and R-4 districts. It is a practical and frequently necessary way of enabling owners to re- main in homes that otherwise may be too costly to heat and maintain while for some it provides a sense of security. The rental unit provides af fordable housing opportunities for people at various stages of their lives for whom conventional housing is functionally and economically obsolete or impractical. Accessory apartments are sometimes critized because of the impact on the neighborhood, appearance, the traffic and city services. However, this amendment address each of these concerns, and most importantly prevents undetected conversions by permitting them and then regulating a number of features. The primary features of the amendment are: 1) Only one is allowed per dwelling; 2) They are allowed in owner occupied dwellings only; 3) There must be at least 3 off-street parking spaces; 4) There must be adequate sewage disposal and water supply; 5) It must have the appearanceofa single-family residence with a single driveway, and new entrances must be mimimized or be appropriately located; 6) The minimum size is 300 square feet; the maximum is 500 square feet or 25% of single-family dwelling floor area, whichever is smaller; 7) Additions shall not increase the size by more than 10%; 8) All other zoning provisions such as height, area, lot coverage and yard requirements apply.