HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 05/07/1984CITY COUNCIL MAY 7, 1984 The South Burlington City Council held a Regular Meeting on Monday, May 7, 1984, at 7:00 pm, in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Hugh Marvin, Chairman; Leona Lansing, Michael Flaherty, Paul Farrar, William Peters Others Present William Szymanski, City Manager; Vincent D'Acuti, South Burlington representative to the Airport Commission (Executive Session); Steve Stitzel, City Attorney (Executive Session); Margaret Picard, City Clerk/Treasurer; Albert Audette, Street Dept; Gloria Yandow, City Bookkeeper; Margaret Jennings, State Agency of Transportation Leonard Locke, Webster-Martin; William Fiske Executive Session Mr. Farrar moved that the Council go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing negotiations on the airport tax stabilization agreement. Mr. Flaherty seconded with unanimous approval. Comments & questions from the public (not related to items on the Agenda) Mr. Fiske expressed concern with enforcement of traffic laws, citing an accident this date at the corner of Dorset Street and Williston Road which was caused by a motorist going through a red light. He indicated that this was one of many such incidents he had observed and added that he has now begun to wait for several seconds after a light has turned green before proceeding into an intersection because the problem is so bad. Mr. Marvin requested that the City Manager speak with Chief Carter and report back to the Council. Meet with State Agency of Transportation to review proposed Williston Rd. and Dorset Street improvements Ms. Jennings of the Agency of Transportation introduced Mr. Locke of Webster-Martin who explained the proposed plans. The Williston Rd. project is a widening project, not a total reconstruction. The typical section will be 71 feet from curb to curb; areas with a turning lane will be 82 ft. from curb to curb. They will re-use most of the curb that is now in place. There will be a 5 foot grass strip along most of the road, except in front of the Sheraton where there is no room. The entrances to Spillanes and the Texaco station will remain as is, but the entrance to the Chittenden Bank will be removed because it is too close to the intersection. All traffic signals along the stretch will be synchronized. Mr. Marvin asked if the signals can be adjusted to increase traffic flow during peak hours (west in the morning and east in the evening). Mr. Locke suggested that could be done. Mr. Farrar said they might want to use some kind of a micro-processor for the type of control desired. Joe Oppenlander of UVM is doing that work, and Mr. Locke thought they might want to talk with him. The road will consist of 3 west-bound lanes, one of which will; become a "right turn only" lane for East Avenue. There will be a central turning lane and two east- bound lanes. Both Mr. Farrar and Mr. Flaherty suggested that the easternmost entrance to Spillanes should be an "exit only" designation to avoid confusion at the Sheraton entrance in the turn lane. Mr. Flaherty suggested painting turning arrows. Mr. Szymanski questioned whether they would have to buy a right-of-way from Gaynes to allow Spillanes traffic to exit from the Gaynes exit. Mr. Marvin asked how many lanes will go in and out of Gaynes. Mr. Locke said there would be one from each direction. Mr. Marvin and Mr. Farrar felt there should be more lanes coming out to allow shorter signaling time, and more traffic movement on Williston Road. They suggested two lanes coming out and heading west from Gaynes. Ms. Lansing asked if there will be an exit from Gaynes going east strictly for right turns on red. Mr. Farrar felt there was no reason for that. There is time to let them out when people from the east are getting in. Ms. Jennings said they will look over the plan and see if a second west-bound exit lane is feasible. Ms. Yandow asked how traffic will turn left into Spillanes at rush hours. Mr. Farrar said they may have to go around the jug handle. Mr. Farrar suggested overhead signs for the "right turn only" lane at East Avenue. Mr. Locke said he will make that suggestion. Mr. Fiske asked how, if one is coming from Winooski at 4 pm, they will be able to merge across to go into Gaynes. Mr. Locke said they had considered a light, but studies indicated it wasn't needed. Mr. Szymanski noted that there is a lot of vacant land behind Gaynes, and the only access to that land is through Gaynes. He thought they might have to look to the future when that land may be developed and the traffic flow would then be increased considerably. Ms. Jennings said they will look over both the Gaynes entrance and the question of overhead signing. The Dorset Street project was discussed next. Mr. Locke said this will be a total reconstruction from Kennedy Drive to Williston Road. A typical section will be 65 feet from curb to curb with 3 ft. 6 inches from curb to sidewalk and a 5 foot sidewalk on both sides. There will be 5 lanes, with 11 foot lanes, and a 5 foot bicycle path on either side (from Kennedy Drive to the Mall entrance. Mr. Flaherty questioned why the bike path would stop there since this would put cyclists right into the worst of the traffic near Williston Road. Ms. Jennings said it was their idea to discourage cyclists from using high traffic areas. Mr. Flaherty said the idea is good in theory, but cyclists will continue on whether there is a lane for them or not, and as long as there is a chance to put it in all the way he felt it should be done. Mr. Peters questioned where cyclists would go when they got to Kennedy Drive. Mr. Audette noted there will be a proposal from the Bicycle Committee that will answer that question. He noted it was the priority of the Committee to get cyclists to the Mall. Whether it is feasible to continue the path to Williston Rd, people will go there whether there is a lane or not. Mr. Locke noted there will be a count taken of bike and pedestrian traffic by the school. Mr. Farrar asked if there is enough turning capacity in and out of Williston Road. Mr. Locke said all studies show no problem in that regard. Mr. Peters asked whether curb cuts at the Anchorage will be cut down as he had been asked this by the owner. Mr. Locke said they would. Mr. Szymanski noted the plan is to acquire land this year and begin construction next year, but there is a chance this may be accelerated. He asked if anything had been heard about an interstate ramp at Kennedy Drive. Ms. Jennings said she had heard nothing. Ms. Jennings did note that they were planning a pedestrian activated crossing light near the school. Mr. Szymanski said they should have a similar light at the Mall for people using buses. Ms. Jennings then asked the Council to sign a document indicating they had seen the plans and concur with them being presented. Mr. Farrar moved that the City Council sign the document dated May 2, 1984. Mr. Flaherty seconded with unanimous consent. Mr. Marvin asked if there would be a pedestrian activated light at Kennedy Drive. Ms. Jennings said she did not know. Mr. Szymanski stressed the need for a left turn light off the ramp there. Accept resignation of Gloria Aiken from Natural Resources Committee Mr. Flaherty moved that the City Council accept the resignation of Gloria Aiken from the Natural Resources Committee and direct the City Manager to send a letter of commendation for her work. Ms. Lansing seconded with unanimous consent. Consider soliciting consultants for a preliminary study to increase capacity at the Bartletts Bay sewage treatment plant Mr. Szymanski noted that they have committed all reserve capacity at the Bartletts Bay facility and have gotten requests to know what is going to be done. He added that there is $3,000-$5,000; in the budget this year for the study. Mr. Farrar moved that the City Manager be empowered to solicit proposals for a preliminary study on increasing capacity at the Bartletts Bay sewage treatment plant. Mr. Flaherty seconded with unanimous approval. Review Planning and Zoning Agendas There was no discussion in this area. Sign Resolution of Commendation for Council Chairman Hugh M. Marvin and make presentation Mr. Szymanski read the Resolution of Commendation (attached). Mr. Farrar then moved that the City Council sign the Resolution as drawn up by the City Manager. Ms. Lansing seconded with unanimous approval, Mr. Marvin abstaining. The City Manager then thanked Mr. Marvin for his cooperation over the past year and presented him with an inscribed name placque as a token of appreciation. Read Minutes of April 23, 1984 and April 30, 1984 Mr. Marvin noted that on p. 2 of the April 23rd minutes, Mr. Farrar originally made a motion to increase the Airport Sewage Treatment plant capacity to 2.3 MM gpd and to instruct the City Manager to prepare for a September bond issue. This motion was not seconded. Mr. Marvin also noted that in the discussion of the Liquor License renewal of Club New England he had suggested the various parties (Club, citizens, Fire, Police and City Manager) get together and work out a solution. Mr. Flaherty moved that the minutes of April 23, 1984 be approved as amended. Ms. Lansing seconded with unanimous approval. Mr. Farrar moved that the Minutes of April 30, 1984 be approved as printed. Ms. Lansing seconded with unanimous consent. Sign disbursement orders Disbursement orders were signed. Airport Tax Stabilization Mr. Farrar moved that the City Council instruct the City Manager to communicate with the Chairman of the Burlington Airport Commission that the City is desirous of continuing negotiations as to those classes of property that are to be taxable and those which will not be taxable, and that it has come to our attention that there is a movement to make the Airport a profit-making facility and that any tax stabilization agreement that may be worked out in the future will have that fact taken into consideration. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Mr. Fiske questioned the fact that they were taxing real property and yet if the Airport made more money, they would be taxed more. Mr. Flaherty explained that what has occurred has been "payment in lieu of taxes." Mr. Farrar added that this year the Airport will be taxed the same as any other piece of property. The question is for the future where they said they will be using Airport funds for other activities in the Burlington community. Mr. Marvin added the Council has been talking with Mr. D'Acuti and feel that where expansion is needed at the Airport, the money should not go elsewhere. In the vote that followed the motion passed unanimously. Other Business Mr. Marvin asked if there were any questions on the Audit report which had been furnished. Mr. Szymanski said he did not understand the request for time cards and would discuss it with the auditors. If they still want time cards, he would follow through. Ms. Yandow explained that the City's Social Security contribution is now being done by hand as the program has to be rewritten. Regarding the next meeting date, it was felt that if the new member agreed, May 16th, 5:15 pm would be appropriate. Mr. Farrar then moved to set the date for the next meeting at May 16, 1984, at 5:15 pm, at City Hall. Mr. Flaherty seconded with unanimous consent. On a motion by Mr. Flaherty seconded by Mr. Farrar, the meeting adjourned at 9:40 pm. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.