HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 03/19/1984CITY COUNCIL MARCH 19, 1984 EXECUTIVE SESSION In Executive session, the members heard a police grievance. Members also considered the evaluation of a City employee. Following the discussions, Mr. Farrar moved that the Council resume it Regular Session. Mr. Flaherty seconded with unanimous consent. The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, March 19, 1984, at 7:00 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Hugh Marvin, Chairman; Leona Lansing, Michael Flaherty, Paul Farrar, William Peters Others Present William Szymanski, City Manager; David Minnich, Assistant City Manager; Police Officers: Charles Balserus, Tom Fraga, Ernie Rheaume; Attorneys: John Cain, Joe Obuchovsky, Steve Stizel; Sonny Audette, Street Department; Stan Wilbur Executive Session Mr. Farrar moved that the Council go into Executive Session for the purpose of hearing a police grievance and to evaluate an employee. Ms. Lansing seconded with unanimous consent. Regular Session Comments and questions from the public not related to items on the Agenda There was no discussion. Evaluate street parking around the Airport and consider extending the "No Parking" ban Mr. Szymanski advised that there has been a problem with parking on the side streets since the Airport lot is often full. The Chairman then read the Resolution banning parking on both sides of Maryland Street from Delaware to Airport Drive (Resolution attached). Ms. Lansing moved that the Resolution banning parking on both sides of Maryland St. from Delaware to Airport Drive be accepted. Mr. Farrar seconded with unanimous consent. A second Resolution concerning parking on Patrick and Elizabeth Streets was read. It was noted that on both streets parking is now banned from 1:00-6:00 A.M., but cars are still left there for many days. Mr. Farrar asked why cars are not towed away. Mr. Szymanski said the chief is reluctant because the City has to pay the fee. The chief would prefer a "No Parking" ordinance. Mr. Farrar said it seemed to him that the course of action is to enforce the present resolution and to extend it to a ban on spring and summer overnight parking. He felt that people who live on those streets should be able to have friends park there for a few hours. Mr. Flaherty suggested that the addition of "Towaway Zone" to the signs might help. Similar discussion arose concerning Ledoux Terrace. Mr. Farrar again felt that the proper course of action was to enforce the existing ban by towing offending cars. Mr. Farrar then moved to amend the resolution as presented by the City Manager as follows: that Ledoux Terrace be designated as "No Parking from 1:00-6:00 a.m. on the South Side and "No Parking" on the North Side. Mr. Flaherty seconded with unanimous consent. Mr. Farrar then moved that the resolution as presented by the City Manager for Patrick and Elizabeth Streets be amended as follows: the north side of Patrick and Elizabeth Streets be designated "No Parking from 1:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. and that the area be designated as a "Towaway Zone." Ms. Lansing seconded with unanimous consent. Mr. Farrar then moved that the Ledoux Terrace Resolution be amended to include a designation of "Towaway Zone." Ms. Lansing seconded with unanimous approval. The City Manager will check with the City Attorney for the wording of the Resolutions. Reappoint the City Manager as Town Service Officer Mr. Flaherty moved that in recognition of his fine service in the past that the City Council reappoint the City Manager as Town Service officer. Mr. Farrar seconded with unanimous consent. Authorize the City Manager to sign a Proclamation declaring April 8 to 14, 1984 as "Week of the Young Child" Mr. Farrar moved that the City Council authorize the City Manager to sign the proclamation declaring April 8-14, 1984 as "Week of the Young Child". Mr. Flaherty seconded with unanimous consent. Discuss the Airport Parkway sewer plant upgrading bond issue The City Manager presented a memo of his observations concerning this issue. He felt that the 2.3MM gpd plant would be closer to the needs of the City than a 2MM gpd plant. He noted that the average increase in the grand list over the past 5 years has been $130,000, with growth primarily in that end of town. He felt that that additional .3MM gpd would last about 6 years. Mr. Flaherty asked whether the cost for expansion over 2MM gpd would have to be borne entirely by the city. Mr. Szymanski confirmed this was true. Mr. Farrar asked Mr. Wilbur how much more than the $800,000 now required for the extra capacity would the City have to spend if the additional capacity were added later. Mr. Wilbur said it would require another whole unit. He added that once you have upgraded, there was virtually no chance of getting any federal financing for additional expansion. Mr. Marvin asked whether the growth estimates for the next 25 years would result in any further restrictions as to what goes into the Winooski River. Mr. Wilbur said that the approved plan was based on the estimated growth. Mr. Farrar asked if the City has been allocated a certain amount of pollutant discharge into the Winooski River. Mr. Wilbur said "yes" and that the new plant is being designed to meet these limits. A discussion on this waste load allocation and the City growth projection followed. Mr. Farrar requested more information on growth. This information is included in the preliminary report and will be made available for the April 23, 1984 meeting. Mr. Peters said it seemed that it would be better to go for the 2.3MM gpd and absorb the cost over 2MM gpd than to build on later. Mr. Farrar asked whether the 2.3MM gpd would serve the area at the density allowed if the area were to reach maximum density. Mr. Wilbur said they used a percentage of ultimate density that could be estimated over the next 20 years. Mr. Farrar said that this meant that at ultimate density there would have to be an addition. Mr. Wilbur confirmed this. He said he would provide the percentage they had used. Mr. Wilbur advised they had completed value engineering but have not had good conversations with the State. He felt that based on their value engineering study the estimate could be reduced by $200,000 to $250,000. He said he could not imagine that the final figures could come in higher than the original estimate, and the question was how to proceed with the bond issue. Mr. Szymanski noted that this bond issue would come in when the current sewer bond issue ends. Mr. Farrar set out the issue as follows: the cost is $1.5MM for increased capacity. It can be assumed that this increase will generate $300,000 the first year, $600,000 the second, and $900,000 the third. The options available are: to allow growth to continue and keep the tax rates down; not allow growth and raise the tax rates; or reduce services in the City. He noted that it might prove possible to set aside the revenues from new construction to be used to pay for increaser sewer expansion for a period of three years. A bill to this effect is currently in the State Legislature, and it might be possible to amend the City Charter to allow for this. Mr. Marvin noted that if expansion is not done now, the City might not get permission to expand at a later date. Mr. Flaherty also raised the question: if the bond issue is defeated, can the City stop developers from putting in septic systems of their own. Mr. Peters said he thought he could support an incremental tax plan. Mr. Wilbur said he felt the bond issue should be delayed till September when there would be better information available. They now need a directive as to whether they should change their plans from a 2.3MM gpd plant. It was agreed that the item would be discussed again at the April 23, 1984 meeting at which time Mr. Wilbur would present the figures that they had used for the percentage of ultimate density. At that time, the members felt they could determine what size plant they wished to proceed with. Other & Old Business MPO Mr. Farrar advised that the MPO is looking for additions to the 5-year plan. He noted that in the past the question of interchanges on the Interstate had been raised with Dorset Street and Hinesburg Road as possible sites. Mr. Flaherty said he felt the Dorset Street area should be a full interchange. Mr. Szymanski agreed that Dorset Street was always the first option for an interchange. Mr. Farrar also asked if there were any other projects that haven't been inputted that the City would like in the next 5 or 6 years. Mr. Marvin suggested the Kimball Avenue area noting that the plan was to connect Kennedy Drive to Exit 13 of the Interstate. Mr. Farrar also advised that it should be suggested that Burlington look at South Burlington's Williston Rd. improvements and what they will do to Burlington. Mr. Marvin suggested it might also be good to have the Williston selectmen discuss this with South Burlington. Mr. Farrar said the MPO would like these inputs by the end of April. Charter Change Mr. Szymanski advised that a Charter Committee meeting was tentatively planned for March 28, 1984 to get started on the proposed changes. Highway Note Mr. Szymanski advised that a note for $5,000 is due, and the budgeted money has been spent. The bank will allow payment in July but the interest of $1,000 is due now. Mr. Minnich said they do not yet have a feel for how tax collections will compare with last year. Mr. Farrar then moved that the City Manager be authorized to overspend the budget by $5,000 to pay the highway note, as per Section 1308 of the City Charter. Mr. Flaherty seconded with unanimous consent. The question of the computer was then raised and all members felt the time had come to insist on top priority for the tax due program. Mr. Farrar moved that the Superintendent of Schools be advised to direct the data process manager to complete the installation of the tax due program as his first priority and that a copy of this advisement by hand delivered to the Superintendent. Ms. Lansing seconded with unanimous consent. Review Zoning Board Agenda Ms. Lansing questioned that request of Hal Bensen. Mr. Szymanski advised that they had gone to the Planning Commission which had indicated they would approve the plan with reduced density. The applicant must now go to the Zoning Board for conditional use and frontage approval. Read Minutes of Meetings of March 5, 1984 and March 12, 1984 Mr. Farrar noted that in the March 5th minutes, on page 3, Item 7, the language should read "streets and water." In the March 12th minutes, on page 1, the discussion in Executive Session should read "pending litigation" Mr. Flaherty moved that the Minutes of March 5, 1984 and March 12, 1984, be approved as amended. Ms. Lansing seconded with unanimous consent. Sign Disbursement Orders Disbursement Orders were signed. Resolution of Appreciation The Chairman presented the following Resolution: The City Council of South Burlington wishes to express its appreciation and thanks to David Minnich, Assistant City Manager, for his dedication and service to the City of South Burlington. The Council wishes you success in your new employment and requests the City Manager to send a copy of this Resolution to the Manager of Watertown, Connecticut. A proper Certificate will be prepared and furnished to the Council for signature. Mr. Farrar moved that the City Council approve the Resolution as read. Mr. Flaherty seconded with unanimous consent. Police Grievance Ms. Lansing said she felt that the Council should support the City Manager in his original decision and that the issue should be incorporated into negotiations for the next contract. Ms. Lansing then moved that the City Council deny the grievance concerning Cpl. Rheaume based on the fact that the contract calls for continuation of past labor practices and there was nothing in either the amendments to the contract nor in the arbitrator's decision which nullified this past practice. Mr. Peters seconded with unanimous approval. As there was no further business to come before the Council, Mr. Due to several members being out-of-town on April 16, 1984 the 2nd Regular Meeting of the City Council will be on April 23, 1984. Mr. Flaherty moved for adjournment. Mr. Farrar seconded with unanimous consent. The meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.