HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 06/04/1984CITY COUNCIL JUNE 4, 1984 The South Burlington City Council held a Regular Meeting on Monday, June 4, 1984, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; Michael Flaherty, Leona Lansing, George Mona, William Peters Others Present William Szymanski, City Manager; Margaret Picard, City Clerk/Treasurer; Jane Bechtel, City Planner; Albert Audette, Street Department; Ruth Poger, The Other Paper; John Dooley, Robert Provost, Marjorie Ariano, Linda Charkin, Joe Hemeline, Mike Monti, Ron Barcomb Comments and questions from the public (not related to items on the Agenda) There was no discussion. Interview applicants for appointments to Boards and Commissions The Council interviewed three candidates for the Zoning Board: 1) John Dooley, Robert Provost, and Joe Hemeline. All indicated they have the time to devote to the Board and are anxious to serve the community. Mr. Dooley and Mr. Hemeline indicated they would accept other appointments; Mr. Provost said he would not be interested in any other boards or commissions. Marjorie Ariano was interviewed for the position on the Natural Resources Committee and indicated she would accept the Library, Red Rocks Committee, or Corrections Committee as an alternative. For the Library Board Linda Charkin and Julie Duppstadt were interviewed. Ms. Charkin said this is the only position that interests her Ms. Duppstadt said she might be interested in Planning or Natural Resources Consider sanctioning an application to the State for Project Development Grant for Fire District #1 (Queen City Park) Mike Monti explained that they have become aware there are a number of very serious items to be looked at in the District, including the condition of the tower, beach erosion and housing rehabilitation. They also became aware that the State was making available development grants to towns. Since the engineering know-how for the above items is beyond their abilities they decided to apply for such a grant. The Planning Commission will held a Public Hearing on June 14th, but they also need the sanction of the City Council since technically it is the City that is applying for the grant. Mr. Farrar said the City certainly owes the Fire District its support in trying to solve some of these problems. Mr. Monti confirmed that this will be strictly an engineering study with some money for supplies and auditing. The study includes a demographic and housing study. Mr. Mona raised the question of another grant to carry out the recommendations. Mr. Monti said that there is money through the Vermont Community Development Program. Ms. Bechtel said the grants are competitive and this is the last competition for this year. There is no commitment of future funds, but the State has $5,000,000 which could be earmarked for correction of a very serious problem. Mr. Flaherty moved that the City Council Chairman be empowered to sign the grant application to the State for Project Development Grant for Fire District #1 and that the City Council sign the resolution approving this project. Ms. Lansing seconded and the motion passed 4-1 with Mr. Peters opposing. Sign Agreement with State Transportation Agency for land acquisition in conjunction with the bridge replacement at Muddy Brook on Shunpike Rd. Mr. Szymanski explained that three parcels of land are involved: a previously set aside right of way from Digital, some land owned by a member of the Highway Board, and a small piece from Williston. The preliminary set-up plans are done and it looks as if the project will be put out to bid this year. The profile of the proposed road will be 10-12 feet higher then at present and will be the same type of road as Kimball Avenue. If the road is not built, South Burlington must return the engineering money to the State. The City must also affirm that it will condemn the needed land and that the State can come in and check on the work. Mr. Flaherty moved that the City Council sign the agreement with the State Transportation Agency for land acquisition in conjunction with the bridge replacement at Muddy Brook on Shunpike Rd. Mr. Mona seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Mr. Farrar noted that this project will have an impact on the Williston Road traffic problem. Mr. Audette noted that this project comes under the urban systems money and is one of the priorities that was submitted to the State. Discuss Speed Limit reduction on Hinesburg Road Mr. Farrar advised that it has been learned that the City can set the speed limits if they can show good cause. Mr. Szymanski said he had talked with the Highway Department and they are willing to help with the traffic study. Kennedy Drive and a section of Williston Road can also be included. Ms. Duppstadt raised the question of speeding on VanSicklin Rd., and the City Manager was asked to take this up with the Police. He noted there had been an agreement that the Kennedy Drive speed limit would not be reduced without approval of Federal and State authorities. Ms. Lansing asked that the residents of Hinesburg Road be advised of the study and be asked for their input. Mr. Mona moved that the City Manager institute a study on the appropriate speed limits on Hinesburg Road, Kennedy Drive, and those portions of Williston Road under state control. Ms. Lansing seconded and there was unanimous approval. Review Zoning Board Agenda Ms. Lansing expressed concern with John Belter stripping soil on 27 acres. Mr. Szymanski said there was a study done by the Soil Board and it was approved. Ms. Lansing asked that the Natural Resources Committee also look at this and this was agreed by common consent. Mr. Mona raised the question of a traffic problem at the proposed Bottle Redemption Center at Allen Rd. and Shelburne Rd. Old Business Mr. Peters asked the status of the Carters Building. Mr. Szymanski said they are going to move the building to meet the setback requirement as there was a question as to whether the court would uphold a variance. Mr. Mona noted that the Court's objection had been based on the traffic issue, but apparently the Carter people wanted to reduce any possibility of losing. Mr. Mona asked when the booklet with all the appraisals will be available. Mr. Farrar said it will be several months as it can't be done until the question of commercial appraisals has been reconciled. Ms. Lansing suggested putting this information in the "Spokesperson" so the public will know. Mr. Szymanski noted they are going to ask the State to do an equalization study as part of the appraisal review. This involves a comparison of sales figures for certain classes of property with appraisals. Mr. Farrar asked if the Council can meet next week instead of the regularly scheduled meeting of June 18, since they have to set the new tax rate. He also requested a Steering Committee meeting on June 14th to sanction the changes and procedures taken. This was agreed by common consent. Minutes of May 21, 1984 Ms. Lansing moved that the Minutes of May 21, 1984 be approved as written. Mr. Flaherty seconded with unanimous consent. Sign Disbursement Orders Disbursement orders were signed. Liquor Control Board Mr. Flaherty moved that the Council meet as the Liquor Control Board to consider requests from Garfield Tavern and Bonanza. Ms. Lansing seconded with unanimous consent. Mr. Szymanski explained that Garfield Tavern used to be City Nights on Queen City Park Rd. The new owner is Ron Barcomb. They are also requesting a disc jockey and small band from 9 P.M. to 2 A.M. on weekends and days before holidays. There are outstanding taxes from a previous owner, but Mr. Barcome will take care of this. There are no police or fire problems. Mr. Flaherty moved that the Board approve a liquor license and entertainment permit for Garfields. Mr. Peters seconded with unanimous consent. Mr. Barcomb explained that Garfields will be more like a tavera and less like a night club. They will try to most of their business before 10 P.M. and will not use the entertainment permit unless they are losing late Saturday business. The request from Bonanza is for a new owner. There are no tax, fire or police problems. Mr. Flaherty moved that the Board approve a liquor license for the new owner of Bonanza. Mr. Mona seconded with ananimous approval. Mr. Flaherty then moved that the Liquor Control Board adjourn and the Council go into Executive Session to consider appointments to Boards and Committees and reconvene only to make those appointments. Ms. Lansing seconded with unanimous consent. Following the Executive Session, Mr. Flaherty moved that the following appointments be made: John Belter to a 4 year term and Sidney Poger to a 3 year term and John Dooley to fill the unexpired term of George Mona on the Planning Commission. Alex Guyette to a 3 year term and Dan King to fill the unexpired term of Norman Campbell on the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Sylvia Smith to a 3 year term on the Winooski Valley Park District. Madlyn Walsh to a 3 year term as Health Officer. William Szymanski to a 3 year term as Deputy Health Officer. Thomas Dunkley to a 3 year term and Joe Hemeline to a 3 year term on the Recreation Committee. Mary Lou Cole and Nancy McClary to three year terms on the Fine Arts Committee. Peter Yankowski, G. Phillips Wells to three year terms on the Natural Resources Committee and Julie Duppstadt to fill the unexpired 3 year term of Gloria Aiken on that Committee. Marjorie Lavalla and Linda Charkin to 3 year terms on the Community Library Board of Trustees. Albert Audette to a 1 year term as Emergency Management Coordinator. James Goddette, Sr. as Assistant Emergency Management Coordinator. Albert Audette as Tree Warden. Fred Maher, John Dinklage, Robert Irish, Dale Kleppinger, Howard Perkett, and Peter Taylor to the City Charter Committee. William Szymanski and Albert Audette to the Cemetery Committee. Vincent D-Acuti, David Kaufman, Wesley Daum, Sr., Maurice Cloutier, Clarice Fisher, William Szymanski, Richard Carter, Fred Blais, Nicholas Ruggiero, and Marjerie Ariano to the Corrections Center Liaison Committee. Col. George Crooks, Vernon Wamsgans, Robert LeBerge, Edwin Sanborn, and Rollin Sutton to the Fire Department Advisory Board. Vincent D'Acuti to the Burlington Airport Commission. Ms. Lansing seconded the motion which passed unanimously. As there was no further business to come before the Council, Mr. Flaherty moved for adjournment, seconded by Mr. Mona. The meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.