HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 07/16/1984CITY COUNCIL JULY 16, 1984 AMENDMENT TO MINUTES OF JULY 16, 1984 The vote on Item #1 should have read 3-1, instead of 4-1 (as only 4 Council persons were present). The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, July 16, 1984, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; Leona Lansing, George Mona, William Peters Member Absent Michael Flaherty Others Present William Szymanski, City Manager; Margaret Picard, City Clerk; Ruth Poger, The Other Paper; William Shearer Comments & questions from the public There was no discussion. Review draft of Warning and Resolution for the Airport Parkway Sewage Treatment Upgrade Bond Issue Mr. Farrar explained that although there is presently no authority to set up a tax incremental funding district, this will be requested in a separate action. The City does have authority to establish a user fee. Mr. Peters asked whether the attorney had given an opinion as to "qualified voters." Mr. Szymanski said the attorney defined it as all registered voters. Ms. Lansing asked how much of the amount would be funded by the user fee if the State does not allow the special tax district. Mr. Farrar said he felt it was the Council's opinion at the last meeting that it would still be one-half. Ms. Lansing was concerned that the State might not grant the authority for a special tax district. Mr. Farrar shared the concern, but felt there was nothing else to do. If the City delays with the project, it would cost much more. Mr. Mona then moved that it be the concensus of the Council to proceed with the proposed language and to have the City Attorney check with the bonding agency and to vote on the final language at the next meeting. Ms. Lansing seconded and the motion passed 4-1, Mr. Peters voting no. Mr. Peters explained that he voted against the motion because he felt it would set a dangerous precedent. Mr. Farrar said it was his personal feeling that the project should be paid for by a bond issue, but he didn't feel this could pass. Selection of an engineering firm for a study to increase the capacity of the Bartletts Bay Sewage Treatment Plant Mr. Szymanski explained that the capacity is now 700,000 gpd and the plan is to try to increase this to 800,000 with a minimum expenditure. He said it may just require having the permit changed if a study can justify this. He explained that they must operate the plant at 800,000 gpd for 2 weeks taking samples constantly, Mr. Mona asked whether this could be done without a study. Mr. Szymanski explained that this would not be enough for the State; they must have a detailed engineering study. Mr. Peters asked whether increasing the capacity to 800,000 gpd would solve construction commitments. Mr. Szymanski said it cannot yet be determined what kind of development will go in there, but for the time being, it will cover commitments. Mr. Farrar noted that there were some projects the City had approved which Act 250 said there was no capacity for. Mr. Szymanski noted that Act 250 had changed their base. In addition, this was one of the wettest years, and sewage flow went up about 15%. Regarding the bids, Mr. Szymanski recommended Webster-Martin who did the original work and who were the second lowest bidder. Mr. Farrar asked when the additional capacity, if it is approved, would be usable. Mr. Szymanski estimated 6 to 8 months. He said the engineering report should be available by Labor Day. Mr. Mona moved that the Council follow the City Engineer's recommendation that the firm of Webster-Martin be given the work to perform the engineering study to increase the capacity of the Bartlett Bay Sewage Treatment Plant. Ms. Lansing seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Discuss implementing a fee for entertainment and catering permits The City Clerk noted that in Burlington a flat $25 "restaurant fee" is charged. Mr. Szymanski noted that in the past they had had an opinion that an entertainment permit could be charged but they would have to check on catering permits since caterers already have a license fee. Ms. Picard advised that the City Clerks will be meeting in a few weeks, and they have been researching the question. She said she would advise the Council of their findings. It was the concensus of the Council to have the City Manager and City Clerk look into the question. Review Zoning Board Agenda for July 23, 1984 There was some discussion as to the location of the proposed bagel store, Mr. Szymanski also noted that the last item would have to be rewarned as it is a use variance. The applicant wants to convert the barn, to an antique shop. Approve Minutes of Regular Meetings of June 11, 1984 and July 2, 1984 Ms. Lansing moved that the Minutes of June 11, 1984 and July 2, 1984 be approved as printed. Mr. Mona seconded with unanimous consent. Other Business Regarding unlicensed dogs, the Council accepted the City Manager's advisement that the disposition of unlicensed dogs is covered in the City Ordinance. Sign Disbursement Orders Disbursement Orders were signed Liquor Control Board Ms. Lansing moved that the City Council adjourn and meet as the Liquor Control Board. Mr. Mona seconded with unanimous consent. Mr. Szymanski presented a request from Solomon's Market on Williston Road which has a new owner, Jack Provencher. The request has been approved by the Fire and Police chiefs. There is $57.00 due in back taxes from the previous owner, and Mr. Szymanski said the new owner will be approached. Mr. Peters moved that the second class liquor license for Solomon's be approved. Mr. Mona seconded with unanimous approval. Mr. Szymanski then presented 2 catering permit requests for weddings, the first by Wetherbees Sawmill Club for a reception to be held at K of C Hall on August 4, and the second for a private party at 404 s. Beach Rd, catered by Ice House Catering on July 17. He advised there were no problems with either request. Mr. Peters moved that the two catering requests be approved. Ms. Lansing seconded with unanimous approval. As there was no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.