HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 01/16/1984CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 16, 1984 AMENDMENT TO MINUTES OF JANUARY 16, 1984 Concerning the vote of the Entertainment Permit request by Vinnie's Hot Spot, Mr. Peters noted that he voted against the request thus making the vote 3-1. The South Burlington City Council held a Regular Meeting on Monday, January 16, 1984, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Hugh Marvin, Chairman; Paul Farrar, Michael Flaherty, William Peters Member Absent Leona Lansing Others Present William Szymanski, City Manager; David Minnich, Assistant City Manager; David Kaufman, Robert Chittenden, City Representatives; Margaret Picard, City Clerk/Treasurer; Albert C. Audette, Street Department; Ruth Poger, The Other Paper; Jim Cheng, Burlington Free Press; Ken Jarvis Report From Rep. David Kaufman: a) Correctional Center expansion: Rep. Kaufman indicated that the Representatives had issued a press release stating the views of the city, and they were not sure why the administration had then gone ahead with the push to expand the Chittenden County facility. Even the Corrections Commissioner feels a new facility in another part of the state would be better. The Woodstock facility is in deplorable condition, and it would be more cost efficient to build a new prison. Even if the South Burlington facility is enlarged, there is nothing in the plans to indicate that staff will be added or that programs for the inmates would be upgraded. The Representatives indicated they will oppose expansion right down the line, and that other County Representatives and Senators will be encouraged to do the same. Rep. Chittenden suggested that a letter from the Council stating their feelings to the Representatives and Senators could be of help. Mr. Flaherty moved that the City Manager write to all Chittenden County State Senators and Representatives outlining the City's position on the proposed expansion of the Chittenden County Correctional Center and that this letter be sent as soon as possible. Mr. Farrar seconded with unanimous approval. b) Dorset St. improvements: The first portion of Williston Rd. is all set for work this summer. The portion of Dorset St. from Kennedy Drive to Williston Rd. will require the acquisition of some right of way because of the necessity to have sidewalks on both sides. If the plans show which right-of-ways are needed, and if the City can move quickly, then the work can be expedited and there is a chance it can be begun this summer. In any case, it can be done next summer, which is still two years ahead of schedule. Mr. Flaherty questioned the planned use of the increase in the Property Transfer Tax and noted that the proposed formula does not take into account the different types of income in the community. Mr. Chittenden said he didn't think any more agencies were needed and he would rather see the money come back to the towns. Mr. Szymanski referred to House Bill 549 which changes the funding for sewers. He said that at a hearing last week he learned that this bill eliminates funding for phosphorus removal, which in the City's case, means $300,000 and has serious implications for the Airport Parkway upgrading. Mr. Kaufman indicated he would check on this. Mr. Audette noted that the Chamber of Commerce has come up with a plan to try to tie state aid in to the capacity that roads are being used at. He felt the time was coming to consider this seriously. Mr. Kaufman said the going would be tough because Chittenden County has only 20% of the votes and other areas would not like the idea. Comments and questions from the public not related to items on the Agenda There was no discussion in this area. Consider appointment of Auditors for 1983-84 City Audit Messrs. Szymanski and Minnich indicated they had been satisfied with the work of Sullivan and Powers this year. Mr. Flaherty then moved that Sullivan & Powers be appointed for the second and final year of the agreement for the 1983-84 City Audit. Mr. Farrar seconded with unanimous approval. Review 1984-85 Budget Preparation Calendar Mr. Farrar moved that the City Manager's Budget Calendar for fiscal year 1984-85, dated 1/13/84, be approved. Mr. Flaherty seconded with unanimous approval. Consider adoption of a Resolution increasing the Landfill Carters Fee Mr. Szymanski indicated the new fees will be in line with those in Burlington. New fees represent a 25% increase. Mr. Marvin asked if anyone charges for residential use. Mr. Audette said Burlington does but they are the only ones. He added that it had been felt they didn't want to burden the taxpayers with a fee and that any shortfall was paid for by the taxpayer anyway. Mr. Farrar then moved that the Council sign the Resolution dated January 16, 1984, establishing charges for use of the South Burlington Sanitary Landfill, the effective date being February 1, 1984. Mr. Peters seconded with unanimous approval. Progress Reports a) Formation of Metropolitan Planning Organization: Mr. Szymanski advised this is moving along quite well. There will be a contract with the state and with Regional Planning. Job descriptions have been prepared for two persons who should be on board soon. Mr. Farrar added that Regional Planning will do about 80% of the dollar volume of planning; the State will do the rest. They have all documents needed to satisfy the Federal Government and no significant problems are anticipated. There will probably be more interesting discussions in the next 2 years as they start to set priorities, but at least it will be local people involved in the decision making. There will be some costs to local communities and these will have to be in the new budget. Mr. Audette asked the status of the 4-R's program. Mr. Farrar said they have accepted the State's formula for allocation. The City will get its funds and if other communities cannot do their projects, the City might get additional money. The MPO will not rule on these projects and they will be done as the City submitted them. Mr. Szymanski said he had heard that the State wants to handle all the bidding, even for the smallest paving job. Mr. Kaufman said he would check on this. b) Upgrading Sewage Treatment Facility: Mr. Szymanski reported that a value engineering study was done last week on Airport Parkway in order to meet requirements that an outside firm come in after 30% of the plan is done and evaluate the work. This firm came up with a lot of good ideas, including cost cutting, and hopefully costs can be reduced. He hoped they will be in a position for a bond issue this May. Mr. Farrar noted the City is next in line to Rutland where they are having a problem, and that the City should push for it because funding on the project will change after this year. Mr. Szymanski reiterated the bad news about the elimination of phosphorus funding. Mr. Peters asked if the public will have a chance to input on what this project will do to the character of the City, as it will be almost impossible to control planning after the expansion of the facility. Mr. Szymanski said that with regard to funding, one advantage is that the old sewer will be paid for at the same time. Mr. Farrar stressed that a planning proposal can be denied because of its impact on any service (schools, roads, police, etc.) and that the community has grown very little in the last few years. The tax rate has effectively decreased and taxpayers are paying a smaller portion of their income now than in past years. He said the question was one of on-site or City sewage. Mr. Flaherty said the City Attorneys should investigate the legal implications to the City and whether development can be held up because there is no sewer capacity. Mr. Marvin said they should also have figures on what will happen if the City loses the current percentage of State and Federal funding. He added that when all the facts are available, an entire evening can be devoted to the topic. Mr. Szymanski added that they are getting close to capacity at Bartletts Bay facility and that a new project is in planning that will take all the available capacity. Mr. Chittenden said it would be advisable to have a statement of future goals of the City for the next few years. Other Business a) Mr. Flaherty asked whether the Airport Commission got a sign for Williston Rd. directing traffic to the Airport. Mr. Szymanski said Mr. Houghton was going to approach the State but he had not heard further. b) Mr. Marvin advised that he had received a letter from Everett Reed offering his immediate resignation from the Zoning Board for reasons of ill health. Mr. Szymanski advised that the position will be advertised as soon as possible. Mr. Farrar moved that the Council accept with deep regret and appreciation for past service Mr. Reed's resignation. Mr. Flaherty seconded with unanimous approval. Mr. Szymanski will prepare a Certificate of Appreciation. c) Mr. Marvin noted that a letter had been received from Duncan Brown representing people on Old Farm Rd. who would like to close the road to the top of the hill as they feel it is very dangerous, especially in winter. The City Attorneys will be consulted to see if there are any problems with this. Mr. Farrar moved that Mr. Brown's letter be referred to the City Attorney and Planning Commission for their input. Mr. Flaherty seconded with unanimous consent. d) Mr. Szymanski presented a dog damage claim from Gene There for injuries to a sheep. He is asking $75 for this sheep, plus $50 from the last claim for rounding up sheep and fixing the fence. Mr. Szymanski said he would check to see if the amount is reasonable. The owner of the dog is known and an attempt will be made to secure reimbursement. Mr. Flaherty moved to accept the City Manager's recommendation on the sheep problem, with settlement not to exceed $75. Mr. Farrar seconded with unanimous approval. e) Mr. Flaherty asked if the hiring freeze would affect the replacement of the person in the Sanitation who left. Mr. Szymanski said no action would be needed until March or April. f) Mr. Peters asked what month has the most earning power for the City. Mr. Minnich advised that July is probably the highest as some people pay the whole year's taxes at once. g) Mr. Marvin advised he had received a letter from Fred Maher asking why voting machines are not considered, and also asking about sidewalks on Hinesburg Rd. Mr. Marvin will let him know what was done about investigating voting machines. Minutes of January 3, 1984 Mr. Farrar moved that the Minutes of January 3, 1984 be approved as printed. Mr. Flaherty seconded with unanimous approval. Sign Distribution Orders Distribution orders were signed. Liquor Control Board Mr. Farrar moved that the City Council adjourn and convene as the Liquor Control Board. Mr. Flaherty seconded with unanimous consent. Mr. Szymanski presented another request from Vinny's Hot Spot for an entertainment permit for use of the "Monster" on January 25, 1984. He indicated there had been no previous problems. Mr. Farrar moved that the request from Vinny's Hot Spot for an entertainment permit for January 25, 1984 be approved. Mr. Flaherty seconded with unanimous approval. As there was no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.