HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Certificate of Compliance CC-22-052 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING BYLAW STATEMENT AND CERTIFICATION I. Applicable Zoning Bylaws, Regulations and Ordinances The following zoning bylaws, regulations and ordinances have been duly adopted by the City of South Burlington and govern the use and development of real property within the area affected by those bylaws, regulations and ordinances. (1) The City of South Burlington has zoning regulations, duly adopted on June 7, 1947, as amended from time to time, providing generally that no land development may be commenced within the area affected by such regulations without a permit therefore issued by the administrative officer. (2)The City of South Burlington has subdivision regulations, effective September 23, 1963, as amended from time to time, requiring generally local subdivision approval to divide any parcel or area of land, for the purpose of conveyance, transfer, improvement, or sale, into two (2) or more lots, plots or parcels. Further, the City of South Burlington requires, among other things, that all plats be approved and recorded in conformance with 24 V.S.A. §§4414, 4416, and applicable local regulations. (3)The City of South Burlington requires a certificate of occupancy to use or occupy or permit the use or occupancy of any land or structure, or part thereof, created, erected, changed, converted, or wholly or partly altered or enlarged in its use or structure after March 23, 1968, within the area affected by such zoning regulations, said requirement having been incorporated into the zoning bylaws on February 28, 1974. However, certificates of occupancy are not required for single family or two-family dwellings. (4)The City of South Burlington has a sign ordinance, duly adopted on June 25, 1993, as amended from time to time, requiring a permit, issued in accordance with the applicable provisions of the sign ordinance, to erect, alter or relocate any sign within the City. (5)The City of South Burlington has an impact fee ordinance, duly adopted on July 9, 1995, as amended from time to time, requiring the payment of impact fees for land development, as defined in the impact fee ordinance, related to road improvements, recreation, education, and fire protection. (6)The City of South Burlington has a sewer regulation ordinance, duly adopted in November 1969, as amended from time to time, prohibiting any unauthorized person from uncovering, making any connections with or openings into, using, altering, or disturbing any public sewer or appurtenance thereof without first obtaining a written permit. •uo.6u!/dng y.nos Jo A.7 0 o4 palsnd4ua ado yp!ym fo Iuawaadofua ato.1uowdan Jo alms atj fo smn/JO 'suopoin5ad JO smo,'-/(q 'saaunuipdo jodpfunw day10 'smo/4q buiuoz ayp Jo u000lorn n dof aamsa foal Jo da/tnq JO daps ayo datma}suinbn a}oudodddo swaap 1! suoi}an luawaadofua Ho pun Au 6uJin4 waif uo}6urydne tonos_Jo A(.II0 adipn[add do apnpaid Hogs uiaday 6upooN •.Iuowdan Jo aims a yo Jo smn/ aye ypim do s/onodddo indpiunw da1.0o pun 6uwuoz padmbad puo Adossaaau i/o Jo uoi.Iismban(4 pamad JO Jo no 6Ulsun kidadodd pafgns ayi uo sa3uodgwndua Aun ado adayi day.Iaym 6uiuiwda.ap Apuapuadapu! pun spdopad lodpiunw Jo mama) On wow n 6umow do's.7i/igisuodsad Jo qua6n puo sanorouasaddad sit.,pun a3oisa 10ad fo da4nq ay.1 anai/ad pus uiaday bu!q.oN alea - o-1 b Jaa!JJ0 anp.ealslulwp S- AZ -7........\ • -2:20i k,)31 : (ssadppn laatisrf��d)'adodd) �/ �y�J J O S 2 Q , yi C�W 02d p � � .'"` n le palepol ATJadoad ay1 do.Iaunno Aldadoad pies of palelaa uoi.ansanul 2ulo2uo Aue Jo - ;-uo awou) 1 I ' -( lsule2e uoVulpn8 q nos jo Alit Aq paDuawwoo suoipe luawaDao}ua 2uluoz 2uipuad Aue Jo aJIeme lou we 'uoVullan8 glnos Jo Alp JOJ Ja3ujo anneJlslulwpy TI aDuelldwoJ/s1u!eldwoJ/uolpy IuawaaaoJu] •II (,quo asn aaiJjo) 9NINOZ '8 9NINNIIId tpnos