HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 11/07/1983CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 7, 1983 AMENDMENT TO MINUTES OF November 7, 1983 On page 3, under the discussion of budget revisions, the figure for the percentage of the budget which goes to the schools should be 72% instead of 75%. The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, November 7, 1983, at 7:30 pm, in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Hugh Marvin, Chairman; Leona Lansing, Michael Flaherty, Paul Farrar, William Peters Others Present William Szymanski, City Manager; David Minnich, Assistant City Manager; Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator; Margaret Picard, City Clerk/Treasurer; Albert C. Audette, Street Dept., Donald Whitten, Water Pollution Control Dept., James W. Goddette, Fire Dept., Diane Sweet, Paul A. Kissell, David Lavallee, Joseph Lemay, Ronald Piper, Robert LaFountain, Joseph Gaines, Ernest Rheaume, Brian Searles, Charles Balserus, Robert Hawke, Kathy Dragon, Debra Rhodes, Richard Carter, Police Department; Ruth Poger, The Other Paper; Robert Chittenden, So. Burlington Representative; Gaye Simmons, Chittenden County Republican Committee, Andrew Corologes; Fred Duplessis, Auditor; Joy Gibreault, Louis M. Fraga, Paul Meade Comments and questions from the public (not related to Items on the Agenda There was no discussion. Review 1982-1983 Audit with Auditors Mr. Duplessi indicated that other than the lack of records for fixed assets, they gave a clean opinion and feel that records accurately represent the status of South Burlington as of June 30, 1983. He noted that there has been a change in dealing with property taxes. In the past, unpaid (delinquent) property taxes were shown as current assets; this year, they are now considered "deferred revenue" and will not be regarded as an asset until received. Mr. Farrar said that he had never found auditors to make a statement as to whether the practices and handling of the City budget adhered to the City Charter. Mr. Duplessi said he would provide a letter to that effect. Mr. Farrar asked how much of the unfunded pension liability was paid for in the year. Mr. Duplessi said he would get that information and believed that the City is on schedule. He added that they will try to add this information to their report in the future. Mr. Marvin questioned why there was such a good balance at year end. Mr. Szymanski suggested good investments and better tax collections. A citizen asked what the chances were of collecting back owed taxes. Mr. Duplessi said the bulk of money owed is within two years. Ms. Picard added that whatever is collected, 75% still has to be given to the schools. Mr. Peters asked where the City currently stands. Mr. Minnich said that taking all revenues on hand and all bills, there is $119,000 for which there are no funds. Mr. Peters asked whether the Grand List is growing as rapidly as in 1982. Mr. Minnich said that was not the issue. The most stringent limitation is the 10% rule, and this year there is $100,000 more in expenditures than the City is allowed to spend. Mr. Audette asked why when an adjustment is made by the Council on a line item is there no indication that the budget has been changed. Mr. Minnich replied that in this year's accounting, there will be two columns, one for the original figure and one for any changes made. Mr. Farrar congratulated the City Manager and Assistant City Manager for keeping the City "out of trouble." Mr. Farrar then moved that the Auditor's report be accepted as presented. Mr. Flaherty seconded with unanimous approval. Sign Resolution updating Subdivision Review Fees Mr. Szymanski said the updating of fees was to get more in line with what actual costs are. The Resolution (attached) was then read. Mr. Flaherty moved that the Resolution updating Subdivision Review Fees be signed. Mr. Farrar seconded with unanimous consent. Authorize Chairman to sign Visiting Nurse Association Agreement Mr. Szymanski explained that the City pays $8,250 per year for services which include: bed care and rehabilitation of the sick, coordination of school health programs, provisions for maternal and child health, hospice care for the terminally ill and homemaker services. Mr. Flaherty moved that the Chairman be authorized to sign the Visiting Nurse Association Agreement. Ms. Lansing seconded with unanimous approval. Authorize City Manager to sign Agreement with Agency of Transportation for adjustment of utilities (Sewer Manholes) in conjunction with the Burlington Southern Connector Construction Mr. Szymanski explained that 4 manholes will be adjusted and one moved. The State will reimburse the City for inspection fees. Mr. Flaherty moved that the City Manager be authorized to sign the Agreement with the Agency of Transportation for adjustment of sewer manholes. Mr. Farrar seconded and the motion passed 4-1 with Ms. Lansing voting against. Sign applications for Federal Aid Urban Systems Projects (4R) proposed for next year's construction The projects involved are Patchen Rd., Cheese Factory Rd., and Shunpike Rd. Mr. Farrar moved that the applications presented by the City Manager be signed. Mr. Flaherty seconded with unanimous consent. Continue Review of 1983-1984 budget adjustments Mr. Marvin explained that the City collects about $10,000,000 in taxes. Of this, three-quarters goes to the schools. Of the remaining $3,000,000 much is allotted for expenses that cannot be adjusted, such as insurance, social security, pension, highways, etc. That leaves very little that can be manipulated to meet the current budget problems. Mr. Flaherty explained that he and the City Manager had reviewed the budget line by line. They did note that the deficit had been overestimated by about $30,000 which would allow for the keeping of the 1½  dispatchers for the Police Dept. Otherwise, he indicated he could not disagree with the City Manager's recommendations. Mr. Farrar said he felt the issue of a City Planner was very important and should be re-examined in a month or so. Mr. Meade asked whether the reduction for police training would violate the mandated 25 hours of in-service training. Mr. Minnich said it would not. Mr. LaFountain noted that the tires on his police cruiser had been found to be illegal and that proposed budget cuts might endanger police on the job. Mr. Balserus, the new Police Association President, noted that complaints have risen steadily and they estimate 20,000 complaints this year. Burlington estimates 30,000 complaints yet they have 50 officers and South Burlington only 15. He said he felt the City was creating its own problem and added that there was a feeling of anxiety in the Department. Mr. Flaherty clarified that they were cutting only budget increases, not the basic budget. Mr. Balserus added that members of the Department feel they are being punished for the contract mediation results. Mr. Corologes spoke in support of the Police Department and expressed his concern that the City will be prey to trouble-makers. Mr. LaFountain questioned why parity raises are being given for people who didn't ask for the amount the police received. Mr. Peters explained that the City Council made the decision to treat all City employees equally. Mr. Farrar added that it is the Council's obligation to try to maintain as fair and equitable a system of compensation as possible. He stressed that they are not out to get anyone and feel that all employees of the City do an excellent job. Mr. Marvin said that hopefully this is just a temporary situation that will be worked out next year. Mr. Balserus stressed that fact that the Police Association had put a lot of money into the arbitration process where other employees had not. Mr. Farrar then moved that the Council adopt the City Manager's recommendations for budget reductions with the amendment as proposed by Councilman Flaherty restoring the 1 1/2 police dispatchers. Mr. Flaherty seconded with unanimous approval. Consider Approving Union Contracts Mr. Flaherty moved that the City Council sign union contracts for the Highway and Police Departments and wage amendments to City Hall Employees. Ms. Lansing seconded with unanimous approval. Review Zoning and Planning Agendas There was no discussion of this item. Other Business Mr. Peters noted that a lot of anxiety had been brewing unnecessarily because of poor communication about the budget adjustments. Mr. Marvin also noted poor communication with the public and said he felt someone should be appointed to handle publicity. Mr. Audette noted that at one time, the Council used to sit down with Department Heads and felt this would be a good idea. Mr. Marvin said he felt those things should go to the City Manager. Mr. Farrar said he would support the Council speaking with one Department Head a month. Mr. Marvin read a letter from Dr. Koplewitz citing traffic hazards in the City. He felt the Kennedy Drive speed limit should be 35 mph; that the Kennedy Drive/Dorset Street intersection should have a left turn light; and that Spear Street remarking had encouraged speeding. Mr. Audette noted a traffic study is being done on Kennedy Drive. A turn light cannot be put on that corner as there is no turn lane. It was also the State that re-lined Spear Street. Mr. LaFountain added that the police are having trouble enforcing speed limits because there is not adequate marking. Read Minutes of Regular Meeting of October 17, 1983 Mr. Farrar moved that the minutes of October 17, 1983 be approved as written. Mr. Flaherty seconded and the motion passed 4-0 with Ms. Lansing abstaining. Sign Disbursement Orders Disbursement Orders were signed. Liquor Control Board Mr. Flaherty moved that the City Council adjourn and reconvene as the Liquor Control Board. Ms. Lansing seconded with unanimous approval. Mr. Szymanski presented the application of Twin Oaks Tennis Center for a first class license, and indicated that there were no problems with the application. Mr. Farrar then moved that upon recommendation of the City Manager and concurrence of the Police and Fire Chiefs that the City Council sign the application for a First Class License for Twin Oaks Tennis Center. Mr. Flaherty seconded with unanimous approval. As there was no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 10:20 pm. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. In accordance with Article V, Section 501, of the South Burlington Subdivision Regulations, be it so resolved that effective November 7, 1983, the applicant fees shall be set according to the following fee schedule: I Residential Minor Subdivision (5 or less units) Base Fee Unit Fee Base Fee UnitFee I ~ Base Fee Unit Fee $ 5.00 per unit Major Subdivision (6 or more units) $50.00 $ 5.00 per unit Commercial and Industrial $40.00 per lot . h., arvin, Chairman >A1 A. Farrar til&.4 IaZb William L. Peters