HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 05/27/1983CITY COUNCIL (ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING) MAY 27, 1983 The South Burlington City Council held an organizational meeting on Friday, May 27, 1983 at 5:15 P.M. in the Mini-Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Paul Farrar, Michael Flaherty, Hugh Marvin, Leona Lansing, William Peters. Others Present William Szymanski, David Minnich, Margaret Picard, Richard Ward, Ruth Poger, Sid Poger, Robert Chittenden, Betty Bailey, City Manager William Szymanski chaired the meeting and opened it with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Administration of Oath of Office City Clerk Margaret had administered the Oath of Officer to Ms. Lansing for the three year term and to William Peters for the two year term on Wednesday, May 18, 1983. Election of Officers Mr. Szymanski said the chair was open for nominations for Chairman of the South Burlington City Council. Ms. Lansing nominated Hugh Marvin for Chairman. Mr. Peters seconded the nomination. Mr. Szymanski asked if there were any other nominations. Mr. Flaherty nominated Mr. Farrar but the nomination died for lack of a second. Mr. Marvin was unanimously elected Chairman of the City Council. Mr. Szymanski said the chair was open for nominations for Vice-Chairman. Mr. Flaherty nominated Mr. Farrar for Vice-Chairman. Mr. Marvin seconded. There being no other nominations, Mr. Farrar was unanimously elected Vice-Chairman. Mr. Szymanski said nominations were open for Clerk. Mr. Flaherty nominated Ms. Lansing for Clerk and Mr. Marvin seconded. There being no other nominations Ms. Lansing was unanimously elected Clerk. Set Time and Place for Regular Meetings Ms. Lansing moved to set the regular meetings for the first and third Mondays of each month at 7:30 P.M. throughout the year. Mr. Flaherty seconded the motion and all voted favorably. Appointments to be made by the majority vote of the Council under Chapter 3, Sec. 301 (2) of the City Charter Mr. Szymanski said the following appointments were to be made: City Treasurer & Trustee of Public Funds, City Attorneys, Grand Juror & City Agent, Zoning Administrative Officer, First Constable and three Second Constables. After some discussion of clarification of these appointments, Ms. Lansing made the motion to accept the appointments as presented (see attached list) minus the Auditors, previously appointed by Council, and to delay the Administrative Officer's appointment. Chairman Marvin suggested that the appointments be made as presented and review Ms. Lansing's concern's at a later meeting. Ms. Lansing withdrew her motion. Councilman Farrar made the motion to make the appointments as presented. Councilman Flaherty seconded and the motion was accepted unanimously. The Council was informed that each employee is evaluated by their Department Head, on the employee's anniversary date. These evaluations are then presented to the City Manager. Department Heads evaluations are done by the City Manager. State Highway Department Agreement on Engineering Costs for Urban Systems Projects Mr. Szymanski informed the Council that the Agreements for Engineering Costs were to be reviewed and signed by the Council and returned to the State of Vermont Agency of Transportation for the South Burlington Street Improvements included in the Bond Issue passed by the voters on May 17, 1983. Mr. Farrar made the motion to sign the agreements as presented by the City Manager for widening and reconstructing Dorset Street from Williston Road to Kennedy Drive, widening Williston Road to five-lanes from Dorset Street to Hinesburg Road and widen intersection of Williston Road, widening Williston Road to five-lanes from I-89 interchange to East Terrace. Mr. Flaherty seconded the motion and it was unanimously voted. Mr. Szymanski asked if there was any further business. Ms. Lansing made the motion that there be No Smoking during the Council Meetings. There was no second to the motion. Mr. Marvin suggested that it be announced at the start of each meeting that the Council would prefer No Smoking during the meetings. Labor Negotiations The Council decided that Mr. Farrar would continue to represent the City Council at the Labor Negotiation meetings and that one other member could attend. Chairman Marvin suggested that he would like to discuss at a later meeting that each Councilmember take one branch of City Government and work with the City Manager and Assistant City Manager. By motion of Ms. Lansing and seconded by Mr. Flaherty the meeting was adjourned at 6:15 P.M. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. MEMORANDUM ---------- TO : South Burlington City Council FROM: William J. Szymanski, City Manager RE : City Council Appointments (Organizational Meeting) DATE: May 27, 1983 (Friday) The following is a listing of the appointments that are to be made at the Organizational Meeting each year. These appointments are made in conformance with the City Charter, Chapter 3, Sec. 301 (2). 1982-1983 (one year appointments) City Treasurer & Trustee of Public Funds ........... Margaret A. Picard Margaret A. Picard City Attorneys ..... The Law Firm of Law Firm of Spokes, Foley & Spokes, Foley & Obuchowski Obuchowski, Attorneys Grand Juror & City e Agent ......... William J. Szymanski ~illiam J. Szymanski - Boning Administrative Officer ............... Richard Ward Richard R. Ward Auditors .......,.. Sullivan, Powers Sullivan, Powers & Co. Auditors re- & Co. appointed 3/1/83(audit 81-82) appointed by Council 12/6/82 to audit fiscal year 1982-83 First Constable. ... Donald Lavalette Donald Lavalette Second Constables....Norman Airoldi Norman Airoldi, Albert Francis, Council appt.6/30/82-Albert Francis Daniel Wright I1 It II - Daniel Wright Respeetfu u-ccc'3 William J.. sczymanski City Manager