HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-22-006 - Supplemental - 1459 Shelburne Road (4) 525 Hercules Drive I Suite Two I Colchester, VT 05446 I Phone: 802.655.5020 I Fax: 802.655.6567 I wiemannlamphere.com 1/28/22 The Homestead Infant & Toddler School – South Burlington, VT Site Plan Application – Narrative We’re pleased to present plans for a proposed project, The Homestead Infant & Toddler School, located at 1459 Shelburne Rd. The applicant currently owns the adjacent property at 1475 Shelburne Rd, The Homestead Preschool, and are under a purchase & sale agreement with the adjacent property owner. The proposed building will provide much needed childcare for the infant age group as well as compliment the adjacent building & families which currently only provides childcare for ages 3 and up. The property will also allow the facility expanded playground space as well as an opportunity to create better vehicular & pedestrian circulation on the site. The property is currently owned and operated by Densmore Monuments which supplies & manufacturer’s monuments and burial stones. The existing buildings would be demolished to allow for new construction of the 4,480 sq. ft. childcare facility. The building is proposed to be one- story and, in a style complimentary to the Victorian architecture of the adjacent preschool. The aesthetics of the new building are planned to imply a carriage barn, acting as a support/secondary building to the main/primary building. The project is located within the Commercial 2 (C2) zone and also falls under the Urban Design Overlay (UDO). The front yard setback is 20’-0” to the entry porch which is the minimum in the Urban Design Overlay district. The building has a pitched gable roof with a principle building height of 21’-0” which falls under the 40 ft maximum listed in Table C-2 Dimensional Standards. 15 new parking spaces will be added to existing adjacent lot, totaling in 48 parking spaces between the 2 sites. 4 short term bicycle parking spaces will be provided as req’d per 13.14. The project has designed a stormwater system to treat and temporarily contain stormwater runoff from the proposed site and a large portion of the 1475 Shelburne Road site. The stormwater runoff will be managed by a large Dry Swale/Basin with underdrain at the rear of the property. The best management practice (BMP) was designed/sized using State of Vermont Stormwater manual, workbooks, worksheets, calculations, and forms. The BMP will manage 1.05 acres, which is the majority of 1459 Shelburne Road property, the rear parking lot and the recently renovated playground on 1475 Shelburne Road. The calculations assumed all the recently renovated playground surface to be impervious. However, if portions of the playground need to be disturbed for the new project and interconnection of the properties, the Contractor will replace these portions with pervious cross sections. This site could not take advantage of the infiltration because it is located on Hydrologic Group D soils, which are poor draining. Some infiltration is anticipated, but to be conservative, it is not included in our calculations. The BMP was sized to contain both the water quality storm (WQv) and channel protection storm (CPv) prior to outlet over the emergency spill way. Evaluation of both QP10 and QP100 would not 525 Hercules Drive I Suite Two I Colchester, VT 05446 I Phone: 802.655.5020 I Fax: 802.655.6567 I wiemannlamphere.com be required because the site directly outlets to Lake Champlain (QP10 waiver) and has less than 10 acres of impervious (QP100 waiver). However, both larger storm events were evaluated from pre-development to post-development. Evaluations showed there is a large reduction in the 10-year storm, and a slight increase in the 100-year storm, which is considered nominal (0.04 cfs). Per South Burlington regulations, the 25- year storm was also evaluated and saw a slight reduction from pre-development to post- development. Stormwater treatment will be accomplished by the shallow sloped grass lined swales, sediment forebay, and the stone of the dry basin/swale. Channel protection will be achieved using a small orifice attached to the end of the 4” underdrain outlet. The project reduced the number of parking spaces to make room for additional capacity in the system. This also reduced the impervious surface outlined in our last submission. The project will continue to refine the design with Dave Wheeler and the South Burlington stormwater department, as needed. We will provide any documentation and calculations needed.