HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 03/21/1983CITY COUNCIL MARCH 21, 1983 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, March 21, 1983, at 7:30 pm, in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; Leona Lansing, Michael Flaherty, Hugh Marvin, William Burgess Others Present William Szymanski, City Manager; David Minnich, Assistant City Manager; G. J. Mona, Planning Commission; Judy Hurd, Planning Commission; Albert C. Audette, Street Department; Pat Burgmeier, The Other Paper; Don Melvin, Burlington Free Press; Ralph Goodrich, Carl S. Cobb, Tom Chastenay Read Minutes of Regular Meeting of March 9, 1983 Mr. Szymanski asked to retain the minutes in order that several corrections could be made. Sign Disbursement Orders Disbursement Orders were signed. Discussion on lot size and coverage in Industrial-Agricultural District - Ralph Goodrich Mr. Goodrich presented a letter he had received from Carl F. Cobb of Hickok & Boardman Realty, Inc., together with a proposal to amend the South Burlington Zoning Ordinance (attached). He indicated that with the current zoning, the City is not competitive with such towns as Colchester who are drawing a variety of industry to their areas. Mr. Goodrich said he would like to see an industrial park in the area in question and did not think it was right to limit the type of industry that was acceptable. Mr. Farrar explained that the proper procedure for zoning change requests was to present these to the Planning Commission which would schedule a public hearing. The Planning Commission could then either recommend to the Council that the zoning be changed or not changed, or take no action at all. If the request is denied, it is then possible to petition for inclusion of the request on the election ballot. Mr. Marvin then moved that Mr. Goodrich's request for a zoning change be referred to the Planning Commission for their consideration. Mr. Burgess seconded. Mr. Farrar asked Mr. Cobb how he had come to the conclusion that each 20-acre lot would have to sell for $500,000. Mr. Cobb replied that the cost of development was between $16,000 and $18,000 per acre, including sidewalks, utilities, sewers, etc. To this the purchase cost and profit margin are added. Mr. Marvin said it was his opinion that it was a sad situation when someone who has been a citizen for many years cannot market a piece of property. Mr. Mona said he felt the proposal was untimely and that the Council was aware what sort of input they had received from the Planning Commission on this sort of matter. He said that not much has happened to warrant changes in the short time since the zoning document was approved. Mr. Marvin then amended his motion to include a stipulation that the Planning Commission be asked to give the Council a report on their recommendation and their reasons. Mr. Burgess seconded the amendment and the motion was passed 4-1 with Ms. Lansing voting against. Discuss Proposed Street Improvement Bond Issue It was noted that Federal aid may go up considerably so that the amount requested for the three top priority projects being bonded could be significantly less. Mr. Farrar indicated that the final decision on that amount would have to be made 30 days before the election, or April 17th. In discussion the Five Year Construction Plan outlined by Mr. Audette, Mr. Marvin asked why Kennedy Drive had not been included, since it would undoubtedly receive considerably more use from traffic diverted during Shelburne Road construction. Mr. Audette said he agreed, but after much consideration he felt this was not as high a priority as the other projects and Kennedy Drive could be patched, if necessary. Mr. Marvin moved that the Council accept the Five-Year Construction Plan for the City as furnished by the Superintendent. Mr. Flaherty seconded with unanimous consent. Appoint City Service Officer Mr. Szymanski explained that as City Service Officer he is called upon to respond to welfare emergencies when welfare offices are closed. This may include requests for emergency housing, food or fuel oil. The City is reimbursed by the State for services provided. Mr. Flaherty moved that William Szymanski be reappointed as City Service Officer. Ms. Lansing seconded with unanimous consent. Consider drafting of ordinances; a) Licensing of peddlers; b) Licensing of itinerant salesmen; c) Joggers on City streets at night Mr. Szymanski explained that at a recent meeting they had been made aware that misleading advertisement may be involved in certain sales held in such places as motels by itinerant salespeople. Buyers, for example, may think they are getting new recording equipment when in fact it is reconditioned. The States Attorney has said the City can request licensing. Mr. Szymanski indicated that "peddlers" and "itinerant salesmen" could be distinguished in that the former are usually door-to-door while the latter are usually in a fixed location. With regard to joggers, Mr. Szymanski indicated he had received a call from a citizen whose car had almost struck a jogger. She had recommended that the City require joggers to wear reflectors at night. Mr. Farrar noted the problem involved in deciding who would be required to wear such equipment, someone walking on the street, for example. Mr. Burgess questioned whether the City would have to provide the reflectors since they would be requiring them. Mr. Marvin asked if it was possible to require people to run on sidewalks where they are available. Ms. Lansing asked whether other cities or towns have such ordinances. Mr. Minnich said he would get that information. Mr. Farrar then said the Council should wait for a legal opinion, since the matter should be referred to the City Attorney for their review. Review Planning & Zoning Agendas Mr. Marvin noted that the Planning Commission minutes indicate a request for a building inspector and asked whether the City Manager has received such a request. Mr. Szymanski said the item had not been budgeted but that it had been mentioned in the past. No formal request has recently been made. Mr. Burgess then moved that the Council meet in Executive Session to discuss Union contracts and to reconvene thereafter only for the purpose of adjourning. Mr. Flaherty seconded with unanimous consent. Following the Executive Session, Mr. Burgess moved for adjournment. Mr. Flaherty seconded with unanimous consent. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. ' BOARDMAN &WPY INC. January 27, 1983 Mr. Ralph Goodrich 625 Hinesburg Road So. Wnrlhgton, Vt. 054U Dear Ralph: After investigating the sizes, prices and availability of industrial lots in the Chittenden County area, I feel that your lots in South Burlington are not aqetitive in todays market. Although you could probably vete an a cost ner acre basis since you do have a superior location, I do not feel that the a ten acre minimnn and 20 acre average lot size puts you in a position of competing with ,other developmts having :.rmch snaller lots. If you as- the 20 acre average lot size with the cost of developmmt added to original land costs, you would have to sell the 20 acre lots for approldrrrately $500,000.00 per lot. There are just not that many conpmies waiting in the wings who can afford this for land costs. I frankly do not feel that under the pre~ent~conditions, you will be at all cmpetitive in t3e Chittenden County area. In fact, I feel you would be priced out of the mkct. If I may be of my further assistance' or if you sWd have any questions, please feel free to call I-E . - Carl F. Cobb REALXoR cc: William Mikell, Esq. Motion: To amend the South Burlington Zoning Ordinance approved December 2, 1982 to add the £01 lowing provisions: 16.805(a) In order to promote the health and general'welfare of the South Burlington Southeast Quadrant and to preserve and make available open space for recreation and conservation, the owner of any tract of land in IAg consisting of forty (40) acres or more, may submit to the planning commission a cluster subdivision plan for that land. Any such owner in this district wishing to subdivide and develop that land shall submit such a plan, either as a sole proposal or as an alternative to another scheme. (b) The Planning Commission shall grant the developer the option to eliminate minimum lot size and increase net density of the development in accordance with the following standard: Lot coverage: 30% of area Parking : 352 of area (c) Cluster subdivision - the subdivision of a plot of land with groups buildings together leaving open space. To : South Burlington City Council From: Sonny Audette Re : 5 Year Construction Plan Date: March 15, 1983 The following is a proposed 5 Year construction plan for the Street Department from the operating budget. This plan is contingent with the approval of the proposed bond issue. This may change due to emergencies. Spear Street, Kimball Avenue, Hanover Street, Kirby Road, Paving 6 Shoulders Water Line Sidewalks Sidewalks CheeseFactory Road, Rep ave CheeseFactory Lane, Repave Kimball Avenue Bridge, Matching Funds Kimball Avenue, Curbs 6 Rebuilding Kimball Avenue, Patchen Road, Dorset Street, Wrighr Court, Hadley Road, Dorse t Street , Hadley Road, Dorset Street, Rebuild 6 Pave Sidewalks Rebuild Paving Curbs Rebuild Curbs Kebui ld % South Burlington Ci ty Counci 1 From: Sonny Audette Re : 5 Year Construction Plan Date: March 15, 1983 The following is a proposed 5 Year construction plan for the Street Department from the operating budget with no bond issue. This may change from year to year due to emergencies. Spear Street, Kimbal 1 Avenue, Hanover Street, Kirby Road, Paving & Shoulders Water Line Sidewalks Sidewalks 6 Drainage Spear Street , Paving 6 Shoulders (IIE irby Road, Sidewalks imball Avenue Bridge, Matching Funds Kimb a1 1 Avenue , Curbs Hough Street, Paving Spear Street, Kimball Avenue, Paving Curbs & Rebuilding Spear Street, Paving Kirby Road, Paving CheeseFactory Road, Paving CheeseFactory Lane, Paving Hadley Road, Wright Court, Sidewalks Drainage 4 Paving MEMORANDUM ---------- To: South Burlington City Council From: Sonny Audette Re : Construction Priority For Bond Issue Date: March 16, 1983 Listed below are projects and priority for proposed bond issue. These are projects that would be done with funds left over after the matching funds for Dorset Street and two Williston Road projects are deducted. This total may vary due to availability of Federal and State funds. 1. Spearstreet, 2. Hough Street, 3. Kennedy Drive, 4. Kirby Road. ~adle~ ~oad, 6: Wright Court Paving Paving Culvert Sidewalks Sidewalks Drainage Listed below is an additional list and priority of projects that could be done if money is left over from the above list. The projects listed below should not be done until we are sure no more matching money will be available in the next 3 or 4 years. More urban system monies may become available and we could use this money to match it. 1. Hadley Road, 2. Wright Court, 3. Kirby Road, 4. Dorset Street, Curbs. 6 Paving Paving Paving Reb ui Id