HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-22-004 - Supplemental - 0510 Shelburne Road (13)478 Blair Park Road Williston, VT 05495 802 879 6331www.tcevt.com42 Mapleville Depot Road St. Albans, VT 05478 802 528 5116 Civil Engineering Environmental Services Land Surveying Landscape Architecture January 12, 2022 Marla Keene, Development Review Planner City of South Burlington 575 Dorset St South Burlington, VT 05403 RE: 19-202 Site Plan Review 510 Shelburne Road, South Burlington, VT 05403 Dear Ms. Keene, Please find attached a submission for a Site Plan application that TCE is submitting on behalf of the landowner and applicant (the “Applicant”), Champlain Oil Company, Inc., LLC c/o Bryan Cairns, for a proposed site development of the existing ±0.68-acre parcels at 510 Shelburne Road in South Burlington. The project proposes to develop a mixed-use building that has commercial (1st and 2nd floor) and 9-unit residential (3rd and 4th floor) uses with parking, landscaping, sidewalks, and other site amenities. Per South Burlington Land Development Regulations (the “LDRs”)Appendix E Submission Requirements, below is (a) a narrative description of the project, (b) demonstration of compliance with applicable review standards, (c) a list of submission elements, and (d) a list of changes made to plans from previous submittals. Recent Approval on this Parcel In September of 2020, the Applicant received DRB approval for (1) Site Plan application “to construct a two and a half story building of 13,818 sf to be used as a bank, restaurant and general office…” see #SP-20-29, and (2) Final Plat to consolidate the two parcels on which the project is located, see #SD-20-24. The project propose for this application is very similar to the 2020 approval, however this current proposal includes residential units in the upper floors of the building and has increased the building height from two and a half to four stories. A. Project Narrative & Description Existing The project parcel is located in the C1 R15 Zoning District and is within a Primary Node of the Urban Design Overlay (UDO) District, the Transit District, and Zone 1 of the Traffic District. The setbacks for the parcels are 20 ft from both Shelburne Road and Bacon Street per the UDO. The property was most recently used as a gas station and automotive care and service center; however, the gas pumps have been removed and the facility is not currently active. The building structure remains onsite. The site primarily consists of impervious 478 Blair Park Road Williston, VT 05495 802 879 6331www.tcevt.com42 Mapleville Depot Road St. Albans, VT 05478 802 528 5116 Civil Engineering Environmental Services Land Surveying Landscape Architecture SITE PLAN REVIEW 510 SHELBURNE ROAD PROJECT #:19-202 JANUARY 2022 Page 2 of 6 surface due to the former use of the site. There is approximately 89.5% combined impervious cover on both lots with a few areas of grass / pervious surface. Access to the site is from two curb cuts on Shelburne Road and from Bacon Street by way of an open curb cut that spans the north property line of both subject parcels. A 50’ easement to Farrell Street exists from the southwest portion of the property through the southern property owned by Germania Property Group, LLC and is currently operating as a Walgreens. Access rights also exist along the rest of the southern property boundary for access to Farrell Street and a signalized intersection. Proposed The project proposes the development of a new ±4,972 square foot mixed-use building with two floors of commercial (1st and 2nd floor) with two floors of residential units above (floors 3-4) that contain 9 dwelling units. The proposed dwelling units are one and two- bedrooms, some of which access balconies on the east and west sides of the building. The commercial space on the first floor is divided into two separate spaces; the southern commercial space is 1,570 square feet and the northern space is 1,665 square feet. The second-floor consists of one commercial space that is 3,900 square feet in size. The building is proposed to be located at the 20-foot setback along Shelburne Road and Bacon Street to create a unified street frontage and appearance with existing development and structures along this corridor. Access to the site is proposed to be from an entrance on Bacon Street, with a right-turn-only slip lane for northbound travelers on Shelburne Road. The project also maintains a connection to the Walgreens parking lot. There are two sidewalk connections to Shelburne Road that connect to the project site and a small gathering space with benches at the north end of the building. With regard to the commercial spaces, the Applicant requests an Umbrella Approval as allowed per Section 3.09.B of the LDRs. Permitted uses in the C1 R15 District include the following:Community Center, Cultural Facility, Educational facility, Educational support facilities,Food Hub, Hospice, Personal instruction facility, Place of worship,Artist production studio, Bank or Credit Union with driveway-though, Cannabis dispensary (dispensing only), Child care facility (licensed non-residential), Financial institution, Hotel, Indoor theater, Manufacturing & assembly from previously prepared materials & components, Office (general), Office (medical), Personal or business service, Pet grooming, Photocopy & printing shops, with accessory retail, Radio & television studio, Recreation facility (indoor), Research facility or laboratory, Restaurant (short order), Restaurant (standard), Retail sales, Seasonal Mobile Food Unit, Taverns, night clubs & private clubs. We understand that traffic and peak trips will be an important factor and may affect what uses are permitted on the site. Since no specific uses have been determined at this 478 Blair Park Road Williston, VT 05495 802 879 6331www.tcevt.com42 Mapleville Depot Road St. Albans, VT 05478 802 528 5116 Civil Engineering Environmental Services Land Surveying Landscape Architecture SITE PLAN REVIEW 510 SHELBURNE ROAD PROJECT #:19-202 JANUARY 2022 Page 3 of 6 time, the Applicant acknowledges that the daily peak trips will not exceed the 112 P.M. peak trips as allowed by the former gas station use. Once specific uses have been determined for the commercial spaces, the Applicant will provide updated traffic calculations for the identified uses for review and approval by the City. The site contains contaminated soils from its former use as a gas and service station; the applicant has worked with KAS Consulting on Evaluation of Corrective Action Alternatives (ECCA) and Corrective Action Plan (CAP) for the State so the environmental work/mitigation can be completed during redevelopment of the site. Efforts have been made to create a balanced site with regard to cut and fill, and limit removal of or interaction with contaminated soil. The preliminary earthwork estimates approximately 70 yards of soil will need to be removed. All earthwork will comply with local and state regulations and the Corrective Action Plan for contaminated soil handling, removal, and disposal. The State is currently reviewing CAP information and an approval is anticipated in Winter/Spring 2022. Project construction is expected to occur during the 2022-2023 season. No construction phasing is anticipated at this time. B. Demonstration of Compliance The project meets the requirements and goals set forward in the South Burlington Land Development Regulations. The project meets the setbacks, and maximum building height requirements per the zoning and overlay districts. The project proposes (33) parking spaces onsite with (8) large deciduous shade trees near or adjacent to the parking area, meeting the requirement of 1 tree for every 5 parking spaces. A mix of tree species is proposed to create a diverse makeup. Shrubs will be planted in breaks between trees around the perimeter of the parking lot to provide screening. Two handicap accessible parking spaces are located at the building entrance. Street trees are proposed along both Shelburne Road and Bacon Street. Street trees along Shelburne road are located under an existing utility line and are specified to be a shorter tree variety (crabapple). The site is landscaped with a variety of large shade trees and ornamental trees, shrubs, perennials and grasses, and the required minimum landscape budget has been met, see the waiver section below. The project utilizes a mix of stormwater collection and treatment for runoff on the site, including a filtration system in the parking island and two bioretention basins that are planted with a variety of herbaceous plants and some small shrubs. Bike parking is provided onsite to accommodate short term, outdoor parking and long-term parking. 478 Blair Park Road Williston, VT 05495 802 879 6331www.tcevt.com42 Mapleville Depot Road St. Albans, VT 05478 802 528 5116 Civil Engineering Environmental Services Land Surveying Landscape Architecture SITE PLAN REVIEW 510 SHELBURNE ROAD PROJECT #:19-202 JANUARY 2022 Page 4 of 6 C. Submission Elements The submission elements included in this project package include the following: 1.Complete Application Forms a.Subdivision Application b.Site Plan Application 2.Cover letter and narrative (this document) 3.List and address of abutting landowners 4.Plan set: (1) digital copy •A101 First Floor Plan •A102 Second Floor Plan •A103 Third Floor Plan •A104 Fourth Floor Plan •A201 Exterior Elevations •A202 Exterior Elevations •A203 Exterior Elevations •A901 Northwest Perspective •A902 Southeast Perspective •C0-00 Cover •C1-00 Legend and Notes •C1-01 Existing Conditions Plan •C1-02 Demolition, Remediation, & EPSC Plan •C2-01 Site Plan •C2-02 Grading Plan •C3-01 Utility Plan •C4-01 Stormwater Plan •C8-01 Site Details •C8-02 Site Details •C8-03 Sanitary Details •C8-04 Sewer & Water Details •C8-05 Erosion Prevention & Sediment Control Details •C8-06 Stormwater Details •C8-07 Stormwater Details •C8-08 Erosion Prevention & Sediment Control – Low Risk Handbook •C8-09 Erosion Prevention & Sediment Control – Low Risk Handbook •C10-01 Fire Truck Turning Radius Exhibit •C8-09 Erosion Prevention & Sediment Control – Low Risk Handbook •LA2-01 Landscape Plan •LA2-02 Landscape Details •LI2-01 Lighting Plan •LI-2-02 Lighting Details •S1-01 Subdivision Plat b.Location & Zoning Map c.Natural Resources Map 478 Blair Park Road Williston, VT 05495 802 879 6331www.tcevt.com42 Mapleville Depot Road St. Albans, VT 05478 802 528 5116 Civil Engineering Environmental Services Land Surveying Landscape Architecture SITE PLAN REVIEW 510 SHELBURNE ROAD PROJECT #:19-202 JANUARY 2022 Page 5 of 6 5.Supplemental Application Information a.Traffic Impact Statement b.Opinion of Landscape Costs c.Stormwater Narrative D. Changes From Previous Submittals There are no previous submittals for this project or application. As noted in the “Previous Approvals” section at the beginning of this letter, the project was submitted to and approved by the DRB in 2020. Waiver Request Per the South Burlington Land Development Regulations (LDRs) Article 14.05.G Waiver of Application Requirements states: “the Development Review Board shall have the authority to, when reasonable, waive any application requirements for site plan approval. Any such waiver may be exercised in the event any such requirements are 1) found not to be requisite in the interest of public health, safety, or general welfare or 2) inappropriate to a particular site plan because of the particular character or limited nature of a new development or change in use or conditions peculiar to a site or 3) will cause extraordinary and unnecessary hardship.” For this project, we are requesting waivers for two criteria, (1) Lot Coverage Maximum, and (2) a request to use a portion of our required Landscape Budget for a hardscape element (benches). 1.Lot Coverage Maximum – We are requesting this waiver for several reasons specific to this site and design. First, our proposed site plan greatly improves the aesthetics and use of the site, most recently used as a gas service station, and reduces the overall impervious from 89.5% to 78.1% (8.1% greater than the 70% maximum per this zoning district). The plan reduces curb cuts for safe ingress/egress and replaces impervious surface and paving along Shelburne Road and Bacon Street with green space, street trees and ornamental plantings to create a unified streetscape and appearance along both street fronts. There is a center planting island in the parking area with ornamental plantings and shade trees to help deflect summer heat and capture and treat stormwater. Sidewalks are present to maintain access to the building and street sidewalks. Areas for outdoor seating have been reduced and a brick seat wall was added to provide additional resting area for restaurant users and are limited to a small area directly outside of the building. We have investigated alternative options for reduced impervious surface such as pervious paving, however the project is located on a brownfield site and requires 478 Blair Park Road Williston, VT 05495 802 879 6331www.tcevt.com42 Mapleville Depot Road St. Albans, VT 05478 802 528 5116 Civil Engineering Environmental Services Land Surveying Landscape Architecture SITE PLAN REVIEW 510 SHELBURNE ROAD PROJECT #:19-202 JANUARY 2022 Page 6 of 6 specific treatment for runoff. Given the contaminated soils, and the flat nature of this site, this was not a feasible option. Additionally, while we have a greater impervious lot cover than the allowed maximum, we are still able to capture and treat site runoff in our proposed stormwater treatment plan using a combination of methods including prefabricated filtration units and planted bioretention areas on the site per local and state requirements. Additionally, this proposed layout proposes less impervious surface than the previously approved application. Given, the above reasons, we think the project design is appropriate and meets the above criteria in the South Burlington LDR in that the lot coverage maximum is not requisite in the interest of public health, safety, or general welfare; the particular nature of this site is prohibitive of alternative materials (i.e. pervious paving); and the reduction of pervious surface would cause hardship, in that it will affect circulation and access to and within the site, as well as the site functionality. 2.Landscape Budget – Our proposed landscape plan exceeds the minimum landscape budget requirement of $42,500, per section 13.04.G Landscaping Standards and Table 13-4 Landscaping Value Requirements of the LDRs, by $1,457 for a total budget of $43,957. The proposed budget includes a hardscape element – two benches north of the proposed building. We feel that the proposed plan meets the goals and intent of the LDRs by providing a well landscaped site consistent with nearby properties and developments. The plan includes a diverse mix of street trees and ornamental shrubs, perennials and grasses, along the street front and in the parking areas that will both beautify the site and provide shading. The proposed benches will further compliment the site aesthetics and provide a functional place for patrons and employees to rest and gather. For these reasons, we feel a waiver is appropriate in this situation to further compliment the aesthetics of the site. If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at (802) 879-6331 x108 or by email at lucy.thayer@tcevt.com. Sincerely, Lucy Thayer, PLA TCE, Inc. 478 Blair Park Road Williston, VT 05495