HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 06/22/1983CITY COUNCIL JUNE 22, 1983 AMENDMENT to Minutes of June 22, 1982 In the discussion of health insurance, it was the opinion of the Council that it was the City Manager's decision as to which company would be chosen. The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Wednesday, June 22, 1983, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Hugh Marvin, Chairman; Leona Lansing, Michael Flaherty, Paul Farrar, William Peters Others Present William Szymanski, City Manager; David Minnich, Assistant City Manager; Robert Chittenden, South Burlington Representative; Margaret Picard, City Clerk/Treasurer; Jennifer Ely, Sylvia Smith, Winooski Valley Park District; John F. Dustin, Corrections Center; Don Melvin, Burlington Free Press; Ruth Poger, The Other Paper; Albert C. Audette, Highway Department; Thomas B. Chittenden, Clarice Fisher Read Minutes of Regular Meeting of June 6, 1983 and Special Meeting of June 13, 1983 Mr. Marvin noted that on p. 6 of the June 6th minutes, his statement of the Highway Department's estimated population growth should include the words "in 25 years." Mr. Farrar moved that the minutes of June 6, 1983 be approved as amended and the minutes of June 13, 1983 be approved as written. Ms. Lansing seconded with unanimous consent. Sign Disbursement Orders Disbursement Orders were signed. Report on Winooski Valley Park District Ms. Smith introduced Jennifer Ely who described the work of the organization. They focus on conserving open space and recreation areas within the 5 member towns. Among current projects are the restoration of Ethan Allen's farmhouse along the Intervale, the landscaping of Ethan Allen Park, and a new project to create a view overlook between Winooski and Essex across from the Fort. Ms. Ely praised the contribution that South Burlington has made to these efforts. Interviews for Boards & Commissions Sylvia Smith was interviewed for the Library Board. She said she had been on the Board that worked on expansion of the school and indicated she would like to continue with the work of the library. Review List of Tax Penalties & Interest Waivers Mr. Farrar moved that the Council accept the Tax Penalty and Interest Waiver report of the City Manager. Mr. Flaherty seconded with unanimous approval. Sign Water Department Short Term Loan Note for Equipment Purchase Mr. Szymanski explained that the note was for $21,000 for three years at 5-3/4% interest. The Water Department has replaced its small backhoe. Total purchase price was $54,000 less trade in and municipal discount. Mr. Marvin requested that the City Manager furnish the figures on the trade-in and discount. Mr. Flaherty moved that the Council approve and sign the short term loan note as presented by the City Manager. Mr. Farrar seconded with unanimous approval. Accept list of unlicensed dogs as required by State Statutes The City Clerk advised that those on the list had been sent a letter and had not responded as of May 15, 1983. Mr. Farrar then noted that the procedure was to proceed under Article 36.22 to order the unlicensed dogs destroyed. Mr. Marvin said he felt it would be nice if the owners were sent another letter. Mr. Flaherty then moved that the Council have the City Clerk notify the owners of licensed dogs one more time to register their dogs within 10 days, if the dogs are still alive; and that the Council acknowledge receipt of the unlicensed dog list from the City Manager. Ms. Lansing seconded with unanimous consent. Review & sign Engineering Agreement for the final design of Airport Parkway Sewage Treatment Plant upgrade Mr. Szymanski advised that this has been an on-going project for 4 or 5 years and is now at the stage where preliminaries are done and the design can now be considered. The facility will be upgraded for second stage treatment, increasing the capacity from 1.2 million to 2.2 million gallons. Ms. Lansing asked how long the 2.2 million capacity will be sufficient. Mr. Szymanski said the projection is 20 years. The total cost is $8,000,000, with a 50-35-15 split among federal, state and city. Mr. Peters asked where the City's share will come from. Mr. Szymanski said there will have to be a bond issue for $1,200,000. Mr. Farrar moved that the Council authorize the City Manager to sign the Engineering Agreement. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Mr. Marvin asked where the project would stand if the bond issue were voted down. Mr. Szymanski said the ratio could change if there is a delay but the share should stand at 15% until the bond issue. Mr. Marvin indicated he would like someone from the State to explain the status of the project as far as financing and also a fact sheet including such details as construction dates, the tax rate that will result from the bond issue, etc. Ms. Lansing asked if upgrading has been demanded. Mr. Szymanski advised that the City has been mandated to upgrade by the State as part of the Federal clean air and water standards and that the present plant cannot meet these standards. Mr. Farrar agreed to withdraw his motion in order for further information to be presented at the next meeting. Consider Increase in Sewage Rates Referring to his memo of June 22 on Sewar Use Rate (attached), Mr. Szymanski advised that the sewer department will be $40,000 short. Mr. Farrar moved that the sewer rate be increased 50% over the present rate effective July 1. Mr. Flaherty seconded. Mr. Chittenden asked what has caused the increase in spending, when the budget has actually dropped. Mr. Szymanski said that electricity costs, chemicals and wages have all gone up and water consumption hasn't gone up as much as anticipated. He also noted South Burlington is lower than most communities in sewer charges. Mr. Farrar added that although there has been a lot of building in the City, there has not been additional population. Mr. Peters asked if there was no alternative to raising rates. Mr. Szymanski said the plants have to operate. Mr. Marvin asked if an increase in CWD rates was anticipated. Mr. Szymanski said it was not. In the vote that followed the motion was passed 3-2 with Mr. Peters and Ms. Lansing voting no. Discuss Proposed Correctional Center Expansion Mr. Peters said that it had occurred to him that the organization of a committee, as discussed on June 6th, might be a waste of time. He said there is an active committee already and he could not imagine why the City would even want to tolerate the idea of expansion when there are so many other sites available. Mr. Peters then moved to have the City Manager advise the State that the City is not interested in expansion of the Correctional Facility and does not feel it is in the best interest of the community. Ms. Lansing seconded. Mr. Farrar said he was concerned that if we say no without looking at the situation, the State will not "go away" but will do it anyway without the City's input. Mr. Marvin agreed, noting that he had had inquiries from a number of people interested in serving on the committee. A State policeman had advised that the Committee in St. Albans had solved many problems up there. Ms. Fisher reported that she had visited the facility and had noted that the building is in need of repair; doors don't work, glass could be broken through, etc. She also noted that there was only one guard for 64 people. Mr. Flaherty suggested that the City could advise the State that no reason is seen for enlarging the facility but that we are willing to participate in discussions on issues. Mr. Farrar then moved to amend the motion to add: that in order to more fully explain our position we will be more than willing to form a committee to discuss mutual concerns. Mr. Flaherty seconded the amendment which was approved 4-1 with Ms. Lansing voting no. The motion as amended was then passed 4-1 with Ms. Lansing voting no. City Planner Ms. Lansing suggested that the City begin looking soon to replace the City Planner so he/she will be able to work with David Spitz for a time. Mr. Szymanski advised the budget is tight but he would find out how much overlap there could be. Public Hearing on F-4's Ms. Lansing said she would like to have the National Guard explain the hours for F-4 flights, since what they said last time does not appear to be what they are doing now. Mr. Flaherty noted it has gotten worse rather than better, especially in the last 6 months. Mr. Szymanski said he would see if he could get someone to the next meeting. Health Insurance Mr. Minnich advised that the current budget had an additional 20% for increased health insurance rates. Subsequent to that estimate, Connecticut General advised the increase will be 45.6% When this figure was received, other options were investigated. Blue Cross/Blue Shield would charge approximately 35.6% more, for a savings of $8,900 for next year. There is a question of a larger issue than immediate savings, and that is the status of the Vermont League of Cities & Towns. Under Connecticut General, the premiums are kept by the towns to defray expenses as they occur. Any unused premiums would be returned. He noted there were no unused premiums this year. Mr. Szymanski added that any change would have to be worked out with various unions and groups involved. Mr. Audette noted that City employees would not vote for Connecticut General as their service was not as good. Mr. Peters asked if our getting out would damage the League of Cities & Towns. Mr. Minnich said it probably would fold up and go out of the health insurance business. Mr. Szymanski said it would not cost the City anything to make a switch as the new company would do all the paperwork. It is mainly a question of what will happen to other communities. Telephone Installation Mr. Szymanski presented a request from the telephone company to install a controller, pad mounted transformer, on the corner of Patchen Road and White Street. Mr. Farrar moved that the Council sign the agreement with the telephone company for installation of the controller as presented by the City Manager. Mr. Flaherty seconded with unanimous consent. Discuss reappropriation of 1982-1983 budget Mr. Szymanski said he does not have the final accounting and that last year they had prolonged the year into July for final figures. Mr. Farrar moved that the 1982-1983 fiscal year books not be closed until the next regularly scheduled Council meeting on July 18th, so that final adjustments can be made. Mr. Flaherty seconded with unanimous consent. Bicycle Path on Spear Street Mr. Szymanski said he is waiting for data. Several private concerns have expressed willingness and interest in contributing to the project and he will be meeting with one of them soon. Executive Session Mr. Flaherty moved that the City Council go into Executive Session to discuss Committee appointments and labor negotiations and that upon returning to regular session the only business shall be the making of committee appointments and adjournment. Mr. Farrar seconded with unanimous consent. Regular Session By motion of Mr. Farrar and seconded by Mr. Flaherty the following appointments to Boards, Commissions and Committees were made: George Mona reappointed to the 3 year term and William Burgess appointed to the 4 year term on the Planning Commission. J. Barry Carris reappointed to the 2 year term on the Chittenden County Regional Planning. Wm. Shearer reappointed to the 3 year term on the Recreation Committee. Joan Cook appointed to the 3 year term on the Fine Arts Committee. Constance Kite appointed to the 3 year term on the Natural Resources Committee. Sylvia Smith and Verna Gordon reappointed to the three year terms on the Community Library Board of Trustees. Vincent D'Acuti reappointed to the one year term on the Burlington Airport Commission. By motion of Ms. Lansing and seconded by Mr. Peters the Council adjourned at 9:00 P.M. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. MEMORANDUM -. TO : South Burlington City Council FROM: William J. Szymanski, City Manager RE : Sewer User Rate DATE: June 22, 1983 This year 1982-83, the Sewer Department operating budget is $306,955. The 11 months receipts for this year are $244,700 and an additional $20,000 is anticipated for a total of about $265,000. This results in a short fall cf about $40,000. The last rate increase from $4.40 per 1,000 cubic feet of water (7,500 gals.) to $5.00 went into effect in October, 1982. The 1983-84 sewer operating budget is $304,410. • A rate increase from $5.00 to $5.50 per 1,000 cubic feet of water consumption effective July 1, 1983, with an increase in water cornsumption estimated at 2%, the user revenues are anticipated to produce $303,000.