HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 06/13/1983CITY COUNCIL JUNE 13, 1983 The South Burlington City Council held a special meeting of Monday, June 13, 1983, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Hugh Marvin, Chairman; Leona Lansing, Paul Farrar, William Peters Member Absent Michael Flaherty Others Present William Szymanski, City Manager; David Minnich, Assistant City Manager; George Mona, Planning Commission; Barry Carris, Regional Planning Commission; Ethel M. Schuele, Library Board of Trustees; William J. Schuele, Natural Resources Committee; Pat Burgmeier, The Other Paper; William Burgess, Bob Goboriault, Joan Cook, Bill Shearer, Rosemary Perkett, Vee Gordon, Mal Boright Interview applicants for appointments & re-appointments to Boards and Commissions Since there was not a full Council present, it was agreed to delay appointments until a special meeting on Wednesday, June 22. Candidates were then interviewed for two openings on the Planning Commission, a 4-year term and a 3-year term. George Mona, a South Burlington resident since 1956, has served a term on the Planning Commission. He described himself as neither "pro" or "anti" but in favor of controlled development. Mr. Mona said he is eager to serve to complete work on subdivision regulations. Mal Boright has lived in the city 1½ years. Since he was a news reporter, he could not serve in government capacities due to possible conflict of interests. He is no longer so employed but works for the Department of Agriculture as Chief of Information and Education. He believes planning must be orderly and goal-oriented. He sees South Burlington in a situation of continued growth and favors development that is both visually attractive and appropriate to the land. He feels fine farmland has been destroyed for hardtop. Barry Carris has served on the Regional Planning Commission for 6 months and thinks it would be an advantage to be able to relate local problems to the work of the Regional group. He added that most Regional Commission members are on both. William Burgess served on the City Council for 6 years and has been a city resident since 1969. He indicated he has had some practice in interim zoning and was involved in subdivision planning. Barry Carris was the only candidate for the 2-year re-appointment to the Regional Planning Commission. When asked if the Regional Commission can be of help to the local area, Mr. Carris said it can be. He added that with the new leadership at the Regional Board, he thought individual communities will benefit more. Mr. Farrar noted that there are many areas where Regional and local planning does not match. He asked what thought had been given to having them match more closely. Mr. Carris said the question had not been discussed and there had been no talk of up-dating the plan in the past 6 months. The Regional Board has been working more on such issues as MPO, which were more immediate. Three candidates were interviewed for the Recreation Department 3-year appointment. Bill Shearer is seeking re-appointment to that position. He has been filling in for a year. He felt he could add a valuable perspective since he is a new parent. He would like to see more done with water sports and also with volley ball. He indicated he had received calls from persons concerned with the safety of cyclists and joggers on Spear Street and would like to work out a means whereby these activities could continue safely. (Mrs. Perkett echoed Mr. Shearer's concerns about Spear Street safety) Robert Goboriault, a city resident for 8 years, has worked with youngsters as a Little League coach and also a youth hockey coach. He believes in organized sports and feels a little competition is good. He noted he had brought night baseball to JC Park and had also brought back organized Little League baseball to the city. Joan Cook has been a city resident for about 40 years and praised the recreation program highly noting it had given her family a great deal. She has coached girls softball and participated in many activities including the community chorus. She would like to see more done with adult education and also would like too see a youth volley ball program. Only one candidate for the Library Board of Trustees was present. Verna "Vee" Gordon has filled in for 6-8 months and would like to continue. She praised the able leadership of the Library and noted that she has enjoyed learning about its work. Mrs. Schuele praised the work Ms. Gordon has done and indicated the Board would be glad to have her back. In applying for the Fine Arts Committee, Rosemary Perkett noted she had lived in the city since 1968 and enjoyed being active in the community. She is interested in the arts and would be pleased to work in that capacity. In applying for the vacancy on the Natural Resources Committee, Joan Cook indicated this was her second choice. She said she had no scientific knowledge to give to the Committee but that there were many things she would like to see maintained. She would like to see jogging trails, bike paths, cross-country ski trails, picnic areas, etc. For the Airport Commission vacancy, Vin D'Acuti is applying for re-appointment. He noted that for several years he had had to serve with no vote just his "voice." South Burlington now has a vote along with Burlington's 4 voting members. He noted that the airport is on schedule with its plan. The parking lot will be doubled and the FAA will move out in about a year. They will be updating the plan to include second story access to planes. He added that the airport is doing exceptionally well right now. Ms. Lansing asked if the Commission oversees the flying of F-4's. Mr. D'Acuti said they do not but that they can make requests of the Guard. Ms. Lansing asked Mr. D'Acuti to provide her with a copy of the agreement with the National Guard. Mr. D'Acuti emphasized to the Council that the 10-year agreement with Burlington has now expired and should be re-negotiated as soon as possible. The new airport manager is not anti-South Burlington, so better cooperation may be possible. Mr. Marvin asked whether Mr. D'Acuti believed in tax stabilization for the airport, and Mr. D'Acuti said he did since there are dual purposes for some of the buildings. Mal Boright, also a candidate for the Airport vacancy, withdrew his name at this time indicating he had not known Mr. D'Acuti was seeking re-appointment. Executive Session Mr. Farrar moved that the Council go into executive session for the purpose of labor negotiations discussion and to return to regular session to consider signing the amendment to the police contract and to adjourn. Ms. Lansing seconded with unanimous approval. Police Contract Amendment The City Council returned from Executive Session at 9:45P.M. Mr. Farrar moved the Police Contract be amended effective June 7, 1983 such that the requirements for hiring a Police Corporal or Detective is two years minimum experience as a South Burlington Police Officer. Mr. Peters seconded the motion and all were in favor except Ms. Lansing who voted "No". Mr. Peters moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:50 P.M. Mr. Farrar seconded the motion and all were in favor. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.