HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 07/11/1983CITY COUNCIL JULY 11, 1983 The South Burlington City Council held a Special meeting on Monday, July 11, 1983 at 5:15 P.M., in the Mini-Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Hugh Marvin, Chairman; Paul Farrar, Michael Flaherty, Leona Lansing, William Peters. Other Present William Szymanski, City Manager; David Minnich, Assistant City Manager; Ruth Poger, Other Paper. Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Mr. Szymanski and Mr. Farrar reviewed the background of the MPO. The Burlington area was recently designated a SMSA by the Federal Government. By having this distinction, long range regional planning must be done in order to receive Federal Aid for some construction projects, capital outlay and operating subsidies. An MPO has been formed in this area with local officials being part of the organization. The City Council needs to make an appointment to this board prior to the MPO's first meeting on Friday, July 15, 1983, to be held at 3:00 PM at the Regional Planning Commission's Office in Essex Junction. Mr. Flaherty nominated Paul Farrar to serve a two-year term on the MPO Board. Mr. Peters seconded the motion. Ms. Lansing nominated Mary Barbara Maher for the two-year term on the MPO Board. There was no second to this motion. Mr. Flaherty moved that nominations be closed. Mr. Peters seconded the motion. All voted in favor of nominations being closed. All voted in favor of Mr. Farrar as the Delagate to the MPO. Mr. Flaherty nominated Leona Lansing as first Alternate and William Peters as second Alternate. Mr. Farrar seconded the motion and all voted in favor of it. Mr. Flaherty moved that the City Council sign the MPO resolution appointing Mr. Farrar to the Board and direct the City Manager to inform the MPO of the two alternates. Mr. Peters seconded the motion, with unanimous approval. Mr. Flaherty moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Farrar seconded the motion and all voted in favor of the motion at 5:50 PM. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.