HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 12/19/1983CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 19, 1983 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, December 19, 1983, at 7:30 pm, in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Hugh Marvin, Chairman; Leona Lansing, Paul Farrar Members Absent Michael Flaherty, William Peters Others Present William Szymanski, City Manager; David Minnich, Assistant City Manager; Albert Audette, Street Department; William Schuele, Ethel Schuele Comments and questions from the public (not related to items on the Agenda Mrs. Schuele asked the City Manager whether he had gotten the request from RSVP. The group is worried that their federal financing will be killed, and they are thus requesting $500 more than last year's appropriation. They work with retired people in the community in such places as the Library and Corrections Center. Mr. Szymanski said he had received the request and will present it at Budget time. Meet with Representatives of Library Board of Trustees to discuss amendment to their by-laws Mrs. Schuele noted that a person who is now off the Board (Georgie Brown) is on the State Board. She recommended a limit to the number of times a person could serve on the Board, in order to allow more people to become knowledgeable about the Library. The idea was discussed at the Board and a majority of members voted to approve the idea. Mr. Farrar said that possibly a statement could be put in the By-Laws stating the intent that appointees serve only 2 terms. That would give guidance to future Councils and avoid hurt feelings. It would also give leeway to re-appoint a person to a third term should no other candidate be available. Mr. Marvin suggested the City Manager check with the attorney to see if this would cause a legal problem. Review and sign No Parking Resolution for Airport Drive (attached) The resolution, discussed at the last meeting, would limit to one hour parking on the Airport side of Airport Drive and prohibit parking on the residence side of the street. A 15-minute parking zone would apply to the small store on the west side of the street. Ken Daly, spokesman for the homeowners, has agreed that this is satisfactory to them. Mr. Farrar moved to dispense with a reading of the resolution. Ms. Lansing seconded with unanimous approval. Mr. Farrar then moved that the Council sign the Resolution relative to parking on Airport Drive. Ms. Lansing seconded with unanimous consent. Appoint a Handicapped Coordinator in compliance with Federal Regulations Mr. Farrar moved that the Council appoint the City Manager as Handicapped Coordinator, in compliance with Federal Register #Vol. 48, #201, pp. 46983-85. Ms. Lansing seconded with unanimous approval. Review and accept list of Tax Penalty Waivers Mr. Farrar moved to accept the City Manager's list of Tax Penalty Waivers. Ms. Lansing seconded with unanimous consent. Old Business; a) Continue discussion on settling federal claim for reimbursement for a 1961 drainage report Mr. Szymanski advised that he made an offer to settle the claim for $1,500, payable in July. This was not satisfactory; if they must wait till July, they want $2,000 to settle. It was decided to appropriate the $2,000 into the budget. This will write off the total $8,500 claim. Review Zoning Agenda Mr. Szymanski noted that some people have expressed concern about Item #3, the residential house on Prouty Parkway for which a variance has been requested to operate a dentist's office. It was decided that the City Manager will write to the Zoning Board expressing the Council's concern about imfringing upon a residential neighborhood. Mr. Farrar raised the question of a meeting among the Council, Zoning Board and Planning Commission to discuss procedures and ramifications of the recent Court decision. Mr. Szymanski said the City Attorney is willing to attend such a meeting and he will make mutually acceptable arrangements to schedule a time. Ms. Lansing expressed concern about the "water amusement" area plan, and Mr. Szymanski said he would find out more about the plans. Other Business Mr. Marvin asked whether there was any question that the road projects could not be completed in 5 years. Mr. Audette said there would be no problems as long as he had a full complement of staff. Mr. Szymanski was asked to report on what has been accomplished to date, and he will bring this information to the next meeting. Review Minutes of December 5, 1983 Mr. Farrar moved that the minutes of December 5, 1983 be approved as written. Ms. Lansing seconded with unanimous approval. Sign Disbursement Orders Disbursement Orders were signed. Executive Session Mr. Farrar moved that the Council go into Executive Session for the purposes of discussion union negotiations and contracts and to reconvene as the Council only for purpose of adjournment. Ms. Lansing seconded with unanimous approval. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. BE IT RESOLVED, by the South Burlington City Council, that created by of Airport Street be designated a NO Airport Drive from Williston a ONE HOUR PARKING ZONE except lot entrance drive northerly designated a 15 MINUTE E IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate signs be ed by the direction of the City Manager. $his Resolution shall take effect upon passage. Approved: f / Hugh M. Marvin, chairman Paul A. Farrar Michael D. Flaherty Leona J. Lansing William L. Peters South Burlington City Council