HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 12/05/1983CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 5, 1983 The South Burlington City Council held a regular meeting on Monday, December 5, 1983, at 7:30 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Paul Farrar, Acting Chairman; Leona Lansing, Michael Flaherty, William Peters Member Absent Hugh Marvin Others Present William Szymanski, City Manager; David Minnich, Assistant City Manager; Albert Audette, Street Department; Robert Chittenden, City Representative; Margaret Picard, City Clerk/Treasurer; Frank Mazur, Cathy Debo, Chittenden County Transportation Authority; William J. Schuele, William J. Craig, Ken Daley, Gino Tadisco; Ruth Poger, The Other Paper comments and questions from the public (not related to items on the Agenda There was no discussion in this area. Report from the Chittenden County Transit Authority Cathy Debo presented the Authority's report (attached). She noted that passenger revenue was down about $12,000 which is attributable to expanded use of discounts. They are planning to reduce discounts somewhat next year. This is the tenth year CCTA has been able to maintain a revenue to cost ratio of over 50%. Thanks were extended to David Minnich who helped with the paper work in negotiating a new bond, reducing the interest rate from 13% to 6.4%. Negotiations are proceeding with Colchester on a net cost basis. The GE and IBM runs are doing well on the same basis. There has been extensive request for Sunday service. As this would be expensive, it would be on a lesser scale if it is done at all. A survey has been taken among the ridership, and the Council expressed an interest in hearing the results. The Jericho project is proceeding very slowly and MS. Debo did not know if any inroads can be made this year. The Shelburne routes are working well and some trading of Saturday and weekday routes might be considered, in order to bring people into town on Saturday. A New Years Eve celebration in downtown will have many buses on the road. Mr. Mazur stressed that they like to meet twice a year with each legislative body to learn of communities' needs. They feel this has helped increase ridership. He asked the status of the MPO contract, and Mr. Farrar said it was hoped to have it ready for review by the middle of the week. Consider adopting Resolutions restricting parking on portions of the following streets: a) Joy Drive-Farrell St: b) Airport Drive; c) Others Regarding Joy Drive-Farrell Street, Mr. Szymanski explained that there has been a problem with the Court Club at peak hours. Cars have been parked on both sides of the street. He was asked by residents of Meadowbrook to have "No Parking" signs on one side of each street, specifically the south side of Joy Drive for 500 feet going up the hill and the east side of Farrell Street from Hadley Road to the overpass. He said he felt a traffic problem would be created without the signs. Bill Craig, a resident of Meadowbrook presented petitions from residents of that development. He noted that the Olympiad has addressed the problem by its willingness to add 52 new parking spaces, but he felt that there might be occasions when patrons still parked on the street causing a serious problem for residents. Mr. Schuele stressed that this situation was part of the larger problem of approving projects like the Court Club without provision for adequate parking. Mr. Craig added that the Planning Commission went on record as opposing on-street parking at the Olympiad. Mr. Farrar read the proposed resolution (attached). Mr. Flaherty then moved that the Council sign the Resolution and that six months from the date of its passage the City Manager report back to the Council as to whether this measure has solved the problem. Ms. Lansing seconded with unanimous approval. Regarding Airport Drive, Mr. Szymanski explained that "no parking" exists on the east side of the street, but on the west side, which is the residential side, parking is allowed. The neighbors have requested that this be reversed. The Police Chief is aware of the problem and recommends 2-hour parking on the west side. Ken Daley presented petitions from the residents recommending the reversal of the "no parking" signs but allowing 15-minute parking near the store which would allow patrons adequate time to shop. Mr. Audette spoke in favor of the switch as did Ms. Picard who lives in the area. Ms. Picard did question whether this might cause people to park on Patrick and Elizabeth Streets. All speakers noted that the problem is mainly with long-term parkers. Mr. Farrar asked what has been the effect of the new lot. Mr. Flaherty said that from his observation, there are generally a lot of empty spaces, and he felt a lot of people are trying to beat the fee by parking on the street for 3 or 4 days. Mr. Audette noted that last night the police towed everyone parked illegally on the streets in that area, and this might get people back into the lot. Ms. Lansing said she would like to see no parking on both sides of the street, except near the store. Mr. Audette recommended a limited time between the entrance and exit to the Airport. Ms. Poger questioned the possibility of installing meters. Mr. Schuele spoke of the long-range impact which might result in the tearing down of more houses as a response to additional parking needs. He stressed the need to study the situation, as this is the area of the city which can least afford to lose housing. Mr. Flaherty then moved that the City Manager reword the Resolution in line with what has been suggested and also report back to the Council in 6 months as to the effectiveness of the measures taken. Ms. Lansing seconded with unanimous approval. Mr. Schuele asked that the Concession be asked to report how many days the lot is full. Mr. Flaherty advised that he has been contacted by merchants on Williston Road requesting a sign pointing to the Airport. He said that many motorists are pulling into businesses to ask for directions. Mr. Szymanski said he had spoken with Vin D'Acuti indicating that if the Commission will buy the sign, South Burlington will do the installation. Mr. Audette recommended that on White Street the "no parking" ban be moved from the North to the South side of the street, which is the sidewalk side. Mr. Flaherty suggested Ms. Poger place an item in The Other Paper to elicit public response. Mr. Flaherty then moved that the City Manager determine public feeling on moving parking from the north to the south side of White Street from Patchen Road to the Airport. Ms. Lansing seconded with unanimous approval. Accept the following new streets: a) Extensions of Brookwood Drive and Oakwood Drive; b) Karen Drive; c) Pheasant Way and Quail Run Mr. Szymanski explained that all work has been done on the extensions of Brookwood and Oakwood Drives and on Karen Drive. There is still a bit of work to do on Pheasant Way and Quail Run, but money is in escrow to do this work. Acceptance of the streets is necessary to get State funding. Mr. Peters moved that the new streets as outlined by the City Manager be accepted. Mr. Flaherty seconded with unanimous consent. Review list of proposed capital road construction projects for submittal to the City Representatives, for addition to State 5-year transportation plan Mr. Szymanski presented the list as follows: 1) Ramp to I-89 at Dorset Street and Kennedy Drive 2) Interchange at I-89 at Hinesburg Rd. 3) Extend Swift St. to Hinesburg Rd. 4) Widen & reconstruct Kennedy Drive 5) Repair or replace Lime Kiln Bridge 6) Widen Williston Rd. to 4 lanes from Milham Court to Williston Town Line 7) Line & repave Williston Rd. from Hinesburg Rd. to Williston Town Line. He recommended reversing items 3 & 4 on a priority listing. Mr. Flaherty moved to forward the list as proposed by the City Manager with the inversion of items 3 & 4. Ms. Lansing seconded with unanimous approval. Sign Short Term Renewal Note for Red Rocks Development Mr. Szymanski explained that this is the last year on the note. It is for $8,370 @ 6.65%. Mr. Flaherty moved that the Council sign the note for the Red Rocks Development. Ms. Lansing seconded with unanimous consent. Consider approving Participation Agreement with VLCT Mr. Minnich explained that the city has been participating with VLCT for unemployment trust for several years. Several changes have been made in the agreement. Of significance is that they now have a means of rewarding those participating who don't use the trust, by returning some monies. The city has paid about $7,500 for several years. Mr. Flaherty moved to authorize the City Manager to sign the participation agreement with VLCT for unemployment insurance. Ms. Lansing seconded with unanimous approval. Review Zoning Agenda Mr. Farrar questioned whether the Council would look at the recent Court decision and use it as a guideline for the Zoning and Planning Boards. He explained that a petition of the people to overturn both Boards decisions was approved by the Court. He felt that they should all sit down with the City Attorney and discuss what was done right or wrong, etc. Read Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 7, 1983 and Special Meeting of November 14, 1983 Ms. Picard advised that in the meeting of November 7, it is 72% of every tax dollar that goes for the schools, not 75%. Mr. Flaherty moved that the Minutes of November 7, 1983 be approved as amended and the minutes of November 14, 1983 be approved as written. Ms. Lansing seconded with unanimous consent. Sign Disbursement Orders Disbursement orders were signed. Discuss Winter Parking Ban Mr. Flaherty noted that the police were very zealous the first night of the ban. He had received many calls about this. It seems many people were confused about which night actually was December 1st. -- the night that began on November 30th or the night that began on December 1st. He suggested that next year perhaps a warning could be given the first night. Mr. Audette complemented the police on trying to contact people before they towed. Request from Town of Shelburne for appointment to Route 7 ad hoc Committee Mr. Szymanski explained he had received a letter from Shelburne's Town Manager. They are planning improvements to Shelburne Rd and are forming a committee on which they would like a representative from South Burlington. Mr. Farrar suggested that as Mr. Szymanski was familiar with Shelburne, he might be the best person to serve. Mr. Flaherty moved that Mr. Szymanski be appointed to the Shelburne ad hoc committee with Ms. Lansing as alternate. Mr. Peters seconded with unanimous approval. Liquor Control Board Mr. Flaherty moved that the City Council adjourn and reconvene as the Liquor Control Board. Mr. Peters seconded with unanimous consent. Mr. Szymanski presented a request for a second class permit from the Shelburne Rd. Gulf Station. There is new ownership of the station and no problems have been encountered. Mr. Flaherty moved that the Council sign the liquor license for the Shelburne Rd. Gulf Station as per the City Manager's recommendation. Ms. Lansing seconded with unanimous approval. Mr. Flaherty moved that the Liquor Control Board adjourn and reconvene as the City Council. Mr. Peters seconded with unanimous consent. Ms. Lansing moved that the Council go into Executive Session to discuss personnel matters and reconvene only for purposes of adjournment. Mr. Flaherty seconded with unanimous approval. Following the Executive Session the meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. CCTA REPORT I. In Fiscal 1983 -- a. Budget 1. Operated well within budget. a. Expense Side -- savings of $70,000 in: -health benefits (VLCT consortium) -parts purchases -insurance (experience) -fuel costs - capital debt (bond) b. Revenue Side -passenger revenue down .7% (about $12,000). The Industry as a whole -- down 2.2% due to lower fuel prices. -in our case - CCTA maintained ridcr)ship, but lost revenue through expanded use of discounts by patrons. Average fare fell from 43.5C in April, 1982 to 42.8C in April, 1983. c . .Net Affect -net revenue of $57,000 - 23,000 to expanded parts invenf-ory - remainder for use in future operating and capital budgets 2, Revenue Return - 52.4% revenue return. b. Marketing Efforts -- - multi media campaign - bus park program - road report (radio) - outreach program - preparation for 10th Birthday Party c. Planning and Policy Development - cost allocation program - with Regional Planning: - North Avenue Study - Attitude Survey - Colchester and Jericho Expansion :Sludies d. Capital Program . - low cost plan to recondition buse:; - generation of match f rXoill @perat in:; l<cl:c :iiles (Advertising Income) e e. Other - MPO membership - Labor Contract -- innovative incen Live> 1,lan to: - improve service - enhance revenue return a. Budget -- 4.3% increase over last yedr's budget. b. Incentive Program. Hope to main Lain 5U1:, ~~l.Lurn. c. Ridership - August Survey shows 10% increase. Yiel(i in revenue -- 4% increase. Cxpansion or tiiscount use, erosion of average fare (for Aug~l:,t -- 4?.'3<). d.. Capital Program - Match for Grant (in-house) e. Planning - In-house 5 year plan to: - meet expenses - establish goals in service and revcllue return - develop capital program n - #hgita1 surveys - with Regional Planning: - Colchester and Jericho Expansion Stutly - Cross County Route - Attitude Survey f. Marketing - Birthday Party - Multi media campaign .- Patron newsletter - First Night Celebration Statistical Summary: Comparison Aug 26 '82* survey with Aug25, '83* - - - -- -- Essex Winooski Lakeside No. End Loop $ 54 :@?kL: $2295 52398*&4708 $5185 49% 46% (2) 5170 Comparison with month of August, 1983 . . . . . -323% Average fare in FY82 -- .445 Average .fa?e in .I'Y83 -- .423 South Burlington: Survey Averages (Nov '82, Rpr '83, Aug 'LA - Trips Named by Departure from Cherrv Street South End/ Shelburne Airport Route '33.9 = av'erage for 28, trips 5;nhound frnrn Rartletts nav Road December 1, 1983 To : William Szymanski, City Manager From : Richard Carter, Police Chief Subject: Parking, Joy Drive and Farrell St. It is recommended that the South side of Joy Drive from Farrell St. to the top of the hill be made a No Parking Zone and appropriate signs be erected. It is also recommended that the East side of Farrell St. from the Interstate Bridge to Hadley Rd. also be designated a No Parking Zone and appropriate signs be erected. Respectfully submitted, Richard G. Carter Chief of Police RGC : mb RESOLUTION ---------- a BE IT RESOLVED, by the $outh Burlington City Council, to approve the recommendation ofthe Police Chief, by letter dated December 1, 1983, that due to increased street parking on Farrell Street and Joy Drive resulting in restricted visability at the intersection, that the south $ide of Joy Drive from its inter- section with Farrell Street for a distance easterly of five hundred (500) feet, and the easterly side of Farrell Street from Hadley Road southerly to the PAI-189 overpass be designated as "NO PARKING" areas, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the appropriate signs be installed by the direction of!the City Manager. This Resolution shall tdke effect upon passage. ~~~~~~~d: December 5, 1983 Hugh M. Marvin, Chairman I I 0 I ~ Cvr?5mCi , Le$na J. (Lansing I w&Y Nilliam L. Peters MEMORANDUM ---------- TO : South Burlington City Council FROM: William J. Szymanski, City Manager RE : Highway Capital Improvement Projects DATE: November 18, 1983 At the November 14, 1983 City Council meeting, with the City Repre,sentatives, a discussion was held regarding capital road construction projects for submittal to the State, to add to the five (5) year transportation plan. some of these projects are as follows: (1) Rampto 1-89 at Dorset Street - Kennedy Drive (2) Interchange at 1-89 and Hinesburg Road (3) Widen and reconstruct Kennedy Drive (4) Extend Swift Street to Hinesburg Road (5) Repair or replace Lime Kiln Bridge (6) Widen Williston Road to £our (4) lanes, Milham Court to Williston Town Line and repave from Hinesburg Road to Williston Town Line As accepted by the City Council at their meeting on December 5, 1983. Respectfully sybmitted, q-7 .tL William J. City Manager