HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 09/27/1982CITY COUNCIL September 27, 1982 The South Burlington City Council held a special meeting on Monday, September 27, 1982, at 7:30 pm, in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; Michael Flaherty, William Burgess, Leona Lansing, Hugh Marvin Others Present William Szymanski, City Manager; David Minnich, Assistant City Manager; David Spitz, City Planner; George Mona, John Belter, Planning Commission; James Lamphere, Stewart McConaughy, William Schuele, Charles Balserus, Ruth Stokes; Pat Burgmeier, The Other Paper Continue Public Hearing on Zoning Regulations and Comprehensive Plan There was discussion concerning the proper placement of Section 19.112f. Mr. Burgess then moved that Section 19.112f become part of Section 19.112b and read: Height limitations shall not apply to farm silos and church steeples, except at the discretion of the Planning Commission. Mr. Flaherty seconded with unanimous approval. Regarding Section 20.651, it was noted that the Zoning Board now has to grant a variance where there are two uses for one lot. Mr. Spitz indicated he would recommend changes in this procedure. Regarding Section 21.00, Mr. Farrar asked if it would not be wise to include the State Charter in the wording. Mr. Spitz said he would check on this. Concerning the length of site plan approvals, Sect. 21.302, it was noted that with long delays in beginning of construction, six months might be too short a time. Mr. Spitz indicated that in cases where a site plan should have a longer duration, this would seem to be covered by the last sentence. In other instances, all one would have to do is to reapply. Mr. McConaughy commented that it might be a difference between granting an extension and granting a new approval should an appeal be filed. Mr. Spitz indicated he would check on this with the City Attorney. Regarding Section 22.109, Mr. Flaherty moved that the word "maximum" be inserted, so that the first sentence shall read: As applied to a structure, the maximum vertical distance measured from the finished grade to the peak of the roof. Mr. Burgess seconded with unanimous approval. Regarding Section 23, Mr. Farrar suggested that an additional zone be defined for municipal purposes for city-owned property. Mr. Spitz said he would discuss this with the Planning Commission. Regarding Table I, Mr. Burgess asked why there was no designation of parking requirements for the airport. Mr. Spitz replied that they had no standard for it. Tables 2 and 3 were approved without discussion. Mr. Farrar then asked that write-ups on proposed and approved changes be made for the next meeting. Review of previously discussed changes began with the Lakeshore proposed district. Mr. McConaughy, speaking for the owner, Mr. Farrell, indicated that he felt such a change in zoning was untimely since it is impossible to know whether the Southern Connector will go through and what its impact will be. He also noted that the Council had just rezoned the nearby property to R-1, believing the lower density to be appropriate for the area. He indicated that Mr. Farrell would be delighted to work with the City if the time arises when development is appropriate; however, if the current proposed zoning change is approved, Mr. Farrell will take the matter to Court. Mr. Farrar noted the probability of increased land value and thus increased taxes for the owner, in addition to future estate taxes. He also noted that this would probably raise the price of the property should the City ever choose to purchase it. Mr. Flaherty commented that if the property is rezoned there would be pressure to force development, and it might be in the City's interest to delay development. Mr. Marvin questioned the fairness of taking land for public use which the City was once offered and would not buy. Mr. Spitz indicated he would speak with the City Attorney in the context of these considerations. Regarding the Belter Farm Area, the Planning Commission recommended that the portion of the land outside the flood plain be zoned as Industrial-Commercial. Mr. Burgess so moved with Mr. Marvin seconding. The motion was approved 3-1, Ms. Lansing voting against. Concerning the Tilley property, Mr. Spitz presented proposed changes on Map #4-110. Mr. Burgess moved that these changes be approved. Mr. Marvin seconded with unanimous approval. Regarding the Southeast Quadrant, Mr. Spitz indicated that it made more sense to zone the area entirely as Agricultural A, rather than to allow 10-acre lots which serve no agricultural purpose. Mr. Marvin so moved with Mr. Burgess seconding and unanimous approval. Regarding Electric Utilities, Mr. Spitz indicated that the proper way to review was conditional use, with the exception that generating plants may be only in industrial zones. The only additional limitation is that all types of utilities would have to have additional review criteria. Discussion arose concerning the necessity of parking limitations in the Industrial-Agricultural zone. Mr. Burgess moved that lot coverage for building and parking in the Industrial-Agricultural Zone be 35%. Mr. Marvin seconded and the motion was passed 3-1 with Ms. Lansing voting against. Mr. Spitz indicated that the Planning Commission recommended that the section of Spear Street to the East of the R-1 zone and to the South of Swift Estates be rezoned from R-2 to Agricultural Rural, to be in conformance with other property in the area. Ms. Lansing so moved with Mr. Burgess seconding and unanimous approval. Mr. Burgess then moved to continue discussion on zoning until the next meeting. Mr. Marvin seconded with unanimous approval. Approval of Resolution for Southern Connector on November 4th ballot Mr. Farrar read the Resolution. Mr. Marvin asked if it would not be wise to indicate that this bond issue will not be until the future, so that people would not think it is an immediate tax hit. He recommended the wording: Bonds will not be issued until 1987. Mr. Marvin then moved to continue the matter until a special meeting on Wednesday, September 29, 1982, at 7:00 pm, to allow for rewording the Resolution. Mr. Burgess seconded with unanimous approval. Sign Resolution for Ernest Levesque Mr. Burgess moved that the resolution for Ernest Levesque be signed. Mr. Marvin seconded with unanimous approval. Ms. Lansing asked if it would be possible to meet on Monday, October 25, with Bennett Green, Labor Relations lawyer, as a follow-up to the June 30th discussion of labor negotiations. Mr. Green's services are free of charge. Mr. Farrar said he would try to set up such a meeting. Mr. Burgess moved to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Lansing seconded with unanimous approval. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 pm. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.