HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 11/15/1982CITY COUNCIL 15 NOVEMBER 1982 The South Burlington City Council held a Regular Meeting on Monday, November 15, 1982 at 7:30 pm at City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; Michael Flaherty, Leona Lansing, and Hugh Marvin Members Absent William Burgess Others Present William Szymanski, City Manager; David Minnich, Assistant City Manager; J. Patrick Brennan, Chairman, Citizen Advisory Board, Burlington Airport Master Plan Update; David Spitz, City Planner; Pat Burgmeier, The Other Paper; Don Melvin, Burlington Free Press; Albert Audette, Jim Ewing Read Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 1, 1982 Mr. Szymanski noted that the name Joppe-Maune (others present) should be corrected to read Joppe-Mercure Mr. Marvin noted that on page 5, paragraph 2, the word "articles" should read "letters" and "The Other Paper" should be amended to read "local newspapers." Mr. Flaherty then moved that the Minutes of November 1, 1982 be approved as amended. Mr. Marvin seconded with unanimous consent. Sign Disbursement Orders Disbursement Orders were signed. Report on Airport Master Plan J. Patrick Brennan reported that the federally funded project, which began in February, 1981, was completed this summer. Parties involved in the study included local citizens, airport personnel, and the two contractors -- Dreyfuss-Henry and Transportation Management Associates -- who did the actual planning and reports. The preliminary question they confronted was: Is the runway system adequate for present and future traffic? They concluded that with the resurfacing of one runway, the present system is adequate. With reference to the possible extension of one runway to the north to allow for jets to land, the report indicates this is not warranted. Several recommendations were made with regard to airport layout. These include: 1. resurfacing main runway (this creates a problem in that the airport must be closed in order for the work to be done) 2. take taxiway in front of terminal and expand it to the northeast to allow for more parking space 3. create an access road off Williston Road by Shunpike Rd. to connect to alert hangars (for private pilots) 4. make better use of apron in front of Mitel location, moving National Guard helicopters to Camp Johnson 5. degrade rating of taxiway C and use it to park aircraft 6. begin to purchase land north of Dawn et. (it was noted that this will create a noise problem as the woods which now absorb noise will probably come down) With respect to space within the terminal, several recommendations were made: 1. expand existing terminal lounge areas 2. demolish T hangars near cemetery 3. demolish south air cargo building 4. build hangars for private pilots 5. relocate fuel farm 6. build air cargo space for passenger carriers 7. build general aviation terminal where Air Guard is now located 8. expand parking lot 9. expand fixed base operator parking 10. expand space for "itinerant" traffic (aircraft not based in Burlington but temporarily parked there) Mr. Brennan noted that the ability to carry out these recommendations depends on money, and Federal funds are drying up. He said that what can be reasonably expected would be the following: 1. expansion of the terminal building 2. a road for access to private hangars 3. the Air Guard remaining in its present location (their excellent crash-rescue operation makes the airport a class facility) He also noted that the Airport Board did not appear to be sensitive to the noise issue. Mr. Farrar asked how much of the previous 5-year plan was accomplished, and Mr. Brennan said about 50-60%. Mr. Farrar then asked if it was expected that this new plan would be followed. Mr. Brennan said it was. With regard to passenger projections, Mr. Brennan said these were lower. In the last plan, traffic was up, but not as much as had been projected. In closing, Mr. Brennan stressed that as the City surrounding the airport, South Burlington must maintain an intense awareness of what its largest landholder is doing and planning for the future. Mr. Farrar thanked Mr. Brennan for his fine efforts in the City's behalf. Accept Bartletts Bay Sewage Treatment Upgrade Report Mr. Flaherty moved that the Bartletts Bay Sewage Treatment Upgrade Report, #C500174-01 be accepted. Mr. Marvin seconded with unanimous approval. Highways Mr. Spitz indicated that he had spoken with Tom Evslin who indicated that the 10-year plan had been replaced with the 5-year plan that went through last year. He noted that all of the South Burlington projects are within what was planned. With regard to re-ordering the priorities, Mr. Spitz said this would have to receive legislative approval. Mr. Farrar indicated he did not believe the City can wait five years for the Dorset Street repairs and that this must have highest priority. He then asked Mr. Audette what would be the procedure for repairing Dorset Street. Mr. Audette said first drainage would have to be done, then curbs and sidewalks installed, and finally the road rebuilt. He said drainage would cost in the area of $100,000. Mr. Farrar stressed that there should be a decision as to what the road should ultimately look like -- e.g., whether utilities will be buried or not, etc. He noted that if utility poles must come down anyway for the repairs, it might cost less to have them buried at that time. Mr. Marvin said the City's legislators should be contacted to see how soon Dorset Street can be repaired. Mr. Farrar replied that he felt it was unrealistic to think we can get a project from the State in the period of time needed to repair Dorset Street, since all construction money has been allocated to the Northern and Southern Connectors. Mr. Audette said he thought the Council should re-set its priorities, since in the original plan Dorset Street is the last on the list. Mr. Farrar said he would entertain a motion to request design plans for Dorset Street and to reorder priorities to show Dorset Street as the top priority, followed by the area of Williston Road from Gaynes to the overpass, and finally, the area of Williston Road from the overpass to Hinesburg Road. Mr. Marvin so moved with Mr. Flaherty seconding and unanimous approval. After the vote, Mr. Marvin suggested that our new legislators be invited to discuss this issue at the next meeting. Discuss Response to Agency of Transportation Letter Mr. Farrar said that since it is unlikely the public can be convinced of the wisdom of the Southern Connector, he would like permission to discuss with the opponents their concerns and to see if there is any basis for possible agreement in the future. Mr. Marvin noted that in the original correspondence from the Agency of Transportation there was no mention of a time limit and he felt we should refer them to this correspondence with the indication that it was not felt a decision had to be made at this time. Mr. Farrar said he thought the intent of the earlier letter was that if we wish to commit the City to the cost of the continuing engineering effort, the bond issue could be held at any time. He stressed the importance of understanding why people voted against the issue. Mr. Flaherty then moved to empower the Chairman to meet with interested parties regarding the Southern Connector and to then report back to the Council. Ms. Lansing seconded and the motion passed 3-1, with Mr. Marvin voting against. Review Zoning Board Agenda Mr. Szymanski briefly indicated that the proposed Larkin "community care facility" would soon be coming before the Zoning Board. Mr. Spitz indicated he was still not sure what was being proposed. Budget Calendar Mr. Farrar asked what instructions would be given to Department Heads with regard to planning the new budget. Mr. Szymanski said they would be told all items are to be on a zero-base (same figures as last year) with any additional funds to be in the form of a request. This excludes salaries, insurance, utilities, pensions, and debt retirement, all of which will be handled by the City Managers office. The timetable was found to be acceptable. Liquor Control Board Mr. Flaherty moved that the Council adjourn and meet as the Liquor Control Board. Ms. Lansing seconded with unanimous consent. Mr. Szymanski reported that regarding the request of the Sizzling Steak House, the zoning violations have been cleared up. Some items of safety, however, had not yet been corrected. Representatives of the Sizzling Steak House then reported that these violations have now been corrected, except for the installation of a new filter which has been ordered. They said they have so notified the State. Mr. Marvin then moved to accept the request of Sizzling Steak House contingent upon the approval of the City Manager following an inspection. Mr. Flaherty seconded with unanimous approval. Mr. Flaherty moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Marvin seconded with unanimous consent, and the meeting adjourned at 9:15 pm. Clerks Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.