HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 05/19/1982CITY COUNCIL May 19, 1982 The South Burlington City Council held an organizational meeting and then met with the City Hall Employees Association on Wednesday, May 19, 1982 at 7:15 pm in the Mini-Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset St. Members Present Paul Farrar, Chairman; Hugh Marvin, William Burgess, Leona Lansing Member Absent Michael Flaherty Others Present William Szymanski, City Manager; David Minnich, Assistant City Manager; Margaret Picard, City Clerk; Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator; Ruth Poger, The Other Paper; Gary Rounds, Richard Shattuck, Gilbert Myers City Manager William Szymanski chaired the meeting and opened it with the Pledge of Allegience to the Flag. Administration of Oath of Office City Clerk Picard administered the oath of office to Mr. Farrar for a three year term, Mr. Marvin for a two year term, and Ms. Lansing for a one year term. Election of Officers Mr. Szymanski said the chair was open for nominations for Chairman of the South Burlington City Council. Mr. Burgess nominated Paul Farrar for Chairman. Mr. Marvin seconded the nomination. Mr. Szymanski asked if there were any other nominations, and there were none. Mr. Marvin said he would support Mr. Farrar for Chairman again, but he hoped that the City Manager system of government would operate more like that in the future than in the past. He felt that in the past the system had been like a mayor form of government. Mr. Farrar was unanimously elected Chairman. Mr. Szymanski said the chair was open for nominations for Vice Chairman. Mr. Burgess nominated Michael Flaherty for Vice Chairman and Mr. Farrar seconded. There were no other nominations, so Mr. Flaherty was unanimously elected Vice Chairman. Mr. Szymanski said nominations were open for Clerk. Mr. Burgess nominated Leona Lansing for Clerk and Mr. Marvin seconded. There were no other nominations, so Ms. Lansing was unanimously elected Clerk. Set time and place for regular meetings Mr. Farrar moved to set the regular meetings for the first and third Mondays of the month, at 8:00 pm for the months of June, July and August, and at 7:30 pm. for the rest of the year. Mr. Marvin seconded the motion end all voted aye. Appointments to be made by majority vote of the Council under Chapter 3, Section 301 (2) of the City Charter Mr. Szymanski said the following appointments were to be made: Margaret Picard for City Treasurer and Trustee of Public Funds, the firm of Spokes, Foley & Obuchowski for City Attorney, Richard Ward for Zoning Administrator, William Szymanski for Grand Juror and City Agent, Donald Lavalette for First Constable, and Norman Airoldi for Second Constable. Mr. Marvin moved to accept all the appointments as read by the City Manager for the ensuing year. Mr. Burgess seconded the motion and all voted aye. At the City Council meeting on March 1, 1982 the Council moved to appoint Sullivan, Powers & Co. as auditors for the City, School District, and Water Department for one year, to audit the books for the calendar year of 1982 (see contract dated April 9, 1982). Meet with City Hall Employees Association Mr. Farrar moved to adjourn as the City Council and meet in special session to continue negotiations with the City Hall Employees Association. Mr. Burgess seconded the motion and all voted aye. Mr. Burgess left at this time. Mr. Myers noted that at the last session the city's offer had been 7% salary increase plus 1 1/2% longevity. The union had asked for 9% plus longevity. The city's proposal was taken to the union membership but they were not willing to accept it. Mr. Myers felt that there would either be an impasse at this point, or there would have to be some movement on the city's part. Mr. Farrar felt the city's offer was fair, rational and reasonable. He said they had no data which, would tell them otherwise, but that they would like to obtain some information on comparable pay, working conditions, etc. Mr. Myers asked whether, if the union could present information substantiating its position, the city might move on its position and Mr. Farrar said they were always willing to consider new information. The union left the room at this point and when they returned, Mr. Myers asked whether, if the lunch hour request were dropped, it would affect the city's salary offer. Mr. Farrar said it would not, at this time. Mr. Myers said that in that case he felt there should be one more session at least to compare information on comparable wages in the area. Mr. Obuchowski asked that both sides share the information they have before the next meeting and it was suggested that he and Mr. Myers meet to do that. The next meeting was tentatively set for two weeks from tonight, if both sides are ready then. The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.