HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 03/23/1982CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MARCH 23, 1982 The South Burlington City Council held a special meeting on Tuesday, March 23, 1982, at 7:30 P.M. in the Mini-Conference Room of the City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. Members Present Chairman Paul Farrar, Michael Flaherty, William Burgess and Howard Perkett Members Absent Hugh Marvin Others Present City Manager William J. Szymanski, Assistant Manager David Minnich, Lance Reinholz, Thomas Fraga, Peter Lavallee, Ernest Rheaume, Charles Balserus and Kevin Hayes Meet With Police Department Association to Continue Review of Contract Mr. Reinholz said that the Association would like to make a package offer, after which the bargaining unit would leave the room so the council could consider it. He distributed copies of the offer, a copy of which is attached to and made a part of these minutes. The first item was a redraft of Article XII, Sections 1, 2 and 3, dealing with seniority. Chairman Farrar suggested that the words "including probationary period" be added to the last sentence in section 2. All agreed to the addition. Article IX, Section 6, Compensatory Time - Mr. Farrar questioned the clarity of the language in this section. Mr. Reinholz explained that it was meant to make clear that when two members with equal Bargaining Union seniority request the same time off, the employee submitting the request first shall be the one to receive the time. Article IX, Section 10 a, Scheduled Overtime Work - Mr. Szymanski asked about the overtime work for persons who were not in the bargaining unit and Mr. Reinholz said it would make no difference. Overtime for those not in the bargaining unit could be scheduled by his/her superior. The change would not affect that. Article XV, Section 2, Off-Duty Work - There were no questions on this section. Article XXII, Section 14, Layoff Policy - There were no questions on this section. Article XXIII, 3 a, The redraft of this article was not discussed at this time. Mr. Reinholz then said that with the exception of the article on promotions which the Council is working on and Article 20, section 6, most of the questions could be resolved except for Article 18 in the city's proposal. This is the language explaining how sick leave is reduced. The Bargaining Unit would agree to this if the city would agree to the Association's sick bank proposal. Mr. Reinholz had another question on the city's Article II. He didn't understand what changes the city was proposing. Mr. Minnich felt nothing was different. Mr. Reinholz said the Association could stay with the current language in Article II, Sections B 1 and 2, and C 1, 2 and 3. The Bargaining unit then left the room so the Council could consider the offer. The Bargaining Unit returned. After a short discussion on the offer Mr. Farrar said he felt this was a complete package and there was a lot of work to be done on it. He suggested that the council take it under advisement. All agreed. The Bargaining Unit again retired and the Council continued its discussion. Mr. Flaherty expressed his concern about binding arbitration. He said the city must designate that it agrees to the section on binding arbitration just for the life of this contract. Mr. Minnich presented a draft of Section 21 in Article XXII, pay for services which exceeds the amount of working time in a normal work year. Mr. Farrar suggested that it be reworked, the council needs a clear statement that shows just what will be paid. The draft was voided. Mr. Minnich also presented a draft of Article XII, Seniority, Promotions, and Transfers. He was questioned about the fact that it states that the Chief's Discretionary Points should be made known to all candidates prior to their taking the written examination and oral board. Mr. Minnich said this was the result of working with Chief Carter on this. Mr. Szymanski said the men want to know their evaluation before they take the exam. Mr. Farrar said the chief should have the opportunity of expressing his thoughts on this to the council before any decision is made. It was agreed that the council would meet with the chief to discuss the issue. The evaluation procedure was discussed. It was generally agreed to freeze the item for a year and take it up when the evaluation system is revised. There was a general discussion on the need for screens and lights. There was agreement that there was a need for the screens and quite possibly for the lights requested also. The Bargaining Unit returned to the Conference Room and the next meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, March 30, 1982 at 8:30 P.M. Mr. Flaherty made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 P.M. The motion was seconded by Mr. Burgess and passed unanimously. Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. SBPOA DRAFTS ARTICLE I11 SECTION 5 THE SBPOA AND THE CITY WILL IMMEDIATELY ESTABLISH A COMMITTEE OF FIVE (5) PIEX'IBERS TO STUDY THE ISSUE OF A POLICE OFFICERS' BILL OF RIGHTS. TKE COMMITTEE WILL BE MADE UP OF TWO (2) MEMBERS APPOINTED BY EACH PARTY WITH THE CITY ATTORNEY SERVING AS THE CHAIRMAN* THE COMMITTEE WILL ISSUE ITS REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE PARTIES NO LATER THAN AUGUST 1, 1982. THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE ASSOCIATION WILL IMMEDIATELY REOPEN NEGOTIATIONS ON THE ISSUE FOR TJE PURPOSE OF ITS INCLUSION IN THE MASTER AGREEMENT* ARTICLE IX FOR ADD: Section 3dr ANY TRAINING TIME WORKED BEYOND THOSE HOURS DESCRIBED IN THE ABOVE SECTIONS* (DROP Section 7)